
Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013 - Complete
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Author:  Cherrygrove [ Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013 - Complete


Attendance was a bit low this time with only 5 but I suppose the date and time can be to blame for that. Nevertheless, I am sure that all the participants along with your host had lots of fun!

First Half:

EvilPenguin broke out with an early lead, nearly sweeping the first category, but DNA soon kicked into gear and by half time the two were neck and neck with 13 points a piece. twistedturtwig also collected a respectable 3 points in the half.

Scores at the half:

1st (tie): EvilPenguin :: 13 points
1st (tie): DNA :: 13 points
3rd: twistedturtwig :: 3 points
4th: Cherrygrove :: 0.5 points

Second Half:

EvilPenguin and DNA continued at it in the beginning of the second half and after 40 questions the two were tied 17-17. Unfortunately the competition ended at this point in the game -- either EP was too exhausted from all his typing errors or perhaps the questions were just to difficult for him ;) -- whatever the cause, EvilPenguin only managed to score 2 points in the entire final third of the game and finished in second place.

DNA on the other hand answered six consecutive questions (not including freezing) starting at question 39, tying the record for most questions answered consecutively. He went on to score a total of 16 points in the half (record is 17, held by DNA) and to win his fourth consecutive Trivia with 29 points, a new record!

Flaming_Wuzzle swept the Rush category, becoming the first person to sweep a category! Serpentsounds 'snuck into third like nobody's business', earning all his points in the end of the game.

There was a Minute Madness after the regular Trivia game but it failed as usual.

Final Scores:

1st: DNA :: 29 points
2nd: EvilPenguin :: 19 points
3rd: Serpentsounds :: 4 points
4th: twistedturtwig :: 3 points
5th : Cherrygrove :: 2 points
6th (tie): GhostPony :: 1 point
6th (tie): Flaming_Wuzzle :: 1 point

Here are all the questions from Trivia:

Category: RBY

1. How many Moon Stones can be found in the game?
Answer: 5
Answered by: EvilPenguin

2. What is the name of the model Space Shuttle in the Pewter Museum of Science?
Answer: Columbia
Answered by: EvilPenguin

3. What is TM08?
Answer: Body Slam
Answered by: EvilPenguin

4. What Trainer class appears only in the Pokemon Tower?
Answer: Channeler (note: it was pointed out in-game that Channelers also appear in Saffron Gym. Points were still awarded for giving this answer, however.)
Answered by: EvilPenguin

5. In Blue, where can wild Magmar be found?
Answer: Pokemon Mansion
Answered by: DNA

6. Who "dropped his balls"?
Answer: Juggler
Answered by: EvilPenguin

Category: GSC

7. Who is the host of Pokemon March?
Answer: DJ Ben
Answered by: twistedturtwig
*EvilPenguin was frozen

8. What item does Tuscany of Tuesday give away?
Answer: Pink Bow
Answered by: DNA

9. How many Berries must be given to MooMoo for it to become completely healthy?
Answer: seven
Answered by: DNA

10. Who calls to tell you about a Qwilfish swarm?
Answer: Fisherman Ralph
Answered by: EvilPenguin

11. Which berry heals a Pokemon of confusion?
Answer: BitterBerry
Answered by: DNA

12. What is Koga's only non-Poison Pokemon?
Answer: Forretress
Answered by: EvilPenguin

Category: RSEFRLG

13. Where in Hoenn are you given HM05?
Answer: Granite Cave
Answered by: DNA

14. At what level is the wild Sudowoodo found in the Battle Frontier?
Answer: 40
Answered by: DNA

15. In RSE, which wild Pokemon may be found holding a King's Rock?
Answer: Hariyama
Answered by: Nobody!

16. A Pokemon will have its Toughness raised when fed Pokeblocks made of Berries that have what flavour?
Answer: Sour
Answered by: DNA

17. In FRLG, the move tutor at the end of Victory Road will teach your Pokemon which move?
Answer: Double-Edge
Answered by: DNA

8. What Fire-type Pokemon appears in the wild at Mt. Pyre?
Answer: Vulpix
Answered by: EvilPenguin

Category: DPPHGSS

19. In the Underground Path joining Routes 5 and 6, a man will trade TM64 in exchange for what?
Answer: RageCandyBar
Answered by: EvilPenguin

20. Name a Gen III Pokemon permitted to enter Amity Square.
Answer: Torchic, Shroomish, Skitty
Answered by: DNA

21. Ore mined from Mt. Coronet is refined where?
Answer: Fuego Ironworks
Answered by: DNA

22. Name a Pokemon that appears on the Diploma for completing the National Pokedex in Diamond and Pearl.
Answer: Dialga, Palkia
Answered by: EvilPenguin
*DNA was frozen

23. What is the prize for matching the last three digits of the ID of a Pokemon with the winning numbers at the Pokemon Lottery Corner?
Answer: Exp. Share
Answered by: twistedturtwig
*EvilPenguin was frozen

24. Who owns the Trophy Garden?
Answered: Mr. Backlot
Answered by: twistedturtwig

Category: Anime

25. What was the fifth badge that Ash obtained in the Indigo league?
Answer: Rainbow Badge
Answered by: EvilPenguin

26. Who traveled with Ash and Misty while in the Orange Islands?
Answer: Tracey Sketchit
Answered by: DNA

27. What Ground-type Pokemon did Blaine use in his battle with Ash?
Answer: Rhydon
Answered by: DNA

28. Along with Pikachu, what Pokemon did Ash bring with him to Sinnoh?
Answer: Aipom
Answered by: EvilPenguin

29. Who was the original owner of Ash's Charmander?
Answer: Damian
Answered by: EvilPenguin

30. When Ash battled Tate and Liza, Pikachu together with what other Pokemon had Thunder Armor?
Answer: Swellow
Answered by: DNA

Category: Rush

31. What song was Fry listening to while playing Space Invaders?
Answer: Tom Sawyer
Answered by: Flaming_Wuzzle

Category: Pokedex

32. Name one of two Gen III Pokemon with the ability Water Absorb.
Answer: Cacnea, Cacturne
Answered by: EvilPenguin

33. A Glameow with Limber will evolve into a Purugly with what ability?
Answer: Thick Fat
Answered by: EvilPenguin

34. Mantine produces a Mantyke egg when bred holding what Incense?
Answer: Wave Incense
Answered by: DNA
*EvilPenguin was frozen

35. "It makes fur balls that crackle with static electricity. It stores them with berries in tree holes."
Answer: Pachirisu
Answered by: DNA

36. What is the only Pokemon that can learn Mega Kick by level up?
Answer: Hitmonlee
Answered by: EvilPenguin
*DNA was frozen

37. What Pokemon's species is Eyeball Pokemon?
Answer: Masquerain
Answered by: Nobody!

Category: Pokedex

38. Which Water-type move has an increased critical hit ratio?
Answer: Crabhammer
Answered by: EvilPenguin

39. What held item boosts friendship gained by a Pokemon?
Answer: Soothe Bell
Answered by: DNA

40. What is the accuracy of the move Hurricane when Sandstorm is in effect?
Answer: 70%
Answered by: DNA

41. Among Fire-type Pokemon, which one has the highest Speed base stat?
Answer: Infernape
Answered by: DNA

42. Swinub, Nidoqueen and Terrakion are all weak to moves of what type?
Answer: Water
Answered by: DNA

43. Which Pokemon can potentially deal the most damage in one single attack?
Answer: Shuckle
Answered by: DNA

Category: Misc Pokemon

44. Of all snaggable Shadow Pokemon in Pokemon XD, which one is at the highest level?
Answer: Dragonite
Answered by: GhostPony
*DNA was frozen

45. Which English-released TCG set has the smallest amount of cards?
Answer: Fossil
Answered by: DNA

46. In what town do you begin your adventure in Kalos?
Answer: Vaniville Town
Answered by: Nobody!

47. In Pokemon Stadium, completing Stadium Mode and Gym Leader Castle unlocks a battle with which Pokemon?
Answer: Mewtwo
Answered by: DNA

48. In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, which Wonder Orb causes the weather to change to Hail?
Answer: Hail Orb
Answered by: DNA

49. In Pokemon Conquest, what is the only Pokemon that knows Sky Drop?
Answer: Braviary
Answered by: DNA

Category: Psypoke

50. Who is hosting Battle Royale 2 in the Kanto Safari Zone?
Answer: DragonPhoenix
Answered by: Serpentsounds

51. Who has the most forum posts?
Answer: sN0wBaLL
Answered by: DNA

52. What is Frost's (custom) forum rank?
Answered by: EvilPenguin
*DNA was frozen

53. Who is the Moderator of Slateport Market?
Answer: Kurushel
Answered by: DNA

54. What was the top-level domain of Psypoke's domain name after .org and .net but before it became .com?
Answer: .ro
Answered by: Serpentsounds

55. Who maintains DataSSBot?
Answer: Serpentsounds
Answered by: Serpentsounds

Category: Misc

56. With roughly 38 million speakers, in what country is the Kannada language spoken? ಠ_ಠ
Answer: India
Answered by: DNA

57. What is the first Halogen on the Periodic Table of Elements?
Answer: Fluorine
Answered by: DNA

58. What Russian City was known as Leningrad from 1924 to 1991?
Answer: Saint Petersburg
Answered by: DNA

59. What 1975 film starring Jack Nicholson won all five major Academy Awards?
Answer: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Answered by: Nobody!

60. What team won the MLB World Series in 2000?
Answer: New York Yankees
Answered by: EvilPenguin

60. What does NASA stand for?
Answer: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Answered by: Serpentsounds

Best Typos

At the end of the game Serpentsounds compiled a list of choice typos. EvilPenguin is obviously to real winner of this Trivia.

* ~Cherrygrove 12. What is Koga's only non-Poison Pokemon?
<EvilPenguin> forr3
<EvilPenguin> ytforry

* ~Cherrygrove 15. In RSE, which wild Pokemon may be found holding a King's Rock?
<EvilPenguin> solrojclo

* ~Cherrygrove 18. What Fire-type Pokemon appears in the wild at Mt. Pyre?
<EvilPenguin> vul[pxzi

* ~Cherrygrove 22. Name a Pokemon that appears on the Diploma for completing the National Pokedex in Diamond and Pearl.
<EvilPenguin> pipliue[

* ~Cherrygrove 30. When Ash battled Tate and Liza, Pikachu together with what other Pokemon had Thunder Armor?
<EvilPenguin> swlel
<EvilPenguin> swelois

* ~Cherrygrove 35. What is the only Pokemon that can learn Mega Kick by level up?
<Serpentsounds> mithomlee
<twistedturtwig> hit no,we

* ~Cherrygrove 37. Which Water-type move has an increased critical hit ratio?
<EvilPenguin> razor shit

* ~Cherrygrove 38. What held item boosts friendship gained by a Pokemon?
<DNA> soothe bell
* ~Cherrygrove : DNA - Soothe Ball

* ~Cherrygrove 40. Among Fire-type Pokemon, which one has the highest Speed base stat?
<EvilPenguin> infoern

* ~Cherrygrove 48. In Pokemon Conquest, what is the only Pokemon that knows Sky Drop?
<twistedturtwig> but aviary

* ~Cherrygrove 56. What is the first Halogen on the Periodic Table of Elements?
<EvilPenguin> helinjme

* ~Cherrygrove 58. What 1975 film starring Jack Nicholson won all five major Academy Awards?
<twistedturtwig> finding Nero


So another (arbitrary and completely non-standard) three month waiting period between Psypoke Trivia has passed and I will be hosting the latest installment of this mildly popular game sometime in the beginning of August. Please respond to the poll regarding the day/time so I can best accommodate everyone. The poll contains several time options for each day this time.

Will the defending and only champion (since I've taken over as host), DNA, be able to claim his fourth consecutive title, or will a former trivia king or queen become champion once again? Perhaps a new-comer will surprise us with frightening speed and Pokemon knowledge. Come out and show us how much of a Pokemon nerd you are :o

Note: Vegas has DNA at 3:1 odds of winning.

Past Trivia:



In the #psypoketrivia chat channel on KBFail's server ( Date and time is Friday, August 2, 2013 at 3:00:00 PM EDT. I anticipate that the game will take 1 hour. See below for other time zones.

For using the java applet to access the chats: go here, click on the Java Applet link, and type /join #psypoketrivia when you're connected.

How it works:

At the start +m will be set. I will state the category if a new one is starting.

Next, before stating the question, I will say "Ready?", then set -m and ask the question.

At this point everyone will be able to give the answer to the question. There will be no limit to how many times you can answer in. Please do not spam the channel and only submit answers to the question at this time so as to reduce lag.

When I see the first person to give the correct answer I will set +m and then state the person who gave the answer as well as the correct answer. The person will earn a point. The goal is to earn as many points as you can.


1. Do not use any colours or /me commands.
2. Do not argue if you thought that you answered before someone else. It will go by what appears on my screen only.
3. Do not use any reference materials online OR offline (such as the site or a text file on your computer).
4. Do not change your nick during the event.




Why should I go?
It's fun! The more participants, the more fun it is.

Are the questions Pokemon-related?
Yes, most of the questions will be Pokemon related.

What time is it in my time zone?

Corresponding UTC (GMT) Friday, August 2, 2013 at 19:00:00

Los Angeles (U.S.A.) Friday, August 2, 2013 at 12:00:00 Noon
Denver (U.S.A.) Friday, August 2, 2013 at 1:00:00 PM
Chicago (U.S.A.) Friday, August 2, 2013 at 2:00:00 PM
New York (U.S.A.) Friday, August 2, 2013 at 3:00:00 PM
Halifax (Canada), São Paulo (Brazil) Friday, August 2, 2013 at 4:00:00 PM

Dublin (Ireland) Friday, August 2, 2013 at 8:00:00 PM
Warsaw (Poland) Friday, August 2, 2013 at 9:00:00 PM
Athens (Greece) Friday, August 2, 2013 at 10:00:00 PM

New Dehli (India) Saturday, August 3, 2013 at 12:30:00 AM
Jakarta (Indonesia) Saturday, August 3, 2013 at 2:00:00 AM
Manila (Philippines) Saturday, August 3, 2013 at 3:00:00 AM
Melbourne (Australia) Saturday, August 3, 2013 at 5:00:00 AM
Auckland (New Zealand) Saturday, August 3, 2013 at 7:00:00 AM

Is there freezing?
Yes. Here is how it will be implemented:

-only the player in the lead will be affected by freezing. This includes being tied for the lead.
-you will be frozen each time your score reaches a multiple of five, i.e. 5, 10, 15, 20, etc.
-while frozen, you will not be permitted to answer the question asked after you were frozen. You will only be frozen for one question.
-if you do attempt to answer a question while frozen, you will be penalized one point. Note that if you are penalized, the next point you earn will bring you back to a multiple of five and you will be frozen again. You do not need to keep track of your score, I will tell you when you are frozen.
-if you give an answer while frozen you can't take it back, you will lose the point.

Why can't I talk when I get in there?
This would be supposing that you're late and +m is set. This usually means that it is between questions. +m is a special mode to be set on chat channels that mutes people without special privileges (voice or op). These are only given to some staff and others who have won the status in previous games.

How will typos be dealt with?
If they are not too bad I will accept them. This will be subject to my discretion but I will try to be consistent.

What happens to rule-breakers?
Loss of all points in the game, loss of all Psybucks on the offender's forum account, and permanent bans from #psypoke, #PsypokeTrivia, the forums, the main site, and the internet forever. In other words, don't do it. :O

If you have any questions about joining or playing the game please post them here.

Author:  Haunted Water [ Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013

I'm in. DNA, have fun winning.

Author:  DNA [ Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013

Friday's the only day I have available this time around. Thursday is the last day of summer classes and on Saturday I'm judging a prerelease.

Author:  GhostPony750 [ Sun Jul 21, 2013 11:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013

I'm available thursday, saturday and early friday.

Author:  Dare234 [ Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013

Thursday works best for me as I'm leaving on vacation on the Friday.

Author:  James86134 [ Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013

I'd be available for an unknown number of those for each day, since for me, it would be Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Now, I'm going to guess, (because I believe I heard Cherry is from Quebec) that I just need the world clock... I WILL BE BACK.


So, I should be available for every one of those days at ... Well, the first two options of each day... I think. Ill recheck tomorrow.

Author:  ChillBill [ Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013

Saturday is my best, but all other days work as well. But only 3pm, or it gets too late for me.

Author:  twistedturtwig [ Thu Jul 25, 2013 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013

Friday would be best for me, since that's my off-day for cross country. Some of the Thursday times might work, although it'd be stretching it. Saturday would be okay as well, since my practice is early in the morning then, but it's still be most convenient for me on Friday.

Looking forward to another one of your awesome Trivias, CG! I only made about half of the last one, so hopefully I'll have a better shot this time around if I'm able to make it for the entire thing.

Author:  Cherrygrove [ Sat Jul 27, 2013 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013 - Friday, August 2 at 3 PM ED

So the poll wasn't too helpful but going by the posted replies, I've decided to set the date for Friday afternoon since this only excludes one person (sorry Dare234. I really enjoyed having you play during the Christmas Trivia last year!)

Author:  Dare234 [ Sun Jul 28, 2013 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013 - Friday, August 2 at 3 PM ED

No worries. I'll catch it next time.

Author:  DNA [ Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013 - Friday, August 2 at 3 PM ED

Good luck, guys. The trivia is no fun without competition.

Author:  Haunted Water [ Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013 - Friday, August 2 at 3 PM ED


Well, if it's no fun, why do you still play?

Author:  DNA [ Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013 - Friday, August 2 at 3 PM ED

Because reverse psychology is a load of bullcrap.

Author:  Cherrygrove [ Thu Aug 01, 2013 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013 - Friday, August 2 at 3 PM ED

Trivia is tomorrow!

Author:  GhostPony750 [ Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013 - Friday, August 2 at 3 PM ED

Cherrygrove wrote:
Trivia is tomorrow!

Great! :)
Can you post the time in EST please?

Author:  DNA [ Thu Aug 01, 2013 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013 - Friday, August 2 at 3 PM ED

...he did.
It's in the topic title.

Author:  Cherrygrove [ Thu Aug 01, 2013 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013 - Friday, August 2 at 3 PM ED

GhostPony750 wrote:
Cherrygrove wrote:
Trivia is tomorrow!

Great! :)
Can you post the time in EST please?

L'heure de l'Est (en anglais Eastern Time Zone) est un fuseau horaire couvrant la côte est de l'Amérique du Nord, ainsi que la côte ouest de l'Amérique du Sud. Au Canada et aux États-Unis, il correspond en hiver à l'heure normale de l'Est (HNE), en anglais Eastern Standard Time (EST), soit UTC-5, et en été à l'heure avancée de l'Est (HAE), en anglais Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), soit UTC-4.

so yeah, as DNA said, it's in the topic title 8)

Author:  GhostPony750 [ Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013 - Friday, August 2 at 3 PM ED

Oh woops o_O
Sorry, that's the usual me :oops:
And I'll sure be here for the Trivia, as usual.

Author:  Haunted Water [ Fri Aug 02, 2013 8:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013 - Friday, August 2 at 3 PM ED

Yeah, I'm probably not going to make it.

Author:  DNA [ Fri Aug 02, 2013 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013 - Friday, August 2 at 3 PM ED

3 hours and 5 minutes from now 'til the start time! Get ready, everyone!

Author:  Cherrygrove [ Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013 - Friday, August 2 at 3 PM ED

Less than an hour to go.

Feel free to hang out in #psypoke and #psypoketrivia.

Author:  DNA [ Fri Aug 02, 2013 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013 - Friday, August 2 at 3 PM ED

Starting any second now...

Author:  ChillBill [ Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013 - Friday, August 2 at 3 PM ED

I hope you guys managed to play. As for me, my PC got a virus some day this week, causing extreme lag and breaking down my PC when I tried to log in KBfail and half the sites of the net and I only managed to remove it Saturday night. Sorry for not appearing.

Author:  DNA [ Sun Aug 04, 2013 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013 - Friday, August 2 at 3 PM ED

I'm still waiting for CG to post the wrap-up.

The event was DNA and EP vs the world. Guess who won.

Author:  Haunted Water [ Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Trivia Summer 2013 - Friday, August 2 at 3 PM ED

The world, obviously.

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