
So I'm doing a challenge with my friend...
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Author:  GhostPony750 [ Wed Mar 20, 2013 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  So I'm doing a challenge with my friend...

Recently, a friend of mine, also a brony, invited me to his house.
And I noticed... that he still play pokemon! :shock: (Yay, finally! :3)
So we decided to do a challenge on HGSS, which is actually to finish the entire game with Pokemon coming from other games, level 5, and after beating red, we do a battle.
So I made a team:

And I have no idea what he will take... is this good?

Author:  Guardian1239 [ Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So I'm doing a challenge with my friend...

I constructed a quick tally of the types your Pokemon will be weak against. The I are a single weakness and the O are a double weakness (i.e. dragon/flying being weak against ice twice).


ground III
rock III
water II
grass I
fire II
flying O
ice IIO
poison I
psychic I
electric I
steel I
dragon I

In other words, ground, rock, and ice are the three types you need to watch out for. Breloom can take care of ground Pokemon, Lanturn can deal with rock Pokemon, and Rapidash can deal with ice types, so you're fairly well covered!

In terms of how powerful each Pokemon is compared to other Pokemon of that type... I don't know much in that realm since I usually use whichever Pokemon I like the most. xD

Author:  SanguinaryScientist [ Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So I'm doing a challenge with my friend...

.....lanturn is a Johto Pokemon bro
Might want to get a different one

Author:  Mektar [ Thu Mar 21, 2013 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So I'm doing a challenge with my friend...

I would swap out the Lanturn for a Milotic or something, but yeah, that team seems decent. Just make sure they all have good items and movesets.

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