We have film reviews, book reviews and TV reviews; but DVDs i think are different. As one film may have many different DVDs E.g. star wars so i think a large database type page of us reviewing DVDs including what extras are on them price and most importantly weather its worth would be a good idea. Well so people don’t buy inferior DVDs we should get started.
To submit a DVD review either post here or pm me the review and ill add a link to it on the page. (It will make more sense when some examples are up). The review must include: a price, the full name of the DVD ( so 'Cloverfield: Special Edition (2 Discs) (w/ Play.com Exclusive Foil Embossed Sleeve)' is not confused with the ' 1 Disc Cloverfield' DVD), HD regular or bluray, all special features (reviewed in detail) any differences to the packaging, The region of the desk, any differences between regions DVD, and any easter eggs.
Post here (Or Pm me) what DVD you are reviewing then edit your post (or I will just add to the first page) and add the review. That means you first post what you will review then edit the post with the review. 1 post per review.
Reviews in Construction
Black Books complete series (1-3) by Mitch the dragon tamer
Ross Noble Fizzy Logic by Mitch the dragon tamer
Competed Reviews
Complete Heroes series 1 by Mitch the dragon tamer