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Post E3
So, has anyone watched any E3 coverage? Microsoft's show was today and there will a little bit more coverage later today. Sony and Nintendo will come around in the next few days.

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Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:26 pm
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Microsoft's conference was quite humorous.

Nintendo will probably steal the show, it's not very believable that their biggest announcement will be Animal Crossing Wii, It could very well be Zelda.

idc about Sony.

Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:40 pm
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Unfortunately I don't have satellite TV or even basic cable. Although I have been watching what they're covering on IGN. Microsoft had quite a lot of announcements.

We got another look at Too Human, a release date for Resident Evil 5 and Gears of War 2, an announcement that Portal will be released on Live Arcade and one that FFXII is coming to the 360.

I'm really looking forward to Nintendo's show but I have to agree with Sparrow. Animal Crossing Wii cannot be the only big announcement. As for Sony... Pfft.

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Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:42 pm
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Microsoft had some nice demos in the beginning, and then they had the hilariously bad "for the whole family" part, with the Mii-ripoffs and calling stuff "channels". And the awful singer for "Lips".. *shivers* Bonus points for Square Enix pretty much giving Sony the middle finger by bringing FFXIII to the 360.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to Nintendo's the most. LIke Sparrow, Sony's is probably the one I'm least concerned about.


Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:47 pm
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Pretty much what R_R said.

The FFXIII trailer was cool and stuff, but Microsoft "requested a specific camera angle" or something, a.k.a. you couldn't read any of the text. You could still see enough though, and it was pretty nice.

The conference was strong in the beginning, okay in the end, but the middle was severely lacking. In my opinion, anyway.

Yay Rock Band 2. :D

I'm going to watch the Nintendo press conference tomorrow. I don't care in the least for Sony.

I am also looking for an awesome surprise announcement. Who knows. :|


Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:12 pm
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Yeah I watched E3 Today! It was cool even though I don't own an X-Box 360. Can't wait for Nintendo's conference tomorrow. I wonder what stuff they are going to be showing, hopefully Reggi won't be talking about Nintendo's success with the Wii again.

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Mon Jul 14, 2008 6:56 pm
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Microsoft requested that camera angle so you couldn't see everything. That was their intention. I didn't really enjoy Microsoft's show. The only surprise was FFXIII and I am not even a fan of the series. I have only played one of the games. I did like the looks of Fallout 3, Fable 2, Gears of War 2, and Rock Band 2. I wasn't surprised by anything once again, but I am glad I saw something new.

I am excited about Nintendo's show will be like. They need something big and this is the best time to show it.

To Sony, I am only interested to see how LittleBigPlanet works and I hope they cover InFamous. The story I read on it sounds awesome.

I don't have a Wii or PS3, but I am nonetheless excited.

A two hour coverage thing that happened afterwords revealed a little bit more about most of the game Microsoft introduced earlier. It also revealed a game titled Wheelman. It looked pretty cool. I can't wait to see more.

Whoever moved this, thanks. I thought about where to put it for a little and I just guessed the t.v/movie/book forum place. I felt a little iffy though.

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Mon Jul 14, 2008 7:52 pm
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I haven't watched it yet but im gonna today I want to see Animal Crossing Wii really bad.


Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:33 am
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Well, they did indeed announce Animal Crossing Wii, or by real title, Animal Crossing: City Folk. Being the AC nut I am, I'm most definitely getting that. Dunno how the WiiSpeak thing will work on my lol dial up though.

Wii Sports Resort also looked pretty sweet, utilizing the new MotionPlus thingy. Too bad it won't be around until spring of '09. ;[

But... Wii Music to be out by the end of the year! Woohoo! o/ The Mario music they played made me extra happy. :)

But those aside, I felt the Nintendo session was rather disappointing and lacking. Too much talking about how Nintendo can print money and not enough on games. ;[


Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:32 am
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mmmmmm I actually want Animal Crossing: City Folk.

Idc about Sony, despite the fact that they got owned by Square Enix regarding FFXIII (its going to be on the Xbox 360 instead of the PS3). So yeah, the E3 has been okay so far, I'm just waiting for Spore's show. :)


Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:40 am
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Go Spore!

I didn't like Nintendo's conference. I agree, it was lacking. City Folk did seem awesome though.

Sony's conference impressed me a great deal. It was better than both, Micrsoft and Nintendo. If anyone watched it, can you tell me what was revealed after they showed inFAMOUS? I missed that part....

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Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:42 pm
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I can't wait for Animal Crossing City Folk it looks amazing.


Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:04 am
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Overall it hasn't been a bad E3. I do feel that Microsoft and Sony tried to talk about actual games while Nintendo basically said 'We have money. Lots of that. Oh and we have um... What? One game? What's it called again? Animal-something?' and as a self proclaimed Nintendo fanboy it hurts me a lot to say that. Personally I've never loved Animal Crossing but I enjoyed Wild World and I'll probably get it.

I liked Wii Music, it looks quite good and I too enjoyed the Mario music.

Wii Sports Resort seemed a little unnecessary to me personally. I mean what's the point? Wii Sports is entertaining enough really.

But overall the Nintendo session was very disappointing D:

Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:58 pm
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'Nuff said.

Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:53 am
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No Kirby Wii
No Starfox Wii
No F-Zero Wii

Needless to say I was dissapointed. The only to do it hope that E3 '09 is an improvement, which inretrospect shouldn't be too hard.


Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:01 pm
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I figured out what was after inFAMOUS. It was a game called Major Action Game. It's biggest feature was that 256 people could play together at once online.

City Folk did look awesome.

Nothing else at Nintendo impressed me. There should have been some Starfox and Kirby news. But I'll add Zelda to that. Yeah, Twilight Princess was good, but we need another Zelda game.

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Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:37 am
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At first, I was like you guys and was really disappointed with Nintendo's E3 showing. In the last couple of days, though I've started to realize something, especially after reading one of the interviews with Miyamoto from earlier this week:
Shiggy wrote:
I think that there’s probably one other element to it, and that’s that our view of how we use E3 has changed. For a very long time, E3 was an event where — and certainly Nintendo included — catered specifically to the core gamer. Now we look at more … an opportunity for us to introduce new concepts and new types of play that we intend to bring to the broader audience, particularly because of the media that gathers at E3 now.

So while attending an E3 event like this, they might be given the impression that Nintendo is no longer focusing on the games that appeal to the core gamer, in fact we’re still working on many of those titles, but it’s just not the type of event where we’ll be showcasing that anymore.

E3 is really the only "gaming" event where even the non-gaming media pays attention. So why not use that stage to announce/promote more of the games that they're marketing to non-gamers? As for the "hardcore" gamers, Nintendo could announce a new Zelda/Mario/Starfox/etc. game on some random Thursday and we'd know within hours if not minutes. There's no need to use E3 to announce every game being released over the next year anymore, since there are so many other chances to reveal games nowadays (E3, E For All, Leipzig, TGS, Spaceworld if they ever do that again, etc.)

This sort of goes into how developers treat E3 now. Before, it was pretty much the only chance to publicize their games. Now? Pretty much everyone had a bad showing compared to years past. Even Microsoft and Sony, the two console makers that focused on the "hardcore", did pretty terribly in their conferences, with most of the games shown being ones we knew about already. Nothing big except for the FFXIII on 360 reveal, and even then, that was more-or-less expected to happen at one point. Activision, among others, left the ESA, a bunch of other developers held events beforehand, etc. It's just another convention now, albeit one with tons of media coverage, which is part of why Nintendo's taking this new direction with their E3 showings. There'll be tons of other chances to announce new games that we'll like. Just be patient.


Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:23 pm
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I was at a party yesterday and earlier today. My other friends there watched E3 and we discussed things about it. While discussing, I did realize that Sony and Microsoft mostly presented known titles and ideas. Agreed that there were a few surprises such as FFXIII and a revamp of Xbox Live's display. Nintendo introduced some pretty innovative things with the DS and a few with the Wii. But overall, I wasn't really dazzled. When I mentioned the need of another Zelda title, one friend told me of the interview that Flaming_Wuzzle mentioned and I was more or less satisfied.

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Sat Jul 19, 2008 9:18 pm
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poplers wrote:
mmmmmm I actually want Animal Crossing: City Folk.

Idc about Sony, despite the fact that they got owned by Square Enix regarding FFXIII (its going to be on the Xbox 360 instead of the PS3). So yeah, the E3 has been okay so far, I'm just waiting for Spore's show. :)

To be clear FFXIII is going to be on both systems, not just the 360. It also appears that very few people here have a ps3 judging by the amount of anti-care towards it. 8-)

Personally I thought that e3 pretty much sucked this year with Nintendo pulling in the lead with animal crossing and Microsoft providing the most fail with the rip-off mii.


Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:31 pm
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I'm not that optimistic finding future likable releases on the Wii. To be honest, nothing that worthy of purchase has been released this generation, and in my opinion, I'm not at all surprised that nothing good was mentioned in E3. It seems everything must be a novelty. Online play, motion control gameplay, achievements and trophies, channels and online stores with old games for sale and add-on content. None of these make games more exciting if the games aren't exciting to begin with. Believe it or not, content matters: they can't overshadow a system's subpar library with **** gimmicks, and they can't ride on the release of sequels to successful series of previous generations (which, so far, most good names have been marred).

There are only a handful of good games this generation that I've had the opportunity to play and that includes all the systems. Mario Galaxy, Wii Sports, Rock Band, GTA IV, MGS IV... none of which I would consider so great as to berate other gamers for not having played them yet. They've got it all wrong. Whenever a fanboy attempts to challenge another fanboy, this generation's battle cry is, "What good games does it have?" That's the thing. There aren't any good titles.

I mean, Jesus, the only thing that has sold systems in the past were games themselves, and the only reason we continue to buy new ones is the prospect of something new or familiar to try our hand at. Do you remember how great the Power Glove was? How about the Super Scope or the mouse for the SNES? Or maybe you remember your extensive Sega CD and 32X library? Getting an idea on how great innovation has been for the gaming industry? I bet that Dualshock and Rumble Pack sure sold you a few games, didn't it? And remember buying a PS2 or Xbox, because it could play DVD's. I don't either.

Keep it simple, stupid. Innovation will spark new ideas, ones developers will make good use of in the future, but change comes more slowly and less forced.

And seriously, Star Fox Wii? Would we really anticipate a new release from a series that has been literally garbage for over 10 years?

Thu Jul 24, 2008 8:46 am
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they didnt show this during the conference but on the gaming floor they had the conduit! which is the single most amazing game for the wii.

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Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:35 pm
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Yeah, the only game this year that really stood out as "I have to get this game" was Little Big Planet, and they didn't even show new content, just used it in a presentation. Yeah, I probably will get animal crossing but in the end only because I know people who will get it and the multi-play does look fairly fun.


Thu Jul 24, 2008 6:35 pm
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