
Ceartan Legendary Pokemon
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Author: [ Tue Jan 30, 2007 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Ceartan Legendary Pokemon

Dear Psypokes website people, How did you get all those rare Pokemon?(Lugia, Ho-oh, Mew, Celebi, Riokou, Entei, Suicune, and Deoxsis) When I look at the legendaries guide I see pictures of your character walking up to all those rare Pokemon, and I get really jelous.

Author:  Radio Willy [ Tue Jan 30, 2007 5:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, you know, the psydex, a part of this website has a locations section dedicated to each pokemon, so, which is pretty useful. (Gee, I feel like I'm advertising something...)

I'm assuming that you want to get these in R/S/E or FR/LG, so...

But to answer your question, Riokou, Entei, Suicune, can be found roaming around the Kanto regionon a random route, moving around, after the E4, and after you get the national dex, much like Latios and Latias.

Celebi, Mew, and Deoxsis however, are vicims of Nintendo's plot to make money and advertise their products. Appearently, you have to go to a "Nintendo Event", where nintendo promotes their games and stuff, or go to some store in New York to get them. They aren't normally found in any pokemon game. Another alternative is, of course, to use a cheating device.

Lugia and Ho-oh can also be found at a "Nintendo event", but there's another alternative, to get them in the advance generation of games. Trade them over from XD or Collesseum. Not having a Game-Cube or those games myself, I can't say how exactly to do this.

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