
What format is best...
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Author:  Peanut-Lover [ Thu Feb 01, 2007 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  What format is best...

For trainer cards, and probably art in General?
If this belongs in the Fan Art, I'm Sorry

So, there's:

if there's any i left out, let me know :D

Author:  Krisp [ Thu Feb 01, 2007 8:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

.png is probably the best for banners. Its good compression, and I use it whenever I make a banner or an avatar.
.jpg isn't a good compression for "art." It's good for photos etc. and it doesn't support transparency.
.gif is for animations and it's usually a low file size. However, the quality goes down a lot if you save it as .gif.
.bmp is not a good file type at all.

Author:  Flaming_Wuzzle [ Thu Feb 01, 2007 8:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Krisp wrote:
.bmp is not a good file type at all.

Agreed. If you post .bmps on the internet, you need to be shot.

Author:  Swampert King [ Fri Feb 02, 2007 3:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

.png is actually made for the internet. :)
.jpg will crapify the banner/image you worked forever on.
.gif should only be for animation
.bmp :twisted:

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