
Trainer Cards
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Author:  Miltank_94 [ Mon Dec 26, 2005 1:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Trainer Cards

When I am trying to order a trainer card. A new page pops out and says:

"You have been restricted from applying for a trainer card."

What does that mean ?????

I never ordered a trainer card before.
Am I banned?
Is there a problem?
Should I wait?

I wold realy appreciate your help. :wink:

Author:  rubypoke [ Mon Dec 26, 2005 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trainer Cards

milktank_94 wrote:
When I am trying to order a trainer card. A new page pops out and says:

"You have been restricted from applying for a trainer card."

What does that mean ?????

I never ordered a trainer card before.
Am I banned?
Is there a problem?
Should I wait?

I wold realy appreciate your help. :wink:

There might be an error with the system, try again later, or if you are desperate for one go to Slateport market and visit a shop that sells TC's (Trainer cards.)

Author:  Rhapsody [ Mon Dec 26, 2005 2:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

I got the same thing.
The admins are still probably sorting everything out with the Psybucks, so dont wet yourself. Just wait. Or do what rubypoke said.

Please dont wet yourself. :P


Author:  rubypoke [ Mon Dec 26, 2005 2:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gardevoir~ wrote:
I got the same thing.
The admins are still probably sorting everything out with the Psybucks, so dont wet yourself. Just wait. Or do what rubypoke said.

Please dont wet yourself. :P


'Oooooo I cant get a TC' *Feels all splodgy.* 'Hey the chairs wet!' >_<

Thanks for making me think that Gardy~, ill be having happy dreams sleeping on the aeroplane. >_<

Yeh so milktank just wait...... wait...... wait.... and then spend 20 psybucks on a forum TC or spend a couple of psybucks on a (better looking) cool TC :P. *Free at my shop* ^_^

Have a nice day y'all. ^_^

Author:  TonberryKing [ Mon Dec 26, 2005 2:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

If no one actually knows what the error message means, why reply...

The message means that Bug Catchers and people on probation/people who fail at life cannot apply for a trainer card.

Now that you are a Pokemaniac, you may apply for a trainer card.

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