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 I really don't want to step on the shiny toes!!! 
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Pokemon Trainer
Pokemon Trainer
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Joined: Wed May 11, 2005 10:47 am
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Location: Tacoma, Washington, U.S. of A (Stalkers need not call, just come on over!)
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I happened to stumble across a pretty old thread about stealing from psypokes, it was from back in sept. and I didn't want to randomly just bring it back, so I figured I'd post a new thread asking the question...

Anyways, the thread I stumbled across was about someone asking who hosted Psypokes, and saying they wanted to start their own site. There was a small argument over stealing content from here, as well as members.

What I am concerned about is that I have a Pokemon RPG site, which I just placed an advertisement for in the ads board. Now, I know for a fact that nothing was stolen from here, and you can check for yourself -->
(click on the [Guest] button to see the inside of the site)
I didn't even put any information from this site onto it. I just put a link and informed my members to come here to get information, and help for building their characters pokemon teams. But what I am worried about, is that it was mentioned that people making other pokemon sites also takes members from psypokes. Now I don't really think that I am competition, but I just don't want to step on psypokes toes, after all, I really do love this site.
So I guess my question is, am I making anyone mad by putting the ad for my site up?

<center>Image </center>

Fri Jun 16, 2006 10:05 pm
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The Geek
The Geek
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Uh... there's nothing there, so I don't know what you're worried about. As long as you didn't copy the text, steal the images, or use the same layout as Psypoke, I doubt the admins will care. It's just when people blatantly rip them off that they get upset about it.


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Fri Jun 16, 2006 10:57 pm
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Pokemon Trainer
Pokemon Trainer
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I totally understand, and agree! But, as you can see, I'm uber paraniod, and just didn't want to tick off the pretty admin
*petpet's pretty admin* :D

<center>Image </center>

Sat Jun 17, 2006 11:41 pm
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