Chapter One: In the beginning{geodude}
"Good day to you sir but we have a proposition" the man was the first to break the silence, "As you may know we have decided to merge the existing leagues together and let it be under rule by the strongest trainer we can find".
"Yes i know, and i suppose you found me then?" Scott sat down onto the grass and looked back up onto their cold faces.
"Yes and no. You see this lady here says she can beat you and will become the Champion instead" the girl smiled and walked off.
"And i suppose you want me to battle her to find out?" Scott stood up, already knowing the answer, and followed her in a wide green ditch.
"You really think you can beat me?" the girl span round at one end of the ditch and grabbed one of the Ultra Balls by her belt.
"I could try..." he smiled and watched her throw it to the ground.
"Go! Camerupt!"
"OK then... Go! Poliwrath!" Scott threw an Ultra Ball to the floor and out came a tadpole like creature with a hypnotic spiral on it's stomach. It faced a bright red camel creature with over-sized rock humps on it's back.
"Camerupt use Earthquake!" the ground shook as the creature stomped it's legs and bits of rubble and dirt were sent flying towards the Poliwrath. Poliwrath dived out of the way and narrowly missed the attack. It had been trained to terrifying extremes. But Poliwrath had evidently been trained more.
"Poliwrath use Hydro Pump!" Poliwrath closed it's hands together and fired a jet of crystal clear water towards the slow moving beast. It hit with tremendous force and sent the Camerupt to the floor. The girl quickly returned her Pokemon as did Scott.
"You won't win this one, Go! Arbok!" a giant snake like creature leapt out of the next Ultra Ball and snaked it’s way towards the ditch. Scoot withdrew his Poliwrath and thought over his situation.
“Hmmm… Go Alakazam!” a yellow creature, almost human like, was sent out of the ball and into the ditch. It stood still and focused on it’s kinetic spoons.
“Arbok! Use Poison Sting!” a jet of purple spines came out of the snakes mouth and hit Alakazam. It simply stood there, as though it had felt nothing.
“Use Psychic attack now!” the Pokemon lifted it’s spoons into the air and they started to glow a purple colour. The Arbok was raised into the air by an unseen force and tossed to the floor.
“Grrrr! Go Yanma!” a green dragon-fly creature with bulging eyes came out of the red laser. Scott smirked slightly and returned his Alakazam. He grabbed the next ball by his belt and threw it to the floor.
“Go! Magmortar!” a red and orange Pokemon came out of the beam and landed neatly in the ditch. All of it’s body was ablaze.
“Use Signal Beam!” a red and green beam came out of the eyes of the Yanma and hit Magmortar with little force.
“Fire Punch now!” the fire Pokemon’s hand set alight and it hit the dragonfly straight on. It was sent flying through the air with tremendous force.
“No more games now! Go! Starmie!” a purple star Pokemon came out of the beam. In it’s center was a glowing red gem.
“Go! Shiftry!” a odd looking Pokemon came out of the ball. In it’s hands were leaf like fans. It grunted and stood in front of the opposition.
“Ha! You fell for that one! Use Psybeam Starmie!” a beam of fluorescent colours hit Shiftry but it simply bounced off it’s body.
“Any decent trainer would know Shiftry is Dark and Grass, Psychic doesn’t affect Dark Pokemon… Use Solarbeam now!” particles of sunlight were collected into the fans of the Pokemon. Suddenly a beam of bright white light was shot out of the fans and sent forward towards the star Pokemon. It was sent flying backwards but was caught by the beam of the returning trainer.
“This is it your going down now! Go Vileplume!” a hideously smelling Pokemon was ejected from it’s ball. It was beautiful in sight but nothing else. It had a giant flower attached to it’s head that weighed down on it’s strained back.
“Ha! Go! Gliscor!” a bat like Pokemon came out of the beam and fluttered about in the wind. It suddenly spread it’s wings as though it had been awakened.
“Use Toxic!” the flower Pokemon ejected a spurt of purple blobs and it hit the bat Pokemon. As the blobs were dripping down the Pokemon they suddenly soaked into it’s skin.
“Tut Tut any trainer would know that Gliscor is poison type… Use Razor Wind!” the bat whipped up ferocious winds and directed them at the heavy flower. It was sent backwards onto it’s back and was returned by the trainer. She glared at Scott and walked away.
“Well done, you were certainly far superior to that girl. You have surpassed yourself, here take this” the cold faced man handed him a green card with his name on it. It showed all of his Pokemon and it read.
‘Official League Card, Scott (Champ)’ Scott looked up and smiled. Finally he was being recognised for his prowess. He was going to become the Ultimate League’s Champion.