Ghost Writer
Ace Trainer
Joined: Wed Mar 14, 2007 6:45 pm Posts: 382 Location: Searching for the place all the Abra teleport to. I'm going to crash their party.
Author's notes- I'm not sure what I was thinking when I started writing this. And I sure as hell don't like it. But, I guess it's your decision, and I want to see what you guys think. If anybody is confused on some of the things in here, I suggest heading on over to Halopedia and reading up on it. Oh, and did I mention that I hate the style of writing I used? Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy it, because I sure didn't. It's a one shot, by the way.
Unknown Contact
Transmission recording 1045. Transmitted from UNSC Ship, Frigate Class, number 118. Time: 1800 Hours on December the eighth, 2553
Panicked Marine Anybody out there? This is Sergeant Gregory Michaels of the UNSC Whisper Cloud. The Captain is... dead, I guess, and every other officer along with him. I’ve taken control of remaining personnel, and we have barricaded ourselves on the bridge.
We were scouting the fringes of unexplored space when our fusion core went critical. The Captain ordered us to shut down, so we were running on our emergency power source, which lasts eight hours.... That was seven hours ago.
While our engineers were fixing the fusion core, we were attacked by boarding craft of an unknown class. They looked pretty old, and were covered by some sort of pale, green matter.
Any ways, they hit the ship right next to the marine cabins. We-
Unknown Marine Sir! They’re on to us! They’re coming through the door!
Michaels Get everyone back! Get them back here and seal the triple doors!
Explosions could be heard in the back ground. A loud crunching noise, then an exchange of small arms fire.
Distant Marine They blew a hole in the door! Alright, boys, take ‘em out!
Marine Buggers are comin’ through the hole! AH! Get it off of me! AHHHHHH!
The screams of Marines echo off the walls. They quickly change, becoming more mutated, deepening radically.
Michaels Too late! Corporal, seal the doors, quick!
Corporal But, sir, there are still men in there!
Michaels That’s an order, Corporal.
Three sets of doors close, and the sounds of screams are cut off.
Michaels Weld that door shut! Any ways, what you just heard was what those ships were carrying. I was in the cabins when they first came through, these bubble like squid things. They latch on to you, and burrow through your chest armor. That’s when it starts. You begin mutating at an accelerated rate, skin turning a sickly gray color. Tentacles sprout from your mutilated chest plate, and long tentacles slither down a mutated arm. You lose control, and start, start.... killing everybody that isn’t one of them! I don’t know what they are, but I heard something like this showed up in Voi during the second battle of Earth.
Any ways, half the platoon went down in the first twenty minutes. We were pushed all the way back to the mess hall, which is right next to the bridge. By then we had sustained heavy casualties.
The Captain, who took a hit to the shoulder, ordered a fire team to take control of the engine room. He then disabled them, saying we had to keep these things from reaching Earth. Of course, if we did manage to stop whatever is out there, he assured us only he could fix them.
I was with him when he did it. Right after he finished his speech, we were ambushed. They dropped out of the vents and latched onto about half our squad. The... Captain was one of them. We shot them in the head to keep it from happening, but they still changed, though there was less screaming.
We ran back to the bridge, a few of us being picked off every step of the way, until there were only four of us remaining. I ordered the marines to seal the doors, and here we are. I don’t know how much longer we can last...
Corporal Sir! They’re coming through the doors again! We can’t stop them!
Michaels Well, this is it. Anybody who receives this message, make sure you get it to the UNSC. They have to know what’s out here.
Another explosion can be heard, and an exchange of gunfire between the two opposing sides. Marines screaming in terror and pain echo around the room, and their voices begin changing like before.
Michaels You won’t turn me into one of those things! Eat this, you cold hearted- AHHHHH! Get it off! Get it off! I hope you like grenades, you freaks!
Transmission Interrupted. Possible Equipment malfunction.
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Last edited by Ghost Writer on Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.