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Anyway, in this topic you will see my WIP's (progress of walkthroughs).



*I use a Wacom Bamboo 4X6 Tablet (500)
*I use Corel Painter for most of the picture, then may use Photoshop CS 2 for extra filters.
*I usually work at nightime (after the sun sets) Why? My house's courtains dont's shed any light, which my screen then reflects, giving me headaches.
*I will use as less layers as possible. If I do make layers, I'll flatten the image once I'm satisfied, even if the part is not done yet.

I used to have another topic, but the last post was on 10/17/07, which would make +5 month necromancy so yeah, I thought I'd rather make this one new.

Anyway, my current project is 'HIGHER THAN THE SKIES' which is the picture of a friend wearing a pilot's outfit. I'm working this at 4000X5333 @ 300 dpi.

Below is the sketch. The left eye is missing cause anatomy SUCKED...this is basic outline.


I've started shading in the skin...




the googles without smudging in...


still haven't smudged in...worked on the mirror thingies....


If you see anything that looks wrong or that could look better in any way, please tell me!
(*note: there is a strong white light coming in from the left k?)

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Last edited by black_flygon on Sat Jul 19, 2008 11:25 am, edited 2 times in total.

Sat Mar 08, 2008 8:54 pm
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I understand that you are going for a pilot's look. But those goggles look humongous.

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Sun Mar 09, 2008 7:59 am
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Poe wrote:
I understand that you are going for a pilot's look. But those goggles look humongous.

Thanks for the feedback Poe!...
Do you really think so? Well the shading is HORRIBLE, so it makes them stand out more than they should, gonna rework them completely on that part, but as far as size goes I think they're fine, hell I even intended to make them bigger...For this picture I want extra details on the clothing (something I've never done before) and try to draw as much attention to them, keeping them from looking at the face (something I've also never tried)...Anyway, I think the skin looks too white, maybe put in some darker shades into it, shape the nose a bit more, and put some texture in (specially on the lips). I also think the glass in the goggles, should look more like metal, or like stainless steel...tho if it doesn't come out right I may ruin the pic, so I may split two different options here...

Feedback is highly welcome people.

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Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:08 am
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Okay, if you like the goggles like that, then go for it! Anyway, if you could pull off the extra details on the clothing and if the finished project drew me away from the face...I'd be even more impressed than I am right now...:)

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Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:30 am
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I hope I can pull it off, this shall be my first real pic with real programs (the expensive kind) and with a tablet. It's more like practice.

I mean you can really see some progress in this 6 month period between the picture I'm doing right now and the previous one. i mean, JUST LOOK AT THE SKIN XD, and to note, that was made with rollerball mouse, using gimp, so yeah.


Oh and once the SSBB (which comes out today...i think..) hyper gets to my house, I'll get many many references for the new marth outfit and do a rerender of this pic....:]

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Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:51 am
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Ah...I remember commenting on that. I was so surprised at how you did that with a mouse. But I can see a difference with better programs. :P

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Sun Mar 09, 2008 10:46 am
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Been to busy gah! haven't worked at all on it...just smudged a bit the goggles, yet I don't like how they came out (I'm gonna fo and try again, see if a n really saturated cyan-olive works...looks too plain...for now...)...I also fixed some parts of the skin, added some texture on the lips, faded out the eyelids and in the previous images you could see a dark smudge right by right eye, now it's gone.


OHH, and I added some bases for the other parts (that's most of the goggles)...and also, the character has a skin army looking jacket, but I was thinking, about giving a jacket with y'know, what's it called? like the furry part on the back, around the hood. It would be a fun little experiment... hehe

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Mon Mar 10, 2008 6:33 pm
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Worked a little more on the eyes, defined hair color and fixed the nose, you couldn't really tell the shape of the nose in the previous images (they tols me so at some other forum)...I kinda like the eyes now, and the eyelashes aren't black now, which makes the face look softer. Oh and don't worry about the hair creeping up the hat, gonna rework the hat completely...meh....XD


<edit>two hours later</edit>

Like i said, I changer the whole color scheme for the goggles, made the mirror thingies look like they're dark shades (bluish green in this case)...shaded in the basic layout for the rest of the hat...I like these colors better. Anyway, someone told me stop using the triangle color selector, and use the color mixer in painter (which is how I got the colors), oh and I did the eyes with the mixer tool too.

And here it is...HA IT SUX! no smudging in, except for mirror thingy....


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Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:56 pm
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The nose is getting lost in the light, you can't see the bridge of it at all anymore. :\


Thu Mar 13, 2008 1:20 pm
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Sorry for not posting anything up....higher than the skies is still not finished, and im not liking it, so i took on another project today for practice, then go back to that....

ok so current is AKI, who is yovela's character, done in [url=]mintie's beautiful coloring style...Im coloring this GRAYSCALE to practice contrast.

This is minties lineart.


(2 hours so far) worked a bit on the skin, bases, started hair (<<--FEEEDBACK) I know the lips look disguntingly unappetizing for such a pretty angel girl thing. underhair shall be fixed.


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Sat Apr 12, 2008 5:47 pm
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(4 hours):
very tricky...i hated the hair so I redid it...i think it looks better now...softened all of the skin mostly done with it (escept for shadows from hair strands) lips look much better now and did a little base on the clothes...

btw...IM DOING THIS IN 1 is very hard...that's why im working sections...


please tell me what you think!

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Tue Apr 15, 2008 5:17 pm
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I'm thinking you should do it in more than one layer. :p

Looks good so far, good luck with the right side, looks complex.


Tue Apr 15, 2008 5:31 pm
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poplers wrote:
I'm thinking you should do it in more than one layer. :p

Looks good so far, good luck with the right side, looks complex.

I tried to be more traditional in digital a canvas you only have one layer, so that's what I'm trying to's a dare...

anyway....right side looks HURD...i don't know how the hell im gonna do it...(but it's obviously last, cause hair overlaps the armor thingie)

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Tue Apr 15, 2008 7:52 pm
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ha im such a procastinator...

linkie to gerard

(link to da) I know I skipped my OTHER project yes I'll finish it...nao...

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Fri Apr 25, 2008 5:52 pm
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BIG IMAGE...this is a big project...its a contest...comment!

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Sun Apr 27, 2008 7:12 pm
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Update! I finished the contest pic...even if there are many mistakes in there
go here

Feedback would be very welcome...

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Fri May 30, 2008 2:51 pm
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ahh great...its only me posting...yay 1 month necro!

ahem anyway... enjoy my dear sires!

feedback highly appreciated!

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Sat Jul 19, 2008 11:26 am
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The railing in the front (that's a railing, yes?) looks unfinished. I would also work on his hairline and the hair in the ...middle (?) of his head, it looks oddly angled. The beard is pretty good, but the skin could use more realism, he's not perfect so add some more marks on him, not just a slick surface of skin. :\


Sat Jul 19, 2008 3:56 pm
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poplers wrote:
The railing in the front (that's a railing, yes?) looks unfinished. I would also work on his hairline and the hair in the ...middle (?) of his head, it looks oddly angled. The beard is pretty good, but the skin could use more realism, he's not perfect so add some more marks on him, not just a slick surface of skin. :

Thanks you poplers. yes the railing looks odd because glass doesnt reflect like that (its a jeep, you know like desert excursion jeep). but I was hiving too much trouble making it visivle underneath it. it also looks blurry because of proximity blur (close/far blurring in pictures), something i didn't manage to get right. Also im okay with the hair on the sides, but yes, the one in the middle is complicated, as it doesnt have a structure, it looks more like g'reese' hair than spiked up (and ues i will try to fix that). The skin is very smooth on the face of the reference so it stayed that way.

nehway! another one

way quicker...

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Sat Jul 19, 2008 5:51 pm
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The light in the hair needs to be blended better, I can actually see where your stroke started and ended, which isn't good for hair. It needs to be smudged on the end so it looks like the light actually hit it, and you didn't paint it. Also, the lips are so insanely creepy, they're really thick and usually they aren't ...that plump I guess. From above, you should see less lip unless you're Angelina Jolie. The nose is fine, the eye is a little weird on the left side and the headphones could use more detailing. You could also cut out the last inch or so of the bottom, because its somewhat pointless, it doesn't add anything, no negative space, just black with a little white for your shading, not really anything too daring. Otherwise this drawing was pretty good, and I liked the skin texture, it looked much more real, especially on the middle portion of your cheek. :o


Sat Jul 19, 2008 8:42 pm
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yes i absolutely paid no attention to the hair (but i did know you could see the strokes). I (tried) to make a blenderless pic and work only pointellism on this one...thats why in some places you can see whiter does (lips eyes cheek) (only place with blending was nose). Again, like the one before, this is a picture, and this time, its me (call it selfportrait if you will) lower lip is insanely huge, but i noticed that the lightning on the right part should be darker and i should define the shape.

Otherwise this drawing was pretty good, and I liked the skin texture, it looked much more real, especially on the middle portion of your cheek. :o

lol that was an accident (from the pointellism), i decided to blend everything in...but i chose the wrong blender which blends but leaves the stroke mark...but i liked it and wrote it down in case i need to use it.

Also that last inch is because i worked on a 1:2.5 scale (1400 x 3500)...and will do with 20 other pics and also because i wanted to show excessive black and white (like im planning to do with the rest too)

Thanks for the comment poplers...

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Sat Jul 19, 2008 9:10 pm
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bumpydibumpbump! new pic...having trouble with perspective

its an earth demon for a contest on DA. you know i think of earth having to do way too much with plants and rocks and forests...therefore my attempt. around 5 hours so far (ive done the hair like 4 times...)

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Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:25 pm
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Well the hair is really really good, don't change it at all. The nose and mouth throw me off the most, the mouth is -way- too plump. (I bet I'm sounding like a broken record but w/e) And the nose has a weird hook thing to it at the tip, but it could just be the perspective. However, the shading on the mouth makes it look likes its protruding out way too far than normal. The eye is pretty good, I couldn't draw one as well as you did in this perspective. And you might want to make his skin darker or something, to make him look more natural, or more greenish, not necessarily GREEN, but a small hint of it. And I have no idea what's going on with his body at the bottom, is that a shoulder? Where's his chest? O.o I'm not going to comment on the background seeing as its obviously not finished enough to comment on. :P HOWEVER, the thing on the rocks in the background is a really good touch. :)


Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:13 am
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Double post.. whatever. Black_Flygon, what tablet do you use? And do you have some tips on colors? :3


Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:10 am
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I use a wacom Bamboo FUN (it said in the first post), and what do you mean by tips on colors...?

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Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:36 pm
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