I used to have a shop.
Now I don't.
But I like to create things.
If anyone has any suggestions and/or requests, please post here for me.
I could also use names for some of my creations.
So if there is an image below that you have a spiffy name for, let me know.
Also I am working on a mythical creature series, so any other creatures I can do would be helpful.
My old stuff is lost thanks to my computer's hard drive failing, so this is all new stuff:
Mythical Creature Series:Name: Mermaid
Pokemon's Parts: Mesprit + Medicham + Dewgong + Simipour
Colours: Simipour + Dewgong
Name: Centaur
Pokemon's Parts: Arcanine + Machoke
Colours: Tauros
Name: Centaur (with tail)
Pokemon's Parts: Arcanine + Machoke + Tauros
Colours: Tauros
Name: Pegasus
Pokemon's Parts: Braviary + Zebstrika
Colours: Tornadas + Braviary + Zebstrika
VoltorbBall Series:(copyright Hammythepig)
Others:Name: ???
Pokemon's Parts: Reshiram + Haxorus
Colours: Haxorus
I made this for a contest here on Psypoke, and I just thought it looked pretty cool.
Name: Ninja
Pokemon's Parts: Banette + Hitmonlee + Medicham
Colours: Zekrom
The Head is supposed to be a mask. To hide the true identity and all that.
Name: Gigavolt
Pokemon's Parts: Gigalith
Colours: Ampharos + Shiny Gigalith
Name: Groudon using Earth Power
Pokemon's Parts: Groudon
Colours: Groudon + MS Paint
More to come...
_________________Soul Silver: FC: 1033-7425-8991 Name: Andrew
Black: FC: 5028 3780 4610 Name: Hammy