
DragoBoy's Art Cavern (19 July- Fake Card! + a drawing)
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Author:  DragoBoy [ Sat Jul 30, 2011 2:06 pm ]
Post subject:  DragoBoy's Art Cavern (19 July- Fake Card! + a drawing)

Hello and welcome to My Art Gallery.
All new pics will be posted here in the original post.
Please feel free to comment and criticize or even post a suggestion ;)

Newest Art
LucarioEX (fake card)
Vanilluxe and Garbodor (drawing)
Image Leviathan

I like making these so most of my artworks are splices :D
Mewtronix - Leviathan - Vaporeon Dragon
Garigar - Chompy - Tyragosion family
Scisharp - Tyranite - Alakazor - Axle - Fraxite - Haxchomp
Kyurem Alternate Form - Zangviper - Gralkia - Herizor
Magtivior - Charchomp - Poliper - Flumpig - Charbone - Biranix
Sawceus - Gallizor - Porygon4 - Nidodon - Joltales - Mimvee Jr.
Wigleo - Haunclops - Kyolord - Golchic - Galvariatops - Arbikugong
Lu-Gi-Oh - Cloudgon - Elekeotto - Flynin - Muxiew
These last 5 are some of my first splices
and so are not as good as the rest

Monster splices
These are splices which are quite big
and not too perfect but are still cool 8-)
Geomatonix - Genedrilzor - Metacralligant - Metacralligant2 - Craylix - Flyabudactyl - The Hydrion Trio

Type Changes
It's all in the name :)
Dragobuzz - Flareshrew and Flareslash - Freezeshrew and Freezeslash - Leafshrew and Leafslash
Elecshrew and Voltslash - Skyshrew and Skyslash - The Gigaflare family



Stuff that doesn't fit in anywhere else here :mrgreen:
Glowing Haxchomp - Fake Pokémon - Animated Mew recolour - The Poke-Knight Trainee - The Poke-Knight - Random Minotaur Dude

Trainer Cards
Image Image

Made this for my little brother, Eevelution-Master
My first banner

2 Fake Pokémon
A Fake Pokémon
Lucario: Aura Sphere
Metagross: Meteor Mash (colour)
Bulbasaur (colour)
Ariados (colour)
Victreebel (colour)
Link the Breloom
Pokémon Ocean
Haunter (colors 3D)
Galvantula (colors 3D)
Vanilluxe and Garbodor

Minimalism Pokémon

Fake Cards

Made for Azul
Made for Samurott
Made for King_Charizard
Made for King_Charizard
Made for Shiny Hunter

So like I said please feel free to c+c or make a suggestion :P

Author:  Porygon 3 [ Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DragoBoy's Art Gallery

Your artworks pretty good! I like your creativity, especially in making those big monster type things, like your Cradilly/Metang/Lilligant and the Rayquaza/Crobat/Steelix. I think the trickiest part about fusing at first is the fact that not all Pokemon fit together nicely. I'm still a beginner at fusing too, so I look for Pokemon that have the same body types and switch out different points. So now you might have guessed what you need to work on. It's just making everything look a little more natural. Just go in and connect the body parts a little better, and it'll make an amazing difference. Not all of your fusions are like that though. The ones that really impressed me looks and creativity-wise were the Sawsbuck/Arceus combo (really good job matching up the body types and it looks good), the Mime Jr./Eevee combo (funny and well done), and the Zangoose/Seviper combo (a really good job fusing the two and incredibly creative). So, remember: When something looks weird, just go in and make it look more natural. Other than that, I think you should keep doing what you're doing!

Also, my overall favorite is the Zangoose/Seviper fusion. I really like it :D

Author:  twistedturtwig [ Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DragoBoy's Art Gallery

You're pretty good for a beginner spriter! I'm not a spriter myself, but I'd have to say that with a little work, you could have a lot of potential! (Not that you already don't! :mrgreen: ) The Hydrion Trio is a funny concept, you've got a lot of original ideas! The Zangiper is a great fuse. You should submit that in one of Mektar's contests, if there's ever a theme for that. One suggestion for the Metacralligant. You could put the Liligant head on the top of the Cradily neck, and put the Lilligant arms on the lower neck. Just a thought! :) Oh, and the Flynin pic is up twice. Best of luck on your spiriting adventures!

Author:  DragoBoy [ Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DragoBoy's Art Gallery

twistedturtwig wrote:
Oh, and the Flynin pic is up twice.

Thanks for pointing that out, I've edited it out now. I'm glad you like my artwork.
twistedturtwig wrote:
One suggestion for the Metacralligant. You could put the Liligant head on the top of the Cradily neck, and put the Lilligant arms on the lower neck. Just a thought! :)

Now there's an idea...

I finished your suggestion for the Metacralligant. Here's how it turned out: see original post

Author:  DragoBoy [ Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DragoBoy's Art Gallery

Made a few more: see original post

Author:  Mektar [ Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DragoBoy's Art Gallery

One: double posting is bad.

Two: enter the Kyurem Sprite in my contest, please. I need more entrants.

Author:  Dare234 [ Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DragoBoy's Art Gallery

You have some pretty good sprites!
One thing you might consider is saying what pokemon you put into them, at least for the more complicated ones, like the Rayquaza one or for the Elekid one (what pokemon owns those wings). Just a thought but you are pretty good at spriting.
The Kyurem Alternate form is pretty awesome.

Author:  DragoBoy [ Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DragoBoy's Art Gallery

Mektar wrote:
One: double posting is bad.

Two: enter the Kyurem Sprite in my contest, please. I need more entrants.

Sorry for the double post, won't do it again, and I'll enter the contest ASAP.

Dare234 wrote:
One thing you might consider is saying what pokemon you put into them, at least for the more complicated ones, like the Rayquaza one or for the Elekid one (what pokemon owns those wings).

OK I'll edit my posts to include that.

Author:  DragoBoy [ Sun Aug 14, 2011 4:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DragoBoy's Art Gallery

I know I shouldn't be double posting (again) but :roll: Oh well.

Anyway I entered the contest and edited my previous posts to include name and pokes used.

And I made a few more: see original post

More type changes: see original post

Author:  pikame guru [ Sun Aug 28, 2011 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DragoBoy's Art Gallery

Those shrews are awesome!!! You should make a lightning or flying type shrew. {sandshrew} +lightning

Author:  DragoBoy [ Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DragoBoy's Art Gallery

pikame guru wrote:
Those shrews are awesome!!! You should make a lightning or flying type shrew. {sandshrew} +lightning

Thanks :D And I'll try making more shrews

And now more of my creations: see original post

Oh, and I am back to school today so I probably wont get to post as much now :(


Electric and flying type shrews: see original post

Hope you like 'em pikame guru :D

Author:  Superunknown [ Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DragoBoy's Art Gallery

I noticed some of your earlier sprites look blotchy. Make sure you're saving them as PNGs so they look nice and clean. I see your newer ones look clean, so I guess you figured that out.

Your Gallade/Scizor looks pretty nice, and your Jolteon/Ninetales looks... interesting. It's strange but I can't help but think it looks really cool. hahahaha Oh and the Wigglytuff/Sealeo is win. It's so badass, in a soft cuddly pink mustachio kind of way. :lol: Keep up the good work!

Author:  DragoBoy [ Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DragoBoy's Art Gallery

Superunknown wrote:
I noticed some of your earlier sprites look blotchy. Make sure you're saving them as PNGs so they look nice and clean. I see your newer ones look clean, so I guess you figured that out.

Your Gallade/Scizor looks pretty nice, and your Jolteon/Ninetales looks... interesting. It's strange but I can't help but think it looks really cool. hahahaha Oh and the Wigglytuff/Sealeo is win. It's so badass, in a soft cuddly pink mustachio kind of way. :lol: Keep up the good work!

Yes I know what you mean. The mewbipom and growlupi. I was in a hurry and accidentally saved them as jpeg :oops:
Oh and I'm glad you like my artwork :D

All my pictures will be down (not working) for awhile (an hour up to a day or two) because I made the images transparent and now I have to upload them onto photobucket and I'm going to put all the pics in the original post from now on. I've delete some of the pics that I don't like which will no longer be shown here. All pics from my previous posts are in the original post. "see original post" is written instead of pics in my previous posts.

Finished changing original post. Please enjoy :D

Author:  sumo12345 [ Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DragoBoy's Art Cavern

An idea: you could make ‘The Poke knight Trainee’ basically using Shelmet (For the helmet and stuff), Ponyta (For the horse) and Riolu (For the thing on the horse). Just an idea :D

Author:  DragoBoy [ Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DragoBoy's Art Cavern

sumo12345 wrote:
An idea: you could make ‘The Poke knight Trainee’ basically using Shelmet (For the helmet and stuff), Ponyta (For the horse) and Riolu (For the thing on the horse). Just an idea :D

Good idea. I'll try that now. Finished.
Added new splice: Tyranite
Made sig for my little brother, Eeveelution-Master, who just joined Psypokes
Take a look at this thing I drew in Art class. Sort of looks like it could be the ghost type eeveelution :P

Author:  scizlord [ Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DragoBoy's Art Cavern

Awesome sprites my fav is scisharp and i was in ur house when you made it guess who :?:

Author:  DragoBoy [ Sat Oct 08, 2011 5:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DragoBoy's Art Cavern

First: :P Yay 1000 views
Second: New drawing
Third: anyone have any ideas/suggestions for what I should do next?

Author:  Yog [ Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DragoBoy's Art Cavern

Wow...these are pretty awesome...
I fuse sprites myself, but not as good as you (for an example, see my avatar). Keep up the epicness :D . I espacially like Craylix and Gallizor.
Good job splicing the names, too. They all seem better than mine...

Author:  scizlord [ Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DragoBoy's Art Cavern

:D :D :D I think you should include onix or steelix in a splice :D

Author:  Mektar [ Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DragoBoy's Art Cavern

He already did. Craylix clearly has bits of Steelix in it. And is it really nessesary to tell us that you're very happy four times?

Author:  DragoBoy [ Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DragoBoy's Art Cavern

scizlord wrote:
:D :D :D I think you should include onix or steelix in a splice :D

As Mektar said:
Mektar wrote:
He already did. Craylix clearly has bits of Steelix in it. And is it really nessesary to tell us that you're very happy four times?

Thank you for telling him that and you're right about those :D They weren't needed at all. Please don't post stuff like that again scizlord.
But, all that being said, I made a new splice anyway. It's called Geomatonix and it's a Monster Splice.
Above: the various stages/ideas for the splice. I used the third one.

Author:  DragoBoy [ Fri Nov 25, 2011 4:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DragoBoy's Art Cavern

While I haven't posted here for over a month I have updated the original post wth more artworks: the infernoes, a few splices and a banner.
I downloaded some new brushes for Gimp and made this:
I was just trying to firgure out how everything works but I think it turned out good.
C+C please!

Author:  ShinyLucario [ Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DragoBoy's Art Cavern

I'm no professional art critic, but I can offer some horribly biased opinions:
1. Absol is one of the Pokemon that should NEVER be flipped. Period.
2. There seems to be little white dots decorating Absol's outline. (...Which is also evident in my own sig
3. Personally, I think that yellow lightning disturbs the theme of "Darkness". So is the text, and the font doesn't really fit either. Now, if those are white or bright blue lightning...
4. Try to balance the image structure better, so it won't look like one side is clustered and the other side is boring. (Then again, my own sig fail at that)
Keep the good work up and you'll be producing great images in no time! ;)

Author:  Trainer-Purple [ Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DragoBoy's Art Cavern

My most favorite by far were the splices of Dragonite + Tyranitar and Dragonite + Electrabuzz. I just feel like Dragonite has a natural talent of looking cool.

Author:  DragoBoy [ Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DragoBoy's Art Cavern

ShinyLucario wrote:
I'm no professional art critic, but I can offer some horribly biased opinions:
1. Absol is one of the Pokemon that should NEVER be flipped. Period.
2. There seems to be little white dots decorating Absol's outline. (...Which is also evident in my own sig
3. Personally, I think that yellow lightning disturbs the theme of "Darkness". So is the text, and the font doesn't really fit either. Now, if those are white or bright blue lightning...
4. Try to balance the image structure better, so it won't look like one side is clustered and the other side is boring. (Then again, my own sig fail at that)
Keep the good work up and you'll be producing great images in no time! ;)

I remade the banner from scratch to include your suggestions:
After I made that I decided to mess around with overlays and made this:
C+C please!

Trainer-Purple wrote:
My most favorite by far were the splices of Dragonite + Tyranitar and Dragonite + Electrabuzz. I just feel like Dragonite has a natural talent of looking cool.

I'm glad you like them :D I might include Dragonite in another splice but I can't think of anything at the moment. If you have any suggestions, that would help.

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