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 War of the Elements (Fire Emblem RP) 
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Are you ready for a RP full of swords, magic, dragons, and other cool fantasy stuff? I hope you are! This is a Fire Emblem RP. If you haven't played either of the 2 Fire Emblem games released here in the U.S. (they're for gameboy advance), you need to study up on what I'm gonna talk about here.

Setting of this RP:The continent of Magvel.

Magvel is a large continent containing 6 kingdoms: Frelia presides in the northwest; Carcino is in the north; Rausten is found in the northeast; Renais is near the center of Magvel; Jehanna can be found east of Renais; and Grado is in the far south.

Plot of this RP: The Sacred Stones War is over, and peace has befallen Magvel. All of the kingdoms have been living together in unity until one day a magical stone had been found by the Grado kingdom. It was an elemental stone, one of eight. It had granted amazing powers, which Grado began to use to gain power. The other kingdoms are in a tiffy over this. Is Grado becoming too powerful?

If you want to take place in this RP, you must first create a character. Everyone in Magvel is Human, except for a few Manakete, who can change into powerful dragons. You must be Human, as for Manaketes are too powerful. First, choose a name. You can have any name for your character, it doesn't matter what it is. Next you must choose the kingdom in which you came from. I'll give details on the kingdoms so you can decide.

Renais: Renais is a well-respected nation. The King, Ephraim, has always treated his citizens with great kindness, so everyone respects him greatly. Renais was completely destroyed by Grado during the Sacred Stones War, but Prince Ephraim and his twin sister restored order and justice, and Ephraim became King. Recently Grado has been trying to invade Renais, but it has failed due to Renais's great willpower. Renais is well known for its great soldiers.

Carcino: Carcino is densely populated with many merchants, so it dosn't really pose any threats to its fellow kingdoms. As a matter of fact, it supplies almost every shop in every nation. With all the shops there, many thieves thrive in Carcino.

Frelia: Frelia is a large kingdom protected by great walls. It is allies with Renais, and the two nations often join forces to solve predicaments. Renais has outstanding knights, and is one of the few nations that have a large number pegasus knights.

Jehanna: Jehanna is in the middle of a desert, so it doesn't get many visitors. The people who live there are very happy despite living in great heat. The kingdom's castle is built sort like a pyramid, making it a great place to cool off. The King, Joshua, has recentely married a priestess named Natasha, whom he fought with during the Sacred Stones War. Jehanna has many great swordmasters, ready to defend the nation with grace and skill.

Rausten: Rausten is a quiet nation that often stays out of wars. Its Queen, L'Arachel, doesn't like to make her soldiers fight unecassary battles. Rausten is full of mages that constantly study the mysteries of magic. Their skills in magic are well respected by all the nations.

Grado: Grado has been known to act rashly at times. Most recently, it has been acting very strange. Could this have something to do with the mysterious stone that was found? Besides being known for its temper, Grado has many great wyvern knights that ride fiercly into battle.

Whew! That was alot to type... After deciding on your home nation, you must choose a beginning class for your character. No class is greater than another, they each posses different and unique skills.

Recruit: A novice soldier who specializes in lances (a.k.a spears).

Mercenary: A warrior for hire who specializes in swords.

Myrmidon: A warrior dedicated to the art of fencing. Skilled with swords.

Pegasus Knight: Lightly armored knights on winged horses called Pegasi. Skilled with lances.

Wyvern Rider: A wyvern mounted knight (think of a knight on a dragon, and you get the picure).

Journeyman: An inexperienced axe wielder.

Archer: A fighter specializing in bows.

Monk: A holy magic user.

Pupil: A student of magic. Uses Anima magic.

Thief: A swift fighter skilled in stealing.

Every class gets a chance to upgrade, the classes highlighted in red are a bit weaker at start but have the chance to upgrade their class twice. I'll post the upgrade options soon.

Next, try to type a little background info on your character.Your character can have any type of background you want. For example, your character can be someone who only joins others for money. Be creative!

As for rules, you should know the basic RP rules. Don't godmod (as in controlling another member's character without his/her consent.), try not to fall behind, don't get ahead of yourself, avoid one line posts, don't become "all-powerful", and most important of all: have fun! This RP can become fun and amazing if you really try your best and use your imagination to the fullest.

Now, as for other agenda...
-You don't have to live in/be alligned with your home nation. For example, your character could have been born in Grado but lives in Frelia.

-You can be an "enemy" in this RP, just be sure to make it clear to me that you won't be a "good guy".

...whew!! I guess that takes care of everything, I think. :?

Oh! If anything I said was unclear, just post about it and I'll take care of it.
I hope you join! :P


Last edited by Registeel_Rocks on Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jun 28, 2005 7:06 pm
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My character!
Name: Leo Maystrife
Gender: Male
Home Nation: Jehanna
Class: Mercenary
Background Info: Leo is your normal everyday mercenary. He lives a sort of carefree lifestyle, but now that Grado had been acting up, he's taken up a bit more sword training in the Jehanna army. He's recentely been hired by King Joshua himself in order to infiltrate a newly constructed Grado base in the Jehanna territory. Joshua has given Leo no soldiers to accompany him, what with all the invasions lately. Leo is hoping to find some help along the way to the southwest.

After walking through the desert for two hours, Leo finally reached a town. He staggered through the pub doors and sat down at the counter. "Just give me an ice-cold glass of water." he asked. "Coming right up." replied the bartender. "Here you go." the bartender said as he handed Leo a glass of water. "Thanks." he said. He started to look around the pub, trying to find some help. Hmm... let's see if anyone here has the guts to infiltrate a Grado base.


Tue Jun 28, 2005 9:12 pm
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Name: Alex Trymor
Gender: Male
Home Nation:Frelia
Class: Thief
Backround: Alex is a quick witted, reckless thief. He comes from Frelia but he is often traveling. He protecting caravan in the Sacred Stone War, and even had the chance to meet Ephriam. He is now a Thief-for-Hire, looking for work.

Wed Jun 29, 2005 5:26 am
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Here we go.... I got the class upgrade options here. Oh, some of the classes are horseback/wyvernback/pegasusback, which means that they do battle on horseback/etc.. Any class can ride a horse, but only certain classes can battle from horseback.

Key: --------[ = two choices (H)= Can attack from horseback/etc.

Recruit-------[=========>Great Knight (H)
=========>Cavalier (H)-----[
==================>Paladin (H)

=========>Ranger (H)

Journeyman----[========== >Warrior


=================>Falcoknight (H)
Pegasus Knight (H)--------[
=================>Wyvern Knight (H)
Wyvern Rider (H)----------[
=================>Wyvern Lord (H)

Pupil------------[==========>Mage Knight (H)


Last edited by Registeel_Rocks on Wed Jul 20, 2005 6:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:59 pm
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Leo decided to just announce the job out loud. "May I have your attention please? I'm looking for anyone willing to accompany me to a Grado forretress and infiltrate it. Of course, the pay will be good if you accept the job." He crossed his fingers, praying that someone would join his mission.


Sun Jul 03, 2005 6:41 pm
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"Not much of a chance to get anyone to do that job. Everyone is afraid of Grado since the war. But hey ive got nothin better to do so why not? Ill join you" Alex hadnt had a mission for a week or two, and he was getting board. He had been to Grado many times before, so he knew his way around it. "Whats the name if this forretress? I might of been there before."

Sun Jul 03, 2005 9:32 pm
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Home Nation:Grado
Backround:Xanos is a swordman with lightning-quick sword attacks and no real place to call home. Even though born in Grado, he has no care of what happens to the country or her people

Xanos looked up from his drink. His ears must have been playing tricks on him, but he decided to answer anyways. "If someone is planning on sneaking into Grado terf they mght as well walk strait to the afterlife, but my life aint much worth living so if you are going, count on my blade to follow you".


Tue Jul 05, 2005 12:05 pm
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Wow, two people are willing to go! He looked to the Thief, and answered his question. "The name of the fortress is Thrain. It's already starting to hustle with many Grado troops, so that's why I've been sent to retrieve war plans from it." He looked at both of them. "And now that I've got you two accompanying me, it should be less suicidal." The Myrmidon seems very skilled, and it looks like he could hold his own in a battle. And having a Thief to pick locks will come in handy. This looks like this is going to go swimmingly.


Wed Jul 06, 2005 6:31 pm
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"Hmmm, Thrain. That must be new forretress, ive never heard of it. By the way my name is Alex." Alex walked up and flipped behind him. "And im not just for picking locks."

(BTW nice Colm avatar.)

Thu Jul 07, 2005 1:38 pm
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"My name is Xanos, and i will travel by your side, but two things are troubling me. First, why are you so willing to throw away your life, and the second thing will wait until later."


Thu Jul 07, 2005 2:04 pm
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He turned his head to the Myrmidon. "Well, his royal majesty hired me to do this. And he's gonna pay me quite a sizeable sum." replied Leo, grinning. I wonder what that second question is... "Of course, anything we find there is yours to keep, and I do mean anything." he tried to direct this statement more towards Alex. That should get him even more excited to go with me. "Oh, er, you guys have weapons, right?"


Fri Jul 08, 2005 3:23 pm
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"I never leave home with out this dagger." Alex takes it out, and shows it. "Solid silver blade. Very deadly, but lighter then metal." You wont need to worry about me. I would of just stolen a weapon when we got there anyways."

Sat Jul 09, 2005 6:19 am
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((Finally back from camp... I'm sorry Sanctum, but this RP might be a little bit slower than most (unless there's more people joining the RP, it's gonna stay a bit slow). You can bear with us or drop out if you don't like pace))

"It looks like you two know what you're doing. I suggest we head out very soon, as the hottest part of the afternoon is near." Leo could remember many days training in the intensely heated afternoons in Jehanna. It was so hot that I was exhausted after only a few strokes of my sword. I hope we can make it to the next town before the heat. "Do either of you need to take care of anything in town before we head west?"


Fri Jul 15, 2005 7:45 pm
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" truth I rather get out of town as fast as I can." Alex smirked, the kind of smirked that made him seem like a wanted man. "Well, if you have nothing more to do Xanos, we can go."

((I dont mind a slow pace at all))

Fri Jul 15, 2005 7:50 pm
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Xanos retorted,"any thing we find, we will be lucky to find anything but death but oh well not doing anything but waisting my life here"


Mon Jul 18, 2005 10:41 am
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I'll join, this'll be cool.
Name: Li m'Recko
Gender: Female
Home Nation: Rausten
Class: Archer
Background Info: She's out away from home most of the time. She's the travelling and making friends/enemies type of person. Het mother was killed when she was a little girl and she never knew her father.
Li just came back after a long trip. Tired.

Now how about Alex and Xanos meating her, huh?


Mon Jul 18, 2005 11:02 am
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Xanos looked around the pub with the usual feeling that this was the last he would see this place. As he turned his head, he saw a face in the establishment. finishing his drink in two short gulps,he walked over to her. "havent seen you in town at all, are ya new of just wandering"
((thought that i would add some color to my vocab :lol: ))


Mon Jul 18, 2005 11:16 am
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Leo noticed that Xanos had just walked away. Great. He already wants a break. He turned his head to Alec. "Well, it look's like Xanos still needs to do something. I have to buy some supplies at the shop anyways, so you can just mingle here for a bit." Leo left the pub and took a left. He came right to the store, and he entered. "Welcome." waved the shopkeeper. Leo started gathering supplies. Let's see here... vulneraries...antitoxins...water...look's like everything I need. he brought everything to the counter and purchased them. He put everthing into his satchel and headed off to return to the pub.


Tue Jul 19, 2005 7:15 pm
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well this ones less then a page and looks interesting.I wanna join, hope you dont mind...

Home Nation: Renais
Backround info: His father was an awful man.Valkirion robbed his valuable possesions and best horse,cadon. he left his father and went to travel to places.he is a good killer, good thief and skilled with 2 butterfly short swords. he steals from the Grado kingdom, for he believes that in one of their pointless wars, killed his mother. His love for Renais grows stronger everyday.
he ran down a path that just led outside the Grado kingdom. He had a bag of gold goblets. He ran outside and hopped on Cadon."cadon, giddy up." It ran down walking back to the Renais. He withdrew his words and put them in his cases. He had just robbed a thief.He was proud. He tied it to his back and walked on.

Image Image ImageSig: Eon, Avy:Tyranny

Tue Jul 19, 2005 11:04 pm
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((why is it every time i try to do somthing in theese rps, the person i interact with stops posting))


Fri Jul 22, 2005 4:43 pm
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((Beats me. I was gonna post somthing, but no one seems to be posting much, so ill wait for Leo to do somthin))

Sat Jul 23, 2005 8:19 am
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((Hmm... I was waiting for Pimm to react to flaming_fox, but, Pimm hasn't responded, yet... please post soon Pimm...))

Leo was heading back to the pub, but the path soon became crowded with people trying to get to many places. Leo tried his best to weave through the jumble of people, but it was too crowded. Before he knew it, someone pushed Leo right into the ground. Leo looked up and saw the 'pusher' walking away. "Hey! Watch where you're going, ruffian!" shouted Leo. The man stopped and jerked around. The man gave Leo a cold stare. "What did you just say to me?" asked the man with a furious expression. "I said, watch where you're going!" shouted Leo back. The man got even more angry, and he whipped out a huge axe. Leo backed up a bit. "Okay, I don't want any trouble..." said Leo. "Too late! You're dead for insulting I, the great Gonzoles!" yelled the man. Gonzoles whistled, "Hey boys, we got fresh meat!" In an instant, three more axe-wielding ruffians appeared. All of them sneered. "He'll be a synch boss!" laughed one of them. "I guess I have to take action." sighed Leo. Leo brought his sword out of its sheath from on his back, and he prepared for a fight.


Sat Jul 23, 2005 6:46 pm
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"Well, I guess I'll go see if Leo needs help with anything." Alex walked along, until he got to a crowd sorounding some people. Some ruffians were sourounding Leo, so Alex decided to join the fight, fliping inside. "Well, how did you get your self in this pickle?" Alex asked getting out his sword, and getting into stance.

Sat Jul 23, 2005 10:44 pm
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((You can control the ruffians too, so you can do what you want))

"Well, this guy pushed me, and I talked back, which made him angry. You can tell what happened from there." said Leo. One of the brutes swung his axe at Leo, but Leo brought up his sword and blocked the axe. "That all you got?" Leo swung his sword around the axe and slashed the ruffian ((Oh, I forgot about this rule: Please, there's no need to make things gorey [I'll accept some blood descriptions], and you should know what's inappropiate or what isn't. Also, if your character gets hit in this RP, you don't have to get your arm cut off, etc. Just say you've been wounded or something like that. Ok with everyone? 8) )). The brute fell down from Leo's attack. "Hey, that's one down, Alec!" smiled Leo. I can't wait to see how well Alec does in combat. Now, if only that Xanos would hurry up...


Sun Jul 24, 2005 7:01 pm
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"This one will be easy." two of the ruffains charge at Alex move his sword in the slightest bit, then an upward thrust and the ruffians axe hit his ally. Then three thrusts at the other one and he was on the ground. "You people are pathetic. I actually thought this might be fun!"

Mon Jul 25, 2005 8:47 am
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