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 Psypoke Wi-Fi Tournament: Vote for the championship battle! 

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 Psypoke Wi-Fi Tournament: Vote for the championship battle! 
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Read most recent posts for updates on the tournament.

As hoped, no cuts or limits in participation were present, and an excellent amount of 32 people signed up. In this update, I’ve included complete details on the bracket, battles, and gambling. As always, please post if you have a question, but make sure that you read this post in its entirety first.

The Bracket

In order to significantly ease the organizing and gambling involved, the bracket has been posted on The bracket can be found here: ... 39&tclass=

Battling Information

Since questions have been asked continuously about this, I’ll try to be as clear as possible. Either way, still ask a question if you need further help.

There will be ten rounds total. With the exception of the first round, there will be a two-day organization break between rounds to allow for bets and planning (this week is the first round’s). After that break, battles must be finished in the next three days. In the event of a draw, there will be a rematch that must also take place within the same time period. It is suggested that the rematch be immediate, although changes between battling Pokemon and alternate Pokemon on rosters can be made. Likewise, this would happen if the losers’ bracket winner defeated the winners’ bracket winner (a rematch).

Given that there are ten rounds and that they take five days apiece, the championship battle will likely be completed before February 13th. (The first round's battles start on December 28.)

To aide in enforcing various aspects of battles, it is recommended that some special, extra form of reporting the battle would occur. Examples include one or both battlers being in the chats or the battle being recorded via camera.

For reporting the winner of a battle, the following must be done immediately: both battlers send me a PM with certain details. This could otherwise happen in the chats if a battler were in the chats at the time of the battle. In the report, the winner of the battle, the score (4-0, 2-0, etc), the Pokemon that you used (all, not just the ones that appeared in battle), the Pokemon that your opponent used that you know of (if you won, this should be all of them), whether any Pokemon were shiny (and what they were), and the move that won the match (ex: Earthquake) should all be included. Write these things down if you need help remembering. Such things will also be used in gambling. All PMs must be sent with titles like “Battle result: (you) vs (opponent).”

With that said, all battlers’ rosters must be sent to me (in PM). Their items, abilities, and moves must also be included. Note whether any Pokemon are shiny, too. This must be done before the first battles start on December 28. I was originally planning on participating myself, so I was hesitant to claim that I would require this in the beginning. Now however, I will only use this information to recheck reports with. Similarly, I suggest that no battlers give out their information to other participants. On the other hand, if people are caught transferring battlers’ information to other people, punishments will be severe even if the information is actually false.

When the round match-ups are announced (as they have been now), the exact battles’ time will be determined by the two battlers. In whatever form of communicating as you please other than posting in public, exchange friend codes and your time preferences. Forms/methods of verifying battles should be discussed as well. This is most easily done in a chat situation, but PMs are fine, too. I do not need to know the time of the battle. If people cannot plan to get a battle done during the time period, they may delay their match for one more round, but too much of a delay will have to earn a coin flip.

To reiterate all of the rules/notes:

1. All battles are to be single, level 100, and 4 vs 4.
2. Rosters are to consist of from four to six Pokemon.
3. Hacked and other illegal Pokemon are not allowed.
4. Ubers are banned. (See list below)
5. You may not have multiples of the same Pokemon or item on your roster.
6. Respect your opponent. If he/she wants voice chat off, leave it off.
7. Do not disconnect during battles.
8. Other clauses active: Self-KO, OHKO, and Evasion. (See details below)

Uber list:
Deoxys (all forms)

Notes on cheating:
- If you are accused of cheating, do not make a big spamming fit about it. Depending on the seriousness, doing this will result in at least disqualification from the tournament but also possibly probation/ban. If you’re actually innocent, come into the chats and talk about it.
- If you catch someone cheating, report them to me. It would be best to come into the chats to do this.
- Falsely accusing someone of cheating would likely result in a ban.
- If you cannot come in the chats, PM me.

Clause notes:
- Self-KO: In the event that one person uses Explosion or Self-Destruct to knock out the opponent's last Pokemon (thus forcing a draw), the user of the Self-KO move loses.
- OHKO: The moves Sheer Cold, Fissure, Horn Drill, and Guillotine are banned.
- Evasion: Moves and Items that can boost your Evasion or lower your opponent's Accuracy stats are banned. (Double Team, Minimize, Brightpowder, etc) Abilities that can affect this area are not banned. (Sand Veil, Snow Cloak)

Extra notes:
- Although Shaymin is not an uber, it is banned because it cannot be obtained by legal means.
- If you received a Pokemon over Wi-Fi and are not sure whether it is legal or not, I would suggest not to use it. However, this does not mean that you can’t use it. Shiny Pokemon with 31 IVs are hints but not impossible.
- Clones are allowed because they are not technically modified in any way. They are not specifically better than other Pokemon.


There are two main types of gambling that will be incorporated in this tournament: bracket predictions and general bets. All bracket predictions must be submitted before December 28. Since this is actually automated on where the bracket is posted, there will not be any exceptions for last-minute entries. General predictions, or bets on specific battles, must be submitted in the two-day break period between battle rounds. Even if you are a battler, you can participate in gambling.


There is a special process for submitting predictions on the bracket. Allow this to be somewhat of a “walkthrough.”

First, go to the bracket itself: ... 39&tclass=

Notice that there are options right above “Psypoke Wi-Fi Tournament.” Click on “Predict it!” You will be asked to log on. Now, you probably don’t have an account there, but if you do, just skip to the next paragraph. Click “Register” and fill in the name and email items. Feel free to fill in others, but you don’t need to. Also, make sure that the email you submit is one that you actually have access to because it sends you your first password after you hit “Enter.” Once you do submit it, go get the password and log in. Now you can get back to predicting it. (You can also change your password.)

Supposing you already have an account, make sure that your user name there is your forum name. If it is not, PM me what your user name there is so that I can give you credit. If it already is your forum name, just continue on.

Now you’ll see the bracket again, except it has a bunch of options to select. Follow the very simple instructions until you finish, and you’re done. If you enter any scores, they will not even be counted here, so you don’t need to bother.

After submitting it, you can see how the site scores the bracket by clicking on the prediction leaderboard link. You can also redo your predictions by simply going to do another one.

Bracket-specific prizes:

All entrants: Points x 10 Psybucks
First place: Bonus of 2000 Psybucks
Second place: Bonus of 1000 Psybucks
Third place: Bonus of 500 Psybucks
Fourth place: Bonus of 250 Psybucks

You may also notice that on the bracket, there is no special section for selecting or even noting the third, fourth, or fifth place people. This is covered in the next section.


General bets are separate from the bracket. Prizes here are determined on how many Psybucks you enter. Special prizes are included for the biggest winners, biggest losers, and those feeling especially lucky. Some limits have to be included though. There will be no compensation from mods for losing all of your Psybucks, and begging for more from others will get you stuck at 0 Psybucks for a long time. If someone is really generous on the other hand, that’s fine. All bets are made by donations to me.

First, due to the lack of a placement part in the bracket, you can submit a long-term bet on first through fifth place. This bet is unique from the others because all it includes is the order of placement. You may bet up to 100 Psybucks here. The prizes: Twice the Psybucks bet for each correct placement, an equal amount for each within one place, and half the amount for each within two places. Guessing the winner correctly earns a doubling after adding the other placement prizes. Example: Say this was my bet:

10 Psybucks
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D
5 E

Actual result:

1 A
2 E
3 B
4 F
5 C

My prize: (20 + 0 + 10 + 0 + 5) * 2 = 70 Psybucks.

Other than that, there’s betting on the matches in the upcoming round. These must be completed and submitted before the battles begin (when the break ends).

Limits to these include only betting on up to four different battles and not exceeding 200 Psybucks total per round. You may bet on the winner of each of the four battles, the scores, and how the final Pokemon fainted (the move or poison, etc). The total amount of Psybucks in the bet will be split evenly for each bet placed, but you can only bet up to 100 on one certain battle. You can bet for a draw, but the winner and score will be taken from the rematch. If you select a draw and get the winner correct, it will only count if there was a draw and then the rematch ended in that winner. If the first match is a draw and you get the rematch’s winner correct without saying that there would be a draw, it is incorrect. Either way, draws are very rare, so don’t worry about them.

Winning ratios:

Correct winner: 2x bet
Score (if winner is correct): 5x bet
Winning move/condition (winner not needed): 10x bet
Draw: 20x bet

Example bet:

150 Psybucks

A vs D
Win: A
Score: 3-0
Move/condition: Earthquake

B vs E
Win: B
Score: 1-0
Move/condition: Poison

C vs F
Win: F
Score: 4-0
Move/condition: Psychic

Actual result:

A vs D
Win: D
Score: 3-0
Move/condition: Earthquake

B vs E
Win: B
Score: 1-0
Move/condition: Leech Seed

C vs F
Win: F
Score: 4-0
Move/condition: Leech Seed

My prize: 50 * (0 + 0 + 10) + 50 * (2 + 5 + 0) + 50 * ( 0 * (0 + 2 + 5 + 0)) = 50 * 17 = 850 Psybucks

These bets can be made for every round of the tournament, including the extra matches for placements between third and eighth.

The extra prizes at the end will be special bonuses of numbers comparable to the bets that take place. At this point, I can’t tell whether someone will end up earning 500 Psybucks or losing 500 Psybucks, so it may end up being a bonus of 1000 to the person that wins the most Psybucks. As for the person that loses the most, a small 50 Psybuck “pity” prize will be awarded. The people that bet the most will be awarded as well, and their prizes may end up being a 100 or 500 Psybuck bonus. I can’t give exact numbers at this moment, but in the mean time, go have fun with your internet money.

Finally, I’ll leave this up for battle incentives:


In general, a bunch of Psybucks will be handed out, and a new trio of trainer card ribbons will be available.

Winner: 10000 Psybucks, Tournament Champion rank, unique winner trainer card ribbon, all three vouchers.
Runner-up: 8000 Psybucks, top five trainer card ribbon, two vouchers.
Third place: 6000 Psybucks, top five trainer card ribbon, two vouchers.
Fourth place: 5000 Psybucks, top five trainer card ribbon, one voucher.
Fifth place: 4000 Psybucks, top five trainer card ribbon, one voucher.
Sixth through eighth place: 3000 Psybucks.
Ninth through sixteenth place: 1000 Psybucks.
Battlers other than the top five: Trainer card tournament participation ribbon.

The items referred to as “vouchers” are these: Name Change Voucher, 100x100 Avatar Voucher, Rank Change Voucher. All are for one use only, and you cannot receive more than one of each. The items themselves are self-explanatory. Also, the vouchers can be exchanged for their price values located in the Psybucks Store (in Sunyshore).

In the case that any staff members place, they may do whatever they want with Psybuck and voucher prizes. However, the prizes cannot be passed down to the next place.


Last edited by tiger10x on Sun Jan 13, 2008 8:58 am, edited 20 times in total.

Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:51 pm
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I want to be clear on a few rules, as they might seem obvious to some, but not others...

1.) Breeding parents - can we hack for perfect IVd/specific nature dittos?
2.) What if we receive a pokemon in a trade, the person claims not hacked, when meanwhile it is hacked would the user be in trouble?

3.) Other clauses: two clauses I need to ask about.
a.) Double Team/OHKO clause - are double team/minimize/sweet scent/bright powder/fissure/horn drill/guillotine/sheer cold allowed?
b.) Self KO Clause - many people think its cool that they can avoid losses if they blow up their Bronzong on the last pokemon, resulting in a draw. Is this allowed?

Sun Dec 09, 2007 8:55 pm
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Can we change our roster between battles? Also, Self-KO on your last pokemon results in the user of the self-KO move to lose.

Think you can handle the Shady Park Gym?
<center><img src="images/trainercards/kol40.png"></center>

Sun Dec 09, 2007 9:25 pm
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Oh man, I forgot about clauses. :O

OHKO, Evasion, and Self-KO Clauses are the only ones that will be in effect (other than Species and Item). This, along with a brief explanation, has been added to the first post.

As for the rosters, these cannot be changed. Battles are 4 vs 4 with four to six Pokemon rosters. That means that only four Pokemon will be in battle and you have up to six to choose from. I really wouldn't suggest less than four. I don't think that needs to be elaborated on much further.

Regarding hacked things, I guess your (P-L's) examples would count as illegal because they're not natural. After all, hacking for IVs and Natures for breeding is still a big difference from the natural Pokemon.


Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:35 pm

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I would like to show some stupidity here and ask where is this on..... My first though was Net-battle which I'm kinda sure it is. Always gotta ask and make sure right? If not, tell me where and I'll be happy :).

Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:46 pm
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Well, the title says "DP Wi-Fi," but I could be wrong.


Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:56 pm

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I'll have to wait and see how it works then becuase I'm really screwed at Wi-fi.

Mon Dec 10, 2007 4:45 pm
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This looks familiar, tiger10x.

Especially this part:


This section will be expanded upon much more when after the sign ups close. To summarize:

Gambling is open to both battlers and bystanders. Bets can be placed on certain matches by sending me the Psybucks and a description of what it’s for. Other than simple bets, people can fill out their own tournament bracket and PMing it to me. Extra prizes will be included for people with accurate brackets or winning the most Psybucks in certain bets. Bets will only be accepted on the break days between tournament rounds. Some limits on bets will be included.


Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:32 pm
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1. All battles are to be Single, level 100, and 4 vs 4.
2. Rosters are to consist of from four to six Pokemon.

Can you elaborate more on this?

Mon Dec 10, 2007 8:17 pm
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undertaker wrote:
1. All battles are to be Single, level 100, and 4 vs 4.
2. Rosters are to consist of from four to six Pokemon.

Can you elaborate more on this?

What's hard to understand? It's on DP WiFi, you choose between 4 and 6 of your level 100 pokemon, and go into battle with them. You can only use 4 of them in a given battle, and the first person to have all 4 of their pokemon for that battle KOed loses.


Tue Dec 11, 2007 9:10 am
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Alright... but would we really know who won or lost since no-one can watch? btw I gotta start training becuase atm I got 1 level 100 :E

Tue Dec 11, 2007 9:54 am
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what is the evasion clause?

no modifiers whatsoever?


Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:42 pm
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To be honest, we can't definitely tell who wins or loses. I'll post the system how everything works with battles and all that other stuff after sign ups. In the mean time however, people should just sign up and tell their friends or something. Don't worry about this now.

The Level 100 rule actually sets everyone's Pokemon to level 100, so you only need to train for evoution or EVs if you want to.

first post wrote:
Evasion: Moves and Items that can affect the Evasion and Accuracy stats are banned. (Double Team, Minimize, Brightpowder, etc) Abilities that can affect this area are not banned. (Sand Veil, Snow Cloak)


Tue Dec 11, 2007 2:07 pm

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Ah. Ok thanks. Well, atleast I made my blaziken to level 97 and my sceptile to 86 :)

Tue Dec 11, 2007 2:27 pm
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Just make sure they all have effort ribbons... no worries on lvl.


Tue Dec 11, 2007 2:30 pm
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Do you want us to put up our FC's after the sign-ups?

Tue Dec 11, 2007 7:30 pm
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tiger10x wrote:
I'll post the system how everything works with battles and all that other stuff after sign ups. In the mean time however, people should just sign up and tell their friends or something. Don't worry about this now.

Friend Code exchanges will be between you and your opponent when you organize the battle. If you really want to post it however, edit it into your sign up post. I won't use them in the tournament at all (unless I can set up Wi-Fi here, but that's another story).

In other news, the badge art contest has started here:


Tue Dec 11, 2007 7:36 pm
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tiger10x wrote:
2.Rosters are to consist of from four to six Pokemon.

Forgive me, if this is a stupid question....but what does the above sentence in the quote mean?


<Derek> is anyone here ??
<AngrySparrow> No
<Derek> im gonna leave because no one is here
*** Derek has quit (Exit: Psypoke Forever!)

Wed Dec 12, 2007 3:44 pm
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simple, you must have four to six pokemon in your team and no switching

I am so sorry, I have been reborn on psypoke

Wed Dec 12, 2007 4:13 pm
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You send tiger info on your 6 pokemon.

In a given battle, you may use 4 of them.

There is no switching out any pokemon between battles. This can be used against you - they will now know your team if you end up rebattling (or they will tell someone who is about to battle you what your pokemon are.

Wed Dec 12, 2007 4:29 pm
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1. Species Clause: Does it extend to 6-man rosters, or just the 4-man team? Like if I had two Salamence, a Physical Sweeper and a Special Sweeper. Could I have both on my roster, and just pick one to use in the battle?

2. I know that the Self-KO Clause eliminates most of them, but since its still possible, I'll ask: What would happen in the event of a draw?

3. Is Wynaut going to be considered uber?


Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:57 pm
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I'm going to just be hopeful and ask, Are you sure you don't want a sleep clause?

I mean, some people, such as myself -many probably better than myself- can abuse that Really really hard. The problem is if there isn't a focus on sleep and anti sleep you're in trouble, and with only 4 pokemon per match things get so tightly focused that a lot of people just don't have the pokemon/moves to compete.

Which I think sucks, but it's not my tournament. I'll go with what you guys decide.

Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:13 am
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I'm not counting on entering, but for the semi-finals and finals, could one of the participants maybe film their game using a webcam or digital camera?

Not just for trust issues, I mean, it'll be really neat to see the top battles.

It's a story about a ninja who couldn't climb a wall....

Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:51 am
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Actually, I haven't said anything about sending me the list of Pokemon on a roster. That entire system will all be elaborated after sign ups. This way, it all functions more smoothly. I really don't want to keep saying that.

The Species Clause extends to the entire roster.

If a draw happens, there will be an immediate (or close to immediate) rematch. However, battlers may choose to swap Pokemon from their rosters between matches.

Wynaut is not on the Uber list.

The Sleep Clause is one of the most impossible clauses to enforce, so I chose not to include it. If you put two of your opponent's Pokemon to sleep, you can't just "undo" the move or suddenly stop because that constitutes an immediate forfeit or something.


Fri Dec 14, 2007 3:51 pm
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Hey tiger - anyway we could have the final battles on shoddybattle? The bugs are fixed, and you could fix the IVs and EVs...

Just so we can, you know, have a log of its play-out?

Fri Dec 14, 2007 6:17 pm
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