
Psypoke Jeopardy: would you like wrap-up with that?
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Author:  tiger10x [ Sun Jul 20, 2008 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Psypoke Jeopardy: would you like wrap-up with that?

Jeopardy was great, despite that only seven people showed up and six people played. This is probably the smallest range of scores ever in Jeopardy, and it was pretty close through the game. In the end, Final Jeopardy ended up fooling everyone, and the current leader almost lost to someone that omitted the question. All in all, really fun. Maybe I'll do another around Halloween.

Final scores:

EvilPenguin 2400
u3k21 2200
Sneaky_Sneasel 1
ShotDuck 1
Rhapsody 0
m_m_j -1000

Best typo:


Worst answer:


Worst grammar:


Biggest wagers:

EvilPenguin made the two biggest risks, but neither paid off. Instead, both nearly cost the win. The first was on a daily double in the second round for 5600, his entire score, and the second was 6000 on Final Jeopardy.



RBY 200 * HM01 contains this move.
What is Cut?

RBY 400 * This person gives you the S.S. Ticket.
Who is Bill?

RBY 600 * In Yellow, your rival uses this Pokemon as his Fire-type in his champion position if he does not use Flareon.
What is Wrap?

RBY 800 * TM06 contains this move.
What is Toxic?

RBY 1000 * This key is needed to open doors at Silph Co.
What is the Card Key?

GSC 200 * The first available Ruins of Alph puzzle features this Pokemon.
What is Kabuto?

GSC 400 * After you defeat Erika, she rewards you with this TM (move name).
What is Giga Drain?

GSC 600 These two Pokemon are tied for the highest max Attack stat.
What are Dragonite and Tyranitar?

GSC 800 * This type of a trainer (ex: Blackbelt) will call you about Marill swarms.
What is a Hiker?

GSC 1000 * Wesley appears at this area on a Wednesday.
Where is Lake of Rage?

Daily Double RSE * In what town does the woman that tells you your Pokemon's happiness live?
Where is Verdanturf?

RSE 400 * TM50 contains this move.
What is Overheat?

RSE 600 * This is the title of the Battle Palace's Brain.
Who/what is the Palace Maven?

RSE 800 * A Snorlax Doll costs this much BP.
What is 128?

RSE 1000 * This is the most commonly "picked up" item in the Battle Pyramid.
What is Hyper Potion?

FRLG 200 * This item stores all of your TMs.
What is the TM Case?

FRLG 400 * These two items are needed to repair Celio's machine.
What are the Ruby and Sapphire?

FRLG 600 * This pass is needed to reach islands Four through Seven.
What is the Rainbow Pass?

FRLG 800 * This is the name of Two Island.
What is Boon?

FRLG 1000 * The Double-edge move tutor can be found here.
Where is Victory Road?

DP 200 * This person gives you TM57.
Who is Volkner?

DP 400 * Transferred Pokemon from RSE/FRLG are caught here.
Where is Pal Park?

DP 600 * This is the form of currency in the Underground.
What are Spheres?

DP 800 * TM76 contains this move.
What is Stealth Rock?

DP 1000 * This type of sphere is necessary for acquiring the Mudkip doll.
What is Blue?

Misc 200 * Anime: Although Max does not have any Pokemon, he did promise this one that he would return for it later.
What is Ralts?

Misc 400 * TCG: This Pokemon is number 1/62 in the Fossil set.
What is Aerodactyl?

Misc 600 * PMD: The Bullitin Board is outside of this structure.
What/where is the post office?

Misc 800 * Stadium 2: There is a total of this many mini-games.
What is 12?

Misc 1000 * PMD: This Pokemon is in charge of the storage system.
What is Kangaskhan?


Dex 400 * "One of the legendary bird Pokemon. It is said that its appearance indicates the coming of spring."
What is Moltres?

Dex 800 * This is Happiny's base HP stat.
What is 100?

Dex 1200 * This is the only non-Flying type capable of having the ability Tangled Feet.
What is Spinda?

Dex 1600 * This is Pidgey's Japanese name.
What is Poppo?

Dex 2000 * "It hangs off branches and absorbs nutrients. When it finishes eating, its body becomes so heavy that it drops to the ground with a thump."
What is Seedot?

Tech 400 * "Often lost in thought" denotes that this stat is the highest (or tied).
What is Special Attack?

Tech 800 * Attacking a Pokemon with this ability with a draining move will hurt you rather than heal you.
What is Liquid Ooze?

Daily Double Tech * This Nature likes spicy but dislikes sweet.
What is Brave?

Tech 1600 * Steel is resistant to this many attack types.
What is 11?

Tech 2000 * There are this many visible different trainer id numbers.
What is 65536?

Psypoke 400 * This is the name of Psypoke's attack library.
What is the TechDex?

Psypoke 800 * This is the TCG forum's Halloween name.
What is Bermuda Triangle?

Psypoke 1200 * This Pokemon appears on the index page under all the main site updates.
What is Gardevoir?

Psypoke 1600 * In Jigglypuff's last main site update, he quoted a song from this band.
Who is My Chemical Romance?

Psypoke 2000 * In the summary of it, I compared the poll of jeopardy vs. trivia to this.
What is a roller coaster?

Recycled 400 * This Berry restores 10 HP in GSC.
What is Berry?

Recycled 800 * Psypoke: PPC stands for this phrase.
What is the Psychic Pokemon Connection?

Recycled 1200 * In DP, event Pokemon can be obtained with the Azure Flute.
What is Arceus?

Recycled 1600 * In FRLG, this is the tutorial system.
What is Teachy TV?

Recycled 2000 * This many flowers are in Floaroma Town.
What is 481?

Crossword 400 * An Eeveelution. (8)
What is Vaporeon?

Crossword 800 * The unevolved form of a once-disputed legendary. (5)
What is Riolu?

Crossword 1200 * A headache-prone Pokemon. (7)
What is Psyduck?

Crossword 1600 * The Pokemon with the shortest name. (3)
What is Mew/Muk?

Crossword 2000 * A Fire-type Gym Leader. (6)
Who is Blaine?

Color 400 * Purple is a mix of these two colors.
What are red and blue?

Color 800 * A stop sign is this color.
What is red?

Color 1200 * A green light is generally this color.
What is green?

Daily Double Color * This is the background color of the forum in hexadecimal.
What is 003E5E?

Color 2000 * These are tiger's two favorite colors.
What are orange and gold?

Final Jeopardy
Final Clue * There are this many abilities that are exclusive to specifically Johto Pokemon.
What is none?

Well, if you do want fries, umm, go buy some.

After the bust last time, I said I'd do an August 2nd Jeopardy, but it now turns out that I won't be able to, and I'll be pushing that back two weeks. With this said, this Jeopardy will be on the 16th of August. I was hoping for the time earlier because it would be closest to upcoming anniversaries of the forums and even the one-year anniversary of the first Jeopardy. Also, since it will probably interest people, I included a log of a past Jeopardy to show what Jeopardy is like to some people. This can be found at the bottom of the general information stuff. This type of Jeopardy was made for much more than three people, and I hate to see so few show up. People are missing out on a lot of fun, even if you just watch. From my position, all I really do is watch, and I have a lot of fun.


In the #psypokejeopardy chat channel on Saturday, August 16th, at 3:00 PM EST. (click for other time zones)

For using the java applet to access the chats: go here, click on the Java Applet link, and type /join #psypokejeopardy when you're connected.

How it works:

Jeopardy can be viewed as a twist on the occasional trivia. It uses many more scripts than trivia does due to its complex structure, but it is not difficult for participants at all.

This Jeopardy works very similarly to normal Jeopardy. A clue is given, and after three seconds, people can buzz in. In order to do this, all you have to do is say "buzz" after the mode -m is set and hope that you entered it first. The buzzing process will be explained again at the beginning of Jeopardy.

After you buzz in, you will have eight seconds to answer. In order to answer, you must give the question to the clue (like normal Jeopardy). For example, one clue would be "this Pokemon is the first alphabetically," and its correct question (what you submit) would be "what is Abomasnow?". If you get the question wrong however, you do lose Psybucks (in the game, not the forums). If you need help, simply watch other people play along.

Jeopardy also consists of the ability to choose the next question from multiple categories and Psybuck values. This only happens for the person who gets a question correct though. There are two rounds of six categories and five values, which adds up to 60 total questions. Sometimes however, a round will end a little before all of the questions are chosen if it takes too long. Regardless, this has happened very few times.

It even consists of its own bonuses. One Daily Double in the first round and two in the second round can (as they suggest) double your Psybucks in the game. Only the chooser will be able to answer the question, and ten seconds are allowed to answer. Daily Triples made a debut last time, and those can really rack up the points. Other special bonuses come and go.

Final Jeopardy concludes the event. Here, one usually tough clue will be given. Like Daily Doubles, you can wager as many of your Psybucks as you want. For this question, an amount of twenty or thirty (depending on the type of question) seconds is allowed for you to think over your answer while you imagine the special Jeopardy music. After this, the final scores are tallied, and the winners are announced.

All script commands will be explained during the event for those that need help.


1. No /me. There are actual reasons why this is a rule, so don't do it anyway.
2. Do not argue if you thought that you buzzed in before someone else. The entire process is scripted, and it is based on what appears on my screen only.
3. Do not PM any ops, especially me. If you have a complaint/question/whatever, wait until a break. (during the event)
4. Do not use any reference materials (such as the site).
5. Answers MUST be given in a question format such as "What is Pikachu?". This will be taken loosely, but drastic mixups between "where" and "who" will be called incorrect. (Pokemon are considered as "what"s)
6. You must use your forum name to receive any prizes. Various exceptions are allowed, but ask first. Also, do not change nicks during the event.


Psybucks are currently extinct, so there's not much in the form of fake money that I can give winners. Instead, they have to be satisfied with something like gratitude that they won. Well, umm, a pat on the back or something.

Winner: top three trainer card ribbon, temporary +v (voice) in #psypoke (passes down if staff)
Second and third: top three trainer card ribbon
Other people with positive scores: congratulations on not getting negative or zero
Other people with scores > -5000: "experience"
Yet other people: sympathy
For all people that come: the participation trainer card ribbon


How much different is this from a normal trivia?
The biggest difference is in the questions themselves. It is possible to lose points, and you have to buzz-in before you answer. The question format for answers is slightly different, too. Similarities are basically in the knowledge bit, and it has the same trivia-like "atmosphere" to it. Benefits of Jeopardy comparatively include the amazingly high Psybucks amounts, an ability for everyone to score more easily or get back into contention for the lead, and the addition of small strategies (picking higher questions and the like). See above for all the little details.

Why should I go?
Because it's something really fun and worthwhile, and because I said so. :P

Are the questions Pokemon-related?
Yes, although there is a special category for random knowledge.

What time is it in my time zone?
Click the link and find out.

Is there freezing?
No. There are no extra restrictions like this, but in the event that someone goofs off too much, I can put he/she on "buzzignore."

Does only "buzz" work for buzzing in?
Yes, so you better type it out first and wait for -m to press enter. Even missing a "z" or using colors would cause the script to skip over you.

What are the special commands that will be included?
!chart: Shows the chart to the person choosing the next question.
!stop: Stops the countdown when a person is answering a question.
!q (category) (amount): Selects the next question.
!wager (amount): Allows an easier process for wagering in daily doubles, daily triples and final jeopardy.

Only the third and fourth commands there will be mandatory. All will be brought up during the event.

Why can't I talk when I get in there?
This would be supposing that you're late and +m is set. This usually means that it is between questions. +m is a special mode to be set on chat channels that mutes people without special privileges (voice or op). These are only given to staff members and people choosing questions.

How will typos be dealt with?
If they are understandable, they will be acceptable. Eight seconds are allowed for one to answer, so this should not come up too much.

What happens to rule-breakers?
Loss of 10000 Psybucks in the game, loss of all Psybucks on the offender's forum account, and permanent bans from #psypoke, #psypokejeopardy, the forums, the main site, and the internet forever. In other words, don't do it. :O

Did you just copy/paste the last Jeopardy topic without changing anything?


[20:15:31] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:15:40] <@tiger10x> Question for the first choice coming up...
[20:15:45] * @tiger10x Practice Question * This Pokemon is National Dex number 135.
[20:15:48] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:15:57] <@TonberryKing> uhm
[20:15:59] <@TonberryKing> uhmmm
[20:16:00] <@TonberryKing> buzz
[20:16:02] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:16:02] * tiger10x sets mode: +v TonberryKing
[20:16:03] * @tiger10x TonberryKing has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:16:05] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:16:06] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:16:07] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:16:07] <@TonberryKing> !dexnum 135
[20:16:08] <@TonberryKing> 135 -> Jolteon
[20:16:08] <@tiger10x> 2
[20:16:09] <@tiger10x> 1
[20:16:10] <@tiger10x> TIME!
[20:16:10] <@TonberryKing> what is jolteon
[20:16:12] <@TonberryKing> lolololol
[20:16:12] <@FireStarter> CHTR
[20:16:13] <@tiger10x> lol
[20:16:14] <@FireStarter> >:O
[20:16:22] <@tiger10x> Correct! :O
[20:16:30] <@tiger10x> But a little after time on my screen
[20:16:37] <@TonberryKing> aw :(
[20:16:42] <@tiger10x> But it doesn't matter
[20:16:46] <@tiger10x> say !chart
[20:16:52] <@tiger10x> And I'll explain some things
[20:16:59] <@TonberryKing> !chart
[20:16:59] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[20:16:59] <@tiger10x> 200 - Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:16:59] <@tiger10x> 400 - Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:16:59] <@tiger10x> 600 - Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:16:59] <@tiger10x> 800 - Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:16:59] <@tiger10x> 1000- Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:16:59] <@tiger10x> 1: Dex
[20:16:59] <@tiger10x> 2: Tech
[20:16:59] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[20:16:59] <@tiger10x> 4: Crossword
[20:16:59] <@tiger10x> 5: Name Origins (Name)
[20:16:59] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Pokemon (Misc)
[20:17:07] <@tiger10x> I have a bunch of new categories this time
[20:17:14] <@tiger10x> The first is the Name Origins one
[20:17:26] <@TonberryKing> ooh fun
[20:17:27] <@TonberryKing> :D
[20:17:38] <@tiger10x> In those questions, I only give the words that Pokemon or thing comes from
[20:17:58] <@tiger10x> So it would look a little different, but it's completely normal in real a jeopardy
[20:18:02] <@tiger10x> a real
[20:18:10] <@tiger10x> And we can start
[20:18:29] <@tiger10x> TK: You know about !q, right?
[20:18:35] <@TonberryKing> no? >_x
[20:18:39] <@tiger10x> Oh
[20:18:44] <@TonberryKing> does it restate the question?
[20:18:46] <@tiger10x> !q category amount
[20:18:51] <@TonberryKing> oh
[20:18:52] <@tiger10x> It selects it automatically :O
[20:19:02] <@TonberryKing> !q 5 400
[20:19:02] * tiger10x sets mode: -v TonberryKing
[20:19:06] * @tiger10x Name 400 * A shade of deep blue (city).
[20:19:09] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:19:10] <+Rhapsody> buzz
[20:19:11] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:19:11] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Rhapsody
[20:19:12] * @tiger10x Rhapsody has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:19:14] <+Rhapsody> what is cerulean
[20:19:15] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:19:16] <+Rhapsody> !stop
[20:19:17] * @tiger10x Correct! 400 to Rhapsody
[20:19:17] <@tiger10x> Rhapsody 400
[20:19:21] <+Rhapsody> yay
[20:19:27] <+Rhapsody> !q 3 600
[20:19:27] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Rhapsody
[20:19:31] * @tiger10x Psypoke 600 * This is Frost's custom rank.
[20:19:34] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:19:35] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:19:36] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:19:36] * tiger10x sets mode: +v EvilPenguin
[20:19:37] * @tiger10x EvilPenguin has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:19:40] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:19:41] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:19:42] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:19:43] <@tiger10x> 2
[20:19:44] <@tiger10x> 1
[20:19:45] <+EvilPenguin> what is freeeeeeeh
[20:19:45] <@tiger10x> TIME!
[20:19:47] * @tiger10x Correct! 600 to EvilPenguin
[20:19:47] <@tiger10x> EvilPenguin 600
[20:19:55] <@TonberryKing> lol
[20:19:58] <@tiger10x> With a ! and a few more e's I think
[20:20:06] <+EvilPenguin> lol yeah
[20:20:08] <+EvilPenguin> um
[20:20:09] <@TonberryKing> "typo" :p
[20:20:13] <@tiger10x> What is freeeeeeeeh!?
[20:20:13] <+EvilPenguin> its !chart, right?
[20:20:16] <@tiger10x> Yes
[20:20:19] <+EvilPenguin> !chart
[20:20:19] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[20:20:19] <@tiger10x> 200 - Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:20:19] <@tiger10x> 400 - Y Y Y Y N Y
[20:20:19] <@tiger10x> 600 - Y Y N Y Y Y
[20:20:19] <@tiger10x> 800 - Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:20:19] <@tiger10x> 1000- Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:20:19] <@tiger10x> 1: Dex
[20:20:19] <@tiger10x> 2: Tech
[20:20:19] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[20:20:19] <@tiger10x> 4: Crossword
[20:20:19] <@tiger10x> 5: Name Origins (Name)
[20:20:19] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Pokemon (Misc)
[20:20:40] <+EvilPenguin> !q6 400
[20:20:44] <+EvilPenguin> >.>
[20:20:46] <@tiger10x> Need a space
[20:20:46] <+EvilPenguin> !q 6 400
[20:20:46] * tiger10x sets mode: -v EvilPenguin
[20:20:50] * @tiger10x Misc 400 * Ability names have a maximum character limit of this much.
[20:20:53] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:20:54] <Rhapsody> buzz
[20:20:56] * @tiger10x Rhapsody has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:20:56] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:20:56] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Rhapsody
[20:20:58] <+Rhapsody> what is twelve
[20:20:59] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:20:59] <+Rhapsody> !stop
[20:21:01] * @tiger10x Correct! 400 to Rhapsody
[20:21:01] <@tiger10x> Rhapsody 800
[20:21:03] <@TonberryKing> .
[20:21:04] <+Rhapsody> lol
[20:21:10] <@TonberryKing> geez woman
[20:21:13] <@TonberryKing> get a life :p
[20:21:16] <+Rhapsody> !q 3 800
[20:21:16] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Rhapsody
[20:21:20] * @tiger10x Psypoke 800 * This person was the first promoted to the Gym Trainer rank.
[20:21:23] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:21:24] <Rhapsody> buzz
[20:21:26] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:21:26] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Rhapsody
[20:21:27] * @tiger10x Rhapsody has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:21:28] <+Rhapsody> who is muskogee
[20:21:29] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:21:30] <+Rhapsody> !stop
[20:21:31] * @tiger10x Correct! 800 to Rhapsody
[20:21:31] <@tiger10x> Rhapsody 1600
[20:21:35] <@tiger10x> What TK said
[20:21:38] <+Rhapsody> k
[20:21:42] <+Rhapsody> !q 3 1000
[20:21:43] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Rhapsody
[20:21:46] * @tiger10x Psypoke 1000 * Jigglypuff has recently enabled this variation of the blog comments to allow response to site updates.
[20:21:49] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:21:50] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:21:52] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:21:52] * tiger10x sets mode: +v EvilPenguin
[20:21:53] * @tiger10x EvilPenguin has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:21:55] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:21:56] <+EvilPenguin> what is talkback
[20:21:56] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:21:57] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:21:58] <@tiger10x> 2
[20:21:59] <@tiger10x> 1
[20:22:00] <@tiger10x> TIME!
[20:22:00] * @tiger10x Correct! 1000 to EvilPenguin
[20:22:00] <@tiger10x> EvilPenguin 1600
[20:22:04] <+EvilPenguin> :)
[20:22:07] <@TonberryKing> the correct answer is "What is the site?"
[20:22:18] <+EvilPenguin> wtf is site
[20:22:23] <+EvilPenguin> !q 1 600
[20:22:23] * tiger10x sets mode: -v EvilPenguin
[20:22:27] * @tiger10x Dex 600 * "It attaches silk to its prey and sets it free. Later, it tracks the silk to the prey and its friends."
[20:22:30] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:22:31] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:22:32] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:22:32] * tiger10x sets mode: +v EvilPenguin
[20:22:33] * @tiger10x EvilPenguin has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:22:36] <+EvilPenguin> what is ariados
[20:22:36] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:22:37] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:22:38] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:22:39] <@tiger10x> 2
[20:22:40] <@tiger10x> 1
[20:22:41] <@tiger10x> TIME!
[20:22:42] * @tiger10x Correct! 600 to EvilPenguin
[20:22:42] <@tiger10x> EvilPenguin 2200
[20:22:53] <+EvilPenguin> !q 1 800
[20:22:53] * tiger10x sets mode: -v EvilPenguin
[20:22:57] * @tiger10x Dex 800 * "It is always bursting with energy. To make itself stronger, it keeps on fighting even if it loses."
[20:23:00] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:23:02] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:23:03] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:23:03] * tiger10x sets mode: +v EvilPenguin
[20:23:04] * @tiger10x EvilPenguin has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:23:06] <+EvilPenguin> what is tyrogue
[20:23:07] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:23:08] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:23:09] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:23:10] <@tiger10x> 2
[20:23:11] <+EvilPenguin> !stop
[20:23:12] * @tiger10x Correct! 800 to EvilPenguin
[20:23:12] <@tiger10x> EvilPenguin 3000
[20:23:20] <+EvilPenguin> !q 1 400
[20:23:20] * tiger10x sets mode: -v EvilPenguin
[20:23:24] * @tiger10x Dex 400 * The Porygon evolution line is classified as this species.
[20:23:26] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:23:29] <@TonberryKing> buzz
[20:23:29] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:23:30] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:23:30] * tiger10x sets mode: +v TonberryKing
[20:23:31] * @tiger10x TonberryKing has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:23:34] <@TonberryKing> what is virtual
[20:23:34] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:23:35] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:23:36] <@TonberryKing> !stop
[20:23:37] * @tiger10x Correct! 400 to TonberryKing
[20:23:37] <@tiger10x> TonberryKing 400
[20:23:44] <@TonberryKing> !chart
[20:23:44] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[20:23:44] <@tiger10x> 200 - Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:23:44] <@tiger10x> 400 - N Y Y Y N N
[20:23:44] <@tiger10x> 600 - N Y N Y Y Y
[20:23:44] <@tiger10x> 800 - N Y N Y Y Y
[20:23:44] <@tiger10x> 1000- Y Y N Y Y Y
[20:23:44] <@tiger10x> 1: Dex
[20:23:44] <@tiger10x> 2: Tech
[20:23:44] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[20:23:44] <@tiger10x> 4: Crossword
[20:23:44] <@tiger10x> 5: Name Origins (Name)
[20:23:44] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Pokemon (Misc)
[20:23:50] <@TonberryKing> !q 5 600
[20:23:51] * tiger10x sets mode: -v TonberryKing
[20:23:54] * @tiger10x Name 600 * The sound an owl makes (Pokemon).
[20:23:57] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:23:58] * Xenon ( has joined #psypokejeopardy
[20:23:58] <@TonberryKing> buzz
[20:23:58] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:23:59] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:23:59] * tiger10x sets mode: +v TonberryKing
[20:24:00] * @tiger10x TonberryKing has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:24:02] <@TonberryKing> what is hoot-hoot
[20:24:03] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:24:04] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:24:05] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:24:06] <@tiger10x> 2
[20:24:07] <@TonberryKing> !stop
[20:24:07] * @tiger10x Correct! 600 to TonberryKing
[20:24:07] <@tiger10x> TonberryKing 1000
[20:24:15] <@TonberryKing> !q 5 800
[20:24:15] <@tiger10x> It's a... 7,11D11,7-7,11D11,7-7,11D11,7A7,11I11,7L7,11Y11,7 7,11D11,7O7,11U11,7B7,11L11,7E7,11!11,7!7,11!11,7!
[20:24:17] <@tiger10x> Daily Double Information:
[20:24:17] <@tiger10x> You may wager from 1 up to your current score or 2000.
[20:24:17] <@tiger10x> Only you can answer this question, and you have ten seconds to answer.
[20:24:17] <@tiger10x> Submit your wager using !wager (amount), and two seconds later, the question will appear.
[20:24:17] <@tiger10x> Your current score: 1000
[20:24:17] <@TonberryKing> *_*
[20:24:28] <@TonberryKing> !wager 2000
[20:24:30] * @tiger10x Daily Double Name * An extreme fear (person).
[20:24:35] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:24:36] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:24:37] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:24:38] <@tiger10x> 2
[20:24:39] <@tiger10x> 1
[20:24:40] <@tiger10x> TIME!
[20:24:42] <@TonberryKing> who is YOU...
[20:24:44] <@TonberryKing> R FACE
[20:24:44] * @tiger10x Incorrect.
[20:24:44] <@tiger10x> TonberryKing -1000
[20:24:50] <@tiger10x> Phoebe
[20:24:54] <@tiger10x> From phobia
[20:24:55] <@TonberryKing> o rite
[20:25:05] <@tiger10x> It was a hit or miss one
[20:25:18] <@tiger10x> And you still choose the next one
[20:25:28] <@TonberryKing> !q 5 1000
[20:25:28] * tiger10x sets mode: -v TonberryKing
[20:25:32] * @tiger10x Name 1000 * Grapefruit (berry).
[20:25:34] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:25:35] <@TonberryKing> buzz
[20:25:35] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:25:36] <@FireStarter> buzz
[20:25:36] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:25:36] * tiger10x sets mode: +v TonberryKing
[20:25:37] * @tiger10x TonberryKing has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:25:40] <@TonberryKing> what is grepa berry
[20:25:40] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:25:41] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:25:42] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:25:43] <@TonberryKing> !stop
[20:25:44] * @tiger10x Correct! 1000 to TonberryKing
[20:25:44] <@tiger10x> TonberryKing 0
[20:25:47] <@TonberryKing> hooray
[20:25:49] <@tiger10x> Back to 0 :O
[20:25:50] <@TonberryKing> I have made no progress
[20:25:57] <@TonberryKing> !q 5 200
[20:25:57] * tiger10x sets mode: -v TonberryKing
[20:26:01] * @tiger10x Name 200 * Apple (berry).
[20:26:04] <@TonberryKing> buzz
[20:26:04] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:26:04] <Rhapsody> buzz
[20:26:05] <@FireStarter> buzz
[20:26:05] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:26:05] <@TonberryKing> buzz
[20:26:06] * tiger10x sets mode: +v TonberryKing
[20:26:06] * @tiger10x TonberryKing has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:26:09] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:26:10] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:26:11] <@TonberryKing> what is leppa berry
[20:26:11] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:26:12] <@TonberryKing> !stop
[20:26:13] * @tiger10x Correct! 200 to TonberryKing
[20:26:13] <@tiger10x> TonberryKing 200
[20:26:16] <@tiger10x> [20:26:04] <@TonberryKing> buzz
[20:26:16] <@tiger10x> [20:26:04] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:26:18] <@tiger10x> lol
[20:26:21] <@TonberryKing> !q 3 1000
[20:26:21] <@tiger10x> Error: question already chosen.
[20:26:25] <@TonberryKing> oh
[20:26:33] <@tiger10x> That's something I can't prevent though
[20:26:33] <@TonberryKing> well yes sorry >.>
[20:26:40] <@TonberryKing> I think maybe have no ops :p
[20:26:43] * TonberryKing sets mode: -o TonberryKing
[20:26:46] * Ryo ( has joined #psypokejeopardy
[20:26:49] <+TonberryKing> !chart
[20:26:49] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[20:26:49] <@tiger10x> 200 - Y Y Y Y N Y
[20:26:49] <@tiger10x> 400 - N Y Y Y N N
[20:26:49] <@tiger10x> 600 - N Y N Y N Y
[20:26:49] <@tiger10x> 800 - N Y N Y N Y
[20:26:49] <@tiger10x> 1000- Y Y N Y N Y
[20:26:49] <@tiger10x> 1: Dex
[20:26:49] <@tiger10x> 2: Tech
[20:26:49] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[20:26:49] <@tiger10x> 4: Crossword
[20:26:49] <@tiger10x> 5: Name Origins (Name)
[20:26:49] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Pokemon (Misc)
[20:26:54] * FireStarter sets mode: -v FireStarter
[20:26:57] * FireStarter sets mode: -o FireStarter
[20:26:59] <+TonberryKing> !q 2 1000
[20:26:59] * tiger10x sets mode: -v TonberryKing
[20:27:03] * @tiger10x Tech 1000 * This is the only non-Flying-type Pokemon that can learn Roost by level up.
[20:27:06] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:27:08] <Rhapsody> wtf
[20:27:09] <TonberryKing> buzz
[20:27:11] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:27:11] * tiger10x sets mode: +v TonberryKing
[20:27:12] * @tiger10x TonberryKing has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:27:14] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:27:15] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:27:16] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:27:17] <@tiger10x> 2
[20:27:17] <+TonberryKing> who is... uh oh... smeargle
[20:27:18] <@tiger10x> 1
[20:27:18] <+TonberryKing> >.>
[20:27:19] <@tiger10x> TIME!
[20:27:21] * @tiger10x Incorrect. 1000 from TonberryKing
[20:27:21] <@tiger10x> TonberryKing -800
[20:27:21] * tiger10x sets mode: -v TonberryKing
[20:27:24] <@tiger10x> Level up
[20:27:25] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:27:31] <@tiger10x> Not necessarily sketch
[20:27:36] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:27:40] <@tiger10x> Dunsparce
[20:27:42] * tiger10x sets mode: +v TonberryKing
[20:27:44] <+TonberryKing> that's why I said "uh oh"
[20:27:45] <+TonberryKing> :X
[20:27:55] <+TonberryKing> um
[20:28:02] <+TonberryKing> !q 2 800
[20:28:02] * tiger10x sets mode: -v TonberryKing
[20:28:06] * @tiger10x Tech 800 * These two attacking types are super effective against the most amount of other types.
[20:28:09] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:28:10] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:28:11] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:28:11] * tiger10x sets mode: +v EvilPenguin
[20:28:12] * @tiger10x EvilPenguin has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:28:15] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:28:16] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:28:17] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:28:18] <+EvilPenguin> what are ground and fighting
[20:28:18] <@tiger10x> 2
[20:28:19] <@tiger10x> 1
[20:28:20] <@tiger10x> TIME!
[20:28:20] <+EvilPenguin> !stop
[20:28:21] * @tiger10x Correct! 800 to EvilPenguin
[20:28:21] <@tiger10x> EvilPenguin 3800
[20:28:24] <+EvilPenguin> :D
[20:28:30] <@tiger10x> Pretty quick
[20:28:34] <+EvilPenguin> ty
[20:28:47] <+EvilPenguin> i wasdoing something with that this afternoon :s
[20:28:50] <+EvilPenguin> !chart
[20:28:50] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[20:28:50] <@tiger10x> 200 - Y Y Y Y N Y
[20:28:50] <@tiger10x> 400 - N Y Y Y N N
[20:28:50] <@tiger10x> 600 - N Y N Y N Y
[20:28:50] <@tiger10x> 800 - N N N Y N Y
[20:28:50] <@tiger10x> 1000- Y N N Y N Y
[20:28:50] <@tiger10x> 1: Dex
[20:28:50] <@tiger10x> 2: Tech
[20:28:50] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[20:28:50] <@tiger10x> 4: Crossword
[20:28:50] <@tiger10x> 5: Name Origins (Name)
[20:28:50] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Pokemon (Misc)
[20:28:59] <@tiger10x> Figures, I wouldn't think you'd just know that
[20:29:09] <+EvilPenguin> !q 1 200
[20:29:09] * tiger10x sets mode: -v EvilPenguin
[20:29:13] * @tiger10x Dex 200 * This is the heaviest Sinnoh Pokemon.
[20:29:16] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:29:17] <Rhapsody> buzz
[20:29:18] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:29:18] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Rhapsody
[20:29:19] * @tiger10x Rhapsody has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:29:21] <+Rhapsody> what is giratina
[20:29:22] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:29:23] <+Rhapsody> !stop
[20:29:24] * @tiger10x Correct! 200 to Rhapsody
[20:29:24] <@tiger10x> Rhapsody 1800
[20:29:29] <+Rhapsody> ...erm yay
[20:29:42] <+Rhapsody> !q 4 600
[20:29:42] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Rhapsody
[20:29:46] * @tiger10x Crossword 600 * A useless Water attack. (6)
[20:29:49] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:29:52] <AngrySparrow> buzz
[20:29:54] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:29:54] * tiger10x sets mode: +v AngrySparrow
[20:29:55] * @tiger10x AngrySparrow has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:29:57] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:29:58] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:29:59] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:30:00] <@tiger10x> 2
[20:30:01] <@tiger10x> 1
[20:30:01] <+AngrySparrow> what is splash?
[20:30:02] <@tiger10x> TIME!
[20:30:03] * @tiger10x Correct! 600 to AngrySparrow
[20:30:03] <@tiger10x> AngrySparrow 600
[20:30:04] <+AngrySparrow> !stop
[20:30:08] <+AngrySparrow> o/
[20:30:12] <+AngrySparrow> !chart
[20:30:12] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[20:30:12] <@tiger10x> 200 - N Y Y Y N Y
[20:30:12] <@tiger10x> 400 - N Y Y Y N N
[20:30:12] <@tiger10x> 600 - N Y N N N Y
[20:30:12] <@tiger10x> 800 - N N N Y N Y
[20:30:12] <@tiger10x> 1000- Y N N Y N Y
[20:30:12] <@tiger10x> 1: Dex
[20:30:12] <@tiger10x> 2: Tech
[20:30:12] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[20:30:12] <@tiger10x> 4: Crossword
[20:30:12] <@tiger10x> 5: Name Origins (Name)
[20:30:12] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Pokemon (Misc)
[20:30:25] <+AngrySparrow> !q 3 200
[20:30:25] * tiger10x sets mode: -v AngrySparrow
[20:30:29] * @tiger10x Psypoke 200 * This was the original color of the Gym Trainer rank.
[20:30:32] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:30:33] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:30:34] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:30:34] * tiger10x sets mode: +v EvilPenguin
[20:30:35] * @tiger10x EvilPenguin has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:30:38] <+EvilPenguin> wwhat is orange
[20:30:38] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:30:39] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:30:40] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:30:41] <@tiger10x> 2
[20:30:42] <+EvilPenguin> !stop
[20:30:45] * @tiger10x Incorrect. 200 from EvilPenguin
[20:30:45] <@tiger10x> EvilPenguin 3600
[20:30:45] * tiger10x sets mode: -v EvilPenguin
[20:30:47] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:30:48] <EvilPenguin> :O
[20:30:48] <Rhapsody> buzz
[20:30:50] * @tiger10x Rhapsody has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:30:50] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:30:50] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Rhapsody
[20:30:51] <@tiger10x> Before that
[20:30:53] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:30:54] <+Rhapsody> what is gold
[20:30:54] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:30:55] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:30:55] <+Rhapsody> !stop
[20:30:56] * @tiger10x Correct! 200 to Rhapsody
[20:30:56] <@tiger10x> Rhapsody 2000
[20:31:02] <@tiger10x> I would have accepted that or yellow
[20:31:14] <+Rhapsody> !q 6 800
[20:31:14] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Rhapsody
[20:31:18] * @tiger10x Misc 800 * In GSC, Surf was obtained by defeating these people.
[20:31:21] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:31:22] <Rhapsody> buzz
[20:31:22] <TonberryKing> buzz
[20:31:22] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:31:22] <@tiger10x> But yellow looks like gold on our forum background
[20:31:23] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:31:23] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Rhapsody
[20:31:24] * @tiger10x Rhapsody has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:31:26] <+Rhapsody> who are the kimono girls
[20:31:27] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:31:28] <+Rhapsody> !stop
[20:31:30] * @tiger10x Correct! 800 to Rhapsody
[20:31:30] <@tiger10x> Rhapsody 2800
[20:31:40] <+Rhapsody> !q 6 200
[20:31:40] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Rhapsody
[20:31:44] * @tiger10x Misc 200 * Pokemon names have a maximum character limit of this much.
[20:31:47] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:31:48] <Rhapsody> buzz
[20:31:48] <FireStarter> buzz
[20:31:48] <TonberryKing> buzz
[20:31:48] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:31:49] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:31:49] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Rhapsody
[20:31:50] * @tiger10x Rhapsody has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:31:51] <+Rhapsody> what is ten
[20:31:52] <+Rhapsody> !stop
[20:31:53] * @tiger10x Correct! 200 to Rhapsody
[20:31:53] <@tiger10x> Rhapsody 3000
[20:31:59] <+Rhapsody> !chart
[20:31:59] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[20:31:59] <@tiger10x> 200 - N Y N Y N N
[20:31:59] <@tiger10x> 400 - N Y Y Y N N
[20:31:59] <@tiger10x> 600 - N Y N N N Y
[20:31:59] <@tiger10x> 800 - N N N Y N N
[20:31:59] <@tiger10x> 1000- Y N N Y N Y
[20:31:59] <@tiger10x> 1: Dex
[20:31:59] <@tiger10x> 2: Tech
[20:31:59] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[20:31:59] <@tiger10x> 4: Crossword
[20:31:59] <@tiger10x> 5: Name Origins (Name)
[20:31:59] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Pokemon (Misc)
[20:32:03] <+Rhapsody> !q 6 600
[20:32:04] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Rhapsody
[20:32:07] * @tiger10x Misc 600 * This person is the fourth DP gym leader.
[20:32:10] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:32:11] <Rhapsody> buzz
[20:32:11] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:32:11] <TonberryKing> buzz
[20:32:12] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:32:12] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Rhapsody
[20:32:13] * @tiger10x Rhapsody has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:32:14] <+Rhapsody> who is crasher wake
[20:32:15] <+Rhapsody> !stop
[20:32:17] * @tiger10x Correct! 600 to Rhapsody
[20:32:17] <@tiger10x> Rhapsody 3600
[20:32:23] <+Rhapsody> or whatever the hell is in front of his name
[20:32:30] <+Rhapsody> !q 2 600
[20:32:30] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Rhapsody
[20:32:34] * @tiger10x Tech 600 * This attacking type is super effective against the least amount of other types.
[20:32:37] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:32:38] <Rhapsody> buzz
[20:32:38] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:32:38] <TonberryKing> buzz
[20:32:39] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:32:39] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Rhapsody
[20:32:40] * @tiger10x Rhapsody has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:32:41] <+Rhapsody> what is POISON
[20:32:43] <+Rhapsody> !stop
[20:32:44] * @tiger10x Incorrect. 600 from Rhapsody
[20:32:44] <@tiger10x> Rhapsody 3000
[20:32:44] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Rhapsody
[20:32:46] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:32:47] <TonberryKing> buzz
[20:32:47] <@tiger10x> :O!
[20:32:47] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:32:47] <TonberryKing> buzz
[20:32:48] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:32:48] * tiger10x sets mode: +v TonberryKing
[20:32:49] * @tiger10x TonberryKing has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:32:52] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:32:52] <+TonberryKing> what is normal
[20:32:53] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:32:54] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:32:54] <+TonberryKing> !stop
[20:32:55] * @tiger10x Correct! 600 to TonberryKing
[20:32:55] <@tiger10x> TonberryKing -200
[20:32:59] <+TonberryKing> o/
[20:33:01] <+TonberryKing> !chart
[20:33:01] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[20:33:01] <@tiger10x> 200 - N Y N Y N N
[20:33:01] <@tiger10x> 400 - N Y Y Y N N
[20:33:01] <@tiger10x> 600 - N N N N N N
[20:33:01] <@tiger10x> 800 - N N N Y N N
[20:33:01] <@tiger10x> 1000- Y N N Y N Y
[20:33:01] <@tiger10x> 1: Dex
[20:33:01] <@tiger10x> 2: Tech
[20:33:01] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[20:33:01] <@tiger10x> 4: Crossword
[20:33:01] <@tiger10x> 5: Name Origins (Name)
[20:33:01] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Pokemon (Misc)
[20:33:04] <+TonberryKing> hm
[20:33:13] <+TonberryKing> !q 2 400
[20:33:13] <@tiger10x> It's a... 8,12D12,8-8,12D12,8-8,12D12,8A8,12I12,8L8,12Y12,8 4,9T9,4R4,9I9,4P4,9L9,4E4,9!9,4!4,9!9,4!
[20:33:15] <@tiger10x> Daily Triple Information:
[20:33:15] <@tiger10x> Triples are slightly more unique than doubles. In these, you only have two choices for your wager: triple your score or triple the question's point value.
[20:33:15] <@tiger10x> Based on that wager, you can either gain or lose triple that amount.
[20:33:15] <@tiger10x> Only you can answer this question, and you have ten seconds to answer.
[20:33:15] <@tiger10x> Submit your wager using !wager score or !wager value, and two seconds later, the question will appear.
[20:33:15] <@tiger10x> Your current score: -200
[20:33:15] <@tiger10x> You can also neglect to wager with !wager 0 except that only you can still answer the question, but it doesn't count at all.
[20:33:16] <+TonberryKing> *_*
[20:33:24] <@tiger10x> Hint, value :O
[20:33:25] <+TonberryKing> TIRPLE MY SCORE TO -600
[20:33:28] <+TonberryKing> :D
[20:33:34] <@tiger10x> score doesn't work with negatives
[20:33:38] <+TonberryKing> !wager 400
[20:33:38] <@tiger10x> Error in wager.
[20:33:39] <+TonberryKing> er
[20:33:41] <+TonberryKing> !wager value
[20:33:43] * @tiger10x Daily Triple Tech * This Ability activates Hail on battle entry.
[20:33:48] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:33:49] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:33:50] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:33:50] <+TonberryKing> what is snow warning
[20:33:51] <@tiger10x> 2
[20:33:51] <+TonberryKing> !stop
[20:33:53] * @tiger10x Correct!
[20:33:53] <@tiger10x> TonberryKing 1000
[20:34:01] <+TonberryKing> !q 2 200
[20:34:01] * tiger10x sets mode: -v TonberryKing
[20:34:05] * @tiger10x Tech 200 * Under paralysis, a Pokemon's speed is reduced to this much of its original speed.
[20:34:08] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:34:09] <TonberryKing> buzz
[20:34:09] <FireStarter> buzz
[20:34:10] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:34:10] * tiger10x sets mode: +v TonberryKing
[20:34:11] * @tiger10x TonberryKing has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:34:14] <+TonberryKing> how many is 50%
[20:34:14] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:34:15] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:34:16] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:34:16] <+TonberryKing> much
[20:34:17] <@tiger10x> 2
[20:34:17] <+TonberryKing> whatever
[20:34:18] <@tiger10x> 1
[20:34:19] <+TonberryKing> !stop
[20:34:20] * @tiger10x Incorrect. 200 from TonberryKing
[20:34:20] <@tiger10x> TonberryKing 800
[20:34:20] * tiger10x sets mode: -v TonberryKing
[20:34:22] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:34:23] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:34:23] <FireStarter> buzz
[20:34:24] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:34:24] * tiger10x sets mode: +v EvilPenguin
[20:34:25] * @tiger10x EvilPenguin has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:34:28] <+EvilPenguin> what is 75%
[20:34:28] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:34:29] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:34:30] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:34:30] <+EvilPenguin> !stop
[20:34:32] * @tiger10x Incorrect. 200 from EvilPenguin
[20:34:32] <@tiger10x> EvilPenguin 3400
[20:34:32] * tiger10x sets mode: -v EvilPenguin
[20:34:34] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:34:34] <TonberryKing> buzz
[20:34:35] <TonberryKing> buzz
[20:34:35] <FireStarter> buzz
[20:34:35] <TonberryKing> buzz
[20:34:36] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:34:36] * tiger10x sets mode: +v TonberryKing
[20:34:37] * @tiger10x TonberryKing has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:34:38] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:34:39] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:34:40] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:34:41] <+TonberryKing> how much is 25%. :p
[20:34:41] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:34:42] <+TonberryKing> !stop
[20:34:43] * @tiger10x Correct! 200 to TonberryKing
[20:34:43] <@tiger10x> TonberryKing 1000
[20:34:46] <+TonberryKing> lulz
[20:34:51] * FireStarter ( has left #psypokejeopardy
[20:34:52] <@tiger10x> Interesting word choice
[20:34:52] <+TonberryKing> um
[20:34:53] <+TonberryKing> !chart
[20:34:53] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[20:34:53] <@tiger10x> 200 - N N N Y N N
[20:34:53] <@tiger10x> 400 - N N Y Y N N
[20:34:53] <@tiger10x> 600 - N N N N N N
[20:34:53] <@tiger10x> 800 - N N N Y N N
[20:34:53] <@tiger10x> 1000- Y N N Y N Y
[20:34:53] <@tiger10x> 1: Dex
[20:34:53] <@tiger10x> 2: Tech
[20:34:53] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[20:34:53] <@tiger10x> 4: Crossword
[20:34:53] <@tiger10x> 5: Name Origins (Name)
[20:34:53] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Pokemon (Misc)
[20:34:55] * FireStarter ( has joined #psypokejeopardy
[20:34:55] * ChanServ sets mode: +o FireStarter
[20:35:01] * FireStarter sets mode: -o FireStarter
[20:35:09] <+TonberryKing> !q 6 1000
[20:35:09] * tiger10x sets mode: -v TonberryKing
[20:35:13] * @tiger10x Misc 1000 * This is the only Ground-type starter available in PMD.
[20:35:16] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:35:17] <Rhapsody> buzz
[20:35:17] <TonberryKing> buzz
[20:35:18] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:35:18] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:35:18] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Rhapsody
[20:35:19] * @tiger10x Rhapsody has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:35:19] <+Rhapsody> what is cubone
[20:35:21] <+Rhapsody> !stop
[20:35:22] * @tiger10x Correct! 1000 to Rhapsody
[20:35:22] <@tiger10x> Rhapsody 4000
[20:35:35] <+Rhapsody> !q 4 1000
[20:35:36] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Rhapsody
[20:35:39] * @tiger10x Crossword 1000 * The hold item-reporting ability. (5)
[20:35:42] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:35:43] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:35:43] <TonberryKing> lol PMD
[20:35:44] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:35:44] * tiger10x sets mode: +v EvilPenguin
[20:35:45] * @tiger10x EvilPenguin has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:35:46] <+EvilPenguin> what is frisk
[20:35:48] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:35:48] <+EvilPenguin> !stop
[20:35:50] * @tiger10x Correct! 1000 to EvilPenguin
[20:35:50] <@tiger10x> EvilPenguin 4400
[20:36:13] <+EvilPenguin> !q 4 1000
[20:36:14] <@tiger10x> Error: question already chosen.
[20:36:16] <+EvilPenguin> oh
[20:36:20] <+EvilPenguin> !q 1 1000
[20:36:20] * tiger10x sets mode: -v EvilPenguin
[20:36:24] * @tiger10x Dex 1000 * Lotad is classified as this color.
[20:36:27] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:36:28] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:36:29] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:36:29] * tiger10x sets mode: +v EvilPenguin
[20:36:30] * @tiger10x EvilPenguin has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:36:31] <+EvilPenguin> what is blue
[20:36:33] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:36:34] <+EvilPenguin> !stop
[20:36:35] * @tiger10x Incorrect. 1000 from EvilPenguin
[20:36:35] <@tiger10x> EvilPenguin 3400
[20:36:35] * tiger10x sets mode: -v EvilPenguin
[20:36:37] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:36:38] <FireStarter> buzz
[20:36:38] <Rhapsody> buzz
[20:36:38] <Xenon> buzz
[20:36:39] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:36:39] * tiger10x sets mode: +v FireStarter
[20:36:40] * @tiger10x FireStarter has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:36:43] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:36:43] <+FireStarter> What is green?
[20:36:44] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:36:45] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:36:45] <+FireStarter> !stop
[20:36:46] * @tiger10x Correct! 1000 to FireStarter
[20:36:46] <@tiger10x> FireStarter 1000
[20:36:49] <+FireStarter> finally
[20:36:50] <+FireStarter> ;[
[20:36:53] <+FireStarter> !chart
[20:36:53] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[20:36:53] <@tiger10x> 200 - N N N Y N N
[20:36:53] <@tiger10x> 400 - N N Y Y N N
[20:36:53] <@tiger10x> 600 - N N N N N N
[20:36:53] <@tiger10x> 800 - N N N Y N N
[20:36:53] <@tiger10x> 1000- N N N N N N
[20:36:53] <@tiger10x> 1: Dex
[20:36:53] <@tiger10x> 2: Tech
[20:36:53] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[20:36:53] <@tiger10x> 4: Crossword
[20:36:53] <@tiger10x> 5: Name Origins (Name)
[20:36:53] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Pokemon (Misc)
[20:37:02] <+FireStarter> !q 4 800
[20:37:02] * tiger10x sets mode: -v FireStarter
[20:37:06] * @tiger10x Crossword 800 * Last Pokemon alphabetically. (5)
[20:37:09] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:37:10] <TonberryKing> buzz
[20:37:10] <FireStarter> buzz
[20:37:11] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:37:11] * tiger10x sets mode: +v TonberryKing
[20:37:12] * @tiger10x TonberryKing has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:37:14] <+TonberryKing> what is zubat
[20:37:15] <+TonberryKing> !stop
[20:37:17] * @tiger10x Correct! 800 to TonberryKing
[20:37:17] <@tiger10x> TonberryKing 1800
[20:37:24] <+TonberryKing> !q 4 400
[20:37:24] * tiger10x sets mode: -v TonberryKing
[20:37:28] * @tiger10x Crossword 400 * Pokemon dex number 249. (5)
[20:37:31] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:37:32] <Rhapsody> buzz
[20:37:32] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:37:33] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:37:33] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Rhapsody
[20:37:34] * @tiger10x Rhapsody has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:37:34] <+Rhapsody> what is lugia
[20:37:36] <+Rhapsody> !stop
[20:37:38] * @tiger10x Correct! 400 to Rhapsody
[20:37:38] <@tiger10x> Rhapsody 4400
[20:37:47] <+Rhapsody> !q 4 800
[20:37:47] <@tiger10x> Error: question already chosen.
[20:37:59] <+Rhapsody> orite
[20:38:01] . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[20:38:01] 200-- N N N Y N N
[20:38:01] 400-- N N Y N N N
[20:38:01] 600-- N N N N N N
[20:38:01] 800-- N N N N N N
[20:38:01] 1000- N N N N N N
[20:38:01] d 5800 2400
[20:38:04] <+Rhapsody> !chart
[20:38:04] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[20:38:04] <@tiger10x> 200 - N N N Y N N
[20:38:04] <@tiger10x> 400 - N N Y N N N
[20:38:04] <@tiger10x> 600 - N N N N N N
[20:38:04] <@tiger10x> 800 - N N N N N N
[20:38:04] <@tiger10x> 1000- N N N N N N
[20:38:04] <@tiger10x> 1: Dex
[20:38:04] <@tiger10x> 2: Tech
[20:38:04] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[20:38:04] <@tiger10x> 4: Crossword
[20:38:04] <@tiger10x> 5: Name Origins (Name)
[20:38:04] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Pokemon (Misc)
[20:38:11] <+Rhapsody> hmm i wonder which one to pick :|
[20:38:16] <+Rhapsody> !q 4 200
[20:38:16] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Rhapsody
[20:38:20] * @tiger10x Crossword 200 * A four-formed Pokemon. (6)
[20:38:23] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:38:24] <Rhapsody> buzz
[20:38:24] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:38:25] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:38:25] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Rhapsody
[20:38:26] * @tiger10x Rhapsody has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:38:27] <+Rhapsody> what is deoxys
[20:38:29] <+Rhapsody> !stop
[20:38:29] * Jamie ( has joined #psypokejeopardy
[20:38:30] * @tiger10x Correct! 200 to Rhapsody
[20:38:30] <@tiger10x> Rhapsody 4600
[20:38:36] <+Rhapsody> !q 3 400
[20:38:36] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Rhapsody
[20:38:40] * @tiger10x Psypoke 400 * The Lite Four actually consists of this many people.
[20:38:43] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:38:44] <FireStarter> buzz
[20:38:44] <Rhapsody> buzz
[20:38:44] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:38:44] <FireStarter> buzz
[20:38:45] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:38:45] * tiger10x sets mode: +v FireStarter
[20:38:46] * @tiger10x FireStarter has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:38:49] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:38:49] <+FireStarter> What is six?
[20:38:50] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:38:51] <+FireStarter> !stop
[20:38:52] * @tiger10x Correct! 400 to FireStarter
[20:38:52] <@tiger10x> FireStarter 1400
[20:38:55] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:38:57] <@tiger10x> Break time
[20:38:58] <Rhapsody> the answer is what is five and jiggz
[20:39:14] <Xenon> Are there more questions?
[20:39:15] <TonberryKing> answer is... *fix* none :O
[20:39:25] <EvilPenguin> tk is cheetar
[20:39:28] <@tiger10x> There's the next round
[20:39:28] <EvilPenguin> :O
[20:39:31] <Jamie> how i mine for answer? D:
[20:39:36] * Sneaky_Sneasel ( has joined #psypokejeopardy
[20:39:37] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Sneaky_Sneasel
[20:39:43] <@tiger10x> %Rhapsody 4600
[20:39:43] <@tiger10x> %EvilPenguin 3400
[20:39:43] <@tiger10x> %TonberryKing 1800
[20:39:43] <@tiger10x> %AngrySparrow 600
[20:39:43] <@tiger10x> %FireStarter 1400
[20:39:48] <EvilPenguin> kool
[20:39:49] <@tiger10x> All positives
[20:39:50] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> Halftime?
[20:39:51] <AngrySparrow> >:O
[20:39:53] <@tiger10x> Which is a new record
[20:39:58] <@tiger10x> Yes
[20:39:59] <AngrySparrow> yus
[20:40:02] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> k
[20:40:09] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> No one in the negatives? O_o
[20:40:10] <TonberryKing> o rly
[20:40:13] <TonberryKing> i must change that
[20:40:18] <Rhapsody> well we didn't have anyone making up bad answers intentionally this time :(
[20:40:25] <EvilPenguin> Like what?
[20:40:26] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> even still
[20:40:32] <AngrySparrow> buzz
[20:40:35] <Jamie> buzz
[20:40:49] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> ...
[20:41:20] <TonberryKing> [14:28:50] <@TonberryKing> who is YOU...
[20:41:21] <TonberryKing> [14:28:52] <@TonberryKing> R FACE
[20:41:21] <TonberryKing> [14:28:52] * @tiger10x Incorrect.
[20:41:23] <TonberryKing> there was that
[20:42:16] * TonberryKing ( Quit (Exit: "brb :O")
[20:42:21] * TonberryKing ( has joined #psypokejeopardy
[20:42:22] <AngrySparrow> k
[20:42:27] <Jamie> when brake ovar
[20:42:34] <TonberryKing> ¬.¬
[20:42:36] <Rhapsody> when it feels like being over
[20:42:38] <AngrySparrow> nao plz ;.;
[20:42:41] <+FireStarter> ¬_¬
[20:42:45] <Xenon> hao i mien 4 braek
[20:42:53] <Jamie> brake over nao k??????
[20:42:54] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> not funny
[20:43:06] <Jamie> how i mine for 4stas
[20:43:11] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> also not funny
[20:43:12] * +FireStarter ( has left #psypokejeopardy
[20:43:13] * FireStarter ( has joined #psypokejeopardy
[20:43:13] * ChanServ sets mode: +o FireStarter
[20:43:18] * Jamie was kicked by FireStarter (no)
[20:43:19] * Jamie ( has joined #psypokejeopardy
[20:43:22] <Jamie> D:
[20:43:22] <EvilPenguin> braek ovar when phat ladie snigs
[20:43:23] -ChanServ- TonberryKing added to #psypokejeopardy access list at level 100.
[20:43:25] * FireStarter sets mode: -o FireStarter
[20:43:27] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:43:32] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Rhapsody
[20:43:43] <@tiger10x> !chart and I'll explain stuff
[20:43:45] <@tiger10x> again
[20:43:47] <+Rhapsody> !chart
[20:43:47] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[20:43:47] <@tiger10x> 400 - Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:43:47] <@tiger10x> 800 - Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:43:47] <@tiger10x> 1200- Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:43:47] <@tiger10x> 1600- Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:43:47] <@tiger10x> 2000- Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:43:47] <@tiger10x> 1: Answers
[20:43:47] <@tiger10x> 2: Shop
[20:43:47] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[20:43:47] <@tiger10x> 4: Groups
[20:43:47] <@tiger10x> 5: Identify
[20:43:47] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Not-Pokemon (Misc)
[20:43:56] <@tiger10x> Okay, we have some cool new ones this time
[20:44:09] <@tiger10x> Answers is like playing Jeopardy backwards
[20:44:27] <@tiger10x> So I give the question and you give the answer
[20:44:29] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:44:35] <@tiger10x> Which is quite unusual
[20:44:37] <TonberryKing> lol
[20:44:39] <EvilPenguin> huh
[20:44:43] <EvilPenguin> olol'
[20:44:48] <AngrySparrow> uh
[20:44:49] <@tiger10x> Yes, but you come up with a mini-description, too
[20:44:49] <EvilPenguin> ^.^;;
[20:44:54] <AngrySparrow> i don't get it ;.;
[20:44:55] <TonberryKing> oh o_x
[20:44:57] <FireStarter> in 8 seconds?
[20:44:58] <FireStarter> :(
[20:45:00] <EvilPenguin> examples plz
[20:45:05] <@tiger10x> You make your answers look like a Jeopardy clue
[20:45:09] <@tiger10x> I'll get an example
[20:45:36] <@tiger10x> I show "What is 1?"
[20:45:45] <TonberryKing> Bulbasaur's national dex number
[20:45:47] <TonberryKing> :O
[20:45:49] <@tiger10x> And answers could be "The dex number of Bulbasaur"
[20:45:49] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> 1 less than 2
[20:45:57] <@tiger10x> "HP stat of Shedinja
[20:45:58] <@tiger10x> "
[20:46:00] <TonberryKing> the attack number of Pound in the Psydex
[20:46:00] <@tiger10x> Etc
[20:46:01] <TonberryKing> lulz
[20:46:03] <EvilPenguin> Or 3 - 2 =
[20:46:05] <EvilPenguin> ?
[20:46:09] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> does it have to be pokemon related?
[20:46:12] <@tiger10x> But the MUST be Pokemon related
[20:46:12] <TonberryKing> 0.99..........................
[20:46:16] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> k
[20:46:18] <EvilPenguin> Boo
[20:46:20] <@tiger10x> +answer
[20:46:24] <+Rhapsody> "my snorunt's speed IV"
[20:46:24] <@tiger10x> Understand?
[20:46:27] <EvilPenguin> Does psypoke count?
[20:46:36] <AngrySparrow> yus
[20:46:38] <AngrySparrow> uh
[20:46:42] <+Rhapsody> and yes I get it
[20:46:45] <TonberryKing> average IQ of forums
[20:46:45] <EvilPenguin> kool
[20:46:46] <AngrySparrow> i understand.
[20:46:47] <TonberryKing> ????
[20:46:52] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> :(
[20:46:54] <+Rhapsody> tk: that's a negative number.
[20:46:56] <EvilPenguin> I was thinking, "The average p[sypokians' IQ is"
[20:47:17] <@tiger10x> And that last one would work, too :O
[20:47:20] <EvilPenguin> ...and in case no one can tell, i look at my keyboard when i type :s
[20:47:30] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:47:42] <@tiger10x> Also, Shop is somewhat like math
[20:47:55] <@tiger10x> Although it involves things like the price of a Potion for example
[20:48:17] <@tiger10x> Groups is like patterns
[20:48:42] <@tiger10x> However, instead of doing the missing element, you supply how they are alike
[20:49:00] <@tiger10x> Identify is also different
[20:49:28] <@tiger10x> For those, I supply a link to an image, and for your question, you simply say "What is (image)?"
[20:49:31] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:49:35] <@tiger10x> Understand it all?
[20:49:36] <EvilPenguin> um
[20:49:40] <Jamie> Yeah yeah
[20:49:47] <Xenon> End the break >:O
[20:49:48] <@tiger10x> Example: an image of a Pokeball would be "What is Pokeball?"
[20:49:48] <EvilPenguin> aboiut identify
[20:49:49] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> That last one seems a bit unfair
[20:50:00] * DragonPhoenix ( has joined #psypokejeopardy
[20:50:02] <EvilPenguin> can we have about 20 seconds to upload the pic?
[20:50:03] <AngrySparrow> I have to copypaste that quick? ;.;
[20:50:04] <@tiger10x> Which does mean you'll have to click the link
[20:50:05] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> some people have faster computers D:
[20:50:11] <@tiger10x> "Oh well"
[20:50:17] <AngrySparrow> >:O
[20:50:20] <AngrySparrow> ;.;
[20:50:25] <Xenon> End the break >:O
[20:50:25] <AngrySparrow> Hi DP
[20:50:28] <Jamie> HI DP
[20:50:30] <@tiger10x> It's a little late now for changing it though
[20:50:36] <DragonPhoenix> heya
[20:50:36] <@tiger10x> So, no questions?
[20:50:36] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> k
[20:50:39] <@tiger10x> Good
[20:50:39] <Xenon> End the break >:O
[20:50:40] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:50:40] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> nope
[20:50:47] <@tiger10x> Rhapsody, you can start
[20:50:59] <+Rhapsody> !q 3 400
[20:50:59] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Rhapsody
[20:51:03] * @tiger10x Psypoke 400 * Each new Gym Trainer has been assigned this many forums to moderate.
[20:51:06] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:51:07] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:51:07] <DragonPhoenix> buzz
[20:51:08] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:51:08] * tiger10x sets mode: +v EvilPenguin
[20:51:09] * @tiger10x EvilPenguin has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:51:09] <+EvilPenguin> what is two
[20:51:12] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:51:13] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:51:14] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:51:15] <+EvilPenguin> !stop
[20:51:15] * @tiger10x Correct! 400 to EvilPenguin
[20:51:15] <@tiger10x> EvilPenguin 3800
[20:51:19] <+EvilPenguin> lolz
[20:51:24] <+EvilPenguin> !chart
[20:51:24] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[20:51:24] <@tiger10x> 400 - Y Y N Y Y Y
[20:51:24] <@tiger10x> 800 - Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:51:24] <@tiger10x> 1200- Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:51:24] <@tiger10x> 1600- Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:51:24] <@tiger10x> 2000- Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:51:24] <@tiger10x> 1: Answers
[20:51:24] <@tiger10x> 2: Shop
[20:51:24] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[20:51:24] <@tiger10x> 4: Groups
[20:51:24] <@tiger10x> 5: Identify
[20:51:24] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Not-Pokemon (Misc)
[20:51:36] <+EvilPenguin> !q 1 400
[20:51:36] * tiger10x sets mode: -v EvilPenguin
[20:51:40] * @tiger10x Answers 400 * Who is Morty?
[20:51:42] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:51:43] <DragonPhoenix> buzz
[20:51:43] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:51:43] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> buzz
[20:51:43] <Rhapsody> buzz
[20:51:44] <Jamie> buzz
[20:51:44] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:51:44] * tiger10x sets mode: +v DragonPhoenix
[20:51:45] * @tiger10x DragonPhoenix has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:51:48] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:51:49] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:51:50] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:51:50] <+DragonPhoenix> what is gym leader ecruteak
[20:51:51] <@tiger10x> 2
[20:51:52] <@tiger10x> 1
[20:51:53] <+DragonPhoenix> !stop
[20:51:58] * @tiger10x Correct! 400 to DragonPhoenix
[20:51:58] <@tiger10x> DragonPhoenix 400
[20:52:05] <@tiger10x> You missed the explanation though
[20:52:11] <@tiger10x> Hold on
[20:52:18] <+DragonPhoenix> err oops :(
[20:52:31] <@tiger10x> [20:44:09] <@tiger10x> Answers is like playing Jeopardy backwards
[20:52:31] <@tiger10x> [20:44:27] <@tiger10x> So I give the question and you give the answer
[20:52:46] <+DragonPhoenix> oh ok
[20:52:47] <@tiger10x> [20:45:36] <@tiger10x> I show "What is 1?"
[20:52:47] <@tiger10x> [20:45:45] <TonberryKing> Bulbasaur's national dex number
[20:52:47] <@tiger10x> [20:45:47] <TonberryKing> :O
[20:52:47] <@tiger10x> [20:45:49] <@tiger10x> And answers could be "The dex number of Bulbasaur"
[20:53:03] <+DragonPhoenix> alrighty
[20:53:10] <@tiger10x> So what you'd want is "The Ecruteak Gym Leader" or something similar
[20:53:17] <@tiger10x> And you can go on
[20:53:23] <@tiger10x> Unless you have a question
[20:53:38] <+DragonPhoenix> !q 1 800
[20:53:38] * tiger10x sets mode: -v DragonPhoenix
[20:53:42] * @tiger10x Answers 800 * What is Jolteon?
[20:53:45] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:53:46] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:53:46] <Xenon> buzz
[20:53:46] <Rhapsody> buzz
[20:53:46] <DragonPhoenix> buzz
[20:53:47] <Jamie> buzz
[20:53:47] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> buzz
[20:53:47] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:53:48] * tiger10x sets mode: +v EvilPenguin
[20:53:48] * @tiger10x EvilPenguin has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:53:51] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:53:52] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:53:53] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:53:54] <@tiger10x> 2
[20:53:55] <@tiger10x> 1
[20:53:56] <@tiger10x> TIME!
[20:53:56] * @tiger10x Incorrect. 800 from EvilPenguin
[20:53:56] <@tiger10x> EvilPenguin 3000
[20:53:57] * tiger10x sets mode: -v EvilPenguin
[20:53:59] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:54:00] <Rhapsody> buzz
[20:54:00] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> buzz
[20:54:00] <DragonPhoenix> buzz
[20:54:01] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:54:01] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Rhapsody
[20:54:02] * @tiger10x Rhapsody has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:54:05] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:54:06] <+Rhapsody> number 135
[20:54:06] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:54:07] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:54:08] <+Rhapsody> !stop
[20:54:09] * @tiger10x Correct! 800 to Rhapsody
[20:54:09] <@tiger10x> Rhapsody 5400
[20:54:14] <@tiger10x> A little more than that
[20:54:30] <+Rhapsody> fine, number 135 in the kanto pokedex and it's electric and it's awesome k
[20:54:36] <+Rhapsody> !chart
[20:54:36] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[20:54:36] <@tiger10x> 400 - N Y N Y Y Y
[20:54:36] <@tiger10x> 800 - N Y Y Y Y Y
[20:54:36] <@tiger10x> 1200- Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:54:36] <@tiger10x> 1600- Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:54:36] <@tiger10x> 2000- Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:54:36] <@tiger10x> 1: Answers
[20:54:36] <@tiger10x> 2: Shop
[20:54:36] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[20:54:36] <@tiger10x> 4: Groups
[20:54:36] <@tiger10x> 5: Identify
[20:54:36] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Not-Pokemon (Misc)
[20:54:47] <+Rhapsody> !q 3 800
[20:54:47] <@tiger10x> It's a... 8,12D12,8-8,12D12,8-8,12D12,8A8,12I12,8L8,12Y12,8 4,9T9,4R4,9I9,4P4,9L9,4E4,9!9,4!4,9!9,4!
[20:54:49] <@tiger10x> Daily Triple Information:
[20:54:49] <@tiger10x> Triples are slightly more unique than doubles. In these, you only have two choices for your wager: triple your score or triple the question's point value.
[20:54:49] <@tiger10x> Based on that wager, you can either gain or lose triple that amount.
[20:54:49] <@tiger10x> Only you can answer this question, and you have ten seconds to answer.
[20:54:49] <@tiger10x> Submit your wager using !wager score or !wager value, and two seconds later, the question will appear.
[20:54:49] <@tiger10x> Your current score: 5400
[20:54:49] <@tiger10x> You can also neglect to wager with !wager 0 except that only you can still answer the question, but it doesn't count at all.
[20:54:53] <+Rhapsody> OH HAPPY DAY
[20:54:58] <@tiger10x> score
[20:55:00] <@tiger10x> Do it :O
[20:55:19] <@tiger10x> Be brave
[20:55:23] <+Rhapsody> i'm probably going to be screwed
[20:55:24] <+Rhapsody> but ok
[20:55:27] <+Rhapsody> !wager 5400
[20:55:27] <@tiger10x> Error in wager.
[20:55:33] <@tiger10x> "score"
[20:55:34] <+Rhapsody> !wager value
[20:55:36] * @tiger10x Daily Triple Psypoke * Rule one of the forums specifically states this.
[20:55:41] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:55:41] <+Rhapsody> do not spam
[20:55:42] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:55:43] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:55:43] <+Rhapsody> !stop
[20:55:48] <@tiger10x> What is?
[20:55:54] * @tiger10x Correct!
[20:55:54] <@tiger10x> Rhapsody 7800
[20:56:03] <+Rhapsody> wow
[20:56:05] <@tiger10x> Too bad you didn't say score
[20:56:11] <+Rhapsody> who cares
[20:56:14] <+Rhapsody> !chart
[20:56:14] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[20:56:14] <@tiger10x> 400 - N Y N Y Y Y
[20:56:14] <@tiger10x> 800 - N Y N Y Y Y
[20:56:14] <@tiger10x> 1200- Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:56:14] <@tiger10x> 1600- Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:56:14] <@tiger10x> 2000- Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:56:14] <@tiger10x> 1: Answers
[20:56:14] <@tiger10x> 2: Shop
[20:56:14] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[20:56:14] <@tiger10x> 4: Groups
[20:56:14] <@tiger10x> 5: Identify
[20:56:14] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Not-Pokemon (Misc)
[20:56:22] <+Rhapsody> !q 3 1200
[20:56:22] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Rhapsody
[20:56:26] * @tiger10x Psypoke 1200 * Despite there being seven Frontier Brains in Emerald, Psypoke has this many Frontier Brains.
[20:56:28] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:56:29] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> buzz
[20:56:29] <Rhapsody> buzz
[20:56:29] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:56:29] <DragonPhoenix> buzz
[20:56:31] <Jamie> buzz
[20:56:31] * @tiger10x Sneaky_Sneasel has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:56:31] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:56:31] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Sneaky_Sneasel
[20:56:34] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:56:35] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:56:36] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:56:36] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> What is 3?
[20:56:37] <@tiger10x> 2
[20:56:38] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> !stop
[20:56:39] * @tiger10x Correct! 1200 to Sneaky_Sneasel
[20:56:39] <@tiger10x> Sneaky_Sneasel 1200
[20:56:47] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> I almost said 4 :(
[20:56:51] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> !q 3 1600
[20:56:51] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Sneaky_Sneasel
[20:56:55] * @tiger10x Psypoke 1600 * Instead of Pokeballs, Jigglypuff uses these for his rank icon.
[20:56:58] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:56:59] <FireStarter> buzz
[20:56:59] <Sneaky_Sneasel> buzz
[20:56:59] <DragonPhoenix> buzz
[20:56:59] <TonberryKing> buzz
[20:56:59] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:57:00] <Jamie> buzz
[20:57:00] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:57:00] * tiger10x sets mode: +v FireStarter
[20:57:01] * @tiger10x FireStarter has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:57:04] <+FireStarter> What are Jigglypuffs?
[20:57:04] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:57:05] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:57:05] <+FireStarter> !stop
[20:57:07] * @tiger10x Correct! 1600 to FireStarter
[20:57:07] <@tiger10x> FireStarter 3000
[20:57:14] <+FireStarter> !chart
[20:57:14] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[20:57:14] <@tiger10x> 400 - N Y N Y Y Y
[20:57:14] <@tiger10x> 800 - N Y N Y Y Y
[20:57:14] <@tiger10x> 1200- Y Y N Y Y Y
[20:57:14] <@tiger10x> 1600- Y Y N Y Y Y
[20:57:14] <@tiger10x> 2000- Y Y Y Y Y Y
[20:57:14] <@tiger10x> 1: Answers
[20:57:14] <@tiger10x> 2: Shop
[20:57:14] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[20:57:14] <@tiger10x> 4: Groups
[20:57:14] <@tiger10x> 5: Identify
[20:57:14] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Not-Pokemon (Misc)
[20:57:21] <+FireStarter> !q 3 2000
[20:57:22] * tiger10x sets mode: -v FireStarter
[20:57:25] * @tiger10x Psypoke 2000 * These are the newly appointed Gym Trainers. (only need three)
[20:57:28] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:57:29] <Rhapsody> buzz
[20:57:29] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:57:29] <DragonPhoenix> buzz
[20:57:30] <Jamie> buzz
[20:57:30] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:57:30] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Rhapsody
[20:57:31] * @tiger10x Rhapsody has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:57:34] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:57:35] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:57:35] <+Rhapsody> who are sparrow evilpenguin anbd valentine
[20:57:36] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:57:37] <@tiger10x> 2
[20:57:38] <@tiger10x> 1
[20:57:39] <@tiger10x> TIME!
[20:57:40] * @tiger10x Correct! 2000 to Rhapsody
[20:57:40] <@tiger10x> Rhapsody 9800
[20:57:51] <+Rhapsody> !q 3 2000
[20:57:51] <@tiger10x> Error: question already chosen.
[20:57:58] <+Rhapsody> !q 2 400
[20:57:58] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Rhapsody
[20:58:02] * @tiger10x Shop 400 * One Lemonade can be bought for this much money.
[20:58:05] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:58:06] <Sneaky_Sneasel> buzz
[20:58:06] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:58:07] <Jamie> buzz
[20:58:07] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:58:07] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Sneaky_Sneasel
[20:58:08] * @tiger10x Sneaky_Sneasel has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:58:11] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:58:11] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> What is 350?
[20:58:12] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:58:12] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> !stop
[20:58:13] * @tiger10x Correct! 400 to Sneaky_Sneasel
[20:58:13] <@tiger10x> Sneaky_Sneasel 1600
[20:58:21] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> !q 2 800
[20:58:21] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Sneaky_Sneasel
[20:58:25] * @tiger10x Shop 800 * Two Hyper Potions = this many Antidotes.
[20:58:28] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:58:29] <Xenon> buzz
[20:58:29] <Sneaky_Sneasel> buzz
[20:58:30] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:58:30] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Xenon
[20:58:31] * @tiger10x Xenon has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:58:34] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:58:35] <@tiger10x> 4
[20:58:36] <+Xenon> what is fourteen
[20:58:36] <@tiger10x> 3
[20:58:37] <@tiger10x> 2
[20:58:38] <@tiger10x> 1
[20:58:38] <+Xenon> !stop
[20:58:39] * @tiger10x Incorrect. 800 from Xenon
[20:58:39] <@tiger10x> Xenon -800
[20:58:39] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Xenon
[20:58:41] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:58:42] <Sneaky_Sneasel> buzz
[20:58:43] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:58:43] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Sneaky_Sneasel
[20:58:44] * @tiger10x Sneaky_Sneasel has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:58:46] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> What is 30?
[20:58:47] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> !stop
[20:58:49] * @tiger10x Incorrect. 800 from Sneaky_Sneasel
[20:58:49] <@tiger10x> Sneaky_Sneasel 800
[20:58:49] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Sneaky_Sneasel
[20:58:51] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:58:54] <Sneaky_Sneasel> buzz
[20:58:54] <TonberryKing> lol
[20:58:54] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:58:55] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:58:55] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Sneaky_Sneasel
[20:58:56] * @tiger10x Sneaky_Sneasel has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:58:58] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> What is 50?
[20:58:58] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:58:59] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:58:59] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> !stop
[20:59:00] * @tiger10x Incorrect. 800 from Sneaky_Sneasel
[20:59:00] <@tiger10x> Sneaky_Sneasel 0
[20:59:01] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Sneaky_Sneasel
[20:59:07] <@tiger10x> 24
[20:59:08] <@tiger10x> :O
[20:59:12] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Sneaky_Sneasel
[20:59:20] <@tiger10x> Antidote = 100
[20:59:26] <@tiger10x> Hyper Potion = 1200
[20:59:27] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> !q 2 2000
[20:59:27] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Sneaky_Sneasel
[20:59:31] * @tiger10x Shop 2000 * Berries can be sold for this much each.
[20:59:34] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:59:35] <Sneaky_Sneasel> buzz
[20:59:35] <FireStarter> buzz
[20:59:35] <Rhapsody> buzz
[20:59:35] <Xenon> buzz
[20:59:36] <Jamie> buzz
[20:59:36] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:59:36] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Sneaky_Sneasel
[20:59:37] * @tiger10x Sneaky_Sneasel has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:59:39] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> What is 50?
[20:59:40] <@tiger10x> 5
[20:59:40] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> !stop
[20:59:41] * @tiger10x Incorrect. 2000 from Sneaky_Sneasel
[20:59:41] <@tiger10x> Sneaky_Sneasel -2000
[20:59:42] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Sneaky_Sneasel
[20:59:44] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:59:45] <FireStarter> buzz
[20:59:45] <Rhapsody> buzz
[20:59:45] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:59:46] <Jamie> buzz
[20:59:46] <DragonPhoenix> buzz
[20:59:46] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:59:46] * tiger10x sets mode: +v FireStarter
[20:59:47] * @tiger10x FireStarter has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:59:48] <+FireStarter> What is 5?
[20:59:50] <+FireStarter> !stop
[20:59:51] * @tiger10x Incorrect. 2000 from FireStarter
[20:59:51] <@tiger10x> FireStarter 1000
[20:59:51] * tiger10x sets mode: -v FireStarter
[20:59:53] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[20:59:54] <Rhapsody> buzz
[20:59:54] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[20:59:55] <DragonPhoenix> buzz
[20:59:55] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[20:59:55] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Rhapsody
[20:59:56] * @tiger10x Rhapsody has 8 seconds to answer!
[20:59:58] <+Rhapsody> what is 10
[20:59:59] <@tiger10x> 5
[21:00:00] <+Rhapsody> !stop
[21:00:00] <@tiger10x> y
[21:00:03] * @tiger10x Correct! 2000 to Rhapsody
[21:00:03] <@tiger10x> Rhapsody 11800
[21:00:12] <@tiger10x> +/jep :O
[21:00:18] <+Rhapsody> !chart
[21:00:18] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[21:00:18] <@tiger10x> 400 - N N N Y Y Y
[21:00:18] <@tiger10x> 800 - N N N Y Y Y
[21:00:18] <@tiger10x> 1200- Y Y N Y Y Y
[21:00:18] <@tiger10x> 1600- Y Y N Y Y Y
[21:00:18] <@tiger10x> 2000- Y N N Y Y Y
[21:00:18] <@tiger10x> 1: Answers
[21:00:18] <@tiger10x> 2: Shop
[21:00:18] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[21:00:18] <@tiger10x> 4: Groups
[21:00:18] <@tiger10x> 5: Identify
[21:00:18] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Not-Pokemon (Misc)
[21:00:31] <+Rhapsody> !q 6 400
[21:00:31] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Rhapsody
[21:00:35] * @tiger10x Misc 400 * This (American) football team won the Super Bowl.
[21:00:37] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:00:38] <FireStarter> buzz
[21:00:38] <Sneaky_Sneasel> buzz
[21:00:38] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[21:00:39] <TonberryKing> LOL NO
[21:00:39] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:00:39] * tiger10x sets mode: +v FireStarter
[21:00:40] * @tiger10x FireStarter has 8 seconds to answer!
[21:00:43] <@tiger10x> 5
[21:00:43] <+FireStarter> What is the Giants?
[21:00:44] <@tiger10x> 4
[21:00:45] <+FireStarter> !stop
[21:00:47] * @tiger10x Correct! 400 to FireStarter
[21:00:47] <@tiger10x> FireStarter 1400
[21:00:52] <+FireStarter> !q 6 2000
[21:00:52] * tiger10x sets mode: -v FireStarter
[21:00:56] * @tiger10x Misc 2000 * Tiger's birthday is on this day.
[21:00:59] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:01:00] <FireStarter> lol
[21:01:01] <@tiger10x> :O!
[21:01:02] <Rhapsody> what
[21:01:02] <DragonPhoenix> lol wat
[21:01:06] <AngrySparrow> :o
[21:01:07] <@tiger10x> Hint: it's soon
[21:01:07] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[21:01:08] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:01:08] * tiger10x sets mode: +v EvilPenguin
[21:01:09] * @tiger10x EvilPenguin has 8 seconds to answer!
[21:01:12] <@tiger10x> 5
[21:01:13] <@tiger10x> 4
[21:01:14] <@tiger10x> 3
[21:01:15] <@tiger10x> 2
[21:01:16] <@tiger10x> 1
[21:01:17] <+EvilPenguin> What is febuary the 25
[21:01:17] <@tiger10x> TIME!
[21:01:20] * @tiger10x Correct! 2000 to EvilPenguin
[21:01:20] <@tiger10x> EvilPenguin 5000
[21:01:22] <+EvilPenguin> >:O
[21:01:25] <@tiger10x> Wow
[21:01:31] <+EvilPenguin> EPIC GUESSING FOR THE WIN!!!!!!!!
[21:01:33] <+EvilPenguin> :D
[21:01:41] <+EvilPenguin> um
[21:01:48] <+EvilPenguin> !chart
[21:01:48] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[21:01:48] <@tiger10x> 400 - N N N Y Y N
[21:01:48] <@tiger10x> 800 - N N N Y Y Y
[21:01:48] <@tiger10x> 1200- Y Y N Y Y Y
[21:01:48] <@tiger10x> 1600- Y Y N Y Y Y
[21:01:48] <@tiger10x> 2000- Y N N Y Y N
[21:01:48] <@tiger10x> 1: Answers
[21:01:48] <@tiger10x> 2: Shop
[21:01:48] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[21:01:48] <@tiger10x> 4: Groups
[21:01:48] <@tiger10x> 5: Identify
[21:01:48] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Not-Pokemon (Misc)
[21:01:53] <+EvilPenguin> lol lag
[21:02:11] <+EvilPenguin> ! q6 1200
[21:02:17] <+EvilPenguin> >.>
[21:02:22] <+EvilPenguin> !q 5 1200
[21:02:22] * tiger10x sets mode: -v EvilPenguin
[21:02:26] * @tiger10x Identify 1200 *
[21:02:29] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:02:31] <TonberryKing> buzz
[21:02:33] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:02:33] * tiger10x sets mode: +v TonberryKing
[21:02:34] * @tiger10x TonberryKing has 8 seconds to answer!
[21:02:36] <+TonberryKing> who is JUAN
[21:02:36] <@tiger10x> 5
[21:02:37] <@tiger10x> 4
[21:02:38] <@tiger10x> 3
[21:02:38] <+TonberryKing> !stop
[21:02:39] * @tiger10x Correct! 1200 to TonberryKing
[21:02:39] <@tiger10x> TonberryKing 3000
[21:02:43] <+TonberryKing> lololol
[21:02:49] <+TonberryKing> !q 4 400
[21:02:49] * tiger10x sets mode: -v TonberryKing
[21:02:53] * @tiger10x Groups 400 * Uxie, Umbreon, Ursaring, Unown.
[21:02:56] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:02:57] <TonberryKing> buzz
[21:02:57] <Sneaky_Sneasel> buzz
[21:02:57] <TonberryKing> buzz
[21:02:57] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[21:02:58] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:02:58] * tiger10x sets mode: +v TonberryKing
[21:02:59] * @tiger10x TonberryKing has 8 seconds to answer!
[21:03:01] <@tiger10x> 5
[21:03:02] <@tiger10x> 4
[21:03:03] <@tiger10x> 3
[21:03:04] <+TonberryKing> who are pokemon beginning with U
[21:03:04] <@tiger10x> 2
[21:03:05] <@tiger10x> 1
[21:03:06] <@tiger10x> TIME!
[21:03:08] * @tiger10x Correct! 400 to TonberryKing
[21:03:08] <@tiger10x> TonberryKing 3400
[21:03:16] <+TonberryKing> !q 4 800
[21:03:16] * tiger10x sets mode: -v TonberryKing
[21:03:20] * @tiger10x Groups 800 * Neo Genesis, Team Rocket, Fossil, Ex: Emerald...
[21:03:23] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:03:24] <FireStarter> buzz
[21:03:24] <Sneaky_Sneasel> buzz
[21:03:24] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[21:03:25] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:03:25] * tiger10x sets mode: +v FireStarter
[21:03:26] * @tiger10x FireStarter has 8 seconds to answer!
[21:03:29] <@tiger10x> 5
[21:03:30] <@tiger10x> 4
[21:03:30] <+FireStarter> What are TCG sets by WOTC?
[21:03:31] <@tiger10x> 3
[21:03:32] <@tiger10x> 2
[21:03:33] <@tiger10x> 1
[21:03:34] <@tiger10x> TIME!
[21:03:35] <+FireStarter> oh damn
[21:03:35] * @tiger10x Correct! 800 to FireStarter
[21:03:35] <@tiger10x> FireStarter 2200
[21:03:36] <+FireStarter> :(
[21:03:44] <@tiger10x> I don't know about WOTC that much
[21:03:47] <+FireStarter> I'm wrong, I said too much
[21:03:47] <@tiger10x> But whatever
[21:04:00] <+FireStarter> lol ok
[21:04:02] <@tiger10x> It's okay, I don't know enough about who made TCG
[21:04:03] <+FireStarter> !chart
[21:04:03] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[21:04:03] <@tiger10x> 400 - N N N N Y N
[21:04:03] <@tiger10x> 800 - N N N N Y Y
[21:04:03] <@tiger10x> 1200- Y Y N Y N Y
[21:04:03] <@tiger10x> 1600- Y Y N Y Y Y
[21:04:03] <@tiger10x> 2000- Y N N Y Y N
[21:04:03] <@tiger10x> 1: Answers
[21:04:03] <@tiger10x> 2: Shop
[21:04:03] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[21:04:03] <@tiger10x> 4: Groups
[21:04:03] <@tiger10x> 5: Identify
[21:04:03] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Not-Pokemon (Misc)
[21:04:11] <+FireStarter> !q 6 1600
[21:04:12] * tiger10x sets mode: -v FireStarter
[21:04:15] * @tiger10x Misc 1600 * This person won the Nascar Sprint Cup Daytona 500 race last week.
[21:04:18] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:04:19] <Sneaky_Sneasel> buzz
[21:04:19] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[21:04:20] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:04:20] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Sneaky_Sneasel
[21:04:21] * @tiger10x Sneaky_Sneasel has 8 seconds to answer!
[21:04:24] <@tiger10x> 5
[21:04:25] <@tiger10x> 4
[21:04:26] <@tiger10x> 3
[21:04:27] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> Whi is Ryan Newman?
[21:04:27] <@tiger10x> 2
[21:04:28] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> !stop
[21:04:29] * @tiger10x Correct! 1600 to Sneaky_Sneasel
[21:04:29] <@tiger10x> Sneaky_Sneasel -400
[21:04:31] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> who >.>
[21:04:40] <+Sneaky_Sneasel> !q 6 800
[21:04:41] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Sneaky_Sneasel
[21:04:44] * @tiger10x Misc 800 * This is Superman's secret identity.
[21:04:47] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:04:48] <FireStarter> buzz
[21:04:48] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[21:04:48] <TonberryKing> buzz
[21:04:48] <Xenon> buzz
[21:04:48] <Sneaky_Sneasel> buzz
[21:04:49] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:04:49] * tiger10x sets mode: +v FireStarter
[21:04:50] * @tiger10x FireStarter has 8 seconds to answer!
[21:04:53] <@tiger10x> 5
[21:04:54] <@tiger10x> 4
[21:04:55] <@tiger10x> 3
[21:04:55] <+FireStarter> Who is Clark Kent
[21:04:56] <@tiger10x> 2
[21:04:57] <@tiger10x> 1
[21:04:57] <+FireStarter> !stop
[21:04:58] * @tiger10x Correct! 800 to FireStarter
[21:04:58] <@tiger10x> FireStarter 3000
[21:05:08] <+FireStarter> !q 6 1200
[21:05:08] * tiger10x sets mode: -v FireStarter
[21:05:12] * @tiger10x Misc 1200 * At the Game Developers Conference 2008, this game received the "Handheld Game of the Year" award.
[21:05:15] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:05:16] <Jamie> buzz
[21:05:17] <Rhapsody> what
[21:05:18] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:05:18] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Jamie
[21:05:19] * @tiger10x Jamie has 8 seconds to answer!
[21:05:21] <@tiger10x> 5
[21:05:22] <@tiger10x> 4
[21:05:23] <@tiger10x> 3
[21:05:24] <@tiger10x> 2
[21:05:25] <@tiger10x> 1
[21:05:26] <@tiger10x> TIME!
[21:05:26] <+Jamie> What is Phoenix Wright
[21:05:27] <+Jamie> !stop
[21:05:28] * @tiger10x Incorrect. 1200 from Jamie
[21:05:28] <@tiger10x> Jamie -1200
[21:05:28] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Jamie
[21:05:30] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:05:31] <Rhapsody> no. :(
[21:05:32] <TonberryKing> 4[OBJECTION!]
[21:05:34] <Jamie> LOL I HAD NO IDEA
[21:05:40] <Xenon> buzz
[21:05:41] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:05:41] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Xenon
[21:05:42] * @tiger10x Xenon has 8 seconds to answer!
[21:05:44] <+Xenon> What is brain age
[21:05:45] <@tiger10x> 5
[21:05:46] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:05:46] <@tiger10x> 4
[21:05:47] <@tiger10x> 3
[21:05:48] <+Xenon> !stop
[21:05:51] * @tiger10x Incorrect. 1200 from Xenon
[21:05:51] <@tiger10x> Xenon -2000
[21:05:51] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Xenon
[21:05:57] <@tiger10x> LOZ: Phantom Hourglass
[21:06:05] * tiger10x sets mode: +v FireStarter
[21:06:09] <+FireStarter> !chart
[21:06:09] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[21:06:09] <@tiger10x> 400 - N N N N Y N
[21:06:09] <@tiger10x> 800 - N N N N Y N
[21:06:09] <@tiger10x> 1200- Y Y N Y N N
[21:06:09] <@tiger10x> 1600- Y Y N Y Y N
[21:06:09] <@tiger10x> 2000- Y N N Y Y N
[21:06:09] <@tiger10x> 1: Answers
[21:06:09] <@tiger10x> 2: Shop
[21:06:09] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[21:06:09] <@tiger10x> 4: Groups
[21:06:09] <@tiger10x> 5: Identify
[21:06:09] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Not-Pokemon (Misc)
[21:06:18] <+FireStarter> !q 5 2000
[21:06:18] * tiger10x sets mode: -v FireStarter
[21:06:22] * @tiger10x Identify 2000 *
[21:06:25] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:06:28] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[21:06:29] <AngrySparrow> ...
[21:06:29] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:06:30] * tiger10x sets mode: +v EvilPenguin
[21:06:30] * @tiger10x EvilPenguin has 8 seconds to answer!
[21:06:33] <@tiger10x> 5
[21:06:34] <@tiger10x> 4
[21:06:35] <@tiger10x> 3
[21:06:36] <@tiger10x> 2
[21:06:37] <+EvilPenguin> what is a kelpsy berry
[21:06:37] <@tiger10x> 1
[21:06:38] <@tiger10x> TIME!
[21:06:39] * @tiger10x Correct! 2000 to EvilPenguin
[21:06:39] <@tiger10x> EvilPenguin 7000
[21:06:42] <+EvilPenguin> :D
[21:06:45] <@tiger10x> Good :O
[21:06:56] <@tiger10x> Fast computer :P
[21:07:03] <+EvilPenguin> !q 1 1200
[21:07:03] <@tiger10x> It's a... 7,11D11,7-7,11D11,7-7,11D11,7A7,11I11,7L7,11Y11,7 7,11D11,7O7,11U11,7B7,11L11,7E7,11!11,7!7,11!11,7!
[21:07:05] <+EvilPenguin> :O
[21:07:05] <@tiger10x> Daily Double Information:
[21:07:05] <@tiger10x> You may wager from 1 up to your current score or 2000.
[21:07:05] <@tiger10x> Only you can answer this question, and you have ten seconds to answer.
[21:07:05] <@tiger10x> Submit your wager using !wager (amount), and two seconds later, the question will appear.
[21:07:05] <@tiger10x> Your current score: 7000
[21:07:11] <@tiger10x> Wager it all
[21:07:21] <@tiger10x> I really will do that every time
[21:07:36] <+EvilPenguin> are there two DDs in this round?
[21:07:39] <@tiger10x> Yes
[21:07:43] <@tiger10x> And two DTs
[21:07:45] <+EvilPenguin> k
[21:07:50] <@tiger10x> All of it :O
[21:07:56] <+EvilPenguin> !wager 5000
[21:07:58] * @tiger10x Daily Double Answers * What is 100?
[21:08:03] <@tiger10x> 5
[21:08:04] <@tiger10x> 4
[21:08:05] <@tiger10x> 3
[21:08:05] <+EvilPenguin> Voltorbs number
[21:08:06] <@tiger10x> 2
[21:08:07] <@tiger10x> 1
[21:08:08] <@tiger10x> TIME!
[21:08:10] * @tiger10x Correct!
[21:08:10] <@tiger10x> EvilPenguin 12000
[21:08:12] <@tiger10x> Good enough
[21:08:13] <+EvilPenguin> >:)
[21:08:22] <+EvilPenguin> !chart
[21:08:22] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[21:08:22] <@tiger10x> 400 - N N N N Y N
[21:08:22] <@tiger10x> 800 - N N N N Y N
[21:08:22] <@tiger10x> 1200- N Y N Y N N
[21:08:22] <@tiger10x> 1600- Y Y N Y Y N
[21:08:22] <@tiger10x> 2000- Y N N Y N N
[21:08:22] <@tiger10x> 1: Answers
[21:08:22] <@tiger10x> 2: Shop
[21:08:22] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[21:08:22] <@tiger10x> 4: Groups
[21:08:22] <@tiger10x> 5: Identify
[21:08:22] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Not-Pokemon (Misc)
[21:08:40] <+EvilPenguin> !q 4 1600
[21:08:40] <@tiger10x> It's a... 7,11D11,7-7,11D11,7-7,11D11,7A7,11I11,7L7,11Y11,7 7,11D11,7O7,11U11,7B7,11L11,7E7,11!11,7!7,11!11,7!
[21:08:42] <@tiger10x> Daily Double Information:
[21:08:42] <@tiger10x> You may wager from 1 up to your current score or 2000.
[21:08:42] <@tiger10x> Only you can answer this question, and you have ten seconds to answer.
[21:08:42] <@tiger10x> Submit your wager using !wager (amount), and two seconds later, the question will appear.
[21:08:42] <@tiger10x> Your current score: 12000
[21:08:43] <+EvilPenguin> >:O
[21:08:47] <@tiger10x> Wager it all :D
[21:08:57] <+EvilPenguin> lol two in a row
[21:09:01] <@tiger10x> Come on
[21:09:11] <+EvilPenguin> !wager 4000
[21:09:13] <@tiger10x> Aww
[21:09:14] * @tiger10x Daily Double Groups * Want, Laugh, Find, Give, Join, Undo, Keep...
[21:09:18] <@tiger10x> 5
[21:09:19] <@tiger10x> 4
[21:09:20] <@tiger10x> 3
[21:09:21] <@tiger10x> 2
[21:09:22] <@tiger10x> 1
[21:09:23] <@tiger10x> TIME!
[21:09:24] <+EvilPenguin> what is asdfjkl;s
[21:09:27] * @tiger10x Incorrect.
[21:09:27] <@tiger10x> EvilPenguin 8000
[21:09:29] <@tiger10x> :(
[21:09:34] <@tiger10x> Unown words
[21:09:38] <@tiger10x> Associations
[21:09:45] <@tiger10x> Like in TCG
[21:09:45] <+EvilPenguin> k never would have gotten that
[21:09:50] <+EvilPenguin> wtf is tcg
[21:09:53] <+EvilPenguin> um,
[21:09:55] <+EvilPenguin> !chart
[21:09:55] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[21:09:55] <@tiger10x> 400 - N N N N Y N
[21:09:55] <@tiger10x> 800 - N N N N Y N
[21:09:55] <@tiger10x> 1200- N Y N Y N N
[21:09:55] <@tiger10x> 1600- Y Y N N Y N
[21:09:55] <@tiger10x> 2000- Y N N Y N N
[21:09:55] <@tiger10x> 1: Answers
[21:09:55] <@tiger10x> 2: Shop
[21:09:55] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[21:09:55] <@tiger10x> 4: Groups
[21:09:55] <@tiger10x> 5: Identify
[21:09:55] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Not-Pokemon (Misc)
[21:10:09] <+EvilPenguin> if i get the DT here i will die of laughter
[21:10:14] . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[21:10:14] 400-- N N N N Y N
[21:10:14] 800-- N N N N Y N
[21:10:14] 1200- N Y N Y N N
[21:10:14] 1600- Y Y N N Y N
[21:10:14] 2000- Y N N Y N N
[21:10:14] d 11200 41600 3800 21200
[21:10:16] <+EvilPenguin> !q 4 2000
[21:10:17] * tiger10x sets mode: -v EvilPenguin
[21:10:21] * @tiger10x Groups 2000 * Monean, Weepth, Liptoo, Scufib, Rixy, Viapois, Dilford.
[21:10:23] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:10:23] <TonberryKing> buzz
[21:10:25] <TonberryKing> buzz
[21:10:25] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:10:25] * tiger10x sets mode: +v TonberryKing
[21:10:26] * @tiger10x TonberryKing has 8 seconds to answer!
[21:10:28] <@tiger10x> 5
[21:10:29] <@tiger10x> 4
[21:10:30] <@tiger10x> 3
[21:10:30] <+TonberryKing> what are the tanoby ruins
[21:10:31] <@tiger10x> 2
[21:10:32] <+TonberryKing> !stop
[21:10:33] * @tiger10x Correct! 2000 to TonberryKing
[21:10:33] <@tiger10x> TonberryKing 5400
[21:10:40] <+TonberryKing> hrm
[21:10:42] <@tiger10x> I figured you'd know that one
[21:10:51] <+TonberryKing> I did the damn walkthrough ;[
[21:10:55] <+TonberryKing> !q 4 1200
[21:10:55] * tiger10x sets mode: -v TonberryKing
[21:10:59] * @tiger10x Groups 1200 * Pikachu, Caterpie, Noctowl, Krabby, Snorunt, Corphish, Muk...
[21:11:02] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:11:03] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[21:11:03] <Xenon> buzz
[21:11:04] <Sneaky_Sneasel> buzz
[21:11:04] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:11:04] * tiger10x sets mode: +v EvilPenguin
[21:11:05] * @tiger10x EvilPenguin has 8 seconds to answer!
[21:11:08] <@tiger10x> 5
[21:11:09] <@tiger10x> 4
[21:11:10] <@tiger10x> 3
[21:11:11] <+EvilPenguin> what are ashs pokemon
[21:11:11] <@tiger10x> 2
[21:11:12] <@tiger10x> 1
[21:11:13] <@tiger10x> TIME!
[21:11:14] * @tiger10x Correct! 1200 to EvilPenguin
[21:11:14] <@tiger10x> EvilPenguin 9200
[21:11:32] <+EvilPenguin> !q 4 2000
[21:11:32] <@tiger10x> Error: question already chosen.
[21:11:39] <+EvilPenguin> !chart
[21:11:39] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[21:11:39] <@tiger10x> 400 - N N N N Y N
[21:11:39] <@tiger10x> 800 - N N N N Y N
[21:11:39] <@tiger10x> 1200- N Y N N N N
[21:11:39] <@tiger10x> 1600- Y Y N N Y N
[21:11:39] <@tiger10x> 2000- Y N N N N N
[21:11:39] <@tiger10x> 1: Answers
[21:11:39] <@tiger10x> 2: Shop
[21:11:39] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[21:11:39] <@tiger10x> 4: Groups
[21:11:39] <@tiger10x> 5: Identify
[21:11:39] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Not-Pokemon (Misc)
[21:11:52] <+EvilPenguin> !q 2 1600
[21:11:53] * tiger10x sets mode: -v EvilPenguin
[21:11:56] * @tiger10x Shop 1600 * One Full Restore = this many sold Stardusts.
[21:11:59] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:12:00] <Xenon> buzz
[21:12:00] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[21:12:01] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:12:01] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Xenon
[21:12:02] * @tiger10x Xenon has 8 seconds to answer!
[21:12:04] <+Xenon> what are five
[21:12:05] <@tiger10x> 5
[21:12:06] <@tiger10x> 4
[21:12:06] <+Xenon> !stop
[21:12:09] * @tiger10x Incorrect. 1600 from Xenon
[21:12:09] <@tiger10x> Xenon -3600
[21:12:09] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Xenon
[21:12:11] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:12:12] <Jamie> buzz
[21:12:13] <Jamie> buzz
[21:12:14] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:12:14] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Jamie
[21:12:15] * @tiger10x Jamie has 8 seconds to answer!
[21:12:17] <@tiger10x> 5
[21:12:18] <@tiger10x> 4
[21:12:18] <+Jamie> what is 30
[21:12:19] <@tiger10x> 3
[21:12:20] <+Jamie> !stop
[21:12:22] * @tiger10x Incorrect. 1600 from Jamie
[21:12:22] <@tiger10x> Jamie -2800
[21:12:22] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Jamie
[21:12:24] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:12:26] <Rhapsody> buzz
[21:12:27] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:12:27] * tiger10x sets mode: +v Rhapsody
[21:12:28] * @tiger10x Rhapsody has 8 seconds to answer!
[21:12:29] <+Rhapsody> what is three
[21:12:29] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:12:31] <+Rhapsody> !stop
[21:12:32] * @tiger10x Correct! 1600 to Rhapsody
[21:12:32] <@tiger10x> Rhapsody 13400
[21:12:35] <+Rhapsody> :)
[21:12:40] <@tiger10x> 3000 and 1000
[21:12:47] <+Rhapsody> !chart
[21:12:47] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[21:12:47] <@tiger10x> 400 - N N N N Y N
[21:12:47] <@tiger10x> 800 - N N N N Y N
[21:12:47] <@tiger10x> 1200- N Y N N N N
[21:12:47] <@tiger10x> 1600- Y N N N Y N
[21:12:47] <@tiger10x> 2000- Y N N N N N
[21:12:47] <@tiger10x> 1: Answers
[21:12:47] <@tiger10x> 2: Shop
[21:12:47] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[21:12:47] <@tiger10x> 4: Groups
[21:12:47] <@tiger10x> 5: Identify
[21:12:47] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Not-Pokemon (Misc)
[21:12:54] <+Rhapsody> !q 2 1200
[21:12:54] <@tiger10x> It's a... 8,12D12,8-8,12D12,8-8,12D12,8A8,12I12,8L8,12Y12,8 4,9T9,4R4,9I9,4P4,9L9,4E4,9!9,4!4,9!9,4!
[21:12:57] <+Rhapsody> HOORAY
[21:12:57] <@tiger10x> Daily Triple Information:
[21:12:57] <@tiger10x> Triples are slightly more unique than doubles. In these, you only have two choices for your wager: triple your score or triple the question's point value.
[21:12:57] <@tiger10x> Based on that wager, you can either gain or lose triple that amount.
[21:12:57] <@tiger10x> Only you can answer this question, and you have ten seconds to answer.
[21:12:57] <@tiger10x> Submit your wager using !wager score or !wager value, and two seconds later, the question will appear.
[21:12:57] <@tiger10x> Your current score: 13400
[21:12:57] <@tiger10x> You can also neglect to wager with !wager 0 except that only you can still answer the question, but it doesn't count at all.
[21:13:00] <@tiger10x> Wager score! :D
[21:13:03] * FireStarter is now known as Wager_It_All
[21:13:07] * Wager_It_All is now known as FireStarter
[21:13:08] * TonberryKing is now known as DO_IT
[21:13:13] <@tiger10x> Set the record :O
[21:13:13] * DO_IT is now known as TonberryKing
[21:13:24] <+Rhapsody> GAAH PEER PRESSURE
[21:13:27] * EvilPenguin is now known as LOSE__ALL__UR__MONEYS
[21:13:29] <@tiger10x> Which is 26900 or something
[21:13:30] * LOSE__ALL__UR__MONEYS is now known as EvilPenguin
[21:13:35] * TonberryKing is now known as OVER9000
[21:13:43] * OVER9000 is now known as TonberryKing
[21:13:56] * Xenon is now known as SUCCUMB_TO_PRESSURE
[21:13:59] * SUCCUMB_TO_PRESSURE is now known as Xenon
[21:14:04] <@tiger10x> You'll set the record for biggest wager :O
[21:14:16] <+Rhapsody> hmm
[21:14:18] <@tiger10x> Regardless of the triple
[21:14:21] <@tiger10x> Do it
[21:14:28] <@tiger10x> Actually, wait
[21:14:30] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:14:33] <TonberryKing> DO IT
[21:14:33] <TonberryKing> DO IT
[21:14:34] <TonberryKing> DO IT
[21:14:35] <TonberryKing> :D
[21:14:35] <@tiger10x> Who wants her to do it?
[21:14:37] <Xenon> WAGER EVERYTHING
[21:14:38] <Xenon> SUCCUMB
[21:14:39] <Jamie> ME
[21:14:40] <Xenon> TO PRESSURE
[21:14:41] <Jamie> DO IT
[21:14:41] <+Rhapsody> ...
[21:14:42] <Jamie> DO IT
[21:14:43] <TonberryKing> EPIC WAGER
[21:14:44] <Jamie> DOOOOOOO IIIIIIITTT
[21:14:45] <Xenon> !VOTE Y
[21:14:45] <Jamie> YOU CAN DO IT
[21:14:46] <Xenon> !VOTE Y
[21:14:46] <Xenon> !VOTE Y
[21:14:46] <Xenon> !VOTE Y
[21:14:47] <@tiger10x> Tell me when to +m
[21:14:49] <Jamie> !vote y
[21:14:54] <Jamie> dooooooo iiiiiiiittttttttt
[21:14:55] <Xenon> DO IT MAN
[21:14:55] <Sneaky_Sneasel> Just pick something
[21:14:56] <Jamie> dooooooooooooooooo
[21:14:56] <+Rhapsody> fine, I'll do it :|
[21:14:56] <TonberryKing> EPIC WAGER
[21:14:57] <Jamie> iiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttt
[21:14:58] <Xenon> I DARE YOU
[21:14:58] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:15:00] <@tiger10x> Awesome
[21:15:02] <+Rhapsody> !wager score
[21:15:04] * @tiger10x Daily Triple Shop * A Potion sells for the same amount as this other HP-restoring item.
[21:15:09] <@tiger10x> 5
[21:15:10] <@tiger10x> 4
[21:15:11] <@tiger10x> 3
[21:15:12] <@tiger10x> 2
[21:15:13] <@tiger10x> 1
[21:15:14] <@tiger10x> TIME!
[21:15:14] <+Rhapsody> what is lemondade
[21:15:16] <+Rhapsody> :(
[21:15:20] <@tiger10x> Panic attack :(
[21:15:23] <+Rhapsody> lol lemondade
[21:15:25] * @tiger10x Incorrect.
[21:15:25] <@tiger10x> Rhapsody -26800
[21:15:30] <+Rhapsody> o/
[21:15:31] <@tiger10x> Soda Pop
[21:15:43] <@tiger10x> Which might be less than ghett0's score :O
[21:15:49] <+Rhapsody> did i break two records at once? :D
[21:16:00] <@tiger10x> Lowest "unintentional" score:
[21:16:00] <@tiger10x> ghett0: -27401
[21:16:05] <@tiger10x> Almost
[21:16:14] <@tiger10x> But I'll set you in there for the wager :D
[21:16:35] <+Rhapsody> yay
[21:16:40] <+Rhapsody> so um !chart time right
[21:17:05] <@tiger10x> Yeah
[21:17:08] <+Rhapsody> !chart
[21:17:08] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[21:17:08] <@tiger10x> 400 - N N N N Y N
[21:17:08] <@tiger10x> 800 - N N N N Y N
[21:17:08] <@tiger10x> 1200- N N N N N N
[21:17:08] <@tiger10x> 1600- Y N N N Y N
[21:17:08] <@tiger10x> 2000- Y N N N N N
[21:17:08] <@tiger10x> 1: Answers
[21:17:08] <@tiger10x> 2: Shop
[21:17:08] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[21:17:08] <@tiger10x> 4: Groups
[21:17:08] <@tiger10x> 5: Identify
[21:17:08] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Not-Pokemon (Misc)
[21:17:14] <@tiger10x> Biggest wager:
[21:17:14] <@tiger10x> Frost: 13199 (final, won)
[21:17:16] <+Rhapsody> !q 1 2000
[21:17:16] * tiger10x sets mode: -v Rhapsody
[21:17:20] * @tiger10x Answers 2000 * What is Berry?
[21:17:22] <@tiger10x> (was)
[21:17:23] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:17:24] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[21:17:24] <Rhapsody> byuzz
[21:17:25] <DragonPhoenix> buzz
[21:17:25] <Sneaky_Sneasel> buzz
[21:17:25] <Jamie> buzz
[21:17:25] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:17:26] * tiger10x sets mode: +v EvilPenguin
[21:17:26] * @tiger10x EvilPenguin has 8 seconds to answer!
[21:17:29] <@tiger10x> 5
[21:17:30] <@tiger10x> 4
[21:17:31] <@tiger10x> 3
[21:17:32] <@tiger10x> 2
[21:17:32] <+EvilPenguin> what was the 10 hp restore thing in gs
[21:17:33] <@tiger10x> 1
[21:17:34] <@tiger10x> TIME!
[21:17:36] * @tiger10x Correct! 2000 to EvilPenguin
[21:17:36] <@tiger10x> EvilPenguin 11200
[21:17:38] <+EvilPenguin> :)
[21:17:39] <@tiger10x> Good answer
[21:17:50] <@tiger10x> But it was still a question
[21:17:50] <+EvilPenguin> i had adrenaline rush
[21:18:01] <+EvilPenguin> meh
[21:18:16] <+EvilPenguin> !q 4 400
[21:18:16] <@tiger10x> Error: question already chosen.
[21:18:18] <+EvilPenguin> err
[21:18:21] <+EvilPenguin> !q 5 400
[21:18:22] * tiger10x sets mode: -v EvilPenguin
[21:18:25] * @tiger10x Identify 400 *
[21:18:28] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:18:29] <TonberryKing> buzz
[21:18:29] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[21:18:30] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:18:30] * tiger10x sets mode: +v TonberryKing
[21:18:31] * @tiger10x TonberryKing has 8 seconds to answer!
[21:18:34] <@tiger10x> 5
[21:18:35] <@tiger10x> 4
[21:18:36] <@tiger10x> 3
[21:18:36] <+TonberryKing> what is the Leaf Green intro screen O_o
[21:18:37] <@tiger10x> 2
[21:18:38] <@tiger10x> 1
[21:18:39] <@tiger10x> TIME!
[21:18:41] * @tiger10x Correct! 400 to TonberryKing
[21:18:41] <@tiger10x> TonberryKing 5800
[21:18:50] <+TonberryKing> blatantly obvious :(
[21:18:59] <+TonberryKing> !q 5 800
[21:18:59] * tiger10x sets mode: -v TonberryKing
[21:19:01] <@tiger10x> It was for 400 :P
[21:19:03] * @tiger10x Identify 800 *
[21:19:06] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:19:07] <TonberryKing> buzz
[21:19:07] <Xenon> buzz
[21:19:07] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[21:19:07] <Jamie> buzz
[21:19:08] <DragonPhoenix> buzz
[21:19:08] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:19:09] * tiger10x sets mode: +v TonberryKing
[21:19:09] * @tiger10x TonberryKing has 8 seconds to answer!
[21:19:12] <@tiger10x> 5
[21:19:12] <+TonberryKing> what is wigglytuff's green sprite
[21:19:13] <@tiger10x> 4
[21:19:14] <@tiger10x> 3
[21:19:14] <+TonberryKing> !stop
[21:19:15] * @tiger10x Correct! 800 to TonberryKing
[21:19:15] <@tiger10x> TonberryKing 6600
[21:19:18] <+TonberryKing> O_o
[21:19:32] <+TonberryKing> !q 5 1600
[21:19:33] * tiger10x sets mode: -v TonberryKing
[21:19:36] * @tiger10x Identify 1600 *
[21:19:39] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:19:40] <TonberryKing> buzz
[21:19:40] <Rhapsody> buzz
[21:19:41] <Jamie> buzz
[21:19:41] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:19:41] * tiger10x sets mode: +v TonberryKing
[21:19:42] * @tiger10x TonberryKing has 8 seconds to answer!
[21:19:43] <+TonberryKing> what is a starf berry
[21:19:45] <+TonberryKing> !stop
[21:19:47] * @tiger10x Correct! 1600 to TonberryKing
[21:19:47] <@tiger10x> TonberryKing 8200
[21:19:55] <+TonberryKing> !chart
[21:19:55] <@tiger10x> . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[21:19:55] <@tiger10x> 400 - N N N N N N
[21:19:55] <@tiger10x> 800 - N N N N N N
[21:19:55] <@tiger10x> 1200- N N N N N N
[21:19:55] <@tiger10x> 1600- Y N N N N N
[21:19:55] <@tiger10x> 2000- N N N N N N
[21:19:55] <@tiger10x> 1: Answers
[21:19:55] <@tiger10x> 2: Shop
[21:19:55] <@tiger10x> 3: Psypoke
[21:19:55] <@tiger10x> 4: Groups
[21:19:55] <@tiger10x> 5: Identify
[21:19:55] <@tiger10x> 6: Misc Not-Pokemon (Misc)
[21:19:58] <@tiger10x> Hmm
[21:20:01] <+TonberryKing> hmm
[21:20:02] <+TonberryKing> it's a DT :X
[21:20:08] <+TonberryKing> !q 1 1600
[21:20:09] * tiger10x sets mode: -v TonberryKing
[21:20:13] * @tiger10x Answers 1600 * Where is Lavender Town?
[21:20:15] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:20:16] <EvilPenguin> buzz
[21:20:16] <Rhapsody> buzz
[21:20:16] <Sneaky_Sneasel> buzz
[21:20:17] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:20:17] * tiger10x sets mode: +v EvilPenguin
[21:20:18] * @tiger10x EvilPenguin has 8 seconds to answer!
[21:20:21] <@tiger10x> 5
[21:20:22] <@tiger10x> 4
[21:20:23] <@tiger10x> 3
[21:20:24] <@tiger10x> 2
[21:20:25] <@tiger10x> 1
[21:20:26] <+EvilPenguin> Kanto city without gym
[21:20:26] <@tiger10x> TIME!
[21:20:33] <@tiger10x> Hmm
[21:20:38] * @tiger10x Correct! 1600 to EvilPenguin
[21:20:38] <@tiger10x> EvilPenguin 12800
[21:20:40] <+EvilPenguin> :)
[21:20:42] <@tiger10x> I guess
[21:20:43] * +EvilPenguin hugs tiger
[21:20:48] . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6
[21:20:48] 400-- N N N N N N
[21:20:48] 800-- N N N N N N
[21:20:48] 1200- N N N N N N
[21:20:48] 1600- N N N N N N
[21:20:48] 2000- N N N N N N
[21:20:48] d 11200 41600 3800 21200
[21:20:51] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:20:53] <Sneaky_Sneasel> how about no :(
[21:20:56] <@tiger10x> mini-break
[21:20:57] <Xenon> THAT WAS WROOOONG
[21:20:59] <+EvilPenguin> +and is east of safron and has creepy music and ya
[21:21:01] <Sneaky_Sneasel> Where =/= What
[21:21:07] <Rhapsody> +has dead pokemon
[21:21:07] <FireStarter> how about DEEZ NUTS?
[21:21:10] <Jamie> how long r brake
[21:21:18] <TonberryKing> O_o
[21:21:19] <Sneaky_Sneasel> yay negatives :D
[21:21:24] <+EvilPenguin> braek ovar when phat ladie signs
[21:21:26] <@tiger10x> %Rhapsody -26800
[21:21:26] <@tiger10x> %EvilPenguin 12800
[21:21:26] <@tiger10x> %TonberryKing 8200
[21:21:26] <@tiger10x> %AngrySparrow 600
[21:21:26] <@tiger10x> %FireStarter 3000
[21:21:26] <@tiger10x> %DragonPhoenix 400
[21:21:26] <@tiger10x> %Sneaky_Sneasel -400
[21:21:26] <@tiger10x> %Xenon -3600
[21:21:26] <@tiger10x> %Jamie -2800
[21:21:28] * Jamie sings
[21:21:35] <@tiger10x> Think of your final jeopardy wagers now please
[21:21:35] <+EvilPenguin> in absense of phat ladie, wee has S_S
[21:21:36] * Xenon sings LOUDER
[21:21:40] <Jamie> I R FAT LADIE
[21:21:45] <@tiger10x> Hint: it all
[21:21:46] <Jamie> umm
[21:21:47] <+EvilPenguin> YUS U R
[21:21:48] <Jamie> what if you're negative
[21:21:48] <Jamie> D:
[21:21:52] <@tiger10x> 1000
[21:21:55] <+EvilPenguin> then ur dumb
[21:21:57] <Jamie> oaky
[21:21:59] <Rhapsody> so if I purposely fail final jeopardy and set record for lowest score am I cool?
[21:22:00] <TonberryKing> ALL
[21:22:04] <TonberryKing> IN
[21:22:04] <@tiger10x> Yes
[21:22:10] <Jamie> so i can wager 1000?
[21:22:11] <@tiger10x> It's hard though
[21:22:13] <@tiger10x> I think
[21:22:15] <Sneaky_Sneasel> Can I wager 20000?
[21:22:15] <@tiger10x> Maybe
[21:22:18] <@tiger10x> No
[21:22:24] <TonberryKing> I don't even have over 9000 ._.
[21:22:35] <Jamie> OVER 9990000000000000000000000000
[21:22:41] <Jamie> err
[21:22:44] <+EvilPenguin> im in lead :D
[21:22:44] <Jamie> the extra digits
[21:22:48] <Sneaky_Sneasel> Wager 801 then TK :o
[21:22:48] <Jamie> were to make the word longer
[21:22:51] <Jamie> not the number D:
[21:23:02] <TonberryKing> lol Jamie
[21:23:03] <TonberryKing> 4[FAIL]
[21:23:07] <Xenon> !wager 1000
[21:23:08] <Rhapsody> what's the lowest we can wager?
[21:23:09] <+EvilPenguin> hubh
[21:23:09] <Jamie> </3
[21:23:13] <+EvilPenguin> i dun get it
[21:23:14] <Jamie> !wager 1000
[21:23:15] <Xenon> !wager 1000
[21:23:15] <Xenon> !wager 1000
[21:23:19] <Jamie> !wager 1000
[21:23:20] <Jamie> !wager 1000
[21:23:22] <Xenon> !wager 1000
[21:23:24] <Jamie> !wager 1000
[21:23:25] <Xenon> !wager 1000
[21:23:27] <Jamie> !wager 1000
[21:23:29] <Jamie> !wager 1000
[21:23:38] <@tiger10x> I didn't even do it yet
[21:23:42] <+EvilPenguin> lolz
[21:23:44] <Jamie> idc
[21:23:48] <Xenon> `ywager 1000
[21:23:49] <Rhapsody> can we wager negatives
[21:23:50] <Xenon> :O !
[21:23:53] * +EvilPenguin slaps Jamie around a bit with a large trout
[21:24:00] <+EvilPenguin> !wager -10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[21:24:07] <@tiger10x> No, but if you get it wrong on 1000, you set two records today
[21:24:08] <Jamie> CAN WE WAGER NEGATIVES
[21:24:08] <+EvilPenguin> now if i get it wrong, i lose that much
[21:24:12] <Jamie> aww
[21:24:19] <Jamie> so I can wager 1k even though i'm -? :D
[21:24:20] <+EvilPenguin> which gives me 100000000000000000000000000000000000000023143 or something
[21:24:27] <+EvilPenguin> in positive :")
[21:24:30] <+EvilPenguin> -"
[21:24:36] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:24:58] <@tiger10x> Does anyone not understand how the wager submitting works? It uses !wager... blah blah
[21:25:00] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:25:08] * tiger10x sets mode: -v EvilPenguin
[21:25:10] <EvilPenguin> whats the FJ question like?
[21:25:22] <Xenon> !wager 1000
[21:25:22] <@tiger10x> It's something you may have to think about
[21:25:27] <EvilPenguin> how long
[21:25:29] <@tiger10x> It may look hard
[21:25:35] <@tiger10x> You have 30 seconds total
[21:25:39] <EvilPenguin> k
[21:25:40] <@tiger10x> Actually...
[21:25:43] <@tiger10x> Final Jeopardy:
[21:25:43] <@tiger10x> This round will consist of a single somewhat-difficult clue to which everyone must supply an answer. If there is no answer before the 30-second time period runs out (with "TIME!"), it will count as wrong.
[21:25:43] <@tiger10x> In the 30-second question period, the question will be given under +m, and with 4 seconds left in the countdown, -m will be set to collect answers. This is to discourage people from copying another's answer.
[21:25:43] <@tiger10x> Before the question, there will be a five-second wager-submitting period. If you do not submit a wager, you will not be eligible to answer. You may bet from 1 up to your current amount of earned Psybucks this game. If you have less than 1000, you may bet up to 1000.
[21:25:43] <@tiger10x> To submit your wager, simply type !wager (amount)
[21:25:43] <@tiger10x> During the quick break that follows, you should decide upon your wager. The current scores will be printed soon.
[21:25:50] <@tiger10x> -last line
[21:26:14] <Xenon> !wager 1000
[21:26:17] <Jamie> !wager 1000
[21:26:20] <Sneaky_Sneasel> !wager 1000
[21:26:29] <EvilPenguin> wager now?
[21:26:30] <@tiger10x> -m will appear at 3 seconds also
[21:26:33] <@tiger10x> Yes
[21:26:34] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:26:40] <@tiger10x> So I take it you all understand
[21:26:49] <@tiger10x> And you all know how !wager works
[21:26:56] <@tiger10x> And you all are here
[21:26:58] <@tiger10x> I hope
[21:27:10] <@tiger10x> You have five seconds to wager starting in about five seconds
[21:27:16] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:27:17] <@tiger10x> 5
[21:27:17] <TonberryKing> !wager 801
[21:27:18] <@tiger10x> 4
[21:27:18] <Rhapsody> !wager 1000
[21:27:19] <FireStarter> !wager 3000
[21:27:19] <Xenon> !wager 1000
[21:27:19] <Sneaky_Sneasel> !wager 401
[21:27:19] <@tiger10x> 3
[21:27:19] <Jamie> !wager 1000
[21:27:20] <@tiger10x> 2
[21:27:20] <EvilPenguin> !wager 3601
[21:27:21] <@tiger10x> 1
[21:27:22] <@tiger10x> TIME!
[21:27:23] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:27:30] <@tiger10x> Woohoo, wagers
[21:27:40] <@tiger10x> Okay, now for the final question
[21:27:43] <@tiger10x> Are you ready?
[21:27:49] <@tiger10x> :O?
[21:27:55] <@tiger10x> Not that you can answer
[21:28:07] <@tiger10x> So, imagine some music
[21:28:16] <@tiger10x> And I'll print the clue in five seconds
[21:28:21] * @tiger10x Final Clue * In GSC, this is the prize for winning the bug catching contest at the National Park.
[21:28:29] <@tiger10x> Submit your question on -m
[21:28:36] <@tiger10x> 15 seconds
[21:28:37] <@tiger10x> Which is at 3 seconds
[21:28:41] <@tiger10x> 10
[21:28:42] <@tiger10x> In question form
[21:28:42] <@tiger10x> 9
[21:28:43] <@tiger10x> 8
[21:28:44] <@tiger10x> 7
[21:28:45] <@tiger10x> 6
[21:28:46] <@tiger10x> 5
[21:28:47] <@tiger10x> 4
[21:28:48] <@tiger10x> 3
[21:28:49] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:28:49] <@tiger10x> 2
[21:28:49] <Rhapsody> what is pikablu
[21:28:50] <TonberryKing> what is a sun stone?
[21:28:50] <Xenon> what is the sun stone
[21:28:50] <FireStarter> What is Sun Stone
[21:28:50] <EvilPenguin> what is the sun stone
[21:28:50] <@tiger10x> 1
[21:28:50] <Jamie> What is the Sun Stone?
[21:28:50] <Sneaky_Sneasel> What is the SUN STONE HELL YEAH WOO HOO BOO YAH WAZZUP?
[21:28:51] <@tiger10x> TIME!
[21:28:52] * tiger10x sets mode: +m
[21:28:56] * tiger10x sets mode: -m
[21:28:59] <Sneaky_Sneasel> :D
[21:29:02] <EvilPenguin> S_S wins
[21:29:03] <Rhapsody> yay
[21:29:03] <Xenon> Woot
[21:29:04] <EvilPenguin> :(
[21:29:07] <Jamie> o/
[21:29:15] <Rhapsody> i win
[21:29:18] <@tiger10x> And Rhapsody officially wins the unintentional worst score
[21:29:23] <Sneaky_Sneasel> >.>
[21:29:26] <Rhapsody> YAAAAAY
[21:29:32] <EvilPenguin> how did ghett0 get so low anyway?
[21:29:40] <FireStarter> by being a moron? :(
[21:29:40] <Rhapsody> being ghett0
[21:29:45] <Sneaky_Sneasel> Even when you lose, you still somehow win :(
[21:29:46] <Xenon> By failing HARD
[21:29:46] <FireStarter> lol first
[21:29:46] <EvilPenguin> Aside from that
[21:29:47] <FireStarter> :O
[21:29:52] <@tiger10x> ghett0: -27401
[21:29:56] <Sneaky_Sneasel> Also, YEAH ONE POINT!
[21:30:57] <Jamie> scores plz <3
[21:31:12] <@tiger10x> because I can do scores in two seconds >_>
[21:32:07] <Jamie> scores plz <3
[21:32:30] <Sneaky_Sneasel> stop
[21:32:31] <@tiger10x> Wow, more positives than negatives :O
[21:32:41] <EvilPenguin> thats a first
[21:32:44] <@tiger10x> In fact, twice as many positives
[21:32:56] <Sneaky_Sneasel> thanks to me
[21:33:06] <@tiger10x> And my "easy" final clue
[21:33:28] <@tiger10x> And...
[21:33:30] <@tiger10x> %EvilPenguin 16401
[21:33:30] <@tiger10x> %TonberryKing 9001
[21:33:30] <@tiger10x> %FireStarter 6000
[21:33:30] <@tiger10x> %AngrySparrow 600
[21:33:30] <@tiger10x> %DragonPhoenix 400
[21:33:30] <@tiger10x> %Sneaky_Sneasel 1
[21:33:30] <@tiger10x> %Jamie -1800
[21:33:30] <@tiger10x> %Xenon -2600
[21:33:30] <@tiger10x> %Rhapsody -27800
[21:33:35] <@tiger10x> EvilPenguin wins

Author:  Sneaky Sneasel [ Sun Jul 20, 2008 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Jeopardy: would you like fries with that?

I am Sneaky Sneasel, and I approve this message.

No seriously, Jeopardy is awesome. Don't be afraid to drop in and give it a shot. Just make sure you know your stuff and have a quick trigger finger, otherwise Rhapsody's just going to answer them all.

Author:  Krisp [ Sun Jul 20, 2008 7:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Jeopardy: would you like fries with that?

Bleh, why does it have to be in the afternoon? I'll most likely be sleeping at 3pm. I'll try to make it because I probably won't have to work, but that time might be a bit too early for me.

Author:  EvilPenguin [ Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Jeopardy: would you like fries with that?

Haha, thats the log of when I was TEH VICTOR WEWT ^.^

Author:  black_flygon [ Fri Aug 08, 2008 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Jeopardy: would you like fries with that? to go there and play you just go #psypokesjeopardy at the specified time to enter? or do you have to go somewhere else...blargh i want to play....

Author:  poplers [ Fri Aug 08, 2008 3:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Jeopardy: would you like fries with that?

black_flygon wrote: to go there and play you just go #psypokesjeopardy at the specified time to enter? or do you have to go somewhere else...blargh i want to play....

You go to #psypokejeopardy to play, but you can also socially chat in #psypoke, you can't have a social chat in #psypokejeopardy until the breaks.

Author:  tiger10x [ Wed Aug 13, 2008 5:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Jeopardy is in a couple days, and this topic's been here for a while. So here's a healthy reminder and typical request for extra/new participants.

Blah blah blah, come to jeopardy, etc.

Seriously though, just come.

Author:  tiger10x [ Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Jeopardy: would you like fries with that?


Author:  Patchy [ Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Jeopardy: would you like wrap-up with that?

They sound fun, but I don't know anything like that. :P

Congrats, EP, I guess.

RBY 600 * In Yellow, your rival uses this Pokemon as his Fire-type in his champion position if he does not use Flareon.
What is Wrap?

Wrap's a Pokémon? :S

Author:  ShotDuck [ Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Jeopardy: would you like wrap-up with that?

ShinyHunter07 wrote:
Quote:RBY 600 * In Yellow, your rival uses this Pokemon as his Fire-type in his champion position if he does not use Flareon.
What is Wrap?

Wrap's a Pokémon? :S

It's Ninetales. And no, wrap is the last RBY move alphabetically.

Author:  EvilPenguin [ Wed Aug 20, 2008 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Jeopardy: would you like wrap-up with that?

needs moar people/logs :(

EvilPenguin made the two biggest risks, but neither paid off. Instead, both nearly cost the win. The first was on a daily double in the second round for 5600, his entire score, and the second was 6000 on Final Jeopardy.

And yet I still won, because I'm just THAT awesome :D

Author:  Sneaky Sneasel [ Thu Aug 21, 2008 1:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke Jeopardy: would you like wrap-up with that?

I let you win...

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