
Psypoke trivia 2010: over, and scores are done
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Author:  Krisp [ Fri Oct 08, 2010 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Psypoke trivia 2010: over, and scores are done

This is copypasta from my 2009 thread.

Where is trivia?

It'll be held in the Psypoke chatroom. Details on how to join #psypoketrivia will be given on the 13th.

What are the rules?

1.) Do not spam or flood the channel. Flooding means sending text into the chatroom line after line. This is the #1 rule and will result in a ban that cannot be appealed.
2.) Complaining. If you think something is unfair and very important, PM me and I might sort it out at the end. All text in the chatroom is judged by what appears on my screen first, not yours. Any other complaints should be sent to
3.) Using colors will get you banned. I'll warn everyone at the beginning of trivia not to use colors.
4.) Being a general annoyance. If you have an answer, by all means, please say it and hope your guess is right. Answering "MUDKIPZ LOL" or something equally stupid to every question will most likely get you perma banned from the chatroom(s).
5.) If Rhapsody and Frost decide to defend their trivia King/Queen titles, do not complain if they win.

That's about it on the rules, I'm pretty lenient.

What kind of questions will there be?

There will be 11 questions for RBY/FRLG, 11 GSC/HGSS, 11 RSE, 11 DPP, and 6 Psypoke questions. 50 questions in total.

What are the prizes?

1st place: Pick from list (see below)
2nd place: Gets second pick from list (see below)
3rd place: Gets the last voucher on the list (see below)

- Name Change
- Custom Rank
- THREE Pokemon of your choice via WiFi. They will be legit except Arceus. They can be holding any item too.
*staff is not eligible for prizes, if someone on the staff happens to win, I'll pick the top 3 non staff

That's it on trivia. Please post comments/questions if any arise.

Trivia is over! Here are the final scores:

Serpentsounds - 15
Rhapsody - 13
Ace - 12
MewChamp - 7.5

TK - 2.5
DP - 1.5
Rex - 1
EP - 1
Shinashu - 1
CyanYoshi - 1
Ethereal_Ice - 1
Krisp - 1 (I got a point for stumping!)

Thanks to everyone who participated; I hope we see another good turn out in the future!

Author:  Manafi [ Fri Oct 08, 2010 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke trivia 2010: November 13th

Sounds cool ;) I'll try to be there.

Author:  EvilPenguin [ Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke trivia 2010: November 13th

Krisp wrote:
5.) If Rhapsody and Frost decide to defend their trivia King/Queen titles, do not complain if when they win.


Author:  Serpentsounds [ Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke trivia 2010: November 13th

If anyone is having doubts as to whether or not they should attend because it's unfamiliar, DO IT. Psypoke trivias were insane amounts of fun, and it's a shame we have them so rarely now. Don't miss this opportunity! The more people there, the more exciting it ends up being!

Author:  DarkTrainer13 [ Sat Oct 09, 2010 5:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke trivia 2010: November 13th

I would like to ask something, is there any age restriction to the chats?

Author:  Mr. Dude [ Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke trivia 2010: November 13th

I'm in! But I also have a question: About how long does each round last? I don't want to miss any rounds, buts I might be busy one night and won't be able to come to the computer.

Author:  Krisp [ Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke trivia 2010: November 13th

DarkTrainer13 wrote:
I would like to ask something, is there any age restriction to the chats?

No, but there's a behavioral restriction, if you act 12 you'll most likely be kicked out, but if you are 12 and act like a mature human you won't bother anyone.

About how long does each round last? I don't want to miss any rounds, buts I might be busy one night and won't be able to come to the computer.

It will only be held one night - the 13th at 8pm EST. It might last a little past 9 or until 10.

Author:  Jaypokes [ Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke trivia 2010: November 13th

Krisp wrote:
DarkTrainer13 wrote:
I would like to ask something, is there any age restriction to the chats?

No, but there's a behavioral restriction, if you act 12 you'll most likely be kicked out, but if you are 12 and act like a mature human you won't bother anyone.

yes know i just need to figure out how to use chat (my computer sucks) but why did you say 12 :( why not 11 my friends and i are 12 (in real life 1 tryed makeing a acount but his computer crashed) and we act mature oh well i guess if you go with the majority then i guess

Author:  Krisp [ Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke trivia 2010: November 13th

I didn't mean to offend you, sorry if I did, "12 year old" is a pretty standard insult on the internet.

Click the chatroom link in my first post and go to "java applet." If it asks you a question, hit yes. I promise there are no viruses involved.

Author:  Serpentsounds [ Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke trivia 2010: November 13th

Yeah, it would probably be a good idea to get a feel for IRC before the trivia starts. Go to the java applet like Krisp said, and if people happen to be talking, just chat for a while. It's pretty easy to use.

Author:  Jaypokes [ Sat Oct 09, 2010 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke trivia 2010: November 13th

Krisp wrote:
Click the chatroom link in my first post and go to "java applet." If it asks you a question, hit yes. I promise there are no viruses involved.

all its shows is a box outline with a erro box in the uper right well im going to my grandma things usaly work on her labtop (like psyfarie it worked there then for like a hour it didnt work at my grandpas) ill see when im there if not ill try to get it up and running here all else fails it looks like i wont come :( but on the bright side :) (i don't like to be negative) if it does work i think i have a good shot at winning being i played and beat almost every game scine i was 3 (which was hard seeing i couldnt realy read till 2nd grade :( (i was slow but now im a strong reader) if only i could spell)

Author:  Serpentsounds [ Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke trivia 2010: November 13th

Jaypokes wrote:
Krisp wrote:
Click the chatroom link in my first post and go to "java applet." If it asks you a question, hit yes. I promise there are no viruses involved.

all its shows is a box outline with a erro box in the uper right well im going to my grandma things usaly work on her labtop (like psyfarie it worked there then for like a hour it didnt work at my grandpas) ill see when im there if not ill try to get it up and running here all else fails it looks like i wont come :( but on the bright side :) (i don't like to be negative) if it does work i think i have a good shot at winning being i played and beat almost every game scine i was 3 (which was hard seeing i couldnt realy read till 2nd grade :( (i was slow but now im a strong reader) if only i could spell)

To be able to use the Java Applet, you'll need the JRE installed on your computer. I'd assumed that most people had it, but if you don' can install Java, or use Mibbit. Here's an easy Mibbit link to #psypoke IRC if you want to test it out.

Author:  Jaypokes [ Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke trivia 2010: November 13th

oh i see my coumputer had crashed so we didnt have it any more yes ill try it out after homework (lazy and dont want write a 5 paragraph sumery on 7 paragraphs(how does that mak sence))

Author:  Anamator [ Sat Oct 09, 2010 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke trivia 2010: November 13th

ok,i tried to gt on the chatrooms last night, and i could not get onto anny other chanels. can you help?

BTW, how do you make a chanel?

Author:  Jaypokes [ Sat Oct 09, 2010 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke trivia 2010: November 13th

nooooooooooooo at grandmas and it works but theres a eror

Author:  Rhapsody [ Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke trivia 2010: November 13th

I am excited for this and the ridiculous typos that will ensue. My goal this time is to out-typo sawable while still managing to have a comprehensible answer.

...I seem to be a fan of overcomplicated sentences today! But yeah, it also gives me a chance to test out my speed-typing skills. I hope we get a good turnout. >:D

Author:  The Amber Mine [ Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke trivia 2010: November 13th

Ok, I lost dimond and don't need a name change, the only thing left is the custom rank(and the glory of beating Frost and Rhapsody). If only i were good at the anime and the games before GBA...

Author:  Jaypokes [ Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke trivia 2010: November 13th

Serpentsounds wrote:
To be able to use the Java Applet, you'll need the JRE installed on your computer. I'd assumed that most people had it, but if you don' can install Java, or use Mibbit. Here's an easy Mibbit link to #psypoke IRC if you want to test it out.

ahh could some tell me how mibbit works i tried going and downloading java it does but then it says error start up and ahhhhhhhhhhh its so anoying i spend ten min. downloading and every thing
yes i figured it out sort of kind of

Author:  goldenquagsire [ Sun Oct 10, 2010 1:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke trivia 2010: November 13th

8pm EST is 1am the next morning in London... at least it's a Sunday, so I'll probably be able to make it. :)

Author:  shinashu taji [ Sun Oct 10, 2010 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke trivia 2010: November 13th

Yay it's a Saturday and a time I can easily make. What a delicious early birthday present this will make. A fun filled trivia night. :D Thanks Krisp and everyone else who put this together. I know this isn't specifically for me, but it's something that I can treat myself too.

Also Rhaps I shall out typo you, because I am just that bad at typing.

Author:  Anamator [ Sun Oct 10, 2010 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke trivia 2010: November 13th

What if you cant make it? i dont think i can use java on my DSI or other mobile devise.

Author:  Serpentsounds [ Sun Oct 10, 2010 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke trivia 2010: November 13th

Anamator wrote:
What if you cant make it? i dont think i can use java on my DSI or other mobile devise.

No, you can't. The only feasible way you could IRC on a DSi is if it had a javascript-enabled web browser (I don't own one so I can't say). Even then, it'd be difficult to play trivia, because it's kinda fast paced. Really the only way to enjoy the full experience would be to use an actual computer.

Author:  Anamator [ Sun Oct 10, 2010 7:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke trivia 2010: November 13th

F***, i cant do it after 9:30. my parent's have got a limit, which totaly sucks. it's kinda wierd anyway having a cutoff line.

Author:  torchie13125 [ Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke trivia 2010: November 13th

Is it? My mom doesn't even know I'm doing Psypoke forums. I didn't tell my mom that I signed up for this place either! It doesn't matter, because I told her a week ago. She threw a mighty Asian fit and grounded me (still with labtop) for a couple weeks, but she didn't make me get off this place.

Author:  KingErick [ Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psypoke trivia 2010: November 13th

i want to win and make my title "Rock Type Master" or "Elite 4 champion" or "Pokemon Czar" or "Rock Type Czar"

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