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 Generation V Event/Legends/etc. Trades 
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Bug Catcher
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Hello! Jarie Suicune here! Here's what I'm looking for, and what I have (of those Event-related).

-Movie 14 (Lv. 50) Victini (untrained & unaltered)
-Movie 14 (Lv. 100) Reshiram (unaltered)
-Movie 14 (Lv. 100) Zekrom (unaltered)

-I'm also interested in any other Event Pokemon (from Japan) that I don't have.

I have these Event Pokemon, mentioning how I got them as well [Mostly trades/Japanese Wi-Fi] (In-game effects listed, if any):

-----Gen V-----

-Lv. 15 Victini (from in-game Wonder Card event)

-Lv. 50 (male) Zoroark (Wi-Fi) [Has Bark Out]

-L.v 70 Goruugu (Shiny)(Wi-fi)

-Lv. 70 Sazandora (Shiny) (Wi-Fi)

-----Gen IV and before-----

-Lv. 10 Celebi, from the Japan-only GBA Event (Modest or Bold, if that matters) (Traded for this; I have 2 kinds: Modest and Bold Natures)

-Lv. 5 Mew, from Japan Wi-Fi Event.

-Lv. 5 Jirachi, from Japan Wi-Fi Event (Triggers a Pokewalker field for HG/SS)

-Lv. 50 Satoshi no Pikachu, from Japan Wi-Fi Event.

-Lv. 50 Scizor, from Japan Wi-Fi Event.

-Lv. 40 Birthday Charmander/Chimchar. (Traded for.)

-Lv. 5 Wobbuffet (Traded - GBA Japan Event)

(The following bunch are from America Events)
-Lv. 50 Movie Deoxys (America Gamestop Event)

-Lv. 50 Alamos (Movie) Darkrai (America Toys R Us Event)

-Lv. 70 10th Anniversary Latios (America 10th Anniversary event)

-Lv. 10 Poketopia Surfing & Volt Tackle Pikachu (English PKMN Battle Revolution)
(Obviously this doesn't apply to Gen V... But it is on my Gen IV games)

(The following are Japanese Movie Event Pokemon, along with their triggering effects. I traded for ALL of them, since I couldn't go myself):

-Regigigas (Opens the three Regi's caves in P.)

-Shaymin (Used to unlock the Glacidea Flower [Key Item] in P/HG/SS.)

-Arceus (Triggers Arceus [Learn about] Event in Platinum; also triggers Creation Event in HG/SS -Make a Lv. 1 Dialga/Palkia/Giratina w/their unique Orb! [Only way to get Origin-forme Giratina available in HG/SS])

-Shiny Pichu (Triggers the Notched-Ear Pichu Event in HG/SS at Ilex Shrine)

-Crown Suicune/Entei/Raikou (Any of them trigger the Zoroark Event in W/B)

-(20)10 Movie Celebi (Triggers Time Travel in HG/SS & Zorua Event in W/B

I think that's all of them...
PM me for trades. I don't really check the threads much...

Last edited by JarieSuicune on Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:26 pm, edited 5 times in total.

Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:10 pm
Psychic Trainer
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I have an extra Crown Entei and will trade it for any other event I don't have. If you are interested, please PM me a list of your Events(with level, OT name and #, how obtained and where obtained).

Pacific Time Zone (UTC-8) and I work graveyard. So the best time to contact me is 8am-12noon(I might be working outside) or 8pm-9:30pm Mon-Sat.
Pearl - Loki 3180 2509 3375

-I am a Shiny Breeder and can breed one if you PM me.
My Shiny Trading thread:

Sat Jul 17, 2010 8:31 am
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher

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I wnat you arceus movie event i will give you anything you want just pm me what you want

Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:12 am
Bug Catcher
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Post removed.

Shinies: PICHU (Event), Tangela, Gyarados.

Please Help My Pokemon (And eggs) To Grow

Last edited by GiratinaLover10 on Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Sep 07, 2010 4:25 am
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How about a 10th anniversary mew that is american not japenese for the time traveling celebi

To talk trash is one thing to know what the hell your talking about is quite another

Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:09 am
Bug Catcher
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This is only for trades involving Gen V. (This means it does not include Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, or SoulSilver, even though most of the Pokemon on this list are also available for those versions as well.)

Ok, this is essentially the same as my old trade list, just for going through B/W. (Meaning, I WON'T take trades for previous versions through here.)

Mainly, I gather Event-released Pokemon, but I also make it a point to have at least one of every single Legendary Pokemon.

I'm not interested in trading constantly, so waiting will be required; the time is non-negotiable nor do I like to be rushed, but I do try to be reasonable. (I DO have more to my life than distributions)

I don't like people who are rude or annoying. Or lie. Or such. Just saying it clear.

I am personally against hacks, and don't want to get any.
-To the best of my knowledge, nothing I have is hacked. If it is, it is close enough that I couldn't tell.

I will use whichever language name I want for my lists. (Japanese or English) If you don't recognize one I use, it's probably Japanese. So look it up if you care to know. Or learn their original names in the first place. (I've got a fair number of their Japanese names down, finally. It's pretty tough to remember both for the same Pokemon... GAH! JUST USE THE OFFICIAL ROMAJI OF THE JAPANESE NAMES NINTENDO OF AMERICA!!! IT SERIOUSLY WON'T HURT ANYTHING, AND JUST MAKE A LOT OF US HAPPY!!! [Those who would be made unhappy... I don't care. I'm a purist, or something like that. I also don't like dubbing-over. Though, I did like the original Pokemon voice actors. Did you know the original Japanese ones have had virtually no change in voices? Only one I recall reading was cause the original died.])

If you don't know the events, then you should probably check. I don't claim a list of ALL of them, just those I considered worth getting. (Which DOES include those that are rather special, such as Movie Event Pokemon).

ALL Event Pokemon are the exact same as when I got them. No EV's, Exp., attack changes, etc. Only thing they won't have is their held item, since they get bagged when transferred up, and I will not consider hunting for those items all over again. This may change in the future, if I get enough duplicate items (Unfortunately, Soul Dew, Lustrous/Luminous/Platinum Orbs are hard to get more than one of. Same goes for Plates, which I normally bundle the matching one with the Pokemon if they don't already have an associated item.)

I WILL NOT waste my time checking their Nature or IV's. If you want it, accept it as-is. (Or use a modding code; they exist; for both Nature and IV's. Not that I use them, or I probably WOULD take requests.)


Now, my current list:

Events (Japan-origin):

-Crown Raikou (Triggers Zoroark Event)
-Crown Entei (Triggers Zoroark Event)
-Crown Suicune (Triggers Zoroark Event)
-Celebi (Triggers Zorua Event)

-Mew (Lv. 5) -Lowest level available-
-Celebi (Lv. 10) -Lowest level available- (Only released in Japan, GBA-versions)
-Jirachi (Lv. 5) -Has Draco Meteor-

-Arceus -Movie event-
-Shaymin -Movie event-
-Regigigas -Movie event-
-Pichu -Movie event-

-Satoshi no Pikachu
-Guun no Hassamu

-Manaphy -NZ-

-Manaphy -Lv. 1; hatched from egg from Pokemon Ranger (Untrained, but you can't transfer/trade Eggs, so I had to hatch it first)


Events (America-origin):

-Darkrai -Movie event-
-Deoxys -Gamestop event-
-Latios -10th Anniversary-
-Celebi -10th Anniversary-
-Shiny Celebi -10th Anniversary- (Now, I KNOW that it sounds shady, but I haven't been able to find ANYTHING that clearly states that this is impossible, as it was a GBA event, and I have heard from several people that there were some Shiny ones given out. SO, if someone has REAL, LEGIT, SENSIBLE, ETC. evidence that this is impossible to have legally, THEN I will remove and discard it. Until then, I consider it a rarity I was lucky enough to get in a trade)


Non-Event Legends:
(These are those that I have at the lowest levels I have managed to get so far)

-Shiny Articuno
-Shiny Zapdos
-Shiny Moltres
-Shiny Mewtwo
-Shiny Mew (Faraway Island)
-Entei (But the
-Shiny Suicune
-Shiny Regirock
-Shiny Regice
-Shiny Registeel
-Shiny Latios
-Shiny Rayquaza
-Shiny Deoxys
-Rotom -Lv. 1- (I KNOW it's not really 'Legendary', but I count it anyways)
-Dialga -Lv. 1-
-Shiny Dialga -Lv. 47-
-Palkia -Lv. 1-
-Heatran -Lv. 70, Female-
-Regigigas -Lv. 70- (Sorry, I haven't yet gone to catch the Lv. 1 one in Platinum...)
-Giratina -Lv. 1-
-Shiny Giratina -Lv. 47-
-Shiny Cresselia
-Manaphy -Lv. 1- (Same as above one; it counts here too since it IS already hatched)
-Shiny Darkrai
-Shiny Shaymin


Non-Event, Non-Legends:

-Shiny Ralts -Lv. 1, All IV's=31_Female_Trace-
-Shiny Ralts -Lv. 1, All IV's=31_Female_Synchronize-
-Shiny Ralts -Lv. 1, All IV's=31_Male_Trace-

-Shiny Ditto -Lv. 4, All IV's=31- (It is duly named: IV-31Breed)

-All Starters. -Levels/genders vary; breed them if you want anything specific-
-Extremespeed Dratini -Lv. 15, female-
-Shiny Porygon -Lv. 5-
-Shiny Ponyta -Lv. 5- (Named PoisonFire)
-Shiny Snorunt -Lv. 5, female-
-Castform -Lv. 1, female-
-Shiny Gyarados -Lv. 30, female-


Dream World Pokemon (I won't update this often, but will when I remember):
(Also includes those caught in-game with Dream-world abilities that I don't mind trading)



I might try to take SOME requests, as there are other Pokemon I have (And also more than one kind of others from this list), but I am not a specialist. You want something specific, go to someone who does that. And I don't know anyone myself, so don't ask. (This would apply to wanting: LEVEL, ABILITY, NATURE, ATTACKS, IV's, WORLD-REGION, etc.)
I only get specific species.

I have Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond, and Pearl in English, and Platinum, SoulSilver, Black, and White in Japanese, so I do have access to every Pokemon available in-game.
I'd rather people use the GTS for other Pokemon though. Or catch them themselves.
I love the GTS! It's how I got a number of my Shinies! >_<

Also, once I start getting multiple Victini, Zekrom, Reshiram, etc. then I will add them to this list. Unfortunately, I only have my first ones, and they aren't up for trade. And I don't want anything enough to trade them. (I've already got all those that I want that I know of.)

Lastly, I don't check for replies. If you really want something on this listing from me, then PM me.
Oh, and I don't check Signatures for FC's. So make sure to include them in the PM.

Sun Oct 17, 2010 10:23 pm
Bug Catcher
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I love Suicune, Gardevoir, Typhlosion, Metagross, Zoroark, and Latias! (NOT in any order, nor limited to just them)

Shiny Suicune is best!
Shiny Gardevoir is best!
Normal Typhlosion is best!
Shiny/Normal Metagross is best! (I can't decide... T_T)
Shiny/Normal Zoroark is best! (I can't decide... T_T)
Normal Latias is best!

Sun Oct 17, 2010 10:28 pm
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To be honest, I'd like to have this result in a group of people that help distribute these Pokemon... some people just make it too hard for the common player (Like me) to get these awesome Pokemon, and I want to help them out!

Anyone interested, please do this as well! ^_^

Sun Oct 17, 2010 10:31 pm
Super Saiyan
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I REALLY suggest you read this thread. It honestly seems like you're just trying to piss people off.

There is only ONE THREAD per person. If you need to make changes to your current thread, then do so, DO NOT make a new thread.

Polls are not permitted. Asking what somebody's favorite color is does not contribute to the trade thread.

You are permitted one bump to your thread per week, provided you are updating the content. This does not mean 3 bumps per 10 minutes because you are bored.

Also, I don't know what you're referencing with this trading distribution group idea, but I'd like to remind you that each thread is for the thread owner's trades only.

Please be mindful of these rules in the future.


Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:52 pm
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Could I get that Bold Celebi? The only events I have are the VGC 09 Shiny Milotic, TRU Arceus and FAL Mew but let's try to work something out.

Heart Gold Friend Code: 4383 9902 6814

FC changed recently. Anyone who has registered me should change it in their Pal Pad.

My trading thread: viewtopic.php?f=36&t=27005

Tue Oct 19, 2010 5:22 am
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i would like your bold celebi
your regigigas that unocks other regis
the arceus that unocks sinjoh ruins
shiny pichu


and also could you tell me how to use the dream world

pm me for a battle my fc is 4297 5662 5505

Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:47 pm
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