Hello everyone, Ive spent the last two weeks searching for a dragon safari with shelgon and steel safari with a metang and no luck
, I have tried serebii chats and forums, nothing, I have tried the gts, but people make ridiculous proposals for them like shiny legendaries and perfect iv pokemon...which is something I dont have. I have also looked at the thread with everyone publicly posting thier friend codes, but no ones seems to have them. If a friend safari cant be provided, then if theres anyone out there who can trade me a bagon or a shelgon with its ha, a beldum or metang, dont really care about ivs or natures at this point, I dont really have anything to offer. I am kindly asking for assistance amongst the psypoke community. any replies would be much appreciated
My fc : 5386-8906-9811
EDIT: Moved to Pokemon Stadium and title edited. -FW