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 EvilPenguin's Impromptu Trivia Wrap-Up 
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Trivia Champion
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Joined: Sat Mar 10, 2007 5:37 pm
Posts: 3170
Location: clegavel because EP is a lazy dastard and didn't post a wrap-up to his trivia like I wanted him to, it falls to me to do this.
For those who remember, it happened right after Psypoke Jeopardy was over, so EP hopped on the bandwagon and did his own trivia, because he was butthurt that he screwed up so badly on the Daily Double. (Seriously, man, you almost had the game and you threw it.)

The trivia was a series of 10 Minute Madness questions, in which everyone would have one minute to provide as many correct answers to the question he gave as possible. The one who gave the most would get 5 points, the second place 3 points, and the third place 1 point for that question. Anyone below that it sucked to be them.

Question 1: Name as many Pokemon as possible in the Field egg group
First place: DNA, with 28 (Mienshao, Mienfoo, Riolu, Lucario, Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken, Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Umbreon, Espeon, Glaceon, Umbreon, Diglett, Dugtrio, Meowth, Persian, Bidoof, Bibarel, Skitty, Delcatty, Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape, Sandshrew, Sandslash)
Second place: twistedturtwig, with 4 (Sandshrew, Rattata, Bidoof, Patrat)
Third place: Serpentsounds, with 2 (Rattata, Raticate, NOT Hamtaro)

Question 2: Name as many Pokemon as possible that have a Special Defense stat above 100
First place: Ace, with 14 (Blissey, Shuckle, Arceus, Giratina, Reshiram, Kecleon, Claydol, Palkia, Mantine, Latias, Latios, Umbreon, Dusclops, Dusknoir)
Second place: DNA, with 12 (Dusknoir, Dusclops, Shuckle, Regice, Registeel, Reshiram, Palkia, Kyogre, Blissey, Chansey, Ferrothorn, Virizion)
Third place: Serpentsounds, with 3 (Chansey, Blissey, Milotic)

Question 3: Name as many teams in Major League Baseball as possible
First place: twistedturtwig, with 8 (Cubs, Bears, Red Sox, Phillies, Pirates, Yankees, Brewers, Tigers, Orioles)
Second place: Samurott, with 5 (Tigers, Giants, Brewers, Mets, Yankees)
Third place: Serpentsounds, with "4" (Detroit Tigers, Boston Red Sox, New York Yankees)

Question 4: Name as many Pokemon as possible that can have the Pressure ability, but are NOT legendaries
First place: DNA, with 7 (Absol, Dusclops, Dusknoir, Bisharp, Pawniard, Wailmer, Wailord)
Second place: twistedturtwig, with 3 (Spiritomb, Wailord, Absol)
Third place: Serpentsounds, with 1 (Absol)

Question 5: Name as many Pokemon in a row from the Kanto Pokerap as possible. To start you off: Electrode, Diglett, NidoranM, Mankey...
First place: Serpentsounds, by default
[17:05] <Serpentsounds> electrode diglett nidoran mankey venusaur rattata fearow pidgey
[17:05] <Serpentsounds> seakin jolteon dragonite gastly
[17:05] <Serpentsounds> ponyta aporeon poliwrath butterfree
[17:05] <Serpentsounds> catch em catch em gotta catch em all

Question 6: Name as many Pokemon as possible that can be obtained via an in-game trade
First place: DNA, with 14 (Electrode, Machamp, Nidorina, Nidorino, Petilil, Cottonee, Haunter, Horsea, Dodrio, Rhydon, Makuhita, Meowth, Skitty, Mr. Mime)
Second place: Cherrygrove, with 8 (Jynx, Mr. Mime, Aerodactyl, Horsea, Bellossom, Machamp, Voltorb, Muk)
Third place: twistedturtwig, with 6 (Haunter, Onix, Horsea, Abra, Cottonee, Mr. Mime)

Question 7: Name as many moves as possible that would be considered "Smart" in a Pokemon Contest
First place: DNA, with 7 (Psychic, Confusion, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Poisonpowder)
Second place: Serpentsounds, with 3 (Psychic, Confusion, Psywave)
Third place: twistedturtwig, with 1 (Kinesis)

Question 8: Name as many Rock-type Pokemon as possible
First place: DNA, with 21 (Roggenrola, Boldore, Gigalith, Regirock, Terrakion, Geodude, Graveler, Golem, Cranidos, Rampardos, Shieldon, Bastiodon, Archen, Archeops, Omanyte, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops, Tirtouga, Carracosta, Aerodactyl)
Second place: twistedturtwig, with 9 (Geodude, Graveler, Golem, Onix, Nosepass, Probopass, Gigalith, Aerodactyl, Kabutops)
Third place: Samurott, with 3 (Onix, Geodude, Gigalith)

Question 9: Name as many DUAL-TYPE Pokemon as possible that are NOT of the Normal, Fire, Fighting, Flying, Grass, Poison, Electric, Rock, Bug, Dragon, Ghost, Dark, or Steel types (75-second question)
First place: DNA, with 7 (Gastrodon, Palpitoad, Seismitoad, Marshtomp, Swampert, Wooper, Quagsire)
Second place: twistedturtwig, with 2 (Whiscash, Barboach)
Third place: Nobody

Question 10: Name as many Pokemon as possible that Ash has owned over the course of his Pokemon journey (worth double points)
First place: DNA, with 19 (Pikachu, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Metapod, Butterfree, Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Treecko, Grovyle, Sceptile, Larvitar, Primeape, Krabby, Kingler, Muk, Lapras, Oshawott, Tepig)
Second place: Cherrygrove, with 16 (Pikachu, Infernape, Pidgeot, Squirtle, Charizard, Bulbasaur, Muk, Kingler, Snorlax, Butterfree, Raticate, Aipom, Turtwig, Gliscor, Sceptile, Tauros)
Third place: twistedturtwig, with 14 (Pikachu, Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfee, Primeape, Raticate, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Charmeleon, Charizard, Snivy, Sandile, "Korookafile")

Final scores:
First place: EP DNA, with 43
Second place: twistedturtwig, with 21
Third place: Serpentsounds, with 12

#gagnem forever

logs and junk
[16:36] * Now talking in #psypokeimpromptutrivia
[16:36] * Serpentsounds ( has joined #psypokeimpromptutrivia
[16:36] <DNA> i have arrived
[16:36] <DNA> gg
[16:36] <Serpentsounds> do eet
[16:36] * Samurott (Samurott@3D1C0E02.A73A380D.C7E1E4D9.IP) has joined #psypokeimpromptutrivia
[16:37] * ThomasTheCreeper ( has joined #psypokeimpromptutrivia
[16:37] <DNA> the best part about this trivia is that EP can't win
[16:37] * twistedturtwig ( has joined #psypokeimpromptutrivia
[16:37] <twistedturtwig> IMMA WHOOP YO ASSES FOOL
[16:37] <ThomasTheCreeper> oh
[16:37] <twistedturtwig> FOOLS*
[16:38] <twistedturtwig> :3
[16:38] <ThomasTheCreeper> but
[16:38] <twistedturtwig> Actually, scratch that, DNA will answer them all
[16:38] * DNA flex.
[16:38] <@EP> okay we got 5 people
[16:38] <@EP> thats fine
[16:38] <twistedturtwig> DNA does even lift
[16:38] <@EP> im not going to bother with +m and stuff because i dont know how
[16:38] <@EP> SO
[16:39] <Serpentsounds> no you just go
[16:39] <@EP> be quiet when im talking :P
[16:39] <DNA> never
[16:39] <Serpentsounds> and it's a typin frenzy
[16:39] <ThomasTheCreeper> i lift 7 impromptu trivias
[16:39] <@EP> lol
[16:39] * EP sets mode: +m
[16:39] <@EP> oh hey that worked
[16:39] <@EP> alright so
[16:39] <@EP> this trivia will consist of several MINUTE MADNESSES
[16:40] * Ace ( has joined #psypokeimpromptutrivia
[16:40] <@EP> if you don't know how minute madness works, I will give you a category with several answers, and you have to reply with as many of those answers as possible in 60 seconds
[16:41] <@EP> i will turn on +m at the end of the minute, and only your first response will count
[16:41] <@EP> SO
[16:41] <@EP> our first question:
[16:41] <@EP> Name as many pokemon as possible that are in the Field Egg group
[16:41] * EP sets mode: -m
[16:41] <Serpentsounds> rattata raticate hamtaro
[16:42] <@EP> 30 sec
[16:42] <ThomasTheCreeper> bidoof
[16:42] <Samurott> togepi
[16:42] <twistedturtwig> Eggzecute Sandshrew rattata bidoof patrat
[16:42] <Samurott> derp
[16:42] <@EP> 10
[16:42] <@EP> 5 sec
[16:42] <DNA> mienshao mienfoo riolu lucario torchic combusken blaziken eevee vaporeon jolteon flareon umbreon espeon glaceon umbreon diglett dugtrio meowth persian bidoof bibarel skitty delcatty chimchar monferno infernape sandshrew sandlsash
[16:42] <ThomasTheCreeper> sentret
[16:42] * EP sets mode: +m
[16:43] <@EP> lol i think dna wins that round
[16:43] <@EP> remember, only your first response will be counted
[16:43] <@EP> Scoring is by round: first place gets 5 points, second gets 3 and third gets 1
[16:44] <@EP> so first is DNA with a lot of right answers, second is twistedturtwig with 4, third is serps with 2
[16:44] <@EP> hamtaro is not correct
[16:44] * EP sets mode: -m
[16:44] <Serpentsounds> wtf
[16:44] <ThomasTheCreeper> :c
[16:44] <twistedturtwig> I call second place guys
[16:44] <twistedturtwig> It's all mine
[16:44] <@EP> talk among yourselves while i find another good question
[16:44] <DNA> lol
[16:44] <ThomasTheCreeper> Man
[16:44] <Ace> what was the question anyway
[16:44] <DNA> he's making this **** up as he goes along
[16:44] <Samurott> DNA, youre a troll
[16:44] <Ace> missed it to connection dropouts
[16:44] <ThomasTheCreeper> This is so impromptu
[16:44] <DNA> [16:41] <@EP> Name as many pokemon as possible that are in the Field Egg group
[16:45] <Ace> oh
[16:45] <twistedturtwig> How is that even possible
[16:45] <twistedturtwig> My mind has been blown
[16:45] <DNA> how is what possible
[16:45] <Samurott> mine hasn't
[16:45] <twistedturtwig> That many answers lol
[16:45] <DNA> 1) field egg group is gigantic
[16:45] <Samurott> he's a ninja typer
[16:45] <DNA> 2) I type 88 wpm
[16:46] <Samurott> liar
[16:46] <twistedturtwig> Well, I know the first one xD
[16:46] <Samurott> more OVER 9000 wpm
[16:46] <@EP> okay
[16:46] <DNA> no, I measured it. It's definitely around 90, a little below.
[16:46] * EP sets mode: +m
[16:47] <@EP> Second question
[16:47] <@EP> Name as many pokemon as possible that have a Special Defense stat above 100
[16:47] * EP sets mode: -m
[16:47] <Serpentsounds> rigged
[16:47] <Samurott> crap
[16:47] <Serpentsounds> I can type consistently over 100 wpm, I just don't know ****
[16:47] <Serpentsounds> :/
[16:47] <@EP> 30 sec
[16:48] <@EP> 15 sec
[16:48] <@EP> 5 sec
[16:48] <twistedturtwig> Weezing Chansey Blissey.... Uh.... Celebi
[16:48] <DNA> dusknoir dusclops shuckle regice registeel reshiram palkia kyogre blissey chansey ferrothorn keldeo virizion mewtwo alakazam kadabra
[16:48] <Ace> blissey shuckle arceus giratina reshiram kecleon claydol palkia mantine latias latios umbreon dusclops dusknoir
[16:48] <Serpentsounds> chansey blissey milotic
[16:48] * EP sets mode: +m
[16:49] * ThomasTheCreeper ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[16:49] <@EP> ok TT had 2 points
[16:49] <@EP> ace had 14, good jo
[16:49] <@EP> b
[16:50] <@EP> dna had 12
[16:50] <@EP> and serps had 3
[16:51] <@EP> so ace gets 1st, dna gets 2nd, serps gets 3rd
[16:51] * EP sets mode: -m
[16:51] <Ace> :|
[16:51] <DNA> what were the 4 I got wrong
[16:51] * Samurott is now known as Blast
[16:51] <twistedturtwig> So scores:
[16:51] <DNA> keldeo was one I'll bet
[16:51] <DNA> kadabra
[16:51] <@EP> keldeo, mewtwo, zam and kadabra
[16:51] <DNA> ...mewtwo
[16:51] <DNA> oh, zam's not above 100?
[16:51] <@EP> zams SD is ****
[16:51] <@EP> yeah
[16:51] <DNA> I thought it was like 110
[16:51] <DNA> k
[16:52] <Ace> isn't that his speed
[16:52] <Ace> or someting like that
[16:52] <twistedturtwig> DNA: 10, SS: 4, Ace: 3, TT:3
[16:52] <@EP> its 85
[16:52] <DNA> his speed is 125
[16:52] <Ace> oh
[16:52] <Ace> wow
[16:52] <twistedturtwig> Wait, SS:2
[16:52] <Serpentsounds> I'm so confus
[16:52] <twistedturtwig> Ditto
[16:53] <Blast> Me: 0
[16:53] <@EP> okay
[16:53] * EP sets mode: +m
[16:53] <@EP> Name as many teams in Major League Baseball as possible
[16:54] * EP sets mode: -m
[16:54] <Ace> nope
[16:54] <@EP> lol
[16:54] <@EP> 30 sec
[16:54] <Ace> is it uhh
[16:54] <Ace> an american thing
[16:54] <@EP> 15 sec
[16:54] <Blast> tigers giants brewers mets yankees
[16:54] <@EP> yep
[16:54] <DNA> baltimore orioles, LA dodgers, St Louis Sharks, new york mets, and I pass
[16:54] <Serpentsounds> detroit tigers boston red sox new york yankees
[16:54] <Ace> yeah i'd have no idea then
[16:54] <@EP> 5 sec
[16:54] <twistedturtwig> Cubs, Bears, Red Sox, Phillies, Pirates, Yankees, Chiefs, Brewers, Tigers Orioles
[16:54] * EP sets mode: +m
[16:55] <@EP> samurott with 5
[16:55] <@EP> dna with 3
[16:55] <@EP> SS with 4
[16:55] <@EP> TT with 8
[16:55] <@EP> yall suck baseball is awesome
[16:55] * EP sets mode: -m
[16:55] <twistedturtwig> Heck yeah
[16:56] <Serpentsounds> dat 4
[16:56] <twistedturtwig> I actually won something
[16:56] <Serpentsounds> I'll take it
[16:56] <DNA> I get no points ;-;
[16:56] <DNA> EP you suck
[16:56] <twistedturtwig> XD
[16:56] <@EP> the sharks are not a baseball team :P
[16:56] <DNA> baseball isn't awesome, by the way
[16:56] <DNA> yeah I was BSing on the Sharks
[16:56] <@EP> /kick DNA
[16:56] <DNA> it's San Jose Sharks, and they're hockey
[16:56] <Blast> lol
[16:56] <Blast> baseball is awesoe
[16:56] <DNA> I'm a hockey guy, myself
[16:56] <Ace> well i'm out for a bit
[16:56] <Ace> bbl
[16:57] * Ace ( Quit (Quit: Magic!)
[16:57] <@EP> quite a barn burner we have
[16:57] <Blast> boo hockey
[16:57] <twistedturtwig> So DNA: 10, TT: 8, Samurott: 5, Ace: 3, SS: 3
[16:57] <@EP> DNA and TT tied for first with 8 points,
[16:57] <twistedturtwig> Wait, DNA has 8?
[16:57] <twistedturtwig> Oh yeah lol
[16:57] <twistedturtwig> I can't count today
[16:57] <@EP> ace in second with 5, samurott and SS have 3
[16:57] <Blast> fail
[16:57] <Serpentsounds> I don't understand scoring
[16:58] <Blast> no i have 5
[16:58] <twistedturtwig> How am I passing honors algebra 2 ._.
[16:58] <@EP> first place in a round = 5 points
[16:58] <@EP> second place = 3
[16:58] <@EP> third = 1
[16:58] <twistedturtwig> I'll let EP handle the points from now on
[16:58] <@EP> fourth or lower = 0
[16:58] <@EP> samurott you got second place so thats 3 points
[16:58] <Blast> oh, right
[16:59] <@EP> ok
[16:59] * EP sets mode: +m
[16:59] <@EP> Name as many pokemon as possible that can have the Pressure ability, but are NOT legendaries
[16:59] * EP sets mode: -m
[17:00] <@EP> 30 sec
[17:00] <Blast> gyarados
[17:00] <@EP> 15 sec
[17:00] <@EP> 5 sec
[17:00] <DNA> absol dusclops dusknoir bisharp pawniard wailmer wailord
[17:00] <Serpentsounds> absol
[17:00] <twistedturtwig> Spiritomb, Garchomp, Wailord, Gyrados, Bidoor Absol
[17:00] * EP sets mode: +m
[17:01] <@EP> samurott with 0, serps with 1
[17:01] <@EP> dna and TT are banned for cheating because how the hell did you remember wailord gets it :P
[17:01] <@EP> but really DNA with 7 and TT with 3
[17:01] * EP sets mode: -m
[17:01] <twistedturtwig> XD
[17:01] <DNA> I play in the Dream World
[17:01] <DNA> A LOT
[17:01] <Blast> whoa, bro. whoa. back dat truck up.
[17:02] <Blast> i get 0, why?
[17:02] <DNA> out of interest
[17:02] <DNA> oh yeah
[17:02] <DNA> I forgot spiritomb
[17:02] <DNA> gyarados doesn't get pressure, stupid
[17:02] <twistedturtwig> Gyrados=Intimidate
[17:02] <DNA> or Moxie as DW
[17:02] <@EP> yeah
[17:02] <twistedturtwig> Lol
[17:02] <Blast> oh
[17:02] <Blast> ****
[17:03] <@EP> ok here's a hard one and you'll all hate me for it
[17:03] * EP sets mode: +m
[17:04] <@EP> Name as many pokemon in a row from the Kanto pokerap as possible. To start you off: electrode, diglett, nidoranM, mankey...
[17:04] * EP sets mode: -m
[17:04] <twistedturtwig> Well
[17:04] <twistedturtwig> Crap
[17:05] <DNA> do I have to start after mankey
[17:05] <Blast> dafuq is a pokerap?
[17:05] <DNA> or can IS tart anywhere
[17:05] <@EP> yeah
[17:05] <@EP> after mankey
[17:05] <DNA> I quit
[17:05] <@EP> lol
[17:05] * DNA knives EP
[17:05] <Serpentsounds> electrode diglett nidoran mankey venusaur rattata fearow pidgey
[17:05] <Serpentsounds> seakin jolteon dragonite gastly
[17:05] <DNA> you deserved worse
[17:05] <Blast> ep, i hate you for that
[17:05] <Serpentsounds> ponyta aporeon poliwrath butterfree
[17:05] <Serpentsounds> catch em catch em gotta catch em all
[17:05] <@EP> lol
[17:05] <DNA> electrode diglett nidoran mankey whatever
[17:05] <DNA> ...serp wins
[17:05] <twistedturtwig> Venusaur, rattata, fears, pidgeot, seaking jolteon
[17:05] * Cherrygrove ( has joined #psypokeimpromptutrivia
[17:05] <twistedturtwig> Agh
[17:05] <@EP> well serps wins by default :P
[17:05] <@EP> sup CG
[17:05] <twistedturtwig> Lol
[17:05] <Cherrygrove> boo
[17:06] <@EP> we're doing minute madnesses
[17:06] <Cherrygrove> yesss
[17:06] <twistedturtwig> Guess who's winning? :O
[17:06] <DNA> how many more do you have planned, EP
[17:06] <Cherrygrove> am i in second
[17:06] <Cherrygrove> ??
[17:06] <twistedturtwig> YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHO IT IS
[17:06] <twistedturtwig> IT'S SO UNEXPECTED
[17:06] <@EP> im literally making them up as i go DNA :P
[17:06] <@EP> we've done 5, how about going to 10 rounds?
[17:06] <Blast> i'm actually placing, and not cruising by on everyone else's failures
[17:06] <twistedturtwig> 15!
[17:06] <twistedturtwig> :D
[17:07] * EP sets mode: +m
[17:07] <@EP> okay
[17:07] <@EP> actually hang on
[17:07] <@EP> i dont like this one
[17:07] <@EP> let me make another
[17:08] <@EP> okay here
[17:08] <@EP> Name as many pokemon as possible that can be obtained via an in-game trade
[17:08] * EP sets mode: -m
[17:09] <@EP> 30 sec
[17:09] <@EP> 15 sec
[17:09] <Blast> emolga farfetch'd onix mr. mime
[17:09] <@EP> 5 sec
[17:09] <Serpentsounds> mr. mime nidorina electrode jynx farfetch'd
[17:09] <twistedturtwig> Haunter, Onix, Horsea, Abra, Cottonee, Mr Mime
[17:09] <DNA> electrode machamp nidorina nidorino petilil cottonee haunter horsea dodrio rhydon makuhita meowth skitty mr. mimegg
[17:09] <Cherrygrove> jynx mr.mime aerodactyl horsea bellossom machamp voltorb muk dewgong
[17:09] * EP sets mode: +m
[17:10] <@EP> samurott with 4
[17:10] <@EP> serps with 5
[17:11] <@EP> TT with 6
[17:11] <@EP> CG with 7
[17:12] <@EP> DNA with more than 9 :P
[17:12] * EP sets mode: -m
[17:12] <Cherrygrove> machamp counts!
[17:12] <Cherrygrove> protest
[17:12] * DNA victory dance
[17:12] <@EP> ehhh
[17:12] <DNA> and yes Machamp totally counts
[17:12] <Blast> dammit
[17:13] <@EP> fine, doesnt matter anyway
[17:13] <@EP> :P
[17:13] <DNA> I said Haunter
[17:13] <DNA> ON PURPOSE
[17:13] <DNA> because that **** gave it an everstone
[17:13] <twistedturtwig> Yep
[17:13] <@EP> DNA wins the round, CG gets second, TT third
[17:13] <twistedturtwig> Worst memory of DP
[17:13] <DNA> ^
[17:13] <DNA> ^
[17:13] <DNA> ^
[17:13] <Blast> yep
[17:13] <twistedturtwig> Screw you random Snowpoint girl!
[17:13] <Blast> pretty much
[17:14] <twistedturtwig> Scores?
[17:14] <@EP> SS - 9, DNA - 18, TT - 12, Ace - 5, Samurott - 3, CG - 3
[17:14] <@EP> someone else explain scoring to CG :P
[17:14] <twistedturtwig> Nice, second place
[17:14] <twistedturtwig> I'm gunning for it :D
[17:15] <DNA> 1st place in a round: +5 points
[17:15] <DNA> 2nd: +3
[17:15] <DNA> 3rd: +1
[17:15] <DNA> 4th or lower: sucks to be you
[17:15] <@EP> oooh
[17:15] * EP sets mode: +m
[17:16] <@EP> okay
[17:16] <@EP> Name as many moves as possible that would be considered "Smart" in a Pokemon Contest
[17:16] * EP sets mode: -m
[17:16] <Blast> splash
[17:16] <Serpentsounds> **** this
[17:16] <@EP> 30 sec
[17:17] <Serpentsounds> I'm gonna go read a book
[17:17] <Serpentsounds> >:O
[17:17] <@EP> :P
[17:17] <Blast> lol Serp
[17:17] <@EP> 15 sec
[17:17] <@EP> 5 sec
[17:17] <DNA> psychic confusion psybeam hypnosis dream eater sleep powder stun spore spore poisonpowder
[17:17] <Cherrygrove> gardevoir gallade alakazam kadabra abra gengar haunter gastly snorlax dragonite dratini dragonair mewtwo mew celebi exeggutor exeggcute slowbro?
[17:17] <twistedturtwig> Thunderbolt, Kinesis, Conversion, Conversion 2, Ice Beam,
[17:17] <Serpentsounds> psychic psybeam confusion psywave
[17:17] <DNA> fyi, stun spore, spore
[17:17] * EP sets mode: +m
[17:17] <@EP> CG gets 0 because I said moves :O
[17:18] <@EP> samurott gets 0
[17:19] <@EP> dna gets 7
[17:19] <@EP> SS gets 3
[17:20] <@EP> TT gets 1
[17:20] * EP sets mode: -m
[17:20] <twistedturtwig> What was my one? Lol
[17:20] <Blast> No, splash is a smart move, because the opponent never expects it
[17:20] <@EP> kinesis
[17:20] <twistedturtwig> Lol
[17:20] <@EP> samurott gets .999 points for making me chuckle
[17:20] <twistedturtwig> I got reallllly lucky
[17:20] <@EP> still not enough to get 3rd place though :P
[17:20] <twistedturtwig> XD
[17:21] <@EP> ok next round will be easy
[17:21] <@EP> and less hard for me to grade >.>
[17:21] <Blast> YAY!
[17:21] <Cherrygrove> read: hard
[17:21] <@EP> nah itll actually be easy
[17:21] * EP sets mode: +m
[17:22] <@EP> Name as many Rock type pokemon as possible
[17:22] * EP sets mode: -m
[17:23] <@EP> 15 aec
[17:23] <Blast> onix geodude sandshrew sandslash gigalith
[17:23] <@EP> 5 sec
[17:23] <DNA> roggenrola boldore gigalith regirock terrakion geodude graveler golem cranidos rampardos shieldon bastiodon archen archeops omanyte omastar kabuto kabutops tirtouga carracosta aerodactyl
[17:23] <Cherrygrove> [('Geodude',), ('Graveler',), ('Golem',), ('Onix',), ('Rhyhorn',), ('Rhydon',), ('Omanyte',), ('Omastar',), ('Kabuto',), ('Kabutops',), ('Aerodactyl',), ('Sudowoodo',), ('Shuckle',), ('Magcargo',), ('Corsola',), ('Larvitar',), ('Pupitar',), ('Tyranitar',), ('Nosepass',), ('Aron',), ('Lairon',), ('Aggron',), ('Lunatone',), ('Solrock',), ('Lileep',), ('Cradily',), ('Anorith',), ('Armaldo',), ('Relicanth',), ('Reg
[17:23] <Cherrygrove> irock',), ('Cranidos',), ('Rampardos',), ('Shieldon',), ('Bastiodon',), ('Bonsly',), ('Rhyperior',), ('Probopass',), ('Roggenrola',), ('Boldore',), ('Gigalith',), ('Dwebble',), ('Crustle',), ('Tirtouga',), ('Carracosta',), ('Archen',), ('Archeops',), ('Terrakion',)]
[17:23] <Cherrygrove> `psql SELECT Pokemon FROM General WHERE Type1 == 'Rock' OR Type2 == 'Rock'
[17:23] <twistedturtwig> Geodude, Graveler, Golem, Onix, Steelix, Nosepass, Probopass, Gigalith, Aerodactly Kabutops
[17:23] * EP sets mode: +m
[17:23] <@EP> Cherrygrove gets 3 points for creativity
[17:24] <@EP> samurott gets 3 as well, but he didnt cheat so he holds the tiebreaker
[17:24] <@EP> dna has 21
[17:24] <@EP> TT has 9
[17:25] * EP sets mode: -m
[17:25] <twistedturtwig> Lol
[17:25] <@EP> nice try cg
[17:25] <DNA> gg
[17:25] <twistedturtwig> Should've remembered the fossils sooner *derp*
[17:25] <Cherrygrove> i could have done well but I wanted to be funny
[17:25] <Blast> we're all trolls here
[17:25] <Blast> :p
[17:25] <Cherrygrove> [(47,)]
[17:25] <Cherrygrove> `psql SELECT Count(Pokemon) FROM General WHERE Type1 == 'Rock' OR Type2 == 'Rock'
[17:25] <@EP> tbh i didnt notice it was weird until i saw the psql part
[17:25] <Cherrygrove> I see
[17:25] <Blast> me making ep chuckle is getting my vote next for irc quote in psypoke awards next year
[17:26] <Cherrygrove> ll
[17:26] <Cherrygrove> lol
[17:26] <twistedturtwig> And couldn't remember Roggenrola or Boldore, but I got Gigalith. XD
[17:26] <Cherrygrove> all them brackets and quotes
[17:26] <@EP> i was counting up your mons and everything and then got to that and was like ...wait....
[17:26] <Blast> CG save this log, if you will for me. please
[17:26] <twistedturtwig> Lol EP
[17:26] <@EP> hmm
[17:27] <@EP> okay
[17:27] * EP sets mode: +m
[17:27] <@EP> this one is a long question so ill give you 75 seconds to account for reading it
[17:28] <@EP> Name as many DUAL TYPE pokemon as possible that are NOT of the Normal, Fire, Fighting, Flying, Grass, Poison, Electric, Rock, Bug, Dragon, Ghost, Dark, or Steel types
[17:29] * EP sets mode: -m
[17:29] <Blast> sei whut?
[17:29] <Cherrygrove> screw you
[17:29] <Cherrygrove> :)
[17:29] <@EP> tee hee
[17:29] <@EP> 45 sec
[17:29] <Blast> you're a dick
[17:29] <@EP> 30 sec
[17:29] <@EP> yep
[17:29] <Cherrygrove> I can't even db query that
[17:29] <@EP> 15 sec
[17:30] <Blast> this is your fault cg
[17:30] <@EP> 5 sec
[17:30] <DNA> gastrodon palpitoad seismitoad marshtomp swampert wooper quagsire gg guys
[17:30] <twistedturtwig> Whishcash, Barbaroach,
[17:30] <twistedturtwig> Lol
[17:30] * EP sets mode: +m
[17:30] <@EP> yeah dna gets first and TT is second
[17:31] <@EP> the missing types were water, ground, psychic and ice
[17:31] * EP sets mode: -m
[17:31] <DNA> in other words
[17:31] <DNA> the easy stuff
[17:31] <@EP> yeah really
[17:31] <twistedturtwig> XD
[17:31] <Blast> mm... ****
[17:31] <twistedturtwig> Was putting the Lotad line, then noticed Grass on the list :I
[17:31] <@EP> if you hadn't been whinging about it you could have gotten them :P
[17:32] <twistedturtwig> I only had two, you could've easily beaten me :P
[17:32] <@EP> ok
[17:32] <@EP> round 10
[17:32] <DNA> can we quit after this
[17:32] <DNA> plz
[17:32] <@EP> yeah
[17:32] <DNA> k
[17:32] <twistedturtwig> Okay. :c
[17:32] <Cherrygrove> 2.5 hours trivia :O
[17:32] <@EP> as the last round, points awarded are DOUBLED :O
[17:32] <twistedturtwig> I gotta beat DNA
[17:32] <@EP> so if you win it, you get 10 points instead of 5
[17:32] <Blast> fkjhgglkjg whut?
[17:33] <twistedturtwig> for the children
[17:33] <Blast> no
[17:33] <Blast> no children!
[17:33] <twistedturtwig> And the crying animals on those commercials
[17:33] <twistedturtwig> And for James
[17:33] <@EP> okay
[17:33] <Blast> No, and no
[17:33] <twistedturtwig> And for ''murica
[17:33] <@EP> your question is
[17:33] <Blast> yes
[17:33] <twistedturtwig> Go on....
[17:33] <@EP> What song recently got 1 billion views?
[17:33] <Cherrygrove> ep host a real trivia some time
[17:34] <twistedturtwig> Gangnam Style
[17:34] <twistedturtwig> Bam
[17:34] <Cherrygrove> Eyyyyyy sexeh lady
[17:34] <@EP> WRONG
[17:34] <twistedturtwig> I win
[17:34] <DNA> gagnem
[17:34] <Cherrygrove> baby?
[17:34] <twistedturtwig> gagnem
[17:34] <@EP> dna gets it
[17:34] <@EP> :P
[17:34] * DNA pose.
[17:34] <Blast> Gangnam style
[17:34] <twistedturtwig> SDUYFKZUYFHESGHSRTGN
[17:34] <@EP> okay seriously
[17:34] <DNA> <3
[17:34] * twistedturtwig kills self
[17:34] * EP sets mode: +m
[17:34] <@EP> LAST ROUND
[17:35] <@EP> Name as many pokemon as possible that Ash has owned over the course of his pokemon journey
[17:35] * EP sets mode: -m
[17:35] <@EP> 30 sec
[17:35] <@EP> 15 sec
[17:35] <Blast> pikachu charizard oshawott tepig larvitar
[17:35] <twistedturtwig> Pikachu, Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfee, Mankey, Primeape, Raticate, Bulbasuar, Charmander, Squirtle, Charmeleon, Charizard, Snivy, Sandile, Korookafile,
[17:36] <@EP> 5 sec
[17:36] <DNA> pikachu pidgeotto pidgeot metapod butterfree charmander charmeleon charizard treecko grovyle sceptile larvitar primeape krabby kingler muk lapras oshawott mudkip torchic tepig
[17:36] <Cherrygrove> pikachu infernape pidgeot squirtle charizard bulbasaur meganium muk kingler snorlax butterfree raticate aipom turtwig gliscor sceptile electivire tauros
[17:36] * EP sets mode: +m
[17:36] <@EP> okay
[17:36] <@EP> hmm
[17:37] <@EP> TT has 14
[17:37] <@EP> DNA has 20
[17:38] <@EP> CG has 16
[17:38] <@EP> samurott has 4
[17:38] * EP sets mode: -m
[17:38] <twistedturtwig> Actually, I have 15
[17:38] <Cherrygrove> I have 18 bruh
[17:38] <@EP> no you have 14
[17:38] <Blast> dammit
[17:38] <twistedturtwig> Which one wasn't then?
[17:38] <@EP> mankey
[17:38] <@EP> it evolved before he caught it
[17:38] <twistedturtwig> He had a Mankey
[17:38] <twistedturtwig> ......damn
[17:38] <DNA> It evolved before he caught it
[17:38] <DNA> gg
[17:38] <twistedturtwig> Lol
[17:38] <twistedturtwig> Well
[17:39] <DNA> final scores EP
[17:39] <twistedturtwig> I GOT SECOND
[17:39] <DNA> don't leave us hanging
[17:39] * twistedturtwig dances
[17:39] <Cherrygrove> did he never evolve bayleef?
[17:39] <@EP> CG he never had meganium or electivire
[17:39] <twistedturtwig> Electivire was Gary's
[17:39] <DNA> ^
[17:39] <Cherrygrove> elec was Paul?
[17:39] <Cherrygrove> oh okay
[17:39] <twistedturtwig> Both
[17:39] <twistedturtwig> I think
[17:39] <DNA> final scores EP
[17:39] <@EP> okay so
[17:40] <@EP> in third place was SS with 12 points
[17:40] <@EP> polite applause
[17:40] <DNA> whoo
[17:40] <Cherrygrove> w
[17:40] <Cherrygrove> quite
[17:40] <Blast> no applause
[17:40] <@EP> in second place was TT with 21 points
[17:40] <Blast> no applause
[17:40] <DNA> SS
[17:40] <DNA> TT
[17:40] <DNA> lol
[17:40] <Cherrygrove> good job
[17:40] <Cherrygrove> DDNNNAAAAAAA
[17:40] <twistedturtwig> If like to thank my mom
[17:40] <twistedturtwig> And my dad
[17:40] <@EP> in first place was the one
[17:40] <@EP> the only
[17:40] <@EP> EP!
[17:40] <twistedturtwig> And Samurott
[17:40] <DNA> lying ****
[17:40] <@EP> BECAUSE **** YOU ALL <3
[17:41] <Cherrygrove> *roars of cheering
[17:41] <@EP> no but really DNA with 43 points
[17:41] <twistedturtwig> And Obama
[17:41] <DNA> the whole reason I joined was because you couldn't win
[17:41] <DNA> ...
[17:41] <twistedturtwig> And the monster beneath my bed
[17:41] <DNA> I got more than double the second place guy
[17:41] <@EP> including winning the last 5 rounds
[17:41] <DNA> HA
[17:41] <@EP> lel
[17:41] <DNA> gg
[17:41] <twistedturtwig> And my imaginary friend Rufus
[17:41] <Blast> NO! IN SOVIET RUSSIA I FU- nvm, let's not go there
[17:41] <DNA> ew no
[17:41] <DNA> put it away
[17:41] <twistedturtwig> And Samurott
[17:41] <DNA> now
[17:41] <twistedturtwig> And DNA
[17:41] <DNA> anyway
[17:41] <@EP> also scoring was CG with 9, samurott with 4 and ace with 5
[17:41] <DNA> thanks guys
[17:41] <twistedturtwig> Actually, not the last one
[17:41] <@EP> gg guys
[17:41] <twistedturtwig> Gg though lol
[17:41] <DNA> I really love doing trivia with you all
[17:42] <DNA> EP I want a wrap-up of this for later
[17:42] <twistedturtwig> That was creaking awesome
[17:42] <DNA> because it was hilarious
[17:42] <DNA> especially CG cheating
[17:42] <twistedturtwig> freaking*
[17:42] <twistedturtwig> Lol
[17:42] <DNA> anyway, I'm out for now
[17:42] <DNA> have a great time


Wed Feb 27, 2013 3:57 pm
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i don't know what he's talking about, i did none of this and this never happened. dna you have gone insane.


Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:18 pm
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Blame my mIRC; it says you did.


Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:29 pm
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no it says EP did. clearly i am eVilpenGuIn. therefore my initials are VGI


Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:40 pm
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Wait, I was hallucinating the entire time? FU**!

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And I'm lost but can be found up in the sky

Wed Feb 27, 2013 9:04 pm
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I win trivia even in your hallucinations.

im insid ur hed n evrythin im unstoooooooooooooooooooppable


Wed Feb 27, 2013 10:42 pm
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Just because you're a flippin' ninja doesn't mean you have the right to mess up with people's minds.

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Thu Feb 28, 2013 4:30 am
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Thu Feb 28, 2013 7:06 pm
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No, but he's not any ordinary 'flippin' ninja' Chill.
He's a table-flippin' ninja. Which means he is above everyone! 0.0

Edit: lol ss

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I see darkness all around
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Thu Feb 28, 2013 7:08 pm
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korookafile plz


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