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 Pok'emon: Elite Masters Challenge 
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blah blah blah
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I created some wicked characters for the pok'emon games and I thought why not put them in an RPG. So I am. Here is a list of the trainers in this RPG.

Dr. Alan Psycha: Male- 38- Psychic Pok'emon
1- Alakazam: Male- Psychic- Inner Focus- Psychic, Psybeam, Psycho Cut, Recover
2- Exeggutor: Male- Grass/Psychic- Chloropyll- Psychic, Bullet Seed, Seed Bomb, Confusion
3- Xatu: Male- Psychic/Flying- Early Bird- Psychic, Night Shade, Aerial Ace, Future Sight
4- Claydol: ?- Psychic/Ground- Levitate- Psychic, Sand Tomb, Earthquake, Psybeam
5- Metagross: ?- Psychic/Steel- Clear Body- Meteor Mash, Bullet Punch, Zen Headbutt, Psychic
6- Gallade: Male- Fighting/Psychic- Stead Fast- Psycho Cut, X- Scissor, Psychic, Night Slash

Aqua: Female- 21- Water Pok'emon
1-Blastoise: Female- Water- Torrent- Aqua Tail, Hydro Pump, Water Pulse, Hydro Cannon
2- Fraligatr: Female- Water- Torrent- Brine, Hydro Pump, Hydro Cannon, Water Pulse
3- Swampert: Female- Water/Ground- Torrent- Mud Bomb, Earthquake, Muddy Water, Hydro Cannon
4- Empoleon: Female- Water/Steel- Torrent- Hydro Pump, Hydro Cannon, Flash Cannon, Steel Wing
5- Floatzel: Female- Water- Swift Swim- Aqua Jet, Water Pulse, Ice Fang, Waterfall
6- Manaphy: ?- Water- Hydration- Heart Swap, Dive, Water Pulse, Aqua Ring

Beth: Female- 24- Normal Pok'emon
1- Kangaskan: Female- Normal- Scrappy- Mega Punch, Reversal, Endure, Sucker Punch
2- Furret: Female- Normal- Keen Eye- Iron Tail, Slam, Quick Attack, Return
3- Granbull: Female- Normal- Intimidate- Over Heat, Flail, Crunch, Return
4- Linoon: Female- Normal- Pick Up- Slash, Covet, Cut, Quick Attack
5- Vigoroth: Female- Normal- Vital Spirit- Slack Off, Slash, Faint Attack, Uproar
6- Lopunny: Female- Normal- Cute Charm- Jump Kick, Bounce, Ice Beam, Return

I'll post the others later on. I have a total of 18 charcters. The best one uses all legendary dragon pok'emon.

When you mess with me you best be ready for a Rockslide!
<center><img src="images/trainercards/legendary_rock_master.png"></center>

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Tue Nov 06, 2007 10:55 am
blah blah blah
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I still have yet to finish the list but I plan on doing it very soon. But not now. I am tired and don't feel like it.

When you mess with me you best be ready for a Rockslide!
<center><img src="images/trainercards/legendary_rock_master.png"></center>

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Thank You.

Tue Nov 06, 2007 12:52 pm
Pokemon Trainer
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I wanna join this so can you finish putting up the people? also what do they do just fight, or is there some adventure they're doing? :?:

<br><img border="0" src="" alt="">
<br><i>I conquered Psypoke's PsyQuest!happy dude's

Tue Nov 06, 2007 4:01 pm
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Ill join when your done preparing.


Tue Nov 06, 2007 4:09 pm
blah blah blah
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Thanks for the support. And yes it is an adventure. Each trainer has to battle the 18 Elite Masters to earn a bage. For example you beat Dr. Psycha you earn a Focus Badge. Here are the next three characters.

Blitz: Male- 32- Electric Pok'emon
Raichu: Male- Electric- Static- Volt Tackle, Quick Attack, Thunderbolt, Shock Wave
Jolteon: Male- Electric- Volt Absorb- Shock Wave, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave
Ampharos: Male- Electric- Static- Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thunder Punch, Shock Wave
Raiku: ?- Electric- Pressure- Spark, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Charge Beam
Manectric: Male- Electric- Static- Shock Wave, Ice Fang, Thunderbolt, Discharge
Luxray: Male- Electric- Rivalry- Shock Wave, Thunder Fang, Thunderbolt, Discharge

Damion(A.K.A Me): Male- 30- Rock, Ground, and Steel Pok'emon
Steelix: Male- Ground/Steel- Rock Head- Iron Head, Earthquake, Flash Cannon, Dig
Tyranitar: Male- Rock/Dark- Sand Stream- Ice Beam, Rock Slide, Hyper Beam, Earthquake
Aggron: Male- Rock/Steel- Rock Head- Metal Burst, Iron Head, Metal Claw, Flash Cannon
Rampardos: Male- Rock- Mold Breaker- Headbutt, Head Smash, Ancient Power, Zen Headbutt
Bastidon: Male- Rock/Steel- Sturdy- Iron Head, Ancient Power, Flash Cannon, Earthquake
Rhyperior: Male- Rock/Ground- Solid Rock- Rock Wrecker, Earthquake, Hammer Arm, Horn Drill

Darin: Male- 18- Posion Pok'emon
Nidoking: Male- Posion/Ground- Posion Point- Earthquake, Posion Jab, Sludge Bomb, Horn Drill
Gengar: Male- Posion/Ghost- Levitate- Shadow Claw, Shadow Punch, Shadow Ball, Posion Jab
Tentacruel: Male- Water/Posion- Clear Body- Posion Jab, Hydro Pump, Water Pulse, Sludge Bomb
Ariados: Male- Posion/Bug- Swarm- Posion Jab, Bug Bite, Signal Beam, Psychic
Crobat: Male- Posion/Flying- Inner Focus- Posion Fang, Air Slash, Toxic, Air Cutter
Drapion: Male- Posion/Dark- Sniper- Cross Posion, Posion Jab, Dark Pulse, Accupressure

I will add three characters every no and then so don't bug me. Pm your characters name for this RPG along with your team and their attacks.

Thank You.

When you mess with me you best be ready for a Rockslide!
<center><img src="images/trainercards/legendary_rock_master.png"></center>

Also please visit and
Thank You.

Last edited by Legendary Rock Master on Thu Nov 08, 2007 9:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Nov 07, 2007 1:59 pm
Ace Trainer
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(Do they have to be a certain type and what is the starting level.)


Wed Nov 07, 2007 4:09 pm
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher
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kool i'll join and same question do i have to be like a specific water type trainer or dragon or can i have a mixed team?

Wed Nov 07, 2007 4:56 pm
blah blah blah
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Each trainer can have a max level of 30 for the first Elite Master. As the story goes on each pok'emon in the team will grow 5 levels if they battle. And you can have any type of team you want. And I made an error on my character. His age is 30 not 18. I'll fix it as soon as I can.

Here is the next 12 characters.

Demon: Male- 24- Fighting Pok'emon
Poliwrath: Male- Water/Fighting- Water Absorb- Bounce, Dynamic Punch, Hydro Pump, Psychic
Heracross: Male- Bug/Fighting- Swarm- Brick Break, Stone Edge, Mega Horn, X- Scissor
Breloom: Male- Grass/Fighting- Effect Spore(original ability from Ruby and Sapphire)- Mach Punch, Dynamic Punch, Sky Uppercut, Energy Ball
Medicham: Male- Fighting/Psychic- Pure Power- Jump Kick, High Jump Kick, Psychic, Recover
Infernape: Male- Fire/Fighting- Blaze- Mach Punch, Blast Burn, Flare Blitz, Brick Break
Lucario- Male- Fighting/Steel- Inner Focus- Force Palm, Aura Sphere, Close Combat, Flash Cannon

Dragis: Male- 81- Legendary Dragon Pok'emon
Latias: Female- Psychic/Dragon- Levitate- Mist Ball, Dragon Claw, Psychic, Dragon Pulse
Latios: Male- Psychic/Dragon- Levitate- Luster Purge, Dragon Claw, Psychic, Dragon Pulse
Rayquaza: ?- Dragon/Flying- Air Lock- Draco Meteor, Fly, Dragon Claw, Dragon Pulse
Dialga: ?- Steel/Dragon- Pressure- Roar Of Time, Draco Meteor, Flash Cannon, Metal Claw
Palkia: ?- Water/Dragon- Pressure- Spacial Rend, Draco Meteor, Water Pulse, Brine
Giratina: ?- Ghost/Dragon- Pressure- Shadow Force, Ominous Wind, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse

Dragonskie: Male- 38- Dark Pok'emon
Houndoom: Male- Dark/Fire- Flash Fire- Dark Pulse, Cruch, Flamethrower, Fire Blast
Black Fang(Tyranitar): Male- Rock/Dark- Sand Stream- Dark Pulse, Crunch, Rock Slide, Giga Impact
Shiftry: Male- Grass/Dark- Early Bird- Dark Pulse, Pay Back, Energy Ball, Extrasensory
Crawdaunt: Male- Water/Dark- Shell Armor- Night Slash, Crab Hammer, Water Pulse, Dark Pulse
Weavile: Male- Dark/Ice- Pressure- Night Slash, Ice Beam, Dark Pulse, Blizzard
Darkrai: ?- Dark- Bad Dreams- Dark Void, Psycho Cut, Nightmare, Dark Pulse

When you mess with me you best be ready for a Rockslide!
<center><img src="images/trainercards/legendary_rock_master.png"></center>

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Thank You.

Thu Nov 08, 2007 6:19 am
blah blah blah
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Dragoon: Male- 30- Dragon Pok'emon
Dragonite: Male- Dragon/Flying- Inner Focus- Outrage, Twister, Draco Meteor, Dragon Claw
Kingdra: Male- Water/Dragon- Swift Swim- Octazooka, Hydro Pump, Twister, Dragon Pulse
Altaria: Male- Dragon/Flying- Natural Cure- Sky Attack, Wing Attack, Dragonbreath, Dragon Pulse
Flygon: Male- Dragon/Ground- Levitate- Dragon Claw, Fissure, Earthquake, Dragon Pulse
Salamence: Male- Dragon/Flying- Intimidate- Fly, Dragon Claw, Dragonbreath, Dragon Pulse
Garchomp: Male- Dragon/Ground- Sand Veil- Dragon Rush, Earthquake, Draco Meteor, Dragon Claw

Frost: Female- 25- Ice Pok'emon
Lapras: Female- Water/Ice- Shell Armor- Sheer Cold, Perish Song, Water Pulse, Ice Beam
Weavile: Female- Dark/Ice- Pressure- Ice Beam, Pay Back, Blizzard, Icy Wind
Abomasnow: Female- Grass/Ice- Snow Warning- Wood Hammer, Ice Beam, Ice Shard, Energy Ball
Mamoswine: Female- Ice/Ground- Snow Cloak- Blizzard, Earthquake, Ancient Power, Ice Beam
Glaceon: Female- Ice- Snow Cloak- Blizzard, Ice Fang, Ice Beam, Ice Shard
Froslass: Female- Ice/Ghost- Snow Cloak- Ominous Wind, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Blizzard

Jannis: Female- 19- Flying Pok'emon
Crobat: Female- Posion/Flying- Inner Focus- Posion Fang, Air Cutter, Air Slash, Aerial Ace
Skarmory: Female- Flying/Steel- Keen Eye- Steel Wing, Flash Cannon, Air Slash, Aerial Ace
Ninjask: Female- Bug/Flying- Speed Boost- U- Turn, X- Scissor, Aerial Ace, Quick Attack
Tropius: Female- Grass/Flying- Chloropyll- Gust, Razor Leaf, Fly, Energy Ball
Staraptor: Female- Normal/Flying- Intimidate- Aerial Ace, Close Combat, Brave Bird, Wing Attack
Drifblim: Female- Ghost/Flying- Aftermath- Ominous Wind, Shadow Ball, Explosion, Gust

When you mess with me you best be ready for a Rockslide!
<center><img src="images/trainercards/legendary_rock_master.png"></center>

Also please visit and
Thank You.

Last edited by Legendary Rock Master on Thu Nov 08, 2007 6:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Nov 08, 2007 6:38 am
blah blah blah
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Jennifer: Female- 25- Fire Pok'emon
Charizard: Female- Fire/Flying- Blaze- Heat Wave, Blast Burn, Flamethrower, Fire Fang
Typhlosion: Male- Fire- Blaze- Blast Burn, Eruption, Flare Blitz, Flame Wheel
Entei: ?- Fire- Pressure- Fire Blast, Fire Fang, Sunny Day, Flamethrower
Blazeiken: Female- Fire/Fighting- Blaze- Blast Burn, Blaze Kick, Fire Punch, Sky Uppercut
Infernape: Female- Fire/Fighting- Blaze- Blast Burn, Mach Punch, Flare Blitz, Fire Punch
Heatran: Male- Fire/Steel- Flash Fire- Iron Head, Lava Plume, Ancient Power, Flamethrower

Molly: Female- 15- Bug Pok'emon
Beedrill: Female- Posion/Bug- Swarm- Twineedle, U- Turn, Posion Jab, Sludge Bomb
Heracross: Female- Bug/Fighting- Swarm- Mega Horn, X- Scissor, Stone Edge, Reversal
Scizor: Female- Bug/Steel- X- Scissor, U- Turn, Flash Cannon, Steel Wing
Beautifly: Female- Bug/Flying- Swarm- Silver Wind, Bug Buzz, Morning Sun, Psychic
Volbeat: Male- Bug- Swarm- Bug Buzz. Tail Glow, Signal Beam, Silver Wind
Vespiquen: Female- Bug/Flying- Pressure- Attack Order, Defend Order, Heal Order, Power Gem

Renna: Female- 18- Ghost Pok'emon
Gengar: Male- Posion/Ghost- Levitate- Shadow Claw, Shadow Ball, Shadow Punch, Posion Jab
Drifblim: Female- Ghost/Flying- Aftermath- Shadow Ball, Ominous Wind, Explosion, Air Slash
Spiritomb: Female- Ghost/Dark- Pressure- Silver Wind, Ominous Wind, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse
Dusknoir: Male- Ghost- Pressure- Shadow Ball, Shadow Punch, Shadow Sneak, Curse
Froslass: Female- Ghost/Ice- Snow Cloak- Hail, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Ominous Wind
Rotom: ?- Ghost/Electric- Levitate- Shock Wave, Shadow Ball, Confuse Ray, Thunderbolt

When you mess with me you best be ready for a Rockslide!
<center><img src="images/trainercards/legendary_rock_master.png"></center>

Also please visit and
Thank You.

Thu Nov 08, 2007 6:57 am
blah blah blah
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I will add the last three later and give a list of badges. Since I want this to be like the games there will be a pok'emon center section and pok'emart section. When you start all your supplies in the begining will be free, but after you be the first Elite Master every five items you get at the pok'emart will be 1 psybuck. A real steal sort of speak.

When you mess with me you best be ready for a Rockslide!
<center><img src="images/trainercards/legendary_rock_master.png"></center>

Also please visit and
Thank You.

Thu Nov 08, 2007 7:01 am
blah blah blah
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Here are the last three Characters. Bad news just like the game there are four elite trainers but two champons. How it is possible is they are twins. One a Rock trainer the other Variety.

Rose: Female- 22- Grass Pok'emon
Venusaur: Female- Grass/Posion- Overgrow- Frenzy Plant, Seed Bomb, Power Whip, Petal Dance
Meganium: Female- Grass- Overgrow- Frenzy Plant, Energy Ball, Solarbeam, Razor Leaf
Sceptile: Male- Grass- Overgrow- Frenzy Plant, Leaf Blade, Solarbeam, Energy Ball
Torterra: Female- Grass/Ground- Overgrow- Frenzy Plant, Wood Hammer, Leaf Storm, Earthquake
Leafeon: Female- Grass- Leaf Guard- Leaf Blade, Leaf Storm, Magical Leaf, Solarbeam
Shamin: ?- Grass- Natural Cure- Energy Ball, Sunny Day, Grass Knot, Solarbeam

Steel: Male- 38- Steel Pok'emon
Steelix: Male- Ground/Steel- Rock Head- Dig, Flash Cannon, Iron Tail, Earthquake
Skarmory: Male- Steel/Flying- Keen Eye- Air Slash, Air Cutter, Drill Peck, Flash Cannon
Aggron: Male- Rock/Steel- Rock Head- Metal Burst, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Flash Cannon
Metagross: ?- Psychic/Steel- Clear Body- Meteor Mash, Magnet Rise, Hammer Arm, Psychic
Empoleon: Male- Water/Steel- Torrent- Hydro Pump, Steel Wing, Flash Cannon, Aqua Jet
Magnezone: ?- Electric/Steel- Magnet Pull- Zap Cannon, Magnet Rise, Magnet Bomb, Flash Cannon

Stone: Male- 36- Rock and Ground Pok'emon
Sandslash: Male- Ground- Sand Veil- Dig, Earthquake, Earth Power, Slash
Golem: Male- Rock/Ground- Rock Head- Earthquake, Magnitude, Stone Edge, Rock Slide
Marowak: Male- Ground- Rock Head- Bone Club, Bone Rush, Bonemerang, Double-Edge
Nosepass: Male- Rock- Magnet Pull- Ancient Power, Rock Slide, Power Gem, Rock Tomb
Rampardos: Male- Rock- Mold Breaker- Head Smash, Ancient Power, Zen Headbutt, Stone Edge
Rhyperior: Male- Rock/Ground- Solid Rock- Rock Wrecker, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Horn Drill

I'll post the last six later as the story goes on. They aren't really important and their strength might be to much for you to handle. The badges will be next. If you need to know anything about the center and mart just ask.

When you mess with me you best be ready for a Rockslide!
<center><img src="images/trainercards/legendary_rock_master.png"></center>

Also please visit and
Thank You.

Thu Nov 08, 2007 10:08 am
Pokemon Master
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... You're going to charge to play a roleplay? Pfft, that's gonna put people off an RP, even before it's been approved.

Thu Nov 08, 2007 10:20 am
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Not charge to play the game, the pok'emart is what you pay for. Since you need items you just pay 1 psybuck for every five. You get each one at a time there free. Basicly all you really need to do is figuere out how beat the rpg and get the best items with out spending a dime.

When you mess with me you best be ready for a Rockslide!
<center><img src="images/trainercards/legendary_rock_master.png"></center>

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Thank You.

Thu Nov 08, 2007 10:26 am
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It's the same thing no matter what context you put it in. Users are still spending their psybucks on fictional items. Which I'm pretty sure is against the rules anyway... Plus the fact that this RP hasn't been approved.

Thu Nov 08, 2007 10:53 am
blah blah blah
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Yeah, yeah I know that. If anything else the mart section could be like a break area where you can talk with other players about what they think and ask me if I could do some changeing around of the characters and such. You know just have fun with it and make friends is the point of this particular RP.

When you mess with me you best be ready for a Rockslide!
<center><img src="images/trainercards/legendary_rock_master.png"></center>

Also please visit and
Thank You.

Thu Nov 08, 2007 10:56 am
Pokemon Ranger
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...Looks interesting, I'll Join


<Derek> is anyone here ??
<AngrySparrow> No
<Derek> im gonna leave because no one is here
*** Derek has quit (Exit: Psypoke Forever!)

Thu Nov 08, 2007 11:07 am
blah blah blah
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Sweet. But I still have alot of work left before I can say to start. I still need it approved first. But I'm sure once they see my idea it will be with some luck.

When you mess with me you best be ready for a Rockslide!
<center><img src="images/trainercards/legendary_rock_master.png"></center>

Also please visit and
Thank You.

Thu Nov 08, 2007 11:13 am
blah blah blah
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Here is the badge list that I said I would post.

Dr. Alan Psycha: Focus Badge
Aqua: Storm Surge Badge
Beth: Mach Badge
Blitz: Volt Badge
Damion: Forge Badge
Darin: Posion Badge
Demon: Bron Badge
Dragis: Myth Badge
Dragonskie: Night Badge
Dragoon: Fang Badge
Frost: Frost Badge
Jannis: Wing Badge
Jennifer: Magma Badge
Molly: Swarm Badge
Renna: Spirit Badge
Rose: Growth Badge
Steel: Iron Badge
Stone: Terra Badge

Later I'll explain what the badges do. But right now I have to finish up some ideas for this rp.

When you mess with me you best be ready for a Rockslide!
<center><img src="images/trainercards/legendary_rock_master.png"></center>

Also please visit and
Thank You.

Thu Nov 08, 2007 12:44 pm
blah blah blah
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Okay time to explain the badges. Each one is unique and speacial.

Focus Badge: Raises Speacial Attack and Defense 5 Levels upon level growth.
Storm Surge Badge: Increases HP growth by 3 upon level growth.
Mach Badge: Raises Speed and Accuracy 6 levels upon level gain.
Volt Badge: Increases Speed and Special Attack 4 levels upon level gain.
Forge Badge: Promotes explosive growth of 10 in all stats upon level gain.
Posion Badge: Pok'emon are more resistante to Posion moves and being Posioned.
Bron Badge: Raises Attack by 7 upon level gain.
Myth Badge: Pok'emon that use Explosion or Seldestruct keep at least 1 HP after use of attack.
Night Badge: Dark Pok'emon increase their HP by 8 every level gain.
Fang Badge: Attack and Critical hit ratio icrease by 5 every level gain.
Frost Badge: Ice Pok'emon increase Speed by 2 every level gain.
Wing Badge: Allows Speed growth of 11 every level gain.
Magma Badge: All Pok'emon resist Fire attacks and Burn status problem more easily.
Swarm Badge: All Stats increase by 5 every level gain.
Spirit Badge: Speacial stats increase by 6 every level gain.
Growth Badge: Large gain of 10 in Attack and Speacial Attack upon level gain.
Iron Badge: Defense gowth of 8 every level gain.
Terra Badge: Allows Pok'emon to use Fissure attack more succsesfuly.

There you haveit. The 18 badges and their effects. The Elite Four and Champions are next so keep checking in often.

When you mess with me you best be ready for a Rockslide!
<center><img src="images/trainercards/legendary_rock_master.png"></center>

Also please visit and
Thank You.

Thu Nov 08, 2007 1:28 pm
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Here are the last six characters.

Prof. Alexander Cobalt: Elite Master Elite Trainer- Male- 52- Psychic Pok'emon
Alakazam: Male- Psychic- Inner Focus- Psychic, Psycho Cut, Recover, Zen Headbutt
Xatu: Male- Psychic/Flying- Early Bird- Psychic, Aerial Ace, Confusion, Shadow Ball
Medicham: Male- Psychic/Fighting- Pure Power- Force Palm, High Jump Kick, Recover, Psychic
Solrock: ?- Psychic/Rock- Levitate- Rock Slide, Psychic, Cosmic Power, Flamethrower
Claydol: ?- PSychic/Ground- Levitate- Earthquake, Earth Power, Psychic, Confusion
Bronzong: ?- Psychi/Steel- Levitate- Flash Cannon, Gyro Ball, Psychic, Calm Mind

Flora Cobel: Elite Master Elite Trainer- Female- 32- Grass Pok'emon
Parasect: Female- Bug/Grass- Effect Spore- X- Scissor, Energy Ball, Solarbeam, Sunny Day
Exeggutor: Female- Psychic/Grass- Chloropyll- Seed Bomb, Psychic, Energy Ball, Confusion
Shiftry: Female- Grass/Dark- Chloropyll- Dark Pulse, Sunny Day, Energy Ball, Giga Drain
Ludicolo: Female- Grass/Water- Rain Dish- Rain Dance, Water Pulse, Giga Drain, Energy Ball
Torterra: Female- Grass/Ground- Overgrow- Frenzy Plant, Solarbeam, Leaf Storm, Earthquake
Roserade: Female- Grass/Posion- Posion Point- Magical Leaf, Sludge Bomb, Solarbeam, Sunny Day

Jacky Corbel: Elite Master Elite Trainer- Male- 32- Posion Pok'emon
Beedrill(Green)- Male- Posion/Bug- Swarm- Twineedle, Brick Break, Posion Jab, Sludge Bomb
Nidoking: Male- Posion/Ground- Posion Point- Posion Jab, Sludge Bomb, Earthquake, Earth Power
Gengar: Male- Posion/Ghost- Levitate- Shadow Claw, Shadow Punch, Posion Jab, Dark Pulse
Crobat: Male- Posion/Flying- Inner Focus- Posion Fang, Bite, Aerial Ace, Steel Wing
Drapion: Male- Posion/Dark- Battle Armor- Crunch, Posion Jab, Cross Posion, Dark Pulse
Toxicroak: Male- Posion/Fighting- Anticipation- Mud Bomb, Gunk Shot, Posion Jab, Brick Break

Luther Blight: Elite Master Elite Trainer- Male- 45- Electric Pok'emon
Zapdos: ?- Electric/Flying- Pressure- Drill Peck, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Fly
Lanturn: Male- Electric/Water- Illuminate- Hydro Pump, Water Pulse, Spark, Charge Beam
Manectric: Male- Electric- Static- Thunder, Thunder Wave, Thunder Fang, Thunderbolt
Luxray: Male- Electric- Intimidate- Charge, Discharge, Charge Beam, Shock Wave
Magnezone: ?- Electric/Steel- Magnet Pull- Lock- On, Zap Cannon, Magnet Bomb, Flash Cannon
Rotom: ?- Ghost/Electric- Levitate- Shock Wave, Thunder, Shadow Ball, Confuse Ray

Markis& Zack Stone: Elite Master Champions- Male- 25- Variety and Rock
Poliwrath: Male- Water/Fighting- Water Absorb- Focus Blast, Hydro Pumb, Mega Punch, Psychic
Kabutops: Male- Rock/Water- Battle Armor- Ancient Power, Stone Edge, Giga Drain, X- Scissor
Camerupt: Male- Fire/Ground- Magma Armor- Lava Plume, Earth Power, Earthquake, Eruption
Armaldo: Male- Rock/Bug- Battle Armor- X- Scissor, Metal Claw, Rock Slide, Ancient Power
Rampardos: Male- Rock- Mold Breaker- Head Smash, Ancient Power, Zen Headbutt, Rock Slide
Drapion: Male- Posion/Dark- Battle Armor- Cross Posion, Crunch, Posion Jab, Sludge Bomb

All the Rock Types are Zacks while the rest are Markis's. Thats all of the charecters. Please post agian soon when you have the chance.

When you mess with me you best be ready for a Rockslide!
<center><img src="images/trainercards/legendary_rock_master.png"></center>

Also please visit and
Thank You.

Thu Nov 08, 2007 2:09 pm
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Nawt approved you silly silly man.


Thu Nov 15, 2007 1:48 pm
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