a pokemon team has been formed to stop the return of the shadow pokemon and their leader
No godmoding
Good grammer
No controling other player's team members
You can Create a new team or join a team
Teams canbe joined or left but must follow story line
one of each legendary in each team
You can only start out with four pokemon
And the other standard RP rules I missed
Being shadow makes you evil and normal makes you good
No rushing the story
If you wanna sign up
For starting a team
Team name:
Pokemon on team:
Team base location:
Team leader:
Second in comand:
How leader acts:
Past of leader:
If your a shadow or normal pokemon:
Ifyou want to enter a team
Who you are:
What team to enter:
Team name:Blazers
Pokemon on team:Chimchar, Torchic, Vulpix, Magby
Team base location:Fiery Field
Team leader:Cimchar
Second in comand:Torchic
How leader acts:Loves fighting and shory tepempered but is calmed down by Torchic
Past of leader:Was foced out of his home by an attack of shadow pokemon ever since he has wanted to beat all shadow pokemon so he created team Blazers
If your a shadow or normal pokemon:Normal
made by Dark Typhlosion and click the sig