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In 3 vs 3 battles, I plan to use the following in my Platinum game:

Starmie {starmie} @ Shell Bell / Special Sweeper
Modest / Natural Cure
252 SA / 6 SD / 252 Spd
- Surf
- Psychic
- Ice Beam
- Grass Knot

Electivire {electivire} @ Shuca Berry (weakens Ground attacks) / Physical Sweeper
Jolly / Motor Drive
252 Atk / 6 Def / 252 Spd
- Thunder Punch
- Earthquake
- Brick Break
- Ice Punch

Dusknoir {dusknoir} @ Leftovers / Tank
Impish / Pressure
252 HP / 10 Atk / 124 Def / 124 SD
- Shadow Punch
- Fire Punch
- Will-O-Wisp
- Rest

I plan to throw in Starmie as my first Pokemon and KO as many opponents as it can. Grass Knot is there to kill any of those annoying water/ground Pokemon. I was thinking of teaching Signal Beam to Starmie to dispose of Girafarig and Ludicolo, but perhaps the other moves are more important?

However, once an electric Pokemon is thrown in against Starmie, I will take out Electivire and use Earthquake. Any ground Pokemon that show up will face an Ice Punch. Electivire can apply super-effective hits on most (if not all) dark Pokemon. I'm also concerned about Electivire being too slow for a physical sweeper.

If Starmie faces any psychic or ghost Pokemon, Dusknoir will take them out, as well as the classic Bug/Steel Pokemon such as Scizor and Forretress, who are only weak against fire attacks.

From the current moveset, only Girafarig, Kingdra, Ludicolo, Sableye, Spiritomb and Palkia are safe from getting super effective hits from my team. I have yet to train the three Pokemon, so feel free to move things around.


Last edited by Wai on Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jun 11, 2009 3:34 am
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Pokemon Ranger
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Hey everyone! Just need my main team rated. I have battled with this team quite a bit and I need some help fixing a few things.

{azelf} Timid @Life Orb
|255 Sp.Atk 255 Spe
~Nasty Plot
~Hidden Power Fighting *66*

My lead Pokemon. Usually OHKO's the opponents lead. Not much I can say here really

{magnezone} Modest @Leftovers
Magnet Pull
|174 HP 252 Sp.Atk 84 Spe
~Flash Cannon
~Thunder Bolt
~Magnet Rise

I would have used Hidden Power Grass but it has a Base Power of 30, so I use Magnet Rise instead. Magnezone though has trouble staying in battle for awhile and can't use Substitute a lot, but does make many KO's

{hippowdon} Impish @Life Orb
Sand Stream
252 HP 52 Atk 32 Def 174 Spd
~Stone Edge
~Slack Off

He's really bulky and is difficult to take down. After a few Curses he is practically a unbeatable until he gets hit in the face by a Hydro Pump.

{tyranitar} Jolly @Chople Berry
Sand Stream
255 Atk 255 Spe
~Stone Edge
~Dragon Dance
~Ice Fang

Not much I can say about this set either except with it surviving Close Combat because of Chople Berry. Usually gets shifted out for Garchomp

{lucario} Timid @Focus Sash
255 Sp. Atk 255 Spe
~Shadow Ball
~Dragon Pulse
~Hidden Power Water *66*
~Aura Sphere

Lucario comes into battle when most of the opponents team has been weakened enough. I am debating though whether I should use Extreme Speed instead of Hidden Power because several times an opponents could have been KO'd but the opponent outspeeded him.

{skarmory} Impish @Leftovers
Keen Eye
129 HP 252 Def 129 Spd
~Drill Peck
~Stealth Rock

Ah yes my Skarmory. I feel like I might replace either Spikes or Stealth Rock for Roar but I am not sure which one, I could use some help with this.

And the Garchomp that sometimes replaces Tyranitar.

{garchomp} Adamant @Yache Berry
Sand Veil
255 Attack 255 Spe
~Fire Fang
~Swords Dance

The old YacheChomp. Not much to say here either.

Now onto the main problems my team faces. These are any Pokemon that can set up and Swampert. That's why I want to use Roar on Skarmory is to deal with things like those listed above. I might want to replace Tyranitar on the team and us something else seeing as how my Hippowdon as performed help in this area would help too.

Sorry for not really explaining a lot on the roles of my Pokemon. I just haven't done this in awhile.


Pokemon Pearl FC:2749 9225 9473

Up for a battle anytime! Just PM me.

Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:23 pm
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sorry for the wait ClUeLeSs, been busy the last week or so.

ClUeLeSs wrote:
I'm back, and I'm trying to work on a UU team. It performs very inconsistantly and I'm hoping I can get some help

{ambipom} Ambipom @ Life Orb
Adamant - Technician
4 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spd
~Fake Out

My lead. I loved Fake Out on Pikachu so much that I got one for my Ambipom. This little monkey has everything: It can fake out for a surprising amount of damage, Taunt spikers and U-Turn out of there to another one of my pokemon. He's just fun to use and really messes up my opponents. Actually, out of my entire team, he's the one I need the least help with, but feedback is nice all the same.

Loods good, the only option I can see to change is return/U-turn can be switched with seed bomb, but this is only because you entire team has nothing SE to waters and will allow ambipom to plow through quagsire and omastar.

ClUeLeSs wrote:
{steelix} Steelix @ Leftovers
Impish - Sturdy
252 HP/ 200 SpD/ 52 Atk
~Stealth Rock
~Gyro Ball
~Stone Edge

Usually when Ambipom U-Turns, he switches to this guy. He sets up Stealth Rock and then can sit there and hammer the opponent with his attacks or switch when a special attacker peeks their ugly head. He's not that strong though, and right now it seems like he's only setting up stealth rocks. I know that's his primary job, but he doesn't do much else after that, especialy since he doesn't hit that hard. Is there any way I can make him more useful?

Curse, either over stone edge or gyro ball to check any physical attackers and grab a few attack boosts. or explosion to destroy a major threat

ClUeLeSs wrote:
{charizard} Charizard @ Salac Berry
Adamant - Blaze
252 Atk/ 4 Def/ 252 Spd
~Belly Drum
~Fire Punch

I'm mostly posting him here for the sake of completeness. It's Bellyzard, when he works he works and when he doesn't work he gets his butt handed to him.

Since you have no attachment to him, I suggest a Poison type here,(allowing rapid spin to be removed below) Venusaur is a good choice, covering waters, giving you some special attack(though it's movepool is limited) and asorbing toxic spikes.

Bold @ Leftovers/Black sludge
252HP 252Sdef 4spd
-Sleep powder
-Leech seed
-Sludge bomb
-Energy ball
This is the standard, Mud slap or Nature power(if being used in Wi-fi) can replace leech seed for more attack options, mud slap's acc drops help out his bulk and leftover recovery, and nature power becomes tri-attack, which has the nice status effects once sleep clause is activated.

ClUeLeSs wrote:
{blastoise} Blastoise @ Chesto Berry
Bold - Torrent
252 HP/ 252 Def/ 4 SpAtk
~Ice Beam
~Rapid Spin

My bulky water. My main question with him is, is it worth it to replace Ice Beam with Toxic? Without Ice Beam I lose a sure-fire way to counter dragons, but with toxic I can (potentially) beat other water types. Rest + Chesto Berry is for recovery unless you think Aqua Ring + Leftovers would be better. Other than that he performs as a decent Rapid Spinner, but keeps dying on me despite Rest.

Personally I'd replace rapid spin with toxic, Ambipom in UU outspeeds most spikers, and aside from that if you choose to use charizard nothing really fears entry traps aside from toxic spikes(see venusaur) Otherwise quite good, keep ice beam.

ClUeLeSs wrote:
{tauros} Tauros @ Choice Band
Jolly - Intimidate
4 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spd
~Stone Edge
~Zen Headbutt

Esentially, Tauros does what Steelix does with more speed, more power and no stealth rocks. For that reason, I've considered replacing my favorite bull pokemon with a more special-oreinted attack since, outside of Blastoise and Hypno, my team does not hit hard from the special side at all. If I do keep him though, I'd love an opinion on the last moveslot 'cause Zen Headbutt's kind of useless. Return hits harder even when Psychic is super-effective.

For a CB it's quite good, One use Zheadbutt has is hitting gengar, but he's not in UU :p Pursuit and Outrage are good options. Pursuit can grab a poke fleeing from tarous/intimidate and outrage is good for it's near unresisted power.

ClUeLeSs wrote:
{hypno} Hypno @ Leftovers
Calm - Insomnia
252 HP/ 129 Def/ 129 SpD

Special Wall. Hypno fills a hole in my team, the glaringly obvious weakness to special attacks. I'm shaky on the EV spread. I decided to split my defences so he could take at least one phisical hit, but that works better in theory than in practice and he often dies before he can be healed by wish. Reflect was an attempt to remedy that, but he still dies easily and isn't fast enough to put up reflect before he's hit. Hypnosis for shutting down an annoying opponent, Psychic for STAB, but honestly, I'm struggling to make him work. Keeping in mind that I'd rather not use Chansey, is there someone who does the job better?

Since steelix and Blastoise take physical hits well, I'd pour all of the EVs into S.def so he can wall, Persoanlly I'd go with>

252HP 252S.def 4spd
Choice scarf
-Seismic toss
-Light screen

Switch him in on a special attacker that threatens Steelix, trick them or their probable switch-in, put a screen up or paralyze them, then switch to a counter.

ClUeLeSs wrote:
Like before, assume I can change anything, EV spreads, movesets, natures, anything. This team will be mostly used for Shoddy/multiplayer battles (No wifi, which sucks...). Thank you for your time.

Overall, aside from charizard quite good, I do see a weakness to bulky waters and strong tanks/walls but otherwise is quite decent.


Squirtle wrote:
I'm planning on making a special wall Altaria, and i'm sorta stuck on what exactly to do with him/her. all i know is that i want it to have careful nature (+SpDef, -SpAtk) and to have Perish Song on it. sorta fits with the team i'm planning =/

Uhhhh, well Altaria can't really do anything with perish song, It has no trapping moves and it has to switch as well :? Best I can say is:

Calm @ leftovers
Natural cure
-Perish song
-Dragon Pulse


Wai wrote:
In 3 vs 3 battles, I plan to use the following in my Platinum game:

Starmie {starmie} @ Shell Bell / Special Sweeper
Modest / Natural Cure
252 SA / 6 SD / 252 Spd
- Surf
- Psychic
- Ice Beam
- Grass Knot

I plan to throw in Starmie as my first Pokemon and KO as many opponents as it can. Grass Knot is there to kill any of those annoying water/ground Pokemon. I was thinking of teaching Signal Beam to Starmie to dispose of Girafarig and Ludicolo, but perhaps the other moves are more important?

T-bolt can go over psychic to at least netural hit any poke outside magnetzone and lanturn, which electivire can counter. Also since the purpose of this poke is sweeping, Go with a timid nature to outspeed pokes like gengar and a life orb to increase your damage.

Wai wrote:
Electivire {electivire} @ Shuca Berry (weakens Ground attacks) / Physical Sweeper
Jolly / Motor Drive
252 Atk / 6 Def / 252 Spd
- Thunder Punch
- Earthquake
- Brick Break
- Ice Punch

However, once an electric Pokemon is thrown in against Starmie, I will take out Electivire and use Earthquake. Any ground Pokemon that show up will face an Ice Punch. Electivire can apply super-effective hits on most (if not all) dark Pokemon. I'm also concerned about Electivire being too slow for a physical sweeper.

since Electivire's def is horrible shuca may not help any, Expert belt can give him some free power on the large amount of types he can hit SE, Even on a -s.atk nature Flamethrower can go over BB to fry defensive steels like scizor and skarmory. rest is good.

Wai wrote:
Dusknoir {dusknoir} @ Leftovers / Tank
Impish / Pressure
252 HP / 10 Atk / 124 Def / 124 SD
- Shadow Punch
- Fire Punch
- Will-O-Wisp
- Rest

If Starmie faces any psychic or ghost Pokemon, Dusknoir will take them out, as well as the classic Bug/Steel Pokemon such as Scizor and Forretress, who are only weak against fire attacks.

Pain split is a better option than rest if you have no chesto or sleep talk, if you give electivire flamethrower/fire punch you can give dusknoir BB to become unresisted.

Fri Jun 12, 2009 6:27 am
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This is a ShoddyBattle OU team that I've used with decent success, but I'm wondering if there are any ways to improve it. Also, I'm not perfectly familiar with the metagame and would appreciate help pointing out weaknesses to standard pokemon.

A lot of these will be standards, I'm mostly looking for any suggestions to make the team work better as a whole. I hope a different perspective will help better this team.

Aerodactyl (F) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 6 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Stone Edge
- Taunt
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake

Lead to set up Stealth Rock, and Taunt other leads who hope to do the same. Stone Edge and Earthquake allow it to do serious damage to other leads such as Salamence if I predict an attack.

Blissey (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Def/252 SAtk/4 SDef
Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Ice Beam
- Softboiled
- Thunderbolt

Special wall, I use CMBliss because it can wall Calm Mind special attackers. I've swept entire noob teams with this before.

Dusknoir (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP/28 Atk/228 Def
Impish nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Ice Punch
- Earthquake
- Pain Split
- Will-o-wisp

Physical wall, burning its opponents allows it to tank a lot more.

Jolteon (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 4 HP/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Baton Pass
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Substitute
- Thunderbolt

A nice revenge killer, also useful to pass subs when I predict an opponent's switch. I find HP Grass > HP Ice, as I've often been able to Sub on a switch-in of Salamence and 2HKO with Thunderbolt, or just OHKO a Salamence weakened by Stealth Rock from switch-ins.

Starmie @ Choice Specs
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Ice Beam
- Rapid Spin
- Surf
- Psychic

Main special sweeper, I send this out and try to predict the opponent's switch. Psychic > Thunderbolt for the double STAB, and I already have Jolteon for Thunderbolt. Also allows me to spin if my opponent's sending out Blissey, etc.

Scizor (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 SAtk
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- X-Scissor
- Brick Break

Main physical wall, its defense allows me to switch in on a Choice NVE attack, or on a physical attacker without a good counter move. Swords Dance, and Bullet Punch away most revenge killers. I've found I can often take down a few enemy pokemon with this once set up, but after a few Life Orb hits they'll send a revenge killer that can survive a Bullet Punch (such as Arcanine) and take this out.

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Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:41 pm
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Sorry Sion9 and pokemanic I've been busy with life the past week, I'll hopefully get to you both tomorrow morning.

Sun Jun 21, 2009 4:49 pm
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Pokemaniac wrote:
Hey everyone! Just need my main team rated. I have battled with this team quite a bit and I need some help fixing a few things.

{azelf} Timid @Life Orb
|255 Sp.Atk 255 Spe
~Nasty Plot
~Hidden Power Fighting *66*

My lead Pokemon. Usually OHKO's the opponents lead. Not much I can say here really

NP is kinda risky on azelf if it has no focus sash to defend it, Explosion can go there to basically KO anything not resisted by it. HP fight may catch someone off-guard, but T-bolt or signal beam would do better.

Pokemaniac wrote:
{magnezone} Modest @Leftovers
Magnet Pull
|174 HP 252 Sp.Atk 84 Spe
~Flash Cannon
~Thunder Bolt
~Magnet Rise

I would have used Hidden Power Grass but it has a Base Power of 30, so I use Magnet Rise instead. Magnezone though has trouble staying in battle for awhile and can't use Substitute a lot, but does make many KO's

You have two ground immune pokes here, so magnet rise isn't necessary, T-wave helps set up subs or you can replace T-bolt for discharge and use the open moveslot of signal beam or tri-attack.

Pokemaniac wrote:
{hippowdon} Impish @Life Orb
Sand Stream
252 HP 52 Atk 32 Def 174 Spd
~Stone Edge
~Slack Off

He's really bulky and is difficult to take down. After a few Curses he is practically a unbeatable until he gets hit in the face by a Hydro Pump.

LO =/= bulky pokes, use leftovers or Lum. Otherwise all is good

Pokemaniac wrote:
{tyranitar} Jolly @Chople Berry
Sand Stream
255 Atk 255 Spe
~Stone Edge
~Dragon Dance
~Ice Fang

Not much I can say about this set either except with it surviving Close Combat because of Chople Berry. Usually gets shifted out for Garchomp.

Ice/fire(for scizor) Punch over fang, 252 in EVs with 4 into HP

Pokemaniac wrote:
{lucario} Timid @Focus Sash
255 Sp. Atk 255 Spe
~Shadow Ball
~Dragon Pulse
~Hidden Power Water *66*
~Aura Sphere

Lucario comes into battle when most of the opponents team has been weakened enough. I am debating though whether I should use Extreme Speed instead of Hidden Power because several times an opponents could have been KO'd but the opponent outspeeded him.

Vacuum wave over HP water if you need priority. Dark pulse hits a bit better than shadow ball. Spare 4 EVs in HP.

Pokemaniac wrote:
{skarmory} Impish @Leftovers
Keen Eye
129 HP 252 Def 129 Spd
~Drill Peck
~Stealth Rock

Ah yes my Skarmory. I feel like I might replace either Spikes or Stealth Rock for Roar but I am not sure which one, I could use some help with this.

Spikes vs. SR is solely preference, both have +/-. I say spikes since you can have quite a few pokes here who can change a move for SR. Azelf, Hippowdon, TTar. and as your team is stallish getting 3 spikes up isn't to hard. the 129 in speed can be changed to 68atk 20speed and the rest into HP.

And the Garchomp that sometimes replaces Tyranitar.

Pokemaniac wrote:
{garchomp} Adamant @Yache Berry
Sand Veil
255 Attack 255 Spe
~Fire Fang
~Swords Dance

The old YacheChomp. Not much to say here either.

Teh standard, spare 4EV into HP though.

Pokemaniac wrote:
Now onto the main problems my team faces. These are any Pokemon that can set up and Swampert. That's why I want to use Roar on Skarmory is to deal with things like those listed above. I might want to replace Tyranitar on the team and us something else seeing as how my Hippowdon as performed help in this area would help too.

Not quite understanding this sentence, Swampert w/ roar makes a great shuffler alongside skarm and your hippo and TTar seem to work the same so removing TTar won't be a huge deal. Overall you team is alright, there is no major holes, but the movesets seem a little odd.


Sion9 wrote:
This is a ShoddyBattle OU team that I've used with decent success, but I'm wondering if there are any ways to improve it. Also, I'm not perfectly familiar with the metagame and would appreciate help pointing out weaknesses to standard pokemon.

A lot of these will be standards, I'm mostly looking for any suggestions to make the team work better as a whole. I hope a different perspective will help better this team.

Aerodactyl (F) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 6 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Stone Edge
- Taunt
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake

Lead to set up Stealth Rock, and Taunt other leads who hope to do the same. Stone Edge and Earthquake allow it to do serious damage to other leads such as Salamence if I predict an attack.

Good, personally I prefer Ice fang and Rock slide as attacks over EQ/Edge, but that because I like the flinches and early game freeze chance. EQ/Edge does have more power though.

Sion9 wrote:
Blissey (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Def/252 SAtk/4 SDef
Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Ice Beam
- Softboiled
- Thunderbolt

Special wall, I use CMBliss because it can wall Calm Mind special attackers. I've swept entire noob teams with this before.

No complaints.

Sion9 wrote:
Dusknoir (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP/28 Atk/228 Def
Impish nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Ice Punch
- Earthquake
- Pain Split
- Will-o-wisp

Physical wall, burning its opponents allows it to tank a lot more.

No probs, Protect can replace pain split to gain sight recovery/burn damage as well as scout and sniff out trick, choice and status.

Sion9 wrote:
Jolteon (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 4 HP/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Baton Pass
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Substitute
- Thunderbolt

A nice revenge killer, also useful to pass subs when I predict an opponent's switch. I find HP Grass > HP Ice, as I've often been able to Sub on a switch-in of Salamence and 2HKO with Thunderbolt, or just OHKO a Salamence weakened by Stealth Rock from switch-ins.

Good, Petrya or salac can go over leftovers to pass a boost along with a sub, but leftovers is fine too.

Sion9 wrote:
Starmie @ Choice Specs
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Ice Beam
- Rapid Spin
- Surf
- Psychic

Main special sweeper, I send this out and try to predict the opponent's switch. Psychic > Thunderbolt for the double STAB, and I already have Jolteon for Thunderbolt. Also allows me to spin if my opponent's sending out Blissey, etc.

Can't really recommend rapid spin+choice unless trick is around. which would have to replace psychic.

Sion9 wrote:
Scizor (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 SAtk
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- X-Scissor
- Brick Break

Main physical wall, its defense allows me to switch in on a Choice NVE attack, or on a physical attacker without a good counter move. Swords Dance, and Bullet Punch away most revenge killers. I've found I can often take down a few enemy pokemon with this once set up, but after a few Life Orb hits they'll send a revenge killer that can survive a Bullet Punch (such as Arcanine) and take this out.

Although it would lose STAB, Night slash can go over X-scissor for better coverage. Pursuit is also a option to KO frail pokes that fear the almighty bullet punch.

Overall the team looks very good, no holes, weaknesses are covered, etc etc. **thumbs up**

Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:15 am
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This is a Shoddy Battle (Overused) team which I've been having decent success with (well actually, I've only lost 1 match with this team). I've just been wondering whether it could be improved any more. This team is based around getting rid of the most common Pokémon.

{jirachi} Jirachi @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Serene Grace
Nature: Jolly
254 Atk | 176 Speed | 80 HP
~ Iron Head
~ Stealth Rock
~ Trick
~ U-Turn

Anti-Lead Jirachi, seems to work really well. Quite often KOs the opposing lead. I'm usually not sure what to expect on other leads though, so I'd like to know what kinds of attacks to use against the opposing lead. I usually select Iron Head first and the opponent usually gets h4xed. But flinch is 60% on Jirachi's Iron Head anyway.


Rotom-Heat @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Bold
252 HP | 168 Def | 90 Speed
~ Discharge
~ Overheat
~ Shadow Ball
~ Will-O-Wisp

Standard Rapid Spin blocker, Scizor counter. I don't have good prediction, so sometimes when an Overheat is obvious, the opponent switches to Heatran. On the topic of Heatran, this brings me to my next Pokémon...


{porygon2} Porygon2 @ Leftovers
Ability: Trace
Nature: Bold
252 HP | 216 Def | 42 Speed
~ Ice Beam
~ Recover
~ Thunder Wave
~ Thunderbolt

Whenever a Heatran gets a Flash Fire boost from Rotom-Heat's Overheat, I send out Porygon2 to Trace Heatran's ability and counter an expected Fire Blast. Porygon2 also gets rid of Salamence and Gyarados. When I send out Porygon2, I usually use Thunderbolt first, but the opposing Heatran often switches out.


{snorlax} Snorlax @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
Nature: Adamant
6 HP | 252 Atk | 252 Sp. Def
~ Crunch
~ Earthquake
~ Fire Punch
~ Return

Resists Special Attacks, then retaliates with a powerful physical attack. I'm not really sure how else to describe it, but this Snorlax tends to fall to well predicted switches.


{zapdos} Zapdos @ Leftovers (I've used Leftovers a lot, haven't I?)
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Bold
248 HP | 228 Def | 34 Speed
~ Heat Wave
~ Roar
~ Roost
~ Thunderbolt

The usual Physically Defensive Zapdos. If my Jirachi comes up against a physical attacker that I expect to have Earthquake, I'll switch either this or Rotom-Heat in. If Zapdos comes up against a Pokémon with a stat boost, I usually Roar it out. Sometimes though, if it is a Dragon Dance Tyranitar, Zapdos gets outran and the opponent destroys it with a Stone Edge. I'd just like to know: What should I do against a DDTar?


{latias} Latias @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Timid
6 HP | 252 Sp Atk | 252 Speed
~ Calm Mind
~ Dragon Pulse
~ Recover
~ Surf

Just a Special Attacking Latias. It destroys opponents quite well, but I need to know: Should I run Psychic over something on Latias, and if I should, which move should I get rid of? Also, what should I watch out for when using Latias?


So... yeah. I just need info on how I could improve the team. Thanks in advance ;)


3DS FC: Snail 4527-8592-7979

Wed Jun 24, 2009 1:39 am
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Hyperbole wrote:
This is a Shoddy Battle (Overused) team which I've been having decent success with (well actually, I've only lost 1 match with this team). I've just been wondering whether it could be improved any more. This team is based around getting rid of the most common Pokémon.

{jirachi} Jirachi @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Serene Grace
Nature: Jolly
254 Atk | 176 Speed | 80 HP
~ Iron Head
~ Stealth Rock
~ Trick
~ U-Turn

Anti-Lead Jirachi, seems to work really well. Quite often KOs the opposing lead. I'm usually not sure what to expect on other leads though, so I'd like to know what kinds of attacks to use against the opposing lead. I usually select Iron Head first and the opponent usually gets h4xed. But flinch is 60% on Jirachi's Iron Head anyway.

Looks good, I'm amazed I've never seen anyone pair flinch hax Jirachi with togekiss :?

Hyperbole wrote:
Rotom-Heat @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Bold
252 HP | 168 Def | 90 Speed
~ Discharge
~ Overheat
~ Shadow Ball
~ Will-O-Wisp

Standard Rapid Spin blocker, Scizor counter. I don't have good prediction, so sometimes when an Overheat is obvious, the opponent switches to Heatran. On the topic of Heatran, this brings me to my next Pokémon...

If your worried about heatran switching on overheat/WoW you could go with Rotom-wash, invest 40+EVs into S.atk and give it HP fire, which should kill most scizors variants, guaranteed with SR damage. But Pory2 makes a good enough counter with good prediction.


Hyperbole wrote:
{porygon2} Porygon2 @ Leftovers
Ability: Trace
Nature: Bold
252 HP | 216 Def | 42 Speed
~ Ice Beam
~ Recover
~ Thunder Wave
~ Thunderbolt

Whenever a Heatran gets a Flash Fire boost from Rotom-Heat's Overheat, I send out Porygon2 to Trace Heatran's ability and counter an expected Fire Blast. Porygon2 also gets rid of Salamence and Gyarados. When I send out Porygon2, I usually use Thunderbolt first, but the opposing Heatran often switches out.

Defensive duck eh? I like this set :mrgreen:

Hyperbole wrote:

{snorlax} Snorlax @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
Nature: Adamant
6 HP | 252 Atk | 252 Sp. Def
~ Crunch
~ Earthquake
~ Fire Punch
~ Return

Resists Special Attacks, then retaliates with a powerful physical attack. I'm not really sure how else to describe it, but this Snorlax tends to fall to well predicted switches.

Hmm if you want to keep him pure offensive you can try a CB, (nice surprise for choice trickers eying snorlax) Chople may help but leftovers is better in most cases. Personally I'd go with a good fighting type here, as what you said below with problems with TTar. Hariyama fares like snorlax if you EV him to take special hits. but resttalk machamp or SD Lucario would do best in OU.

Hyperbole wrote:

{zapdos} Zapdos @ Leftovers (I've used Leftovers a lot, haven't I?)
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Bold
248 HP | 228 Def | 34 Speed
~ Heat Wave
~ Roar
~ Roost
~ Thunderbolt

The usual Physically Defensive Zapdos. If my Jirachi comes up against a physical attacker that I expect to have Earthquake, I'll switch either this or Rotom-Heat in. If Zapdos comes up against a Pokémon with a stat boost, I usually Roar it out. Sometimes though, if it is a Dragon Dance Tyranitar, Zapdos gets outran and the opponent destroys it with a Stone Edge. I'd just like to know: What should I do against a DDTar?

Switch out to something with mach punch :p If your tired of using leftovers you can give him a charti berry to survive a stone edge.
Hyperbole wrote:

{latias} Latias @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Timid
6 HP | 252 Sp Atk | 252 Speed
~ Calm Mind
~ Dragon Pulse
~ Recover
~ Surf

Just a Special Attacking Latias. It destroys opponents quite well, but I need to know: Should I run Psychic over something on Latias, and if I should, which move should I get rid of? Also, what should I watch out for when using Latias?

TTar and Blissey, really any special wall that can T-wave or Toxic stops latias, I'd stay with surf/Dragon pulse as only waters will resist and pory2/zapdos/rotom can fry them.


So... yeah. I just need info on how I could improve the team. Thanks in advance ;)

Your team looks very good, snorlax is the only poke I really question, but everything else looks great.

Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:54 am
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I revised my plan for a Battle Tower team:


Starmie @ [ Something... I don't like Choice items though ]
Ability: Illuminate (I know it's useless, but this Starmie has a 21-23 SA IV and 27+ IVs for every other stat)
Nature: Timid
252 SA, 252 Spd, 6 SD
~ Surf
~ Ice Beam
~ Thunderbolt
~ Recover / Psychic / Signal Beam / Power Gem

Special sweeper. I'm not sure if Recover will really help Starmie to a great extent, since its defences are weak. Despite having Illuminate instead of Natural Cure, I am still keen on using this Starmie, because it has excellent IVs. I don't think Starmie will have to put up with too many status effects anyway.


Weavile @ [ Something... I don't like Choice items though ]
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Jolly
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 Def
~ Ice Punch
~ Night Slash
~ Brick Break
~ Aerial Ace

Physical sweeper. Simple, straightforward killing.


Dusknoir @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
Nature: [ Should I go with Impish or Careful? ]
252 HP, 129 Def, 129 SD
~ Shadow Punch
~ Earthquake
~ Will-O-Wisp
~ Pain Split

Tank. I was thinking about using Bronzong instead, but Bronzong doesn't really threaten anyone offensively...



Fri Jun 26, 2009 8:00 am
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Me and my friend battle six on six and I wanted to see how people like my teams.
We DONT CARE ABOUT EV's and all that stuff

Here is my first team:
Sand Rage (Wow I need a better name, although he mostly likes the names)
It uses Sandstorm continuosly to weaken oppents

{tyranitar} @ Quick Claw
-Rock Slide
-Water Pulse

Tyranitar is my first pokemon. We usally play double battles, so sometimes I put him second. When he comes out, the sandstorm starts up, damaging my friends pokemon. Earthquake and RockSlide are powerful moves, and Thunderbolt and Water Pulse are for varitiey. T-Tar stays out for as long as he can, doing as much damage as possible. The Quick Claw lets him attack sooner than my oppent thinks.

{skarmory} @ Scope Lens
Keen Eye
-Night Slash
-Air Slash
-Steel Wing

Skarmory is a quick hitter. His Flying part makes me not have to worry about my own earthquakes. His moves have high critical ratios, and with the Scope Lens his criticals keep on coming. He is just a damage-per-second pokemon

{kabutops} @ ???
Battle Armour
-Giga Drain
-Ancient Power
-Hyper Beam

Kabutops has a variety of moves for a variety of pokemon. He can hit with Water, Grass and Rock, or a really powerful Hyper Beam. Don't have an item for him yet, open to suggestions.

{metagross} @Leftovers
Clear Body
-Magnet Rise
-Iron Defence

Metagross is defencive. He uses Iron Defence to take more hits then heals with rest. Magnet Rise is to prevent an own-hit from earthquake. Psychic is his damaging move. Another possiblity for Metagross is Psychic, Magnet Rise, Hammer Arm, and Earthquake.

{magnezone} @???
-Magnet Rise
-Tri Attack
-Flash Cannon

Magnezone is some-what for my friends Gyardos, the only Water pokemon he ever uses. Magnet Rise is again, to avoid own-damage. Magnezone is just an all around good pokemon and I like him. I just need a good item.

{mamoswine} @???
-Ice Beam
-Ancient Power
-Light Screen

Mamoswine is kinda my sixth member. I picked him because he is Ground, Rock, or Steel, for the Sandstorm, and also because he added variety (Ice). He can be easily replaced if any raters here can think of a better Pokemon to fit in.

I might have other teams later.

Soul Silver: FC: 1033-7425-8991 Name: Andrew
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Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:16 pm
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First, a description. I'm making an all-flying team, and I have 2 members already done. I will rate the rest when they're done.

{swellow}Swellow@life orb
Jolly 252 atk/252 spd/4 sdef
~U Turn
~Steel Wing
~Aerial Ace

Basically, this one is my lead. With its speed, it can pull off a few powerful hits before the opponent even has a chance. If it's at an unfavorable matchup, it can take out a nice chunk of damage with U-Turn and switch to something better. Life Orb is there instead of Choice band because it's not going to survive long anyway, and I wanted to be able to use different moves.

Rock Head
Adamant 252 atk/252 spd/4 sdef
~Thunder Fang
~Rock Slide

All-out physical Sweeper. Earthquake and Crunch for type coverage, Thunder Fang for water types, and rock slide as STAB. Not really much to say about this one, except that I've yet to choose an item for it that's not life orb...

Psypoke Idol 5 stars: {swellow} {pidgeot} {skarmory} {blaziken} {metagross} {aerodactyl} {lugia} Image
What do you think of my avatar? I made it myself!

Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:34 pm
Bug Catcher
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First off, I tried 2 take the test 2 b a rater but it wudnt let me. But anyway here's my team 4 the Battle Frontier in Platinum
{golem} @Razor Claw/Physical Sweeper/Physical Wall
252 Atk/252 Def/6 HP
Stone Edge
Iron Head
Fire Punch
Golem is like a shield for Physical Attackers. I went with the 1st 2 attacks for STAB, and to defend itself against Ice and Grass types I chose Iron Head and Fire Punch. And to add a little more power, I gave it a Razor Claw
{flareon} @Quick Claw/Mixed Sweeper
170 Atk/170 HP/170 Speed
Flash Fire/Jolly
Iron Tail
Shadow ball
Heat Wave
Last Resort
Flareon is my Mixed Sweeper. It's not the meaning of the word fast so I gave it a Quick Claw. The moves I chose were simply for type coverage and to be as versatile as possible along with accurate and powerful moves.
{noctowl} @Scope Lens/Hypnosis Sweeper/Closer
252 HP/252 SpAtk/6 Speed
Dream Eater
Air Cutter
Ominous Wind
Noctowl is to shut down sweepers so my team doesn't get wiped out. I have Air Slash for STAB and paired with the Scope Lens it's fairly easy to land a critical hit with it. I use the Hypnosis Dream Eater combo as a stalling sorta thing, and Ominous Wind is for type coverage e.g. ghosts and psychics that commonly carry Ice/Electric moves.
{empoleon} @Nevermeltice/Special Sweeper/Sponge
255 SpAtk/155 SpDef/100 HP
Signal Beam
Flash Cannon
Ice Beam
Empoleon is used as a wall for most special attacks it isn't weak to. Surf and Flash Cannon is for stab and Signal Beam and Ice Beam and Signal Beam provide Freeze and Confusion afflictions at times along with type coverage which is helpful.
{abomasnow} @Icicle Plate/mixed sweeper/weather manipulator
255 Atk/255 SpAtk
Snow Warning/Brave
Wood Hammer
Rock Slide
Originally gonna b a physical sweeper, I changed Abomasnow into a mixed sweeper so it cud have better use of Blizzard since Hail makes it as accurate as 2 of the other 3 attacks. Again I have STAB attacks and type coverage moves, but aside from Rock Slide I focus on accurate moves in particular since it's the most fragile pokemon on my team.
{magnezone} @Magnet/Wall/Special Sweeper
255 HP/255 Spatk
Magnet Pull/Naive
Mirror Coat
Thunder Wave/Signal Beam(I'm stuck on which one 2 choose)
Mirror Shot
Again, I use my attacking moves for STAB, but it's cuz Magnezone is also used 2 take a lot of hits. If I'm in the mood for attacking, I'll use Thunder Wave for an easier time with sweeping. If not, I'll hope the pokemon I'm up against(unless it's obvious like Gengar or Porygon-Z) uses Special Attacks so Mirror Coat can take effect.
There's my team and I kno the natures rnt ideal so I'd prefer if u dont remind me that when reviewing my team thanks! :)

Tue Jun 30, 2009 6:24 pm
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Jeebus they quick-linked this, I need to talk with EP bout more raters..

Wai wrote:
I revised my plan for a Battle Tower team:


Starmie @ [ Something... I don't like Choice items though ]
Ability: Illuminate (I know it's useless, but this Starmie has a 21-23 SA IV and 27+ IVs for every other stat)
Nature: Timid
252 SA, 252 Spd, 6 SD
~ Surf
~ Ice Beam
~ Thunderbolt
~ Recover / Psychic / Signal Beam / Power Gem

Special sweeper. I'm not sure if Recover will really help Starmie to a great extent, since its defences are weak. Despite having Illuminate instead of Natural Cure, I am still keen on using this Starmie, because it has excellent IVs. I don't think Starmie will have to put up with too many status effects anyway.


Well, natural cure is vastly superior to illuminate and make recover work as well as it does. With natural cure you can bring starmie in on any poke trying to status, absorb it, then switch back out. With Cure I would run recover in the last slot w/ leftovers, but otherwise I'd go with psychic and life orb as a held item, making it more of a pure sweeper.

Weavile @ [ Something... I don't like Choice items though ]
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Jolly
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 Def
~ Ice Punch
~ Night Slash
~ Brick Break
~ Aerial Ace

Physical sweeper. Simple, straightforward killing.

Run as the lead and give him a focus sash, AA can be replaced with counter to kill off gyarados, scizor, etc.


Dusknoir @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
Nature: [ Should I go with Impish or Careful? ]
252 HP, 129 Def, 129 SD
~ Shadow Punch
~ Earthquake
~ Will-O-Wisp
~ Pain Split

Tank. I was thinking about using Bronzong instead, but Bronzong doesn't really threaten anyone offensively...

Bronzong is probably the better choice, -speed nature and gyro ball can do quite a bit of damage,

Levitate @ Leftovers
252hp 86Atk 80Def 92S.def
-Gyro Ball

If you stay with dusky, go impish, rest seems fine.


hammythepig wrote:
Me and my friend battle six on six and I wanted to see how people like my teams.
We DONT CARE ABOUT EV's and all that stuff.
kay then, but really I cant give any help other than movesets/items :?

Here is my first team:
Sand Rage (Wow I need a better name, although he mostly likes the names)
It uses Sandstorm continuosly to weaken oppents

{tyranitar} @ Quick Claw
-Rock Slide
-Water Pulse

Tyranitar is my first pokemon. We usally play double battles, so sometimes I put him second. When he comes out, the sandstorm starts up, damaging my friends pokemon. Earthquake and RockSlide are powerful moves, and Thunderbolt and Water Pulse are for varitiey. T-Tar stays out for as long as he can, doing as much damage as possible. The Quick Claw lets him attack sooner than my oppent thinks.

Ice beam in the last slot if you want better special side coverage, or replace T-bolt with Dragon dance to sweep, it also allows an item other than quick claw, like chople/lum berry or leftovers

{skarmory} @ Scope Lens
Keen Eye
-Night Slash
-Air Slash
-Steel Wing

Skarmory is a quick hitter. His Flying part makes me not have to worry about my own earthquakes. His moves have high critical ratios, and with the Scope Lens his criticals keep on coming. He is just a damage-per-second pokemon

Is this doubles? Either way:
Leftovers/ Occa/wacan berry
-Brave bird

skarmory has somewhat weak attack and limited movepool,(air slash is even weaker) and relying on crits is a very high-risk/low-reward strategy. Skarms best deal is setting up traps, then whirlwind-ing pokes through them.


{kabutops} @ ???
Battle Armour
-Giga Drain
-Ancient Power
-Hyper Beam

Kabutops has a variety of moves for a variety of pokemon. He can hit with Water, Grass and Rock, or a really powerful Hyper Beam. Don't have an item for him yet, open to suggestions.

Kabutops has very mediorcre special attack to work with, he's best staying psychical
Quick claw/salc berry
-Rock Slide
-Confuse ray

Confuse, then flinch. Xscissor hits grass types then hit him 4x.

{metagross} @Leftovers
Clear Body
-Magnet Rise
-Iron Defence

Metagross is defencive. He uses Iron Defence to take more hits then heals with rest. Magnet Rise is to prevent an own-hit from earthquake. Psychic is his damaging move. Another possiblity for Metagross is Psychic, Magnet Rise, Hammer Arm, and Earthquake.

with iron defence almost nullifing EQ's damage magnet rise seems a waste, if this is doubles put icy wind there, otherwise Meteor mash. also Zen headbutt over Psychic

{magnezone} @???
-Magnet Rise
-Tri Attack
-Flash Cannon

Magnezone is some-what for my friends Gyardos, the only Water pokemon he ever uses. Magnet Rise is again, to avoid own-damage. Magnezone is just an all around good pokemon and I like him. I just need a good item.

magnet rise is worth using here, Leftovers is best, LO or any attack boosting item can do well

{mamoswine} @???
-Ice Beam
-Ancient Power
-Light Screen

Mamoswine is kinda my sixth member. I picked him because he is Ground, Rock, or Steel, for the Sandstorm, and also because he added variety (Ice). He can be easily replaced if any raters here can think of a better Pokemon to fit in.

Mamo is good, Endeavor or Ice shard over ancient power(or both, replacing light screen) with leftovers/Salc berry/Custap berry Also avalanche is typically better over ice beam on him.

I might have other teams later.

superbird wrote:
First, a description. I'm making an all-flying team, and I have 2 members already done. I will rate the rest when they're done.

{swellow}Swellow@life orb
Jolly 252 atk/252 spd/4 sdef
~U Turn
~Steel Wing
~Aerial Ace

Basically, this one is my lead. With its speed, it can pull off a few powerful hits before the opponent even has a chance. If it's at an unfavorable matchup, it can take out a nice chunk of damage with U-Turn and switch to something better. Life Orb is there instead of Choice band because it's not going to survive long anyway, and I wanted to be able to use different moves.

typically I say burn orb and protect over steel wing, but I've learned more often then not I can switch to a counter while it gets it's burn going. SO I like the idea of a straight up attacker,Brave bird over AA if your truly suicidal. otherwise good.

Rock Head
Adamant 252 atk/252 spd/4 sdef
~Thunder Fang
~Rock Slide

All-out physical Sweeper. Earthquake and Crunch for type coverage, Thunder Fang for water types, and rock slide as STAB. Not really much to say about this one, except that I've yet to choose an item for it that's not life orb...

How bout expert belt and replace Crunch for ice fang? as with elec/ice and rock/ground coverage you'll be hitting quite a few SEs, and flinching is always good

Wed Jul 01, 2009 5:30 am
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Thank you very much, MasterChef. I was about to catch a Duskull, but after reading your input, Bronzong may indeed be the better choice to assist Weavile and Starmie.


Weavile @ Focus Sash
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Jolly (+Spd -SA)
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 Def
~ Ice Punch
~ Night Slash
~ Brick Break
~ Aerial Ace / Rock Slide / Counter

I plan to use Aerial Ace to dispose of Ludicolo and other Pokemon that resist Bronzong's attacks. What are some other benefits of having Counter instead of Aerial Ace? On the other hand, I have noticed that Aerial Ace is a relatively weak attack and is only strong enough to KO opponents with a 4x weakness to Flying attacks, such as Heracross. It is not strong enough to KO most fighting types, such as Machamp, who will then proceed to inflict severe damage on Weavile with Cross Chop or a similar move.

Since I have to breed for Counter, I am a bit reluctant about having it replace Aerial Ace, since my Weavile is now at Lv70+ (too lazy to start over lol). Or, should I replace Aerial Ace with a rock attack such as Rock Slide?


Starmie @ Expert Belt (If Expert Belt is no good, I'll give Life Orb a try)
Ability: Illuminate (I know it's useless, but this Starmie has a 21 SA IV and 29+ IVs for every other stat)
Nature: Timid (+Spd -Atk)
252 SA, 252 Spd, 6 SD
~ Surf
~ Ice Beam
~ Thunderbolt
~ Psychic

I agree with Psychic over Recover to KO Weavile's nemeses: Fighting types.


Bronzong @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Sassy (+SD -Spd)
252 HP, 86 Atk, 80 Def, 92 SD
~ Gyro Ball
~ Earthquake
~ Sleep Talk
~ Rest

I like MasterChef's idea, but what if Bronzong got paralysed or burnt? It would be quite troublesome, so would a Rest-Talk combo be better?



Last edited by Wai on Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:37 am
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Now i can post my main team!
Let's begin

{skarmory} @ Leftovers
Ability: Keen Eyes
Nature: Impish
252 Def 252 HP 4 Atk
~Stealth Rock (i think its better to set up, just one turn)
~Drill Pech (Atack of choice)

My arena hazard lead. Great lead, great wall, except when facing fire pokemon.

{dragonite} @ Lum Berry
Ability: Inner Focus (useless)
Nature: Adamant
252 Atk 252 Spd 4 HP
~Dragon Dance
~Fire Punch
~Outrage (140 base + stab + dd is really scary)

My set up sweeper. Dragonite is my favorite pokemon, and one of the best i have. Lum berry can be used to switch in status inducers, but its mainly because the confusion caused by outrage

{gengar} @ Wise Glasses
Abillity: Levitate
Nature: Timid
252 Sp.Atk 252 Spd 4 HP
~Focus Blast
~Shadow Ball
~Thunder Bolt

This guy does wonders. With wise glasses i can hit more times with hypnosis and focus blast, and a timid nature makes him faster then 90% without scarf.

{weavile} @ Choice Band
Abillity: Pressure
Nature: Jolly
252 Atk 252 Spd 4 HP
~Ice Shard
~Brick Break
~Night Slash

My fast killer. Pursuit gets those run away pokemon that are scared of weavile, ice shard is a great atack, stab + priority, brick break to hit more types, and night slash is the consistent stab atack.

{dusknoir} @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Impish
252 HP 64 Def 192 Sp.Def
~Pain Split
~Seismic Toss

My Wall. Great Status Inducer, but sometimes he is usefull, some times he is not, i dont know if i should keep him.

{empoleon} @ Petaya Berry
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Modest
252 Sp.Atk 252 Spd 4 HP
~Grass Knot

Empoleon is a force of nature. Once he uses agility, he can sweep a whole team with no harms. He got 29 IV in HP so that with 3 substitutes he can activate the petaya berry. With Agility + Torrent + Petaya few can wall him effectivelly

So this is my team
I have a great weakness to fire, i dont know what can i do. I need to replace a pokemon with one that can counter fire Pokemon, but i dont know which to switch and which can hold the fire
Any help?
Thanks in advance!

Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:50 am
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Empoleon @ Wise Glasses
Ability: Torrent
Quiet Nature ( +SpecAtk, -Speed)
-Hyrdro Cannon/ drill peck
-Flash Cannon
-Ice Beam

Special sweeper, i chose to lower its speed as it as its defence was very good

Garchomp @ Razor Claw
Ability: Sand Veil
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpecAtk)
-Dragon claw
-Dragon Rush

Physical sweepr, usualy teamed up with empoleon in doble battles, Surf and dig

Charizard @ Life Orb
Ability: Blaze
Lonely Nature (+Atk, -Def)
-Flare Blitz
-Heat Wave
-Shadow Claw

Mixed sweeper

Scizor @ Metal Coat
Ability: Technician
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpecAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- X-Scissor
- U-Turn


Kangaskhan @ Leftovers
Ability: Scrappy
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpecAtk)
-Focus Punch
-Sucker Punch
-Dizzy Punch/Earthquake

I dont know really, it was really just away to counter spiritomb

Aggron @ Focus Band
Ability: Sturdy
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Speed)
-Iron Defence
-Metal Burst
-Iron Tail/Magnet Rise

Physical wall, in double battles usualy teamed up with kangaskhan

I am willing to change any pokemon really,

Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:50 pm
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MonKey wrote:
Now i can post my main team!
Let's begin

{skarmory} @ Leftovers Shed shell
Ability: Keen Eyes
Nature: Impish
252 Def 252 HP 4 Atk 252 HP / 64 Atk / 176 Def / 16 Spe
~Stealth Rock (i think its better to set up, just one turn)
~Drill Peck (Attack of choice)Brave bird
~WhirlwindGood here

My arena hazard lead. Great lead, great wall, except when facing fire pokemon.The ones in red are my opinion. With the Platinum released this set has become more popular ad better, improved tanking and damage and supporter

{dragonite} @ Lum Berry
Ability: Inner Focus (useless)Not useless due to the many Fake out ambipoms out there (Like my lead) and technician plus STAB plus silk scarf is scarier.
Nature: Adamant
252 Atk 252 Spd 4 HP
~Dragon Dance
~Fire Punch
~Outrage (140 base + stab + dd is really scary)

My set up sweeper. Dragonite is my favorite pokemon, and one of the best i have. Lum berry can be used to switch in status inducers, but its mainly because the confusion caused by outrageYep good set here

{gengar} @ Wise Glasses
Abillity: Levitate
Nature: Timid
252 Sp.Atk 252 Spd 46HP HP
~Focus Blast
~Shadow Ball
~Thunder Bolt

This guy does wonders. With wise glasses i can hit more times with hypnosis and focus blast, and a timid nature makes him faster then 90% without scarf.[#80FF00]Yepp seems good[/color]

{weavile} @ Choice Band
Abillity: Pressure
Nature: Jolly
252 Atk 252 Spd 4 HPI would think more of 40 Hp|225 Atk|216 Speed
~Ice Shard
~Brick Break
~Night Slash

My fast killer. Pursuit gets those run away pokemon that are scared of weavile, ice shard is a great atack, stab + priority, brick break to hit more types, and night slash is the consistent stab atack.Good not much fault here

{dusknoir} @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Impish
252 HP 64 Def 192 Sp.Def
~Pain Split
~Seismic Toss Hmm this is quite good due to him not having any atrtck ev's
~ProtectMaybe shadow sneak or Eartthquake here

My Wall. Great Status Inducer, but sometimes he is usefull, some times he is not, i dont know if i should keep him.

{empoleon} @ Petaya Berry
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Modest
252 Sp.Atk 252 Spd 4 HP
~Grass Knot

Empoleon is a force of nature. Once he uses agility, he can sweep a whole team with no harms. He got 29 IV in HP so that with 3 substitutes he can activate the petaya berry. With Agility + Torrent + Petaya few can wall him effectivelly

So this is my team
I have a great weakness to fire, i dont know what can i do. I need to replace a pokemon with one that can counter fire Pokemon, but i dont know which to switch and which can hold the fireEmpoleon, Dusknoir, Dragonite, not really a weakness
Any help?
Thanks in advance!

Sorry had to rush near the end quite busy lol ~.~

Tue Jul 07, 2009 2:37 pm
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Hi everyone,

This is my Battle Tower team and I’d like some advice. Three Pokemon at lv50 are allowed; as such, it’s hard to fit many key elements in a team. I’d like some advice on how I can improve this team to make it more versatile. I’ve tried it many times, and it absolutely owns the CPUs, but I’m trying to win in the WiFi part (where you fight bots of other players.) It’s had moderate success, but I tend to run into problems versus certain Pokemon and get haxxed a lot (but what can you do about that?)

All Pokemon allowed in OU are allowed into this, but Latios, Garchomp, and Wobbuffet from Ubers are allowed. So this is basically OU battling.

I have access to Platinum move tutors and can move around EVs, items, and moves. I just can’t rebreed these guys.

Thanks in advance for the rate, and here goes…

Lead and Threat Eliminator
Starmie {starmie} @Choice Scarf (Spd x1.5)
Modest | Natural Cure
6 HP | 252 SA | 252 Spd
Ice Beam
Grass Knot

So this guy is my anti-metagame lead, which works well – he can normally OHKO the common Garchomp, Infernape, Salamence, and Gyarados. He also laughs at status with Natural Cure. Later on, he can eliminate any remaining Dragons, like the aforementioned ones as well as Latios and Dragonite, which give would otherwise give my team problems. Basically, he’s great at removing common threats.
I use a Scarf with a Modest nature (I really need the power boost.) Unfortunately I normally need to switch after a KO (the CPU often sends in a Pokemon resistant to your last move), but that’s okay. Specs could work too; I haven’t tried them though.
The moves standards and consist of most of Starmie’s workable movepool. The only move I don’t use that much is Thunderbolt, so if I need another move on Starmie that can go. I considered Hydro Pump over Surf, but I get haxxed so much I don’t want it to miss. The EVs are standard as well.
Starmie runs into problems when he’s the last Pokemon on the team (cause he’s choice-locked) or when he needs to switch into a non-resisted move, as his defenses aren’t the best. Also, faster Scarfers can give this starfish trouble. How could I fix this?

Physical Sweeper and Wall Breaker
Garchomp {garchomp} @ Yache Berry (halves power of SE Ice attacks)
Adamant | Sand Veil
6 HP | 252 Atk | 252 Spd
Swords Dance
Dragon Claw
Fire Fang

Garchomp doesn’t do too much team support, as all he does is provide coverage and sweep. However, once he has a Swords Dance (and even without it), he’s gonna be laying down some serious hurt. He’s also good at breaking walls with his incredible attack power.
The Yache Berry has saved me countless times, as most non-STAB Ice Beams do 60-70% to him with the Yache – he’s be KO’d otherwise. I tried a Haban (weakens SE Dragon moves) Berry, but the Yache came in more use. I could Choice him, but 2 choicers on a team may not work. I’m still open to other items.
I decided to use Adamant over Jolly because Starmie already provides blazing speed, and Garchomp takes full advantage of the power boost. The EVs are standard.
Earthquake and Swords Dance are the staples of this set. I used Dragon Claw over Outrage because I need the ability to switch. Dragon Rush could work there, but it’s too unreliable. Fire Fang goes in the last slot as the best way to take care of the ever-common Scizor. It OHKOs most of the time, but not always, so another move could go there. Stone Edge’s coverage doesn’t help (Fire Fang covers Ices and Bugs, and Fires and Flyers can be hit SE with other moves), but I used it previously and it worked with some success. I’m contemplating Crunch there to take care of the common Cresselias. I considered Brick Break for Tyranitar and Blissey, but I think Earthquake is better for that.
Garchomp is like an Ice Beam magnet, though he can take 2 unSTABed ones. However, a lot of random stuff carries it – how can I combat all of those? I really hate Outrages from all those other Garchomps running around too. Will-o-Wisp is a damper too. Any ways I can stop that stuff?

Wall, Sleeper, and Glue
Bronzong {bronzong} @ Leftovers
Brave | Levitate
252 HP | 90 Atk | 84 Def | 84 SD
Gyro Ball

This guy can take tons of abuse, physical and special, and is really helpful for putting things to sleep. Normally, I switch him in to basically any attack and put the foe to sleep. I can then get a free switch to a counter. Naturally with my luck, the foe wakes up after 1 turn of sleep, but it helps anyway. He’s also capable of OHKOing non-Sashed (relatively uncommon, really) Weaviles, Alakazams, Gengars, and Azelfs, which otherwise give me trouble. Without this guy, I could not win any battles, period.
Leftovers is standard on this guy, and helps out a lot. I’m considering maybe a Lum Berry to stop random status (while paralysis boosts Gyro Ball, I get fully paralyzed way too much.)
I used Brave because I needed the power to take on Weavile et al. Levitate is always useful. I maxed HP EVs, and then split the rest among Attack and the defenses. I put the extra 6 in Attack just for a little extra power.
Gyro Ball, Hypnosis, and Explosion are standard. It’s fun blowing up on stuff (unfortunately the opponent tends to screw me over after Bronzong’s gone.) Payback is unorthodox, sure, but it works like a charm. Since this guy is normally going last, it’ll probably have 100 base power. It takes out Alakazam, Azelf, and Gengar with no problem – good because neither of the others can hit them SE. The only other moves that could go there are Stealth Rock (but no one ever switches in the Battle Tower, and most Sashers are leads), Earthquake (which is better pulled off by Garchomp), and Rock Slide (which provides the aforementioned redundant coverage.) Bronzong learns a bunch of Special moves, but I’ve never tried any. I’m open to other moves in that slot.
Weavile poses a big problem. If it gets a CH Night Slash (very common with my luck), it can 2HKO me – most Weaviles are Sashed, so I can’t kill it with 2 Gyro Balls. Basically, anything frail and hard-hitting with a sash gives me grief. That and things that get random CHs. Any way I can combat that stuff?

There’s my team. It focuses on removing threats, sweeping, and walling – I tried to make it balanced. The following give me trouble in general:

Tyranitar – Surf only 2HKOs in Sandstorm, while it OHKOs Starmie with Crunch. Garchomp threatens an Earthquake, but goes to an Outrage. Bronzong doesn’t really have the power to take him out.
Latios – Starmie can 2HKO, I think, with Ice Beam or Bronzong can stall with Payback. Garchomp is KOd with Draco Meteor/Dragon Pulse. Its ridiculous power and overuse is a weak spot.
Latias – Starmie probably 3HKOs, but I’m not sure. Same problems as her bro, just Recover is worse.
Weavile – If it KOs Bronzong if it’s weak (or by CH hax) it will tear apart Starmie and Garchomp with Night Slash and Ice Shard respectively.
Gengar – For some reason, they love using the Sash/Counter strategy to destroy my Bronzong after it Paybacks. Starmie’s the only one who can take it out, but I don’t like losing my wall.
Azelf – Sure, Bronzong can destroy it, but Fire Blast has the potential to be devastating. Explosion and U-turn make some problems.
Cresselia – Even Bronzong’s Explosion can’t take it out. Garchomp is my best bet, but he only gets 2 turns with Ice Beam. Starmie just doesn’t pack the power, and can be stopped by Calm Mind. Bronzong’s Paybacks do pitiful damage (like an 6HKO without Leftovers.)
Milotic – Everyone shows off his or her Shiny Milotic from the TCG or something. Ice Beam threatens Garchomp and Starmie only 3HKOs with Grass Knot – Hydro Pump normally 2HKOs me. I can only blow up my gong to get rid of it.
Scizor – Although Garchomp can take it out with Fire Fang, it can lay down some serious hurt to the others – OHKOing Starmie with X-Scissor, normally, and sometimes 2HKOing Bronzong.

So that’s the main problems with the team, and of course hax How can I change my team to better counter my trouble Pokemon and become more threatening overall?

Thanks for reading all this, and thanks again.

Last edited by Azelf on Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Jul 11, 2009 10:43 am
Psychic Trainer
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I haven’t quite decided yet where to use this team. They currently are being developed on my game. However, I do not have access to Wi-Fi easily.
I’ve tried many other teams in Shoddy, and they have failed miserably. This team I have not tried out yet. However, it is the first team that I have really thought through. It will be of course used in a OU environment. I could also take three and admit them into the Battle Tower. Really though, its for strong competitive play.

Empoleon @ Lum Berry
Torrent / Bold
252 HP / 129 Sp. Def / 129 Def
Stealth Rock
Iron Defense
Ice Beam/Flash Cannon

Basic Empoleon. My lead and SR-Spiker. Also a very good sponge. With the nature and EV’s, defense and Special Defense are about the same. With Iron Defense it can only go higher. Lum berry is to counter Hypnosis leads. Purpose is to get out and SR the field. Last move, however, I cannot decided between Flash Cannon and Ice Beam, oh and maybe put Grass Knot as a mention in there.

Umbreon @ Leftovers
Synchronize / Careful
252 HP / 252 Sp. Def / 6 Spd
Double Team

Umbreon, Annoyer, Spec. Sponge, and Toxi/Staller Pokemon. I didn’t bother with putting any Def EV’s seeing as any fighting Pokemon will most likely take it down in one hit. Therefore, in that case I would just switch out Umbreon. If the status clause is in effect for battle, then I will put Mean Look in there. However, if a trainer switches out their Pokemon over and over, then I’m content to continue to poison most of their Pokemon. One glaring weakness I can see is a Megahorn also can take it out in pretty much one hit. But I’m willing to take that risk. Confuse Ray could be put in, maybe instead of Attract. But for me, Attract has always been the most annoying move ever.

Snorlax @ Chesto Berry (Leftovers if there is no item clause)
Immunity / Adamant
210 Atck / 100 HP / 100 Def / 100 Sp. Def.
Body Slam / Return
Iron Head

Snorlax is a Tank through and through. I realize so far all my Pokemon are weak to fighting types. Which is why my next Pokemon is…

Alakazam @ Expert Belt / Wise Glasses
Synchronize / Timid
252 Sp. Atck / 252 Spd / 6 Hp
Shadow Ball
Charge Beam
Calm Mind / Signal Beam

Alakazam is the Special Sweepeer. Also, covers up for fighting type weaknesses. Choice Scarf could also be an option, especially when considering how fast Alakazam may need to get its attacks off. Charge Beam I chose over Energy Ball and Signal Beam, because of my next pokemon.

Sceptile @ Focus Sash (not sure what else to give him)
Overgrow / Jolly
252 HP / 129 Spd / 129 Atk.
Leaf Blade
Leech Seed

Sceptile is a Drainer. EV’s can be changed around. But overall, this is the main idea. Covers other types to beat. A lot of my team is focused on being able to trump most types.

Infernape @ Shell Bell
Blaze / Jolly
252 Atk. / 252 Spd. / 6 HP
Flare Blitz / Fire Punch
Close Combat / Brick Break
Shadow Claw / Aerial Ace
Stone Edge

Physical Sweeper. There to take out the rest of most of the Pokemon. Also, to get rid of Blissey. The moves on the right are what moves it currently has. The moves on the left are not so risky moves and are being considered. Aerial Ace is being considered over Shadow Claw because Alakazam already knows Shadow Ball. And there is no one on the team who currently knows a flying move. Also, Earthquake could be added as well. Infernape, Sceptile, or Snorlax could all learn it.
Empoleon is mainly my lead. From there, I honestly don't have much of a plan. It depends on possibly the opponent's lead, or the Pokemon that they may send out afterwards. Alakazam is a sweeper. However, due to three pokemon being weak against fighting, he may come out sooner than expected.

Thanks in advance for the rate!

"No sprinkles! And for every sprinkle I should find....I will kill you!"

Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:58 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Earlier, I wrote:
First, a description. I'm making an all-flying team, and I have 2 members already done. I will rate the rest when they're done...

Remember that? :wink: Well, I'm done with number 3.

252 SAtk|252 Spd|4 Def
~Dragon Dance
~Dragon Pulse

...I needed a special sweeper. Dragon Dance is for the speed boost, and it might trick opponents into thinking it's a physical sweeper and sending out a physical wall which it obliterates. Surf is because I needed a water-type move. Flamethrower for type coverage and dragon pulse for STAB.

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What do you think of my avatar? I made it myself!

Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:55 pm
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Maybe but I'd go with agility still

Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:16 am
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Sorry, life has been quite hectic lately and I've been away from here more than I'd like. I'll try and get though these today/saturday.

Wai wrote:
Thank you very much, MasterChef. I was about to catch a Duskull, but after reading your input, Bronzong may indeed be the better choice to assist Weavile and Starmie.


Weavile @ Focus Sash
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Jolly (+Spd -SA)
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 Def
~ Ice Punch
~ Night Slash
~ Brick Break
~ Aerial Ace / Rock Slide / Counter

I plan to use Aerial Ace to dispose of Ludicolo and other Pokemon that resist Bronzong's attacks. What are some other benefits of having Counter instead of Aerial Ace? On the other hand, I have noticed that Aerial Ace is a relatively weak attack and is only strong enough to KO opponents with a 4x weakness to Flying attacks, such as Heracross. It is not strong enough to KO most fighting types, such as Machamp, who will then proceed to inflict severe damage on Weavile with Cross Chop or a similar move.

Since I have to breed for Counter, I am a bit reluctant about having it replace Aerial Ace, since my Weavile is now at Lv70+ (too lazy to start over lol). Or, should I replace Aerial Ace with a rock attack such as Rock Slide?

Personally I'd stick with sash/counter, as it makes weavile capable of beating any physical attacker and as far as battle tower goes beating DT ludicolos is easier than OHKO abusers (both seem to come at me alot)


Starmie @ Expert Belt (If Expert Belt is no good, I'll give Life Orb a try)
Ability: Illuminate (I know it's useless, but this Starmie has a 21 SA IV and 29+ IVs for every other stat)
Nature: Timid (+Spd -Atk)
252 SA, 252 Spd, 6 SD
~ Surf
~ Ice Beam
~ Thunderbolt
~ Psychic

I agree with Psychic over Recover to KO Weavile's nemeses: Fighting types.


looks fine, aside from Illuminate
Bronzong @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Sassy (+SD -Spd)
252 HP, 86 Atk, 80 Def, 92 SD
~ Gyro Ball
~ Earthquake
~ Sleep Talk
~ Rest

I like MasterChef's idea, but what if Bronzong got paralysed or burnt? It would be quite troublesome, so would a Rest-Talk combo be better?

As far as paralysis goes it's a mixed blessing 25% lose turn/gyro ball's powered up. Rest-talk is useful for absorbing status (since stamie can't) but the screens can also help starmie take a hit or two more, either is good.


MonKey wrote:
Now i can post my main team!
Let's begin

{skarmory} @ Leftovers
Ability: Keen Eyes
Nature: Impish
252 Def 252 HP 4 Atk
~Stealth Rock (i think its better to set up, just one turn)
~Drill Peck (Atack of choice)

My arena hazard lead. Great lead, great wall, except when facing fire pokemon.

Taunt and sleep leads will shut him down. IMO he's better kept until early-mid game to set up. also with said EV's he'll be a great psychical check. (standard sets use less def for a bit of atk/spd)

{dragonite} @ Lum Berry
Ability: Inner Focus (useless)
Nature: Adamant
252 Atk 252 Spd 4 HP
~Dragon Dance
~Fire Punch
~Outrage (140 base + stab + dd is really scary)

My set up sweeper. Dragonite is my favorite pokemon, and one of the best i have. Lum berry can be used to switch in status inducers, but its mainly because the confusion caused by outrage

Inner focus is by no means useless it keeps flinchkiss and fake out users away. Personally I'd go with Jolly nature to gain some early speed and fire blast over punch to tear up opposing skarm and screening bronzong before they whirlwind/reflect your attack away.

{gengar} @ Wise Glasses
Abillity: Levitate
Nature: Timid
252 Sp.Atk 252 Spd 4 HP
~Focus Blast
~Shadow Ball
~Thunder Bolt

This guy does wonders. With wise glasses i can hit more times with hypnosis and focus blast, and a timid nature makes him faster then 90% without scarf.

Looks good except for the item. Life orb give gives him great power or wide lens gives hypnosis and focus blast a better chance of hitting.

{weavile} @ Choice Band
Abillity: Pressure
Nature: Jolly
252 Atk 252 Spd 4 HP
~Ice Shard
~Brick Break
~Night Slash

My fast killer. Pursuit gets those run away pokemon that are scared of weavile, ice shard is a great atack, stab + priority, brick break to hit more types, and night slash is the consistent stab atack.

No probs here, he should be the lead though.

{dusknoir} @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Impish
252 HP 64 Def 192 Sp.Def
~Pain Split
~Seismic Toss

My Wall. Great Status Inducer, but sometimes he is usefull, some times he is not, i dont know if i should keep him.

No complaints about him, but with gengar serving as a spin blocker he could be replaced with something else, Snorlax and Glisor comes to mind as you said your team has a hard time with fire.

{empoleon} @ Petaya Berry
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Modest
252 Sp.Atk 252 Spd 4 HP
~Grass Knot

Empoleon is a force of nature. Once he uses agility, he can sweep a whole team with no harms. He got 29 IV in HP so that with 3 substitutes he can activate the petaya berry. With Agility + Torrent + Petaya few can wall him effectivelly

Looks good, speed EVs could probably be nitpicked down a few to add into def, also Ice beam is an option in the last slot, water or grass resist you.

So this is my team
I have a great weakness to fire, i dont know what can i do. I need to replace a pokemon with one that can counter fire Pokemon, but i dont know which to switch and which can hold the fire
Any help?
Thanks in advance!

I say replace Dusknior with thick fat snorlax, you need some s.def that he can provide and can spread status with body slam/toxic as well as absorb status for the team with rest. He can also take ice attacks directed at dragonite easily.

Overall you teams looks good, I'd switch skarm and weavile for lead spot though.

Steel_saint wrote:


Sorry,but I'm going to enforce the post count requirement. Also you need to say where your team is battling, In-game/Shoody etc. as well as a better description then one-word/sentence.

Thu Jul 16, 2009 6:53 am
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Looking at my three Pokemon from a different perspective, what if I had Bronzong run as the lead instead of Weavile?

Bronzong {bronzong} @ Leftovers / Macho Brace
Levitate | Sassy (+SD -Spd)
~Gyro Ball
~Stealth Rock
~Hypnosis / Trick / Light Screen / Reflect

Aim is to set up Stealth Rock. I really hate the unreliability of Hypnosis. Once it actually hits the target in the first place, the target often wakes up the next turn (i.e. they effectively didn't sleep at all). Back in DP when the accuracy was 70%, Hypnosis was marginally "acceptable", but now in Pt, it's back to the old 60%, which is a real pain (stupid Breloom and Parasect can't breed Spore to anyone else).

Starmie {starmie} @ Choice Specs / Life Orb
Illuminate | Timid (+Spd -Atk)
~Ice Beam

Special sweeper to be sent out to kill others when appropriate. Starmie and Weavile would make a good couple in double battles, but stupid Surf will hit Weavile too. I guess the game makers didn't want us taking advantage of the single decent HM move? :?

Weavile {weavile} @ Choice Band / Focus Sash
Pressure | Jolly (+Spd -SA)
~Ice Punch
~Night Slash
~Brick Break
~Aerial Ace / Quick Attack

Unless Weavile is holding the Choice Band, Aerial Ace fails to KO Wake's annoying Ludicolo, even though Weavile is 20 levels above it. I am open to replacing Aerial Ace with something else... I don't think Aerial Ace can KO any Fighting type counters, even with Choice Band (unless the target has very low Defence). I really like the idea of Counter, as MasterChef suggested, or even Fake Out (to efficiently break Focus Sashes on opponents), but I am desperately thinking of alternatives. If my Weavile is "beyond" help, I'll reluctantly start over and breed for that Counter or Fake Out, but then there are IVs and Nature to worry about... Weavile is currently at Lv84.



Sun Jul 19, 2009 2:17 am
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Wai wrote:
Looking at my three Pokemon from a different perspective, what if I had Bronzong run as the lead instead of Weavile?
Bronzong {bronzong} @ Leftovers / Macho Brace
Levitate | Sassy (+SD -Spd)
~Gyro Ball
~Stealth Rock
~Hypnosis / Trick / Light Screen / Reflect

Aim is to set up Stealth Rock. I really hate the unreliability of Hypnosis. Once it actually hits the target in the first place, the target often wakes up the next turn (i.e. they effectively didn't sleep at all). Back in DP when the accuracy was 70%, Hypnosis was marginally "acceptable", but now in Pt, it's back to the old 60%, which is a real pain (stupid Breloom and Parasect can't breed Spore to anyone else).

Hypnosis suffers from the computer luck hax that occurs in Battle Tower (OHKO hitting 3 times in a row anyone?)
Because the computer does not switch much, and there are only 3 pokemon, Stealth Rock won't do as much as you might expect.

east.swk10 wrote:
I haven’t quite decided yet where to use this team. They currently are being developed on my game. However, I do not have access to Wi-Fi easily.
I’ve tried many other teams in Shoddy, and they have failed miserably. This team I have not tried out yet. However, it is the first team that I have really thought through. It will be of course used in a OU environment. I could also take three and admit them into the Battle Tower. Really though, its for strong competitive play.

Empoleon @ Leftovers
Torrent / Bold
252 HP / 129 Sp. Def / 129 Def
Stealth Rock
Iron Defense
Ice Beam/Flash Cannon

Basic Empoleon. My lead and SR-Spiker. Also a very good sponge. With the nature and EV’s, defense and Special Defense are about the same. With Iron Defense it can only go higher. Lum berry is to counter Hypnosis leads. Purpose is to get out and SR the field. Last move, however, I cannot decided between Flash Cannon and Ice Beam, oh and maybe put Grass Knot as a mention in there.

Considering you have two special walls/tanks (Umbreon and Snorlax), you may want to focus on defense in Empoleon. use Ice Beam to take down Dragon/Flying types like Salamence. If Empoleon is your main Garchomp/Salamence counter, you might consider a Shuca Berry to reduce damage from Earthquake, especially in Battle Tower's Item Clause.

Watch out for Taunt/SR suicide leads - you will have to predict their Taunt, as leading a defensive pokemon like Empoleon is often for Stealth Rock. If it's Aerodactyl, you can take it down to 1 HP (Focus Sash) with Surf while it Taunts, and hopefully get in a Stealth Rock later to shut it down. With Azelf, you have to watch out for Explosion or Thunderbolt.

Umbreon @ Leftovers
Synchronize / Careful
252 HP / 252 Sp. Def / 6 Spd
Confuse Ray

See alternate set below

Umbreon, Annoyer, Spec. Sponge, and Toxi/Staller Pokemon. I didn’t bother with putting any Def EV’s seeing as any fighting Pokemon will most likely take it down in one hit. Therefore, in that case I would just switch out Umbreon. If the status clause is in effect for battle, then I will put Mean Look in there. However, if a trainer switches out their Pokemon over and over, then I’m content to continue to poison most of their Pokemon. One glaring weakness I can see is a Megahorn also can take it out in pretty much one hit. But I’m willing to take that risk. Confuse Ray could be put in, maybe instead of Attract. But for me, Attract has always been the most annoying move ever.

Note that Double Team is banned under Evasion Clause, if you play to play with standard rules. Also, relying on luck (Double Team/Attract) may not be the best idea in the Battle Tower, because your opponents seem to have a lot more. If you just want to extend the annoyer, use Confuse Ray instead of Double Team for standard battles. However...

You might consider Wish and trap passing, which could give another of your pokemon an easy set up:

Umbreon @ Leftovers
Baton Pass
Mean Look
Toxic / Yawn

You can keep those EVs to use Umbreon against special sweepers. Trap passing would be a nice way to set up a Calm Minder against a special sweeper because Calm Mind raises special defense. Snorlax, as a special wall, could also use it to Curse up.

Snorlax @ Chesto Berry (Leftovers if there is no item clause)
Thick Fat / Adamant
210 Atck / 100 HP / 100 Def / 100 Sp. Def.
Rest / Self Destruct
Body Slam / Return
Earthquake / Curse]

Snorlax is a Tank through and through. I realize so far all my Pokemon are weak to fighting types. Which is why my next Pokemon is…

[color=yellow]If you really want a pure attacking Snorlax, go with Crunch and Earthquake, and finish off with Selfdestruct. Outrage is too risky, especially in an OU battle - you're just asking for someone to switch in Scizor and set up, or switch in Forretress and lay down a few layers of Spikes. But if you use Umbreon as a trap passer, Snorlax has a good opportunity to Curse up. Try running a more defensive set defensive Curselax set:
Snorrlax @ Leftovers
Thick Fat, Careful 168 HP / 120 Def / 220 SpD
Body Slam/Return

Crunch allows Snorlax to take down Gengar, which might be an annoyance otherwise.

With Rest, poison is less of an issue - Thick Fat allows you to switch into STAB Fire and Ice moves easily.

Alakazam @ Expert Belt / Wise Glasses
Synchronize / Timid
252 Sp. Atck / 252 Spd / 6 Hp
Focus Blast
Charge Beam / Shock Wave / Signal Beam / Trick
Calm Mind / Signal Beam / Trick

Alakazam is the Special Sweepeer. Also, covers up for fighting type weaknesses. Choice Scarf could also be an option, especially when considering how fast Alakazam may need to get its attacks off. Charge Beam I chose over Energy Ball and Signal Beam, because of my next pokemon.

Alakazam is already quite fast - you could consider Choice Specs as well as Scarf. If you use a Choice item, run Trick on there as you can often disable their special wall while giving you a turn to boost with Calm Mind. Alakazam's options aren't the best however, and if you use TrapPasser Umbreon, you may consider a bulkier Calm Minder such as Latias:

Latias @ Leftovers
Timid (4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spd) or (128 HP / 128 SpA / 252 Spd) depending on how defensive you want to be
Calm Mind
Dragon Pulse
Psychic <-- to shut down Fighting types

You can choose to be defensive or offensive - offensive would be more like Alakazam, but if you TrapPass a special sweeper you could be more defensive and get more Calm Minds in.

Sceptile @ Recommend Leftovers due to Substitute
Overgrow / Jolly
252 HP / 252 Spd if you want higher HP subs - but consider running 56 HP / 200 Def / 252 Spd as well for extra Def.
Leaf Blade / Grass Knot
Leech Seed
X-Scissor / HP Fire

Sceptile is a Drainer. EV’s can be changed around. But overall, this is the main idea. Covers other types to beat. A lot of my team is focused on being able to trump most types.

Standard moves for physical Sub/Seed. Watch out for Skarmory - on Shoddy Battle you might consider using the special version with HP Fire.

Infernape @ Life Orb
Blaze / Naive / Hasty
252 Atk. / 252 Spd. / 6 HP
Close Combat
U-turn / Earthquake
Stone Edge

Physical Sweeper. There to take out the rest of most of the Pokemon. Also, to get rid of Blissey. The moves on the right are what moves it currently has. The moves on the left are not so risky moves and are being considered. Aerial Ace is being considered over Shadow Claw because Alakazam already knows Shadow Ball. And there is no one on the team who currently knows a flying move. Also, Earthquake could be added as well. Infernape, Sceptile, or Snorlax could all learn it.

U-Turn is a better choice in the standard metagame by allowing you to switch to a counter to their counter easily. You should be able to predict a switch. Overheat is for defensive Skarmory and Bronzong so they cannot wall the set. In Battle Tower, you could consider running Earthquake as the AI is less likely to switch around. Unless you really want a Ghost or Flying move, there's no reason to use Shadow Claw or Aerial Ace

Empoleon is mainly my lead. From there, I honestly don't have much of a plan. It depends on possibly the opponent's lead, or the Pokemon that they may send out afterwards. Alakazam is a sweeper. However, due to three pokemon being weak against fighting, he may come out sooner than expected.

[color=yellow]There's a good chance Empoleon will fail to get Stealth Rock from the start in because of the prevalence of Taunt/SR leads. However, it's a good bulky pokemon to switch in later and Stealth Rock. TrapPassing Umbreon has a good chance of setting up on opponent Special Sweepers, letting you boost up a Calm Minder and sweep.

Thanks in advance for the rate!

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Sun Jul 19, 2009 7:33 am
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From the advice I've received, I have added another three Pokemon for 6 vs 6 battles. Bronzong, Weavile and Starmie will be used in 3 vs 3 battles.

Forretress {forretress} @ Occa Berry
Sturdy | Careful (+SD -SA)
252 HP, 6 Atk, 252 SD
~ Rock Slide
~ Spikes
~ Rapid Spin
~ Explosion

Forretress is basically there to set up Spikes, get rid of those set by the opponent and to kill off any Bug Pokemon that Weavile and Starmie hate. Will the Occa berry do much in helping Forretress survive a Fire attack?

Bronzong {bronzong} @ Light Clay
Levitate | Sassy (+SD -Spd)
252 HP, 86 Atk, 80 Def, 92 SD
~ Gyro Ball
~ Earthquake
~ Light Screen
~ Reflect

As I mentioned earlier, I hate the unreliability of Hypnosis and Stealth Rock doesn't do much in 3 vs 3 battles, so I can make Bronzong into a screener.

Starmie {starmie} @ Choice Specs
Illuminate | Timid (+Spd -Atk)
252 SA, 6 SD, 252 Spd
~ Surf
~ Psychic
~ Ice Beam
~ Thunderbolt

Special sweeper.

Weavile {weavile} @ Choice Band
Pressure | Jolly (+Spd -SA)
252 Atk, 6 Def, 252 Spd
~ Ice Punch
~ Night Slash
~ Brick Break
~ Aerial Ace

Physical sweeper.

Gengar {gengar} @ Life Orb
Levitate | Timid (+Spd -Atk)
6 HP, 252 SA, 252 Spd
~ Shadow Ball
~ Sludge Bomb
~ Focus Blast
~ Energy Ball

Another special sweeper.

Blissey {blissey} @ Leftovers
Serene Grace | Bold (+Def -Atk)
252 Def, 120 SA, 138 SD
~ Flamethrower
~ Charm
~ Heal Bell / Aromatherapy
~ Softboiled

Healer and Forretress/Scizor killer. Serene Grace to boost the chances of burning the target.


I wish I had bred some egg moves such as Counter or Fake Out to Weavile, but he is almost at Lv90 and I'm reluctant to "start over". Forretress, Gengar and Blissey have yet to be "created", so don't hesitate to make any dramatic suggestions now.

I think my team might need another bulky Pokemon. Other Pokemon that I have considered for my team include Claydol, Armaldo, Lucario and Togekiss.


Tue Jul 21, 2009 2:41 am
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