The Game Corner is a forum in which users may create activities or competitions, for either in the forum or on the
chats. Upon the indefinite return of Psybucks, users will be able to offer or even wager Psybucks in these activities. The Game Corner has a lot of potential to be the most active and entertaining forum on Psypoke.
Forum Moderators
The moderators of this forum are
JsXtm, and
Sneaky Sneasel. Users are encouraged to send private messages to any forum moderator should there be any questions or concerns regarding Game Corner. Users may also message
Users should not message any other moderators regarding Game Corner.
Game Corner Code of Conduct
To provide the best experience in Game Corner, forum-unique rules must be implemented so as to please everybody, and keep all users free from annoyance, stupidity, and harassment. This list of offenses is not absolutely inclusive;
Moderators and Administrators reserve the right to edit, move, lock, or delete a thread for any reason.
1. All activities must have a finite duration. No activity can go on forever or until the host gets bored. This is an invitation to spam. If the duration of the activity is not mentioned in the beginning post, the activity will be locked until the host PMs a moderator.
2. There is a limit of one (1) active activity per user. Unless a user has received explicit permission by a moderator to go above this limit, all of a user's competitions will be closed. Permission may be obtained through a staff member
before making the second competition, including why two or more competitions should be run at the same time.
3. Activities may not result in one-line responses. This includes abuse of Pokemon mini-icons. Competitions that consist of simply "guessing" a person, place, or thing, or any other activity consisting of one-line replies, are merely invitations to spam. Furthermore, abusing Pokemon mini-icons, specifically using them for "board games" such as Chess or Tic Tac Toe, are also forbidden. There are no exceptions to this rule.
4. There may not be any active duplicate activities. Users may not create a competition that has the premise of an already existing competition.
5. All activities must follow Forum Rules without fail.
This code of conduct will go into effect
Thu 09 Jul 00:00:00 2009 EDT (GMT -0400).