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Sion9 wrote:

_Eevee_ wrote:
I would have thought that this would be completely obvious, but maybe you're not far enough on the ladder to encounter them yet. This is a full stall team. That's another example of a full stall team. This team is like that team; it doesn't use an ending sweeper, but relies on residual damage stacking up to beat the opponent.

I know what a full stall team is. I prefer to have some kind of anti-stall, or way to gain an offensive advantage when facing another stall team, but that's your choice.

my mate has a wallbreaker bibarel like so

{bibarel} @ leftovers unawere
impish 252 def 184 sp def 72 hp

super fang

and i've altered my team

{steellix} @ leftovers sturdy
relaxed 252 DEF 252 SP DEF 4 ATK

stealth rock
aqua tail

my physical wall which can set up stealth rock very quickly and then can proceed to roar around the team inflicting damage and then when i hit a fire or rock type i can surprise them by randomly hitting off with an aqua tail. when i know i'm gonna go i just explode

{lucario} @ focus sash steadfast
naive 252 SPE 252 ATK 4 DEF

swords dance

a classic reversal sweeper and i dance up until they try to OHKO me when focus sash comes in and when i am about to faint when focus sash fails i endure down to one hp and i go reversal for massive damage and when i predict an ice shard or bullet punch i go with extremespeed.

{scizor} @ life orb [technician]
naughty 252 ATK 200 DEF 56 SPE

bullet punch
swords dance

a similer build to gliscor taking advantage of scizor's high defence i can switch in on most physical attacks and dance up before bullet punching the opponents to death with life orb boosting my attacks to mass power and predicting switches with pursuit then i can roost up when i am low on health.

{weavile} @ choice scarf pressure
jolly 252 ATK 252 SPE 4 SP DEF

ice shard
ice punch
brick break

with incredible speed weavile can outspeed most thingss in current meta especially with choice scarf then i can call priority with ice shard. ice punch and brick break are the most used moves when abusing my high speed then pursuit is a stab move that can smash up gengar on the switch

{milotic} @ leftovers marvel scale
sassy 252 DEF 132 SP DEF 124 HP

hidden power psychic

my mixed wall milotic is eve'd like blissey with recover to restore health just like blissey's softboiled then with seismic toss i have STAB surf to run over physical walls and i can then blow a few pokemon up like gengar with hidden power psychic then toxic can help stall out walls and with marvel scale most pokes will think twice before paralising me

{jirachi} @ choice scarf serene grace
mild 252 SPE 230 ATK 24 SP ATK

iron head
draco meteor
fire punch
u turn

speedy-rachi with iron head is hell on earth for a lot of people and then i can hit a powerful one time hit from draco meteor into most dragon types and when physical walls think they have me this pops out and then fire punch slightly covers my lack of fire type moves then u turn is quick for when i'm not sure what the opponent will do


pm me for a battle my fc is 4297 5662 5505

Last edited by MUNCHLAX :) on Mon Jul 19, 2010 2:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:49 pm
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Munchlax please add natures, abilities, and summaries for each poke.

Mon Jul 19, 2010 2:02 pm
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um my team hasnt been rated yet its on the last page page 13 i think

Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:28 am
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MasterChef wrote:
Munchlax please add natures, abilities, and summaries for each poke.


pm me for a battle my fc is 4297 5662 5505

Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:11 am
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Here I am again.  This is for the Battle Frontier in Heartgold.  I’m still not thinking too much about team formation yet (which is why I’ve got so many Leftovers)but I would appreciate some item reccomendations other than Leftovers.  I have access to move tutors in Emerald and Leafgreen.  I’m open to other options for better pokemon, but I don’t have a second ds or easy access to wi-fi, so no Magmortar/Electivire :(.

129Atk, 129 Def, 252 Sp Def
Rock slide

You have to bear with me, since this is my first spiker set.  The idea is to set up a few spikes, then just sweep until it looks like I’m about to be beat, then explode, or switch out if I come against a strong special sweeper.

{scizor}@occa berry
252 Atk, 129 Def, 129 Sp Def
Swords Dance
Bug Bite
Iron Head
Brick Break

Technician here boosts bug bite, with Iron Head for STAB, and Brick Break for coverage.  Occa to help prevent OHKO from fire.

Careful, Calm–Natural Cure
252 HP, 252 Def, 6 Spd
Seismic toss
Thunder Wave

Seismic toss is for consistent damage, with Thunder Wave for the speed drop and a little stalling.  I tried to make it as bulky as I can so it can withstand a physical attack and hit with counter.

Bold–Clear Body
129 Sp Atk, 129 Sp Def, 252 Def
Ice Beam

Semi sweeper and tank.  Amnesia to help outlast almost any special attack, with rest for the HP gain.

{lucario}@Shell Bell
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
Swords Dance
Cross Chop
Blaze Kick
Rock Slide

This one I’m not too sure on just because there are too many choices.  Should I have Earthquake on there?  And is Rock Slide better than Stone Edge?

Relaxed–Sand Stream
252 Atk, 129 HP, 129 Sp Def
Rock Slide
Slack Off

Hippowdon has got to be one of my favorite pokemon ever, so that makes it even worse that I can’t decide on a moveset for it.  This is mainly a Sweeper/Physical Sponge so take a couple turns with curse, then Slack off and start Sweeping.

A little girl, attending a wedding for the first time, asks her mother, "Why is the bride wearing white?"
"Because white is the color of happiness, and today is the happiest day of her life."
The girl ponders this for a minute, then asks, "So why is the groom wearing black?"

Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:07 am
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how do you plan on getting your blissey to learn seismic toss AND counter?

pm me for a battle my fc is 4297 5662 5505

Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:14 am
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Ok I have created an interesting team that I have been using on Shoddy for a few months, and I want to see what y'all think of it before I actually bring it from Shoddy to the DS.

First note this is a Sandstorm Trick Room team, so that is the reason there are no Speed EV's invested in any of my Pokemon.

{bronzong} Ability Levitate Held Item Lum Berry Nature Relaxed
EVs 252 HP/ 152 Atk/ 8 Def/ 96 Sp Def
Moves Trick Room
Gyro Ball

If you think you have seen this somewhere before you have, this is the standard Trick Room Bronzong from Smogon. I use it because it works. I lead with it because it is almost guaranteed a Trick Room set up because of its bulk. I opted to use Lum Berry over lefties is bcause in case someone tries to put it to sleep before I can set up my Trick Room, or it makes it a nice switch into an incoming Will-O-Wisp or Hypnosis. Trick Room is obvious as it is the crux of my team. Gyro Ball is an incredibly powerful attack on Bronzong, even when it isn't in the Trick Room, so with it going first will help it do some serious damage to at least one Pokemon. Explosion is there to go out with a bang or to eliminate a Pokemon that the rest of my team might not be able to handle. Hypnosis is there for more support, putting something to sleep or removing a precious Lum Berry or Chesto Berry, though the low accuracy hurts.

{tyranitar} Ability Sand Strem Held Item Expert Belt Nature Naive
EVs 252 Atk/ 252 Spec Atk/ 4 HP
Ice Beam

This is another Smogon set, with the EVs being tampered with a bit. I like this thing quite alot. MixTar can seriously screw up an opponent's team with the element of surprise. I usually switch to this after I get Bronzong to set up Trick Room to get up the steady Sandstorm. Anyway this thing can pose as just a physical attacker, by only using Crunch or Superpower. So when they switch to something like Scizor or something, I can use Flamethrower and mess crap up. Flamethrower is there to handle against Scizor and other Steel types not named Heatran. Ice Bean checks Dragons Grounds Flyings etc. Crunch is there as its standard physical STAB move. Superpower is there to check other counters against T-Tar which are other T-Tars Heatrans Lucarios.

{rhyperior} Ability Solid Rock Held Item Life Orb Nature Brave
EVs 248 HP/ 252 Atk/ 8 Def
Stone Edge
Swords Dance

With the Special Defense boost combined with Solid Rock Rhyperior can usually take a super effective hit or two. Anyway with Trick Room up Rhyperior boasts amazing speed, and with its bulk can set up a Swords Dance to go ahead and sweep the opponent. After one Swords Dance Rhyperior is capable of OHKOing the entire metagame, which is very nice. Earthquake and Stone Edge for the standard STAB, while Megahorn is there to handle other things. The only thing I don't like about it two of its attacks have low accuracy so I might actually put Scope Lens on it to help it, then again without Life Orb I might lose precious KOs.

{claydol} Ability Levitate Held Item Leftovers Nature Brave
252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 4 Def
Trick Room
Stone Edge

Just another Pokemon to set up Trick Room. Ground Rock provides excellent coverage, while Explosion is there to take it out and hopefully another Pokemon out. Again like pretty much all of the sets, its a basic Smogon set, I use them because they work.

{steelix} Ability Sturdy Held Item Leftovers Nature Sassy
252 HP/ 4 Atk/ 252 Def
Thunder Fang
Gyro Ball

Thunder Fang helps out to take out water types, as well as doing a good number on Gyarados. Earthquake is STAB and STAB is always good, same on Gyro Ball. Explosion yet again helps rip through a Pokemon as a extremely powerful move. Steelix is obviously the Physical wall of the team, though its one problem is a lack of instant recovery, but hey it does its job generally well.

{relicanth} Ability Rock Head Held Item Muscle Band Nature Adamant
4 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spec Def
Head Smash
Double Edge

Relicanth rounds out the team. Able to rip through most Pokemon with its STAB non recoil Head Smash. Relicanth is generally a good Pokemon to round out this team, and with the invested Special Defense EVs it can take one Special attack. Good type coverage with a good attack stat, I am also thinking of Banding it by that I mean Choice Band.

There it is my team that I have been using on Shoddy for a while, it has been fairly successful. Its about even with the wins and losses so its nothing too bad I think.

I suck at WiFi battling.

Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:47 am
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MUNCHLAX, I just take it to the move tutors in Gen 3 then migrate it to HG.

A little girl, attending a wedding for the first time, asks her mother, "Why is the bride wearing white?"
"Because white is the color of happiness, and today is the happiest day of her life."
The girl ponders this for a minute, then asks, "So why is the groom wearing black?"

Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:24 pm
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yes but counter is an egg move...

pm me for a battle my fc is 4297 5662 5505

Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:30 pm
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...and a 3rd Gen tutor move.

A little girl, attending a wedding for the first time, asks her mother, "Why is the bride wearing white?"
"Because white is the color of happiness, and today is the happiest day of her life."
The girl ponders this for a minute, then asks, "So why is the groom wearing black?"

Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:50 pm
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ah ok sorry my mistake

pm me for a battle my fc is 4297 5662 5505

Thu Jul 22, 2010 1:25 am
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So recently I obtianed the The shiny Event Entei, Suicune and raikou
My Move (Event Move)

Entei {entei}
EVs 252 AT, 252 SP
Flare Blitz
Extreme Speed
Iron Head (Crush Claw)
Stone Edge (Howl)

Based off Smogons Physical Choice Entei

Raikou {raikou}
EVs 252 SA, 252 SP
Thunder (Zap Cannon)
Wheather Ball
Aura Sphere
Shadow Ball (Extreme Speed)

Rain Dance Set

Suicune {suicune}
EVs 252 HP, 72 DF, 184 SD
Air Slash
Sheer cold
Aqua Ring
Surf/Brine/Hydro Pump (Extreme Speed)

Flying and Water Cover all except Dialga, Empoleon, and Lanturn Which Sheer Cold Does

Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:01 am
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This one's for my Diamond Battle Tower.
I haven't posted any posts here, but I'm desperate. Okay, THis is one of three teams for it, and this one's solely for double. I really don't know, and don't care about, the EVs. I don't have Platinum or a second DS to help me with MT, but I do have a SS. I don't know why, but it won't let me write more after a little while, so this one's the first one of the doubles team I have. Just in case you want to see what I have, I have Espeon, Umbreon, and Infernape. This is for Espeon.
Espeon (F)@Lum Berry
Grass Knot
Calm Mind
Last Resort
The only reason I have LR on last slot is because I haven't leveled it enough (lv. 58). After it levels, I'm teaching it Morning Sun. The Lum Berry's for the pesky Magnetons that pop up and t-wave me, then cheri berry heals them. I originally had Mind Plate, but now I prefer this one.

Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:16 pm
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Hi, it's me again! Remember the Espeon only thing I submitted? Well this is my Umbreon.
Umbreon (M)@Quick Claw
EVs: ???
Faint Attack/Bite
Dark Pulse/Pursuit
Helping Hand
Originally, Espeon and Umbreon were on my Multi Battle team, but I decided to try them at Double Battles. (In MB, Riley and I pwned so many trainers whenever he had his EQchomp, as I protected and HH while he does the EQing.) This was really cool, until I realized that I had a Naughty nature. I have one that's Adamant, but isn't a Wish one. I'm willing to breed more (Esoeon with maybe Xatu?). Other than that, I think Umbreon is a physical/Sp. Wall, while Espeon is my special sweeper. I only had Dark Pulse, because of the STAB, but realized that Pursuit might be better. I need help. Oh yeah. I forgot to tell youwhat my Espeon is. Usually, she's my lead, with CM and Psychic doing massive damage, with GK for variety. On the other hand, if she's threatened by Blissey or a Dark Pokemon, I switch to Infernape or Umbreon.

Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:26 pm
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Last of my Double Battle Team for Diamond Battle Tower. This one should finish out with a bang-I hope. I don't know what Shoddy Battle is, but I wouldn't like to try it, from what I read in the posts. It pretty much lets you cheat and get really strong pokemon online, right? If not, I'm sorry. Anyway, I never used stuff like that, I reckon I never will. For more information, I think I should really train my Umbreon and Espeon before trying this, but I already pwned the multibattling trainers for like ten times. There used to be a single battle team I had back when I had just beat the elite four for the first time: Infernape, Staraptor, and Luxray. They were okay, until I faced the Tycoon. Yeah, I had Luxray to Discharge but I lost anyway. Doubles are going to be much easier now that I have more to choose from. Infernape (the same one as above mentioned) is my last one.
Infernape (M)@Leftovers (I don't like Choice items, and I don't have Flame Orb. Maybe I should try Expert Belt or Wise Glasses)
Close Combat
Flare Blitz/Focus Blast
Blast Burn/Rock Slide
I used the AR a long while back to have all TMs X95, so I don't care what you think about wasting TMs. I don't know if I should do Focus Blast over Flare Blitz, as he's modest, and I rarely use Close Combat. BB, or RS? That's the question. Blast Burn for a last pokemon finisher, and RS for Flying types. I can't decide! Maybe I should just teach Espeon T-bolt, and pwn those flying pokes?

Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:50 pm
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first please use one big post if possible and you don't have enough posts to post here yet you need 25 posts to post here

pm me for a battle my fc is 4297 5662 5505

Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:43 pm
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Sorry about no rates in the last couple days, I should be able to get through most of them tomorrow.

9 days of work in a row + baby >.<

Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:38 pm
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It's ok Chef get to them when you can. Also the baby excuse only works cause she is cute.

I suck at WiFi battling.

Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:53 pm
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Max_LKC wrote:
This team is use for OU

Lum Berry
252ATK 248HP 10SPD
Clear Body
Bullet Punch
Stealth Rock

My lead 248HP and a lum berry to make sure that i'll be able to use stealth rock, bullet punch to fight againts other leads like weavile and aerodactyl and explosion as a last resort. Earthquake is just another nice strong move to finish off some pesky opponents. 10SPD so that I could out-speed most metagross with only 6spd evs

IMO roserade would lead better, it can sash, sleep and spike the field. Meta works better mid-late as a steel-wall and sweeper. The set is fine, Ice punch can be used over explosion but either is fine.

Max_LKC wrote:

Focus Sash
252SPD 252SPA 6HP
Natural Cure
Toxic Spike
Sleep powder
Leech Seed
Leaf Storm

A toxic spiker in my team sleep powder lets me set up my toxic spikes and leech seed for forcing the opponent to switch out. Focus Sash to prevent any strong fire psychic flying or ice type move to OHKO me. I was thinking about switching leech seed for Aromatherapy what do you think?

As written above I feel rose would lead better. Your team has pretty good status resists, rose and meta/scizor absorbs toxic, Infernape burns, swampert t-wave and has rest, so aroma isn't needed. Leech seed is ok, sludge bomb makes better use of the s.atk EVs and works well with grass barring steels, and HP fire/elec would be best for countering leads if you have access to them.

Max_LKC wrote:

Chesto Berry
252HP 218SPDEF 40DEF
Waterfall/Aqua Tail

Tanking while dealing a lot of damage that's swampert best role for me. Curse is without a doubt one of the best skills that swampert has getting rid of useless speed for defence and power. Rest for recovering after using curse 2-3 times and chesto wake me up at that instance to do some nice damage back at my opponents. The only thing I cant decide is between Aqua Tail and Waterfall. Aqua Tail has more power but lower accuracy but waterfall ensures a a sure hit but with lower damage.

Looks good, either move is fine but as the set can afford a miss 10% of the time aqua tail is probably the better option.

Max_LKC wrote:
Choice Band
252HP 252ATK 6SPD
Bullet Punch

One of the most popular physical sweepers in OU. U-Turn for a nice switch after finishing off some psychic or dark type opponents so that I can use another attack when it switch in later or have a counter against some fire type pokemon and pursuit to prevent some psychic and dark type from switching. Bullet punch for finishing off some low hp opponents and Superpower to finish off some disturbing pokemon like umbreon and blissey.

Get technician to boost bullet punch and pursuit. otherwise fine.

Max_LKC wrote:
252HP 38ATK 220SPD
Inner Focus
Dragon Dance

Since sala has gone to Ubers(according to smogon) Dragonite seem to be the 2nd best choice as a physical dragon type sweeper in OU. The only thing I cant decide is between Roost and Substitute Roost help me recover but Substitute helps me set up dragon dance better. What do you think?

Roost is probably the best option for recovery along with Lum, which can be used over lefties to prevent para and burn setting up and/or remove confusion from outrage.

Max_LKC wrote:

Focus Sash
Focus Sash
Nasty Plot
Fire Blast/Flamethrower
Focus Blast
Grass Knot

Since I'm lacking for a Special Sweeper I couldn't think of a better one than Infernape in OU games. Focus Sash enables me to set up Nasty Plot at least once (without disturbance of stealth rock spikes or poison of course). Grass Knot to finish off Swampert and Focus Blast to finish off Employeon. Fire Blast is very strong but it lacks accuracy while Flamethrower has 100% accuracy with only a draw back of being weaker. So what's your opinion?

I'd stay with fire blast for the sheer power, Focus blast can be opted for CC w/ naive nature, but fails to OHKO lucario, heatran. If you want to rely on roserade to kill swampert you can run encore to trap a CM, rest, etc. and nab a NP or two.

Max_LKC wrote:
That's about it. I was thinking of putting Tentacruel Fortress or a Donphan as a rapid spinner any suggestion of who to take out? maybe roserade?

I'd say metagross would be best to take out for Donphan or even Claydol as a spinner, theough the team isn't desperate for one.

Overall the team is pretty good, a little to much lean on physical over special, but not enough to be a big issue.


MUNCHLAX :) wrote:

{steellix} @ leftovers sturdy
relaxed 252 DEF 252 SP DEF 4 ATK

stealth rock
aqua tail

my physical wall which can set up stealth rock very quickly and then can proceed to roar around the team inflicting damage and then when i hit a fire or rock type i can surprise them by randomly hitting off with an aqua tail. when i know i'm gonna go i just explode

Your scarfJirachi would lead better, as Iron head can stop many SR/sucide leads and U-turn can crack sashes and scout. change the 252def to 252 HP to take hits better. custap berry is a good option to ensure explosion.

MUNCHLAX :) wrote:
{lucario} @ focus sash steadfast
naive 252 SPE 252 ATK 4 DEF

swords dance

a classic reversal sweeper and i dance up until they try to OHKO me when focus sash comes in and when i am about to faint when focus sash fails i endure down to one hp and i go reversal for massive damage and when i predict an ice shard or bullet punch i go with extremespeed.

Sash and endure on the same set is redunant, but workable as a fail-safe. salac can be used to allow reversal on faster foes and keep CS users away.

MUNCHLAX :) wrote:
{scizor} @ life orb [technician]
naughty 252 ATK 200 DEF 56 SPE

bullet punch
swords dance

a similer build to gliscor taking advantage of scizor's high defence i can switch in on most physical attacks and dance up before bullet punching the opponents to death with life orb boosting my attacks to mass power and predicting switches with pursuit then i can roost up when i am low on health.

Bug bite (power)or U-turn(scouting) in the first slot, superpower or BB on the last slot to keep steels away and mangezone from trapping you, BB won't OHKO but has no drawbacks and can 2hko most variants if it switches into it or OHKO if you get SD up.

MUNCHLAX :) wrote:
{weavile} @ choice scarf pressure
jolly 252 ATK 252 SPE 4 SP DEF

ice shard
ice punch
brick break

with incredible speed weavile can outspeed most thingss in current meta especially with choice scarf then i can call priority with ice shard. ice punch and brick break are the most used moves when abusing my high speed then pursuit is a stab move that can smash up gengar on the switch

Adamant nature here, you'll still outspeed most the metagame. Ice shard really isn't needed as most OU priority users resist ice, so night slash can go there for power or Aerial ace to smack fighting-type and makes a good revenge killer to CS heracross, Low kick in the last slot is typically better then BB.

MUNCHLAX :) wrote:
{milotic} @ leftovers marvel scale
sassy 252 DEF 132 SP DEF 124 HP

hidden power psychic

my mixed wall milotic is eve'd like blissey with recover to restore health just like blissey's softboiled then with seismic toss i have STAB surf to run over physical walls and i can then blow a few pokemon up like gengar with hidden power psychic then toxic can help stall out walls and with marvel scale most pokes will think twice before paralising me

With marvel scale you really should use rest+talk w/ toxic and surf to stall. Steelix is also better to use mid-late game with this set to absorb electric and phaze to keep set-up sweepers away.

MUNCHLAX :) wrote:
{jirachi} @ choice scarf serene grace
mild 252 SPE 230 ATK 24 SP ATK

iron head
draco meteor
fire punch
u turn

speedy-rachi with iron head is hell on earth for a lot of people and then i can hit a powerful one time hit from draco meteor into most dragon types and when physical walls think they have me this pops out and then fire punch slightly covers my lack of fire type moves then u turn is quick for when i'm not sure what the opponent will do.

As said before this makes a much better lead. T-bolt may fare better than draco meteor as it can leave you as set up bait if your scarf is noticed. It also gives you a way to fry Gyarados.


In general the team is ok, moves are kinda off (HP psychic O_o) Type coverage is a little worrysome. 3 ground weak + no resist, 5 fire weak + 1 resist is a problem. Flygon over Lucario would greatly help, as reversal sets are very risky to begin with, and with scizor/weavile you would have no lack of priority/fighting moves.

Naive @ LO/Expert belt
80atk 252s.atk 176spd
-Draco meteor
-Fire blast

Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:26 pm
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Returning after six or so months upon getting Heart Gold my taste for victory at the Battle Tower is as strong as ever. The idea is the conventional Sweeper, Wall, Sponge to try and be as versatile in the Battle Tower as possible. The threats of OHKO moves and adjusted rolls will be addressed with Sturdy.

Magnezone @ Choice Specs
Rash - 84 HP / 172 Atk / 252 SpA
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power (Grass, 68)
- MagnetBomb / Mirror Shot
- Explosion

I considered myself VERY lucky to find a Magnemite with good IVs, hidden power AND Sturdy, which wouldn't be as popular down to it's irrelevance in competitive battles. The EV spread is as provided by the trader and gives it some oomph to it's Explosion and some bulk to compensate for it's lack of speed. I decided that since Magnezone has some bulk I should go for the extra power of the Specs. over the speed of the scarf.
-Thunderbolt's a great electric attack (till you get ground out by a marowak!) with STAB and that handsome Choice Spec'd base Special Attack.
-Hidden Power Grass takes out rock/ground types it outspeeds if I think they don't have a focus sash.
-Magnet Bomb would offer an always-accurate move which is always helpful in the event that the game is using filthy evasion modifiers and luck turned in it's favour as is the Battle Tower's want however Mirror Shot would feed off of it's higher Sp.A but suffer and innacurate 95%. Either way, it's STAB boosted. If there's any replacement move for here, by all means I'm open to suggestion.
-Explosion to try and take one for the team if it looks like he's not going to last much longer and to be thrown out there if he's going to out-speed the opponent.
If an opponent seems likely to have earthquake I can switch to...

Skarmory @ Lum Berry
Impish - 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Atk [ OR ] 252 HP / 72 Def / 184 Spe
-Aerial Ace / Brave Bird / Drill Peck
-Taunt / Steel Wing / Stealth Rock
-Torment / Steel Wing / Stealth Rock

Skarmory's place on this team was originally held by Forretress but I found him to perform poorly and fail to do anything useful before being destroyed.
-Aerial Ace has lower power than the other options however accuracy modifiers frequent the battle tower so it could come in handy in a haxy pinch. Also I would need to rebreed for Brave Bird or Drill Peck, so I'm somewhat reluctant to do so.
-Roost is of course for instant recovery and careful manipulation of type resistances

-Taunt would restrict the more tricksy of the Battle Tower's inhabitants which I'm keep to select.
-Torment is also another layer of restriction to allow me to easier predict and switch around on the enemy.
-Steel Wing would purely be another STAB move but it has poor coverage, accuracy and power so I'm reluctant to use this.
-Stealth Rock support could be highly useful but the 3 Pokémon long battles make this seem less viable.

In the event of a special attacker I switch to...

Blissey @ Leftovers
Bold - 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Natural Cure
-Seismic Toss
-Thunder Wave

The Blissey Cleric build we all know, love and fear! Eliminates any special attacker short of Choice Spec. users sporting Focus Blast almost effortlessly and with PP Maxes can win any stall war.

Overall, Magneton does the punching until being locked into a move or being against a faster EQ user forces it to retreat to the appropriate defensive force. I've found him absurdly effective in testing although the Steel Move to be determined is the chink in the armoury. My only regret is that he does not have HP Ice or else it would provide much needed punch against Dragons.

Skarmory is untested but I shall be giving him his debeut soon.

Blissey is Blissey and by extension irreplaceable.

I have 2/3 OHKO proofing, one or two always-accurate moves and a balance of power. The only weak spot is the lack of a physical attacker but I don't consider that to be too much of an issue.

Courtesy of James from

Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:08 pm
Pokemon Master
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Sorry about the wait, life has been full o baby the last week. (As I type she is sitting in her hi-chair.)

15th century wrote:
Here I am again.  This is for the Battle Frontier in Heartgold.  I’m still not thinking too much about team formation yet (which is why I’ve got so many Leftovers)but I would appreciate some item reccomendations other than Leftovers.  I have access to move tutors in Emerald and Leafgreen.  I’m open to other options for better pokemon, but I don’t have a second ds or easy access to wi-fi, so no Magmortar/Electivire :(.

129Atk, 129 Def, 252 Sp Def
Rock slide

You have to bear with me, since this is my first spiker set.  The idea is to set up a few spikes, then just sweep until it looks like I’m about to be beat, then explode, or switch out if I come against a strong special sweeper.

Go with 252HP 252S.def for better defense, despite a 90base attack, forretress ain't worth EVs unless it's dedicated to pure offensive. Gyro ball over rock slide to add power, though make sure the speed IV is as close to 0 as possible. Iron ball will further the speed drop for more power, shed shell is also a good item, though if this is for frontier battles it may not have much use.

15th century wrote:

{scizor}@occa berry
252 Atk, 129 Def, 129 Sp Def
Swords Dance
Bug Bite
Iron Head
Brick Break

Technician here boosts bug bite, with Iron Head for STAB, and Brick Break for coverage.  Occa to help prevent OHKO from fire.

Once again 252 HP investment will fare better on most pokemon then 129/129. Go with 252atk 252spd to have the best chance to outspeed magnezone. Bullet punch > Iron head unless you run agility or CS. BB can be replaced with superpower to OHKO magnezone without having to SD first.

15th century wrote:
Careful, Calm–Natural Cure
252 HP, 252 Def, 6 Spd
Seismic toss
Thunder Wave

Seismic toss is for consistent damage, with Thunder Wave for the speed drop and a little stalling.  I tried to make it as bulky as I can so it can withstand a physical attack and hit with counter.

Chople berry can save blissey from many fighting OHKOs. T-wave is bad as full para will spoil counter, Flamethrower/Fire blast would be good there to spoil scizor, toxic can be good too.

15th century wrote:
Bold–Clear Body
129 Sp Atk, 129 Sp Def, 252 Def
Ice Beam

Semi sweeper and tank.  Amnesia to help outlast almost any special attack, with rest for the HP gain.

Blissey already special walls quite well, and Ice-type is very poor for defensive. A Cosmic power/Rest+chesto or Trick+Choice Spec/Scarf Starmie would do quite well here. The former if your feel you need the defensive, latter for a special attacker and trick to help set up hippo/lucario/scizor.

(Also you have 3 fight weak with regice, so starmie can provide a resist)

15th century wrote:

{lucario}@Shell Bell
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
Swords Dance
Cross Chop
Blaze Kick
Rock Slide

This one I’m not too sure on just because there are too many choices.  Should I have Earthquake on there?  And is Rock Slide better than Stone Edge?

Jolly nature, Focus sash for item,Close combat over Cross chop, Exspd over Blaze kick, Edge is generally better over Slide to grab a few OHKO's but Slide has better PP, acc. and lucario can abuse the flinch to an extent. so it's purely preference.

15th century wrote:
Relaxed–Sand Stream
252 Atk, 129 HP, 129 Sp Def
Rock Slide
Slack Off

Hippowdon has got to be one of my favorite pokemon ever, so that makes it even worse that I can’t decide on a moveset for it.  This is mainly a Sweeper/Physical Sponge so take a couple turns with curse, then Slack off and start Sweeping.

S.def EVs into HP, the def ones are fine due to curse boosts. Lum berry can be used for the item, but leftovers is fine too. Ice fang is also generally better then rock slide due to better SE coverage.

Overall the team is ok, Regice is really the only bad problem. Movesets are ok, a bit lacking in special attacking, starmie would fix this as well.

shinashu taji wrote:
Ok I have created an interesting team that I have been using on Shoddy for a few months, and I want to see what y'all think of it before I actually bring it from Shoddy to the DS.

First note this is a Sandstorm Trick Room team, so that is the reason there are no Speed EV's invested in any of my Pokemon.

{bronzong} Ability Levitate Held Item Lum Berry Nature Relaxed
EVs 252 HP/ 152 Atk/ 8 Def/ 96 Sp Def
Moves Trick Room
Gyro Ball

If you think you have seen this somewhere before you have, this is the standard Trick Room Bronzong from Smogon. I use it because it works. I lead with it because it is almost guaranteed a Trick Room set up because of its bulk. I opted to use Lum Berry over lefties is bcause in case someone tries to put it to sleep before I can set up my Trick Room, or it makes it a nice switch into an incoming Will-O-Wisp or Hypnosis. Trick Room is obvious as it is the crux of my team. Gyro Ball is an incredibly powerful attack on Bronzong, even when it isn't in the Trick Room, so with it going first will help it do some serious damage to at least one Pokemon. Explosion is there to go out with a bang or to eliminate a Pokemon that the rest of my team might not be able to handle. Hypnosis is there for more support, putting something to sleep or removing a precious Lum Berry or Chesto Berry, though the low accuracy hurts.

Standard works here.

shinashu taji wrote:
{tyranitar} Ability Sand Strem Held Item Expert Belt Nature Naive
EVs 252 Atk/ 252 Spec Atk/ 4 HP
Ice Beam

This is another Smogon set, with the EVs being tampered with a bit. I like this thing quite alot. MixTar can seriously screw up an opponent's team with the element of surprise. I usually switch to this after I get Bronzong to set up Trick Room to get up the steady Sandstorm. Anyway this thing can pose as just a physical attacker, by only using Crunch or Superpower. So when they switch to something like Scizor or something, I can use Flamethrower and mess crap up. Flamethrower is there to handle against Scizor and other Steel types not named Heatran. Ice Bean checks Dragons Grounds Flyings etc. Crunch is there as its standard physical STAB move. Superpower is there to check other counters against T-Tar which are other T-Tars Heatrans Lucarios.

Looks fine.

shinashu taji wrote:
{rhyperior} Ability Solid Rock Held Item Life Orb Nature Brave
EVs 248 HP/ 252 Atk/ 8 Def
Stone Edge
Swords Dance

With the Special Defense boost combined with Solid Rock Rhyperior can usually take a super effective hit or two. Anyway with Trick Room up Rhyperior boasts amazing speed, and with its bulk can set up a Swords Dance to go ahead and sweep the opponent. After one Swords Dance Rhyperior is capable of OHKOing the entire metagame, which is very nice. Earthquake and Stone Edge for the standard STAB, while Megahorn is there to handle other things. The only thing I don't like about it two of its attacks have low accuracy so I might actually put Scope Lens on it to help it, then again without Life Orb I might lose precious KOs.

Only issue I see is SD only lasting two turns before trick room runs out, CB may work well with Aqua tail or T-punch in the last slot. The two SD turns are still quite a nasty threat.

shinashu taji wrote:
{claydol} Ability Levitate Held Item Leftovers Nature Brave
252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 4 Def
Trick Room
Stone Edge

Just another Pokemon to set up Trick Room. Ground Rock provides excellent coverage, while Explosion is there to take it out and hopefully another Pokemon out. Again like pretty much all of the sets, its a basic Smogon set, I use them because they work.

I say claydol should switch to special w/ Earth power+ice beam as Ttar is the only other user on the team.

shinashu taji wrote:
{steelix} Ability Sturdy Held Item Leftovers Nature Sassy
252 HP/ 4 Atk/ 252 Def
Thunder Fang
Gyro Ball

Thunder Fang helps out to take out water types, as well as doing a good number on Gyarados. Earthquake is STAB and STAB is always good, same on Gyro Ball. Explosion yet again helps rip through a Pokemon as a extremely powerful move. Steelix is obviously the Physical wall of the team, though its one problem is a lack of instant recovery, but hey it does its job generally well.

Outside gyarados, EQ outdamages SE T-fang and can be replaced with stone edge. God forbid your team faces an all ghost team :p

shinashu taji wrote:
{relicanth} Ability Rock Head Held Item Muscle Band Nature Adamant
4 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spec Def
Head Smash
Double Edge

Relicanth rounds out the team. Able to rip through most Pokemon with its STAB non recoil Head Smash. Relicanth is generally a good Pokemon to round out this team, and with the invested Special Defense EVs it can take one Special attack. Good type coverage with a good attack stat, I am also thinking of Banding it by that I mean Choice Band.

CB is fine, Wide lens with Aqua tail over waterfall is an option to patch up head smash's low acc. Sleep talk in the last slot is an option to absorb sleep.

shinashu taji wrote:

There it is my team that I have been using on Shoddy for a while, it has been fairly successful. Its about even with the wins and losses so its nothing too bad I think.

The team is quite good, only issue I see is lack of special attacks and status absorbing, namely sleep/burn. Also trick teams usually have a fast-ish poke to revenge kill or strike taunters keeping trick room away or if the effect fades on a KO, Trick scarf Azelf/Mesprit/Starime can be quite nasty here to revenge kill or trick the scarf on a slowpoke who may be a sweep threat under trick room. Relicanth would probably be best replaced if you want to try this.

Modest/Quiet w/Natural cure
Choice scarf
252HP 252S.atk 4S.def
-Ice beam/Trick room
With modest you hit 264 base speed with a 29IV, so with the scarf you outspeed the non-CS metagame. Or you can go with 219 (Quiet and 8IVs) to outspeed +base 100's. Revenge kill if need be, trick stallers and cursers to fail and be less of a threat in trick room. and you can even set up the room effect if need be.

Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:52 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Okay, this came straight from Shoddy's Export to Text function, so it might not be standard format, but yeah.

Now mence is gone, I made an effort to build a team around a pokemon that benefits in OU without mence: {sceptile}!

Dawn Island {aerodactyl} (M) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide

Aerodactyl's a classic lead. Reliably sets up SR, taunts slower leads, screws up baton pass teams and hits decently before going down. Shouldn't have to explain this one much further.


Under Waves {vaporeon} (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 188 HP/252 Def/68 Spd
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Wish
- Protect
- Surf
- Toxic

Vaporeon provides perfect wish and toxic support. It is also a useful bulk water that stops kingdra, which my team is otherwise weak to. The EVs, moves etc. came straight from Smogon.


Vulture {machamp} (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: No Guard
EVs: 248 HP/252 Atk/8 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Substitute
- Dynamicpunch
- Payback
- Stone Edge

This is the standard substitute machamp. Dynamicpunch comboes well with no guard, and stone edge provides good coverage with full accuracy. Payback is to beat those rotoms and azelfs. It helps to eliminate heatrans, rotoms and generally steel types that would hinder a sceptile sweep. NOTE: this used to be a rapid spinning starmie, but i found that starmie didn't do much and i rarely actually needed to spin. So I got champ instead, and it helped me get more wins.


Self vs Self {scizor} (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Technician
EVs: 248 HP/252 Atk/8 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- U-turn
- Bullet Punch
- Superpower
- Pursuit

The typical scizor. It supports sceptile greatly, as it takes out many revenge killers that have a go at sceptile, such as gengar and weavile. bullet punch ohkos gengar. u-turn for simple scouting and kill moves against celebi, etc. superpower is for raw power, and also breaks magnezone. pursuit for unfortunate, locked rotoms.


Dusk Island {jirachi} @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spd/4 SDef
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Iron Head
- Fire Punch
- Ice Punch
- U-turn

Here i have officially the most annoying pokemon in OU. scarfrachi's a typical helpful pokemon. u-turn is good for scouting. fire punch and ice punch are for coverage. iron head is there in case i desperately need to kill a pokemon but can't, so instead i play it cheap and give them a few flinches. It also works well with machamp's dynamicpunch, as it gives pokemon even less of a chance of attacking. It supports sceptile by cheaply taking out anything that isn't already covered by the previous few pokemon.


Encoder {sceptile} (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Overgrow
EVs: 28 HP/228 Spd/252 SAtk
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Leaf Storm
- Focus Blast
- Dragon Pulse
- Hidden Power [Fire]

Just as Encoder is the last song of Pendulum's new album, Sceptile is the last pokemon on my team. This is a sweeping life orb set made just for OU. Leafstorm pretty much takes out anything that doesn't resist it (which is unfortunately quite a lot). Focus Blast covers well with leafstorm and can beat non-scarfed heatran. Dragon Pulse is there for coverage, and can also take out kingdra and flygon easily. hidden power fire is a decent kill move for most steels. But by the time i switch in sceptile, hopefully most things that resist leafstorm will have been eliminated, so i can sweep easily. when i know nothing can survive leafstorm or outspeed sceptile, i can sacrifice my other pokemon, then switch back to sceptile to keep up leafstorm's power.


Well, that's it. I've done decently well with it, and I think i've won more than i've lost. I haven't managed to find what makes me lose, but generally i think the problem is that i have just one pokemon to check many threats.

73% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber standing on top of a skyscraper about to jump. If you are the 27% sitting there with popcorn and 3D glasses, screaming "DO A BACKFLIP!", copy and paste this as your signature.

Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:58 am
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Remember me? The N00b who triple posted because I didn't know better? Well, I'm sorry for that. Uh, I still don't have enough to post a team, but I was wondering how I could delete those posts. I'm so embarrassed that I did that! Yeah, I know, I should've read the rules first. I learned my lesson. I kinda ask this here, because I made the mistake of triple posting in here in my beginning days, so yeah. Help!

Sat Aug 14, 2010 10:20 am
Dragon Tamer
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wow, torchie, guess ur really sorry. i mean, last time i broke the rules, i just said "F*** YOU" and didn't reply (btw i did learn my lesson so don't ban me for that :mrgreen:). At the bottom-right of posts is a line of small words that say "Quote" and "Report". on your posts it also says "Edit" and "Delete". That's what you use to edit and delete posts :D

73% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber standing on top of a skyscraper about to jump. If you are the 27% sitting there with popcorn and 3D glasses, screaming "DO A BACKFLIP!", copy and paste this as your signature.

Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:18 am
Ace Trainer
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hey i have thought up a new team and i am wondering what you think of it

{donphan} @ leftovers [spinner]
adament 252 atk 204 def 52 hp

rapid spin
stealth rock
ice shard

a typical rapid spinner donphan with stealth rock as a lead to set up and earthquake is a powerful STAB move and needs no explaining while ice shard is a priority move with a rare ice typing

{dragonite} @ leftovers [special wall]
impish or careful 252 hp 132 def 124 sp def

swords dance
thunder wave
dragon claw

this is my own version of a special defence wall dragonite while the strategy is to t-wave the opponent and swords dance three times while roosting up when i have to then dragon claw and knock things out.

{heatren} @ leftovers [special attacker]
modest 248 hp 56 sp atk 204 spd

earth power
lava plume

a crotran set with two pure attacking moves nuff said here.

{breloom} @ toxic orb [poison heal] [pysical attacker]
adament 252 atk 252 spe 4 def

focus punch
leech seed

my breloom is a pure attacker which spores the opponent then subs up before setting up leech seed and smashing the opponets around with focus punch and i can leech seed stall if i come out against a ghost type

{raikou} @ focus sash special sweeper
rash 252 sp atk 252 spe 4 hp

aura sphere
shadow ball

i got a crown beast raikou with 31 hp, sp atk, sp def and speed and i feel that this could workwith an assured 1 calm mind i can have a powerhouse very quickly.

{dusknoir} @ leftovers
relaxed or impish 252 hp 28 atk 228 def

will o wisp
pain split
ice punch
shadow sneak

a typical tank dusknoir with my own attacking moves choice i feel that it can counter gengar and flygon effectively

thanks a lot to masterchef for when he rates this

pm me for a battle my fc is 4297 5662 5505

Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:07 pm
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