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 Do you have an annoying or mean sibling? 
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Dragon Tamer
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I do.

My brother is the worst thing on earth.
I just want to know if any of you have a sibling like mine.


Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:07 pm
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I have an older brother who can be incredibly selfish. He will take my truck on trips that his cannot, my truck will have about half a tank and he will return it on empty. While at the same time he complains that I will burn up all the gas in his truck, which I do but when he gets it back there is always at or around the same amount that there originally was.

I suck at WiFi battling.

Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:54 pm
Psypoke Maniac
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I have an outrageously annoying step-niece...

She always asks me to help her with stuff she can obviously do herself like every problem of her homework, she comes into my room which I allow her to do at that specific time but when I ask her what she wants she takes her :censored: time until she is in close proximity to ask the question & even then it takes her at least 3 times as long as it should which pisses me off so very much, her room is never, ever actually clean, she never washes the dishes properly when it is her turn to do so & it is actually on accident which is hilarious cause she knows how they are suppose to be done, her teacher tells her to look up a word & even though she doesn't know how to spell it she doesn't even ask thus she ends up asking me when she also asks me to look it up on my Laptop, she constantly tells me stuff I already :censored: know whatever it may be & most of the time she knows I already know whatever it is too which ruins so many of my days, etc.

She is simply a somewhat lazy, noticeably dumb :censored: bothersome child to a unrealistic extent & it got to the point where I just simply don't bother talking to her unless I absolutely have to, FML :frustrated: ...

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Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:05 am
Pokemon Ranger
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Three words: my young cousins.

First of all, they live hundreds of miles away from us, so we rarely see them which is good. But the few times we do see them are :censored: annoying. Although some of them are more of my age and kinda fun, the others are really young, and me being in high school and them being in elementary obviously dont match.

So anyway, they still get upset whenever they don't get what they want, they watch kid shows and play with kid toys, and they make stupid sounds which really drives me nuts. And one time I shut the door of my room onto myself to get away from the kids, and one of them came in anyway!!! Don't they know to knock before going into their bigger cousin's room?

Edit: Three more posts from being an Ace Trainer!


Sat Jun 11, 2011 8:05 am
Pokemon Master
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Yeah I got a younger sister. And yeah i find her annoying sometimes ( I think all brothers can say that about their sister). She complaisn that im eating to loud, cooking something wrong, the TV shows I watch are "stupid", The games I play are "stupid" ,and so on.

But that all being said, we dont really fight that much anymore. Yeach there are occasons where we but heads, But we alwasy get over it rather quickly. I mean shes my sister, and no matter HOW ANNOING SHE IS, Big Bro will be there to make sure shes ok when something goes wrong.

A glass is never empty it will always be full of air, unless its in a vacuum, THEN its empty.

Sat Jun 11, 2011 8:49 am
Dragon Tamer
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yea my just today i come home from my soccer game (btw i won 3-0) and i bought him breakfast and he's like "ohh i don't freaking care about breakfast, eat it yourself" he's such a loser anyway.


Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:21 am
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Psypoke Maniac
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@ GofD = The only problem I have with my older sister is that she is a bit too irritable like when she asks me a question & I give her a really general answer on purpose, she usually responds by calling me a smart-ass in a mutter which I can of course hear because I am able to hear pretty well. An example of this is when she asks me what I am playing while I am playing the game & in response I say "a game"...that's all I say & she asks me such obvious questions because I am painful to start a conversation with irl as I just don't have anything to talk about so I let them start the conversation & respond the whole time until it is over, good times though, good times...

@ fifaking = My brother is a bit energetic though in no way hyper but I can deal with him & to boot, we don't clash heads anymore with arguments over stupid :censored: like before I got to High School. He is younger then me so while it is harder for me to drown him out during that time in the past, I still managed to bury that hatchet so we get along now...

Too :censored: bad my mother is so willing to let my step-sister's child live with us thus I now have to deal with that which is my step-niece which is ripping my sanity to shreds little by little, day by day, oh well :violin: ...

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Sat Jun 11, 2011 8:11 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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Well my sister has started to PMS 24-7 because mid years are coming up, yesterday i asked if she wanted dinner cos I was heading out and she blew up at me because I was ruining her timed practice exam... THE BITCH..

err... anyway people should watch this:

It's me and my sister..

Sorry if this post is boring i just jogged 5 k's and i'm tired WHOOOO HOOO

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Sun Jun 12, 2011 2:02 am
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Lite Four
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You guys will learn to appreciate your "annoying" younger siblings when you're older, you'll learn they'll always be there, unlike your friends.

I don't have an annoying or mean sibling. I AM the mean sibling. As a kid I was such a bitch to my little brother, he was a sweet kid but one thing stopped me from treating him nice: my mother. My mom doesn't like me and she always treated her son better. I was pretty jealous and envious as a kid - she had pet names for him, hugged him all the time, told him she loved him...she never did that with me. She beat my ass with the belt and spoon several times (which I deserved, but she never whipped him...) and it pisses me off that he could get away with being a mouthy brat. You know what she did when I mouthed off? She beat the **** out of me. What did she do when he mouthed off? She sent him to his room and let him out five minutes later because she couldn't stand to hear him cry.

So why I am the mean sibling? So much jealousy. I did what my mom didn't, I put him in his place. It was wrong, evil, and mean of me to do so, but I was so depressed about it. He's a good kid though, we get along great now that we're adults.

tl;dr I used to hate my brother but now hes cool. my mom and I still don't get along.


Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:19 am
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Dragon Tamer
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Krisp wrote:
You guys will learn to appreciate your "annoying" younger siblings when you're older, you'll learn they'll always be there, unlike your friends.

I don't have an annoying or mean sibling. I AM the mean sibling. As a kid I was such a bitch to my little brother, he was a sweet kid but one thing stopped me from treating him nice: my mother. My mom doesn't like me and she always treated her son better. I was pretty jealous and envious as a kid - she had pet names for him, hugged him all the time, told him she loved him...she never did that with me. She beat my ass with the belt and spoon several times (which I deserved, but she never whipped him...) and it pisses me off that he could get away with being a mouthy brat. You know what she did when I mouthed off? She beat the **** out of me. What did she do when he mouthed off? She sent him to his room and let him out five minutes later because she couldn't stand to hear him cry.

So why I am the mean sibling? So much jealousy. I did what my mom didn't, I put him in his place. It was wrong, evil, and mean of me to do so, but I was so depressed about it. He's a good kid though, we get along great now that we're adults.

tl;dr I used to hate my brother but now hes cool. my mom and I still don't get along.

that sucks that you and your mom don't get along


Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:29 pm
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Psypoke Maniac
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Krisp wrote:
You guys will learn to appreciate your "annoying" younger siblings when you're older, you'll learn they'll always be there, unlike your friends.

I actually got into it alot with my brother when we were younger but as we grew up our annoyances of each other got erased somehow which is good because we were actually being brats towards each other...

However, my step niece seems to constantly get new stuff & as for me, not a damn thing even though I am probably paying most of the bills & what not due to the money I get for what I guess is my autism, I don't complain about it but when I get annoyed at her stupidity which no child should even have, it literally starts to rip at my sanity, that's how bad it is, I would prefer her not become like her mother but it is starting to look like wishful thinking at this point :? ...

My mother isn't really helping the situation either but at least she is trying to, my point, unless my step niece hits a drastic 180 personality wise before she becomes an adult, I will never get along with her 1 bit...

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Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:18 pm
Dragon Tamer
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me and my brother now sometimes get along mostly just when playing mario


Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:37 am
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Thank god I don't have any annoying siblings, or even any siblings. Sometimes it gets a little lonely... *sigh*

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92% of teens would be dead if Abercrombie & Fitch said it wasn't cool to breathe. Put this in your sig if you are the 8% who would be laughing.

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Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:46 pm
Bug Catcher
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It’s sad to read that so many of the members in the forum speak about their mean siblings – but I must admit that I am one of those lucky ones who haven’t had any bad experiences worth mentioning with both my siblings. Of course, we’ve had our little tiffs but it was never allowed to get out of hand – our mother always saw to that!!


Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:48 am
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Honestly, no. He's only mean sometimes but most of the time he only talks to me to help me.


Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:31 am
Pokemon Ranger
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My brother threatened to drive over a cliff with me in the car.

And he listens to Top 40 music. So annoying! :x

Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:42 pm
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Oh, don't get me started. My sister is practically a Demon, she's so evil. Which is funny because she's thinking about going to Duke University.

These past years have been great, and this community was a great one. Key word being was. Since my birthday last year, the site hasn't updated at all, and people have been slowly trickling away from the forums over the weeks. I've had this site as my internet homepage for ages, and I anxiously awaited the resurgence that I hoped would come. But it never came. So, it is with a heavy heart that I announce my permanent leave of Psypoke. As a moderator, I wished only the best for everyone here, and worked to maintain a jolly environment where everyone could discuss cartoon monsters in peace. Now, I wish all those who happen to be reading this message good luck in whatever endeavors you have chosen to pursue, and that your futures be bright.

Mektar out.

Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:36 am
Pokemon Master
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I am the meaner sibling.

I'm not cruel or anything to my brother (who's older than me, by the way). But a lot of the time, we goof around, which usually turns into an insult contest or wrestling match. I have a meaner streak and am physically stronger than my brother (in addition to having actually been on the wrestling team >.> ), so a lot of the time, it comes off as me just being mean to my brother. Other times, when I'm bored, I'll pester him, sometimes just to see his reaction.

But beneath it all, I still love my brother, and he definitely knows that. It's just part of the relationship.


Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:54 am
Ace Trainer
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Yes. VERY annoying. He's 2 years younger than me, and he's... yeah.

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It's got wires that vibrate, and give music; what can this thing be that I've found?

See how it sings like a sad heart, and joyously screams out its pain
Sounds that build high like a mountain, and notes that fall gently like rain."

~Neil Peart

Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:04 am
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Bug Catcher
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so annoying!!!
the laugh the sulks...THEY DRIVE ME CRAZY!!!
if i don't get my own room soon i SWEAR I'll punch him!!
ugh rant over...i will have my revenge!!

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Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:45 am
Ace Trainer
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Once upon a time. Was the annoying one, had the mean one. My sister and I have grown up and outta there though. She's still... let's say territorial. I've more or less dropped the kid brother antics entirely. But sometimes I do or say silly things my dad would. It kinda creeps me out! But I figure it just means I'm becoming a man.

I count myself one of the luckiest guys there is to have the family I do. If there are words to accurately describe how much they mean to me, I don't know them.

Whoever wins... has to change into a yellow outfit, okay?

Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:19 am
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Well I have a twin sister who for a long time I was ridiculously mean too. I'm talking, throwing books at her from the top of the staircase because she pissed me off, spitting on her whenever we used to have a bunkbed and I was top bunk, locking her out/inside rooms, all that fun stuff. I mainly did it because she just did a ton of little things to piss me off and I would just do really mean things to her. My dad would yell at me, he hit me every once in a while if I was doing something particularly mean to her or I tried to talk back to him, and then my mom would make me hug her and say sorry (which was worse than the beating).

Nowadays, we're both teenagers and I don't do much to her but just pull harmless, all in good-fun pranks yet I guess she finds now she wants to be a total b**** to me and for a while she got away with it but lately my mom has noticed how she acts towards me and I kind of get off free because my mom knows I have bigger things to worry about and she just adds on to them. Everytime something happens to me she just comes along and adds insult to injury, or she finds some other way to make things worse. But now I'm dating the one girl I know that she actually likes so she's been nice about that...

Now my OTHER sister, she's 20 and she's even worse. Back when I was a kid and she was a teen we used to get in HUGE fights, you can see where the plaster in the door was put after she punched a hole through my door, we tried to hide the hole with a yugioh poster but my dad found it a week later. We actually get along really well now, for a while last year she tried stealing my money and wanted to play that game with me and we got into a huge fight about that. Once the fight was over I layed down the law and all that and we've always got eachothers back. We might as well have a written contract on the little pact we've made since we've gotten better.

In conclusion, me and both my sisters used to get into huge fights but now everything is pretty much good since we all matured a little (mostly me, since I started most of it)

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Sat Oct 22, 2011 11:34 am
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