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 PokeMorphs RP 
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Pokemon Master
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Joined: Mon May 03, 2010 5:43 pm
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RP Title: Pokemorphs
RP Genre: Pokemon, Animorphs, Sci-fi
Rating: Probably PG-13 for some violence

Setting/Plot: In the distant future of Pokemon, the world is at peace. At long last, the Teams of each region have been disbanded, and for 100 years, there has only been room for progress. From Kanto, there comes a long series of medicine; in Johto, scientists have created a formula predicting when a Pokemon will evolve; Hoenn has created a series of new transports - flying cars and personalized submarines are the norm; from Sinnoh there arrives all manner of new ways to coexist with Pokemon, including devices that allow some Pokemon to talk; only Unova has remained unchanged by science, instead choosing to embrace the solitude of nature in all its majesty.

In this advanced world, Trainers have become less and less frequent, instead meeting Pokemon on a level more equating that of equals, or beloved pets at minimum. Only the annual PokeWorld Tournament brings the old gleam of battle between teams back to the television, and the world stands in awe of what the Pokemon did a century ago. For a week, fire meets dark, dragon meets grass, and water meets steel. And when it is done, and the new PokeWorld Champion is crowned, everybody instantly turns back to their tasks, to the advancement of technology. And the old ways begin to be forgotten...

Until one day, a sole man seeks to ruin it.

On August 19, Alfred Farquahar, a man disenchanted with the modern, strides into a Pokemon Center, armed to the teeth; and so, with a series of Pokemon aiding his efforts, destroys it. The world hasn't seen such terrible acts of violence in a century. And as the man moves onto houses and markets, rest of the town begins to burn, and everyone realizes that they are witnessing the rise of something new and terrible.

Rapidly, it becomes apparent that a new Team has appeared: Team Elemental has arrived, and they begin committing acts of terrorism and violence that soon bring the world to its knees. The Champions of the PokeWorld Tournament, the sole line of defense, are taken down, one by one. And a dystopian future begins, ruled by the tyrannical Team Elemental.

Team Elemental, after defeating the Champions, begins by taking over every Region. Almia, Orre, Kanto, Hoenn... All fall under the sway of the new Team. They broadcast a message to the world, saying, "We are Team Elemental. Do not fear us, we are here to fix the perverse society in which you have all dwelled for a century. Gone are the days of glory; we will bring them back. With the elements at our command, the world will belong to us!" And soldiers begin patrolling the streets, hunting for "rebels" and "terrorists." Pokemon go into hiding, save for those that join Team Elemental or are enslaved by them to work in factories and strip mines. Technological advancements recede into history, and the great medical care, the wondrous flying cars, and most of all, the peace that had existed all disappear. A group of Elitists, chosen by Team Elemental, gain what few perks exist, and lord it over the lower classes. With the new social order, many despair of hope. Without the Pokemon, how are they to triumph over this evil?

For many, nothing has changed. For others, everything has. Fifty years after the destruction of the Pokemon Center at the hands of Alfred Farquahar, a group of people, brought together by friendship, chance, and circumstance, are running through the streets of rubble-strewn Saffron city. They flee into an alley, and, cornered, prepare for the inevitable. Team Elemental has them surrounded; they are doomed to die in this misbegotten world.

Then, as it seems all is lost, a young man by the name of Axel Smith finds a piece of technology in the dirt. A shimmering blue cube. He lays his hand on it, and feels a burst of power rush through him. The age of the PokeMorphs has started. And with it, the fight to take back a world ruined, with the aim to restore it to its former glory.

Additional Information: For those who haven't read/heard about the Animorphs series, it's basically a book series where alien technology falls into the hands of five kids, and allows them to turn into any animal that they've touched. The blue cube is this piece of technology, and will instead allow us to turn into Pokemon. For all intents and purposes, that's where the similarities between the two worlds stop; when each member of our party touches the cube, they will have the ability to choose the first Pokemon they turn into. They will then, through our adventures, acquire five more forms. So, one person will be their Pokemon team. To acquire an animal/Pokemon, you must touch it with your hand. We won't deal with the time limit or various ways of transforming from Animorphs. It'll be pretty straightforward. Evolution will not really be an option; you have to pick EXACTLY which one you want to be. For instance, I wouldn't pick a Shinx with the idea of evolving it into a Luxray; rather, go with the Luxray to begin with. Some may think this will introduce some problems with having too-strong players at the beginning. Which is why I intend to allow for the slow acquirement of forms. Additionally, every character will have to learn how to properly use their various forms, which would take time. But adaptations to various RPing styles can be made, so that is subject to change.

Team Elemental's goal is to embrace the natural elements found in nature, and to use them to conquer the world. Pokemon are considered a part of these elements, but not an essential one. The Team is willing to use them and manipulate them, but their ultimate plan calls for the elimination of Pokemon as well, after using them to conquer the elements. This will likely involve finding and killing/coercing Legendary Pokemon.

The world as a whole is rather technology-less; Unova is the one that has been changed the least, considering they chose to go the more natural route to start with (so, more like Pokemon White). The other regions are ruled with a heavy hand by local Governors who watch over the local economy and government. The Elitists are the bankers, the politicians, and the other government workers. They are the ones who throw lavish parties which waste millions of dollars in a single night, then go back to loafing around the offices, being fed propaganda, and helping keep Team Elemental in power. Essentially, however, they are just pawns that think they have a modicum of power; all the real power belongs to the so-called "police." These are the full-fledged members of Team Elemental, the thugs who do all the dirty work. The police don't hesitate to use terror tactics; they are brutal and ruthlessly efficient. On occasion, they will use Pokemon such as Mightyena and Houndoom to track down tough targets, or Nidoking and Tyranitar to destroy a hideout for the rebellion. But for the most part, they rely on weapons and machines.

This leaves the Governors themselves. The Governors have replaced the Champions in that they are the only ones who train teams of Pokemon anymore. There is one for each Region, and they are very strong Trainers. Little is known about them, other than the fact that they are the ones in control of everything. Alfred Farquahar is rumored to be the Governor of Kanto; but is it possible that he and the other ones are only part of a far larger group..?

At the beginning, we'll have to re-enact the scene I described above; not everybody has to know each other, we just will all start out in Saffron city. Then, I'll introduce some more ideas, and the RP will (hopefully) take off from there, ideally being able to travel to different regions via plane or boat. We won't bother with walking to different ones (save for Johto-Kanto), simply because we don't know how they're laid out in the Pokemon World.

1. No excessive swearing. If you want to use one, use asterisks (*) or the :censored: smilie. Or the appropriate censored word (dang, for example).
2. Violence is to be kept to an appropriate level.
3. Use proper grammar; it's a pet peeve of mine, so if yours is particularly bad, then you may get kicked out for it.
4. You must have 20 posts, or have participated in 2 RPs minimum (if using the latter; then please provide links). This is to ensure that you won't just sign up, only to leave soon after.
5. Put rex09 in your application somewhere to show you have read the premise and rules.
6. No godmoding (certain exceptions can be made, if necessary, but please avoid it if possible).
7. You may not be related to anyone famous, or a character in a book (i.e., you're a normal person, for the most part; being related to a PokeWorld Champ is acceptable, but don't overdo it).
8. I will accept/reject players as I see fit.
9. Standard Psypoke rules apply.
10. Warning system (2 strikes and you're out!): 1st warning - {abra} 2nd warning/banned - {kadabra}
11. All out of character statements, etc., need to be in double parentheses ((___)), or like so OOC:_______
12. nu evilpenguinz

Personality (two sentences minimum):

Background (one to two paragraphs minimum, including where you come from and how you got to Saffron):

Six Pokemon you might wind up picking, just so I have an idea (no legendaries for now):
Best Memory:
Worst Memory:
Other Information:

I'm generally looking for people with a couple of RPs under their belts, but those new to RPing are welcome as well, if your grammar is good. Begin applying... now!! I'm looking for 4-6 others to RP with.

EDIT: Applications are closed for now. I'll edit the subject bar if I want/need more people.


Last edited by rex09 on Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:28 am, edited 6 times in total.

Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:18 pm
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Name: Axel Smith
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Axel is a young man with generally Asian features. He's about 5'11, with tanned skin and a lean build. Axel has black hair and brown eyes. Axel wears torn, filthy blue jeans; covered in grime and dirt, they're his only pair. He also wears a blue shirt, with a thing gray hoodie over it. These are also covered in dirt.

Personality: Axel's history hasn't made him the greatest of people. He usually doesn't trust people he doesn't know, citing his parents' deaths. However, once you do get to know him, people generally like him - to a point. Axel tends to have a rough demeanor, but is definitely capable of acts of kindness. His sense of humor is rather lacking, as in this world, there's little to laugh about. Nonetheless, Axel is an opportunist who does his best to get ahead in a backward world.

More recently, however, traveling with the group has given Axel something to live for. He considers the team his family, and his heart has started to become more open. He smiles more readily than he did a month or two ago, and the rough demeanor is only seen by his enemies. The pragmatism still exists, but is more and more often overruled by what is just, or fair.

History: Axel was born in Celadon city to a couple that was from an almost-nonexistent middle class. His first ten years were filled full of happiness; although he grew up in a dark world, his parents loved him through thick and thin, and that was all that mattered. They weren't the poorest, but they definitely went hungry more often than was comfortable. But they had basic comforts, so they were still better off than most.

Until one night, when Axel woke up in his room to screaming. He rushed to his parents' bedroom, where he found that his father was dead on the floor, and only bloodstains where his mom slept. He looked out the window, and saw the dark shadows of a man and a Pokemon retreating into the distance, his mom's screams echoing over the neighborhood. He rushed out into the rain and darkness, and tried to catch up to the mysterious man; but alas, his efforst were in vain, as he never caught up to them. Exhausted and in grief, he returned home, only to find that his parents' so called friends in the neighborhood had already looted their house, taking any basic comfort and food. When the morning rose, Axel buried his father, and set out on the road.

Axel arrived in Saffron city, destitute and despairing of hope. He found that he knew no one in the cutthroat town, and he would be on his own from then on. For six years, Axel struggled to find enough to eat. On occasion, a kind couple or person would take him in for the night; but come morning, he would always be back on the street, scamming other orphans out of food or stealing from the people of the town. Axel came to see the state the world was in under Team Elemental, and his heart started to harden, closing itself to all those who he didn't know.

A few weeks before his 17th birthday, Axel goes on his most daring raid yet: he is going to go after a policeman's house to steal food and valuables for the black market. It should've been straightforward; but the cop is home when Axel breaks in. He has a gun, and shots are fired at Axel. He ducks and leaps out a window. The cop chases him, and uses a walkie-talkie to call for backup. They are gaining on him. He pants heavily, knowing that if they catch him, he will be dead before the sun comes up. Ducking into a bombed-out building in the middle of the city, Axel hopes to lose his pursuers...

Possible Team: {metagross} Braviary {mightyena} {phanpy} Haxorus Carracosta
My Morphs wrote:
Mightyena (M) - Shadow Ball, Crunch, Odor Sleuth, Protect, Dig
Pidgeot (F) - Tailwind, Rain Dance, Hurricane, Aerial Ace, Twister
Phanpy (M) - Rollout, Return, Earthquake, Ice Shard (bred-on move), Swagger

Best Memory: Axel's 6th birthday. He got a bicycle, and his parents actually had a cake that year. It's the only time he's ever had cake.
Worst Memory: Walking into his parents' bedroom, only to find his mother gone and his father dead.
Other Information: Axel aspires to bring down Team Elemental one day, then move from this painful place and become a librarian. He is very intelligent, which is the only way to survive on the streets. However, he is generally a pacifist, but only for practical reasons: the cops pay attention to those who start fights, which he can't afford right now. But one day, he will rise up from the ranks. One day...

On another note, I will be writing in the first person. And, since I wrote the rules and want them to be followed, I will put this: rex09. Please follow suit, guys and gals!


Last edited by rex09 on Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:23 am, edited 6 times in total.

Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:54 pm
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My first RP, but my grammar's gooder than most people's :mrgreen: Anyway, Here's my Application:

Name: Seth McGrath
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Appearance: Seth is a well built teenager, about 5' 11", with a serious look almost always on his face. He has medium length dark gray hair which he spikes up using water, very dark brown eyes, and a rather large scar on his left cheek. His only clothes are a pair of grimy, torn up jeans, a dirty black T-Shirt, a navy blue jacket which belonged to his father, and a pair of black combat boots.

Personality: Seth is almost always serious and alert. He's not jumpy, though. He will only start to lighten up to people he trusts or admires, which is a rather small number considering that he doesn't know a lot of people. Even though Seth doesn't really talk to many people, he's not bad at conversing with people. He won't hesitate to do something nice, and always thinks on what he's about to do.

History: Seth was born in Saffron City and raised in an apartment building there, so he knows the city like the back of his hand. As a child, he was very loved by his parents. All they cared about in their lives was keeping him safe and happy. Seth's gray hair was due to a birth defect, in which his body could not produce enough hair pigment to give his hair the black color it was supposed to have.

Seth had a rather decent childhood, all due to his parents. His mother, Sally, was a very nice and lenient parent. His father, Jonathan, was more strict, but it was all to make him more mature.

Seth's life changed forever on his 9th Birthday. His birthday present was a PokeBall, found on the street by his father. When he was walking around Saffron City with his parents, throwing the PokeBall around with his father, he was spotted by one of the 'Police'. The officer immediately took the Pokeball. Seth became very upset. His father went up to the officer and attempted to take the Ball back by force. The officer took out a whip and slashed Seth's father several times, causing major bleeding. Seth ran up to help his father, and was whipped on his cheek, causing his scar. The officer called in backup, and arrested Seth's mother for being related to a rebel. His father tried to get up, only to be killed by an officer with a club.

Seth, only 9 years old, was forced out of his old apartment since he had no parents, which meant he had to live on the streets. The only possession he had was his father's navy blue coat, which he took from his father's body and later grew in to.

Seth has been living on the street for 6 years now, staying alive by stealing and always trying to be on the move, doing it all without being detected, with the exception of a few times. Just in case though, he tried to train himself the best he could at fighting, and considers himself pretty decent.

Morph Data: Aggron
Gender: Male
Move 1: Dragon Claw
Move 2: Iron Tail
Move 3: Hyper Beam
Move 4: Protect
Move 5: Heavy Slam

Morph Data: Noctowl
Gender: Male
Move 1: Psychic
Move 2: Aerial Ace
Move 3: Confuse Ray
Move 4: Mind Reader
Move 5: Steel Wing

Morph Data: Gengar
Gender: Male
Move 1: Psychic
Move 2: Teleport
Move 3: Hypnosis
Move 4: Nightmare
Move 5: Dark Pulse

Morph Data: Arcanine
Gender: Male
Move 1: Extremespeed
Move 2: Heat Wave
Move 3: Flare Blitz
Move 4: Flamethrower
Move 5: Crunch

Morph Data: Milotic
Gender: Female
Move 1: Ice Beam
Move 2: Iron Tail
Move 3: Aqua Tail
Move 4: Smash
Move 5: Hydro Pump

Yet to come: Accelgor
Gender: Male

Best Memory: Seth's 9th Birthday, when he got the PokeBall.
Worst Memory: Watching his father get killed and his mother getting arrested.
Other Information: Seth very badly wants to relocate and steal back the PokeBall he received, and someday start raising his own Pokemon. Also, he dreams to one day get revenge on Team Elemental for wrecking his family and his life. He knows that the organization can't be brought down by just him, and so all his help to bring down Team Elemental is small and from the sidelines. His acts can sometimes be noticed, but no one every notices who it really is.

So, I hope it's not bad for my first RP, rex09!

"What can this strange device be? When I touch it, it gives forth a sound
It's got wires that vibrate, and give music; what can this thing be that I've found?

See how it sings like a sad heart, and joyously screams out its pain
Sounds that build high like a mountain, and notes that fall gently like rain."

~Neil Peart

Last edited by Porygon 3 on Mon Oct 31, 2011 3:32 am, edited 13 times in total.

Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:29 pm
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Well, to be honest, it sounds a lot like my profile. I don't really have much of an issue with anything else; your sentences are understandable at coherent, etc. I can overlook the (really) similar profiles if you read over the rules again. There's something you missed, I think. The only thing I'm worried about is the fact that your character seems rather aggressive. In the first RP that I ran (Reality's Fantasy), the story got kind of violent, especially because we had weapons. So, no weapons, but you don't have to edit anything else, as long as your character keeps things at an acceptable level. I'll give you a heads-up if I think you're pushing it too far.

As soon as you do what you need to, you'll be accepted. Bienvenidos a mi RP!


Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:08 pm
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Location: A blue police box somewhere near the Medusa Cascade
Name: Cassie "Cat" Taylor
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Appearance: Slender, small, Oriental girl with tanned skin. Surprisingly strong for her build-- not muscular but more feline in movement and strength. Normally wears her long hair braided/ponytailed back.

Personality (two sentences minimum): Quiet, sardonic and observant, but very intelligent with a good tactical sense. Ferociously protective of allies and friends.

Background (one to two paragraphs minimum, including where you come from and how you got to Saffron): The daughter of two breeders living outside Celadon, grew up with Pokemon. Parents resisted Elemental-- the breeding center was burned and the Pokemon taken away. She became a cat burglar/pickpocket on the streets of Celadon, and after getting a little too well known, moved to Saffron and picked up the title of assassin, only picking off Elemental supporters and corrupt locals.

Morph data: (Not yet acquired: Jolteon/Luxray, Lucario)

[shiny] Charizard (female)
Moves: Flamethrower, Thunderpunch, Hidden Power Grass, Air Slash, Crunch

Garchomp (female)
Moves: Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Crunch, Fire Fang

Froslass (female)
Moves: Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Destiny Bond

Swampert (female)
Moves: Surf, Waterfall, Earthquake, Ice Punch, Rock Slide

Best Memory: Growing up with her family's Absol, Lucario and Arcanine.

Worst Memory: Watching her family's home burn.

Other Information: Is highly proficient at parkour and silent/concealed movement. Also very proficient with knife-fighting and unarmed combat (Cat does not fight fair. If you get into a bare knuckle fight with her it will be no holds barred).


Last edited by LadyMiir on Sun Oct 30, 2011 8:08 pm, edited 5 times in total.

Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:26 pm
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Accepted. The assassin thing doesn't bother me as much with you, mostly because I've RPed with you before and know that you can keep it under control. And heck yes to the Cassie thing!

Alright, things are moving along a lot quicker than my other RP. Hopefully we get a few more people in the next week or so, and then we'll start!


Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:39 pm
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rex09 wrote:
Well, to be honest, it sounds a lot like my profile. I don't really have much of an issue with anything else; your sentences are understandable at coherent, etc. I can overlook the (really) similar profiles if you read over the rules again. There's something you missed, I think. The only thing I'm worried about is the fact that your character seems rather aggressive. In the first RP that I ran (Reality's Fantasy), the story got kind of violent, especially because we had weapons. So, no weapons, but you don't have to edit anything else, as long as your character keeps things at an acceptable level. I'll give you a heads-up if I think you're pushing it too far.

As soon as you do what you need to, you'll be accepted. Bienvenidos a mi RP!

All fixed. When I looked back at the application, I noticed he was pretty aggressive. I went back and reversed and changed some of his personality and history, along with mixing things up to try to separate my application from yours more, and tried to make things fit a little bit smoother. Hope it's acceptable, but if it's a necessity to mix mine up a little more, just to make it a little less like yours, I can absolutely try to do that.

"What can this strange device be? When I touch it, it gives forth a sound
It's got wires that vibrate, and give music; what can this thing be that I've found?

See how it sings like a sad heart, and joyously screams out its pain
Sounds that build high like a mountain, and notes that fall gently like rain."

~Neil Peart

Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:26 am
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Rex09 you know I've been bored lately. A good RP is what I need before college haha, and my profile shouldn't surprise you with my background. I always have to be important :D

Name:(Steel) Trevor Feor
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: About 6 foot even, tan, dark brown hair with light brown eyes, and moderate build. Wears some slightly dirty clothes: brown cargo shorts, a grey undershirt with an unbuttoned black flannel shirt.
Personality: Trevor can be very manipulating, even when he doesn't mean to. He always persuades people into doing what he wants, so he's used to things going according to his plans. Trevor is a nice, fun guy upfront, but he usually has a motive to everything. He can also be very laid-back when he doesn't feel that he has to get his way, and sort of goes "with the flow."

Background: Trevor was born in the high society of the Sinnoh region. His parents were good friends of the Govenor, so his family was even higher in society than most of the rich families. They primarily lived in Hearthome City but they have many 'vacation' homes across the nation, and a few in the other regions. Once Trevor was old enough to think on his on, he saw that his family were just brain washed puppets. They always agreed with the Govenor on any subject, including the enslavement of Pokemon. Hearthome used to be the haven for Pokemon and people to bond, but now it's quite the opposite. The only Pokemon that live in the city are the evil ones that Element use to enforce their ways.

Since his parents were filthy rich, Trevor had several talents other than persuasion. His parents paid for sword lessons, the katana to be exact ((sorry I had to do it Lady)). Trevor mastered it quickly, becoming a lethal weapon with a sword. He was highly educated and tends to analyze down to the detail of any problem that needs to be solved. Trevor also knows a good bit about Pokemon and what the world used to be like before Team Element. His parents never knew that he stole the books from the Govenor's house, or that he even read them. Trevor used his parents and still continues to use them now. He 'borrowed' half of their money and has access to the bank account.

Trevor told his parents that he was leaving to find work in Hoenn with that Govenor. Little did they know that he went to Kanto instead, disguised as Steel Bane a mercenary for hire. This job allows him to get close with the government, when hired by them, and gain more of their secrets. Trevor only completes the jobs he sees fit, if he doesn't agree with the goal than he lies about the completion and finds a way to give the target freedom. This is where most of his parents' money comes in handy to buy disguises.

His current assignment is to track a thief that has been causing problems mainly in Saffron City. Trevor has a photo of her shadow, but he's fairly good at tracking anything with small leads. Trevor walks through Saffron during the night, searching for the thief, and getting closer every night.

Six Pokemon:Sceptile (M) - Leaf Blade, Rock Tomb, Screech, Leaf Storm, Dragon Claw
Haunter (M) -
Gallade (M) - Sword Dance, Psycho Cut, Close Combat, Ice Punch, Poison Jab
Slowking (M) -
Vaporeon (M) -
Togekiss (M) -
Best Memory: When he read the first book about Pokemon in the old days. People and Pokemon living together, happily.
Worst Memory: Seeing an enslaved Pokemon being treated badly by the Govenor.
Other Information: Trevor can switch personalities when things trigger it. He can be manipulitive and hateful if something makes him upset, or he can be casual and calm. Trevor can also make up elaborate stories on the spot, aiding in his disguises.


Last edited by redt on Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:35 am
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Give me some time. Need to run a few quick errands and then I will come up with a good profile. Should have it up later today.

Name-Vincent Maretti
Apperance-5'5" Has a little bit of a tan, not extremely dark but not extremely white. Has short black hair, with hazel eyes, and a beard like this. Has a skinny build. Vincent wears combat boots long cargo khakis a cloth bomber jacket with a plain white t-shirt with all three showing signs of aging.
Personality-Very irritable. He always wants what he thinks is rightfully his, and will go to great lengths to get it. Rough around the edges and has a dry sense of humor, which most find either annoying or just not funny at all.

Background-Vincent was born into the slums of Mauville city of the Hoenn region. Vincent grew up very poor and believing that he has been deprived of a good right to life. Not having much and most of what he did have usually had to go to his little siblings, not out of the goodness of his heart but because his parents forced him to. Vincent ran about and stole food but had always managed to avoid the law. His parents knew about all this, but they didn't care because the food pretty much fed the family.

Right about at the time Team Elemental started gaining some momentum Vincent moved out of his family home. Vincent became fascinated with the new Team, and knowing very little about the past days of Pokemon and wanting to know more, was an ally to the team, at least for a short amount of time. Vincent led protests along with other Team Elemental allies, hoping to gain the attention of the higher ups. Since he started a fair amount of protests he gained the attention of someone he didn't want the Governor of the Hoenn region.

After a few years he was contacted by someone from Team Elemental for a job, and if he were to do this job right then he would be allowed to join as a grunt. It was a simple job destroy a Pokemon center, just as the leader did, Vincent knew some of the people in the job so he was fairly confidant about it getting done timely, but little did he know Vincent was going to be betrayed. The Governor had picked up someone, a grunt and someone Vincent knew and had a level of fondness towards, and forced the person to give up the location of Vincent. As the job was beginning the police busted through the doors and the people scattered, but they didn't have to because Vincent was their target.

Taken back to the station the Governor told Vincent that he was betrayed by Team Elemental and that for his crimes that he was being shipped off to Saffron City in a form of exile. Since then Vincent has vowed to bring down Team Elemental.

Six Pokemon-Houndoom, Milotic,
Staraptor (M)-Brave Bird, Close Combat, Steel Wing, Giga Impact, Tailwind
, Venusaur,
Girafarig, Rhydon
Best memory-Making his first food score.
Worst memory-Being told that his friend had betrayed him.
Other information-Vincent really has a kind heart but it has been scarred by a lot of things that had happened to him in his life.

Oh and Rex if you don't like any of the background tell me and I can correct whatever that you want.

I suck at WiFi battling.

Last edited by shinashu taji on Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:24 pm
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Both accepted, and Porygon 3's edits are also accepted. So, Porygon 3 PM'd me and told me that he will be leaving on a trip soon, and may not have internet access. He's going to ask LadyMiir to proxy, but I want to at least start the story so that she can mimic some of the nuances of his character better. So, I'll go ahead and start, while leaving the applications open! Glad this one actually took off :p


*pant* *pant*

I can't keep this up forever. Have to... keep... running... They were hot on my tail. Damn, but I was really starting to regret going after Joseph. Stupid, stupid, stupid mistakes! If I could only make it away from them, Arceus willing, I swear I'll never make this kind of mistake again...

They begin to gain on me. I can hear the barking of a Mightyena behind me. Ugh. Those things are bred and raised from infancy to be cruel. I can't let them catch me. Or they'll rend me from head to toe. Or maybe they'll just finish it off with a Shadow Ball. But that just wouldn't suit the cops, would it? No, they like to see their victims squirm, they like to watch the hope fade from their dying eyes. I've seen it over and over again on the street. Some poor sap, usually a kid, finding himself at the mercy of the damn enforcers and their cruel methods. One day, Mother, Father, I'll bring them down.

At last, an option other than surrender - a building. Abandoned, no less. I quickly darted into the entrance of it, hoping to lose them among the rubble and the shadows. I stop behind a pile of rubble, trying to catch my breath for just the few seconds I need to make my escape. I can hear them talking... "Where'd that kid go?" "Did anybody see him?" "Mightyena, use Foresight! Once you lock onto him, use Crunch to rip him to shreds!" That last, I've seen before, too; it always works. The Poke easily locks on to a scent, then you can't shake them... I brace myself for the inevitable...

((Okay, so, the RP's started; feel free to meet me however you wish, but after everybody meets up, I'll trip over the cube, touch it, and then we really start the RPing :p. Remember, it's night time, by the way.))


Fri Jul 29, 2011 5:57 pm
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((It turns out I am going to be bringing a laptop, so I'll give an OOC Statement to show that it's me and not LadyMiir.))

*Sigh*... Another day. Another one of the hundreds days I've spent on the streets. Hey, listen. I told myself. Think positive and life's positive. Think negative and life's negative. That's what Dad told me. Gotta stay positive. I found an abandoned building as a place to sleep. It wasn't bad compared to some of the other places I've slept. I walked inside. I remember when I used to be scared to death of places like this. Once my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I noticed a miracle.

A bed. I get to sleep in an actual bed. Wow. I was so excited, I didn't doze off until probably half an hour after I laid down. I wasn't asleep for long when something woke me up. It was a Mightyena's howl. Mightyena. I hate those damn mutts. I thought. There's no way that stupid things gonna come in here, though. Then, someone ran through the door. I thought it was a Team Elemental Thug, so I stayed quiet, still, and in the shadows. It turns out it was some kid, because I heard Team Elemental outside, trying to search for him. I heard the Mightyena dart in, and I not only started to fear for my own life, but for this mystery kid's, too. While the Mightyena was searching, it occurred to me that the Team Elemental Thugs weren't coming inside. Probably scared. Typical. I thought. Then, my blood froze, and I almost yelled, because the Mightyena found a victim - and it was me. I tried to stay as still as possible, and I even held my breath, but I knew the Mightyena had my smell, and I was done for. That ruthless Pokemon would tear me to shreds. I braced myslef for the worst as I heard the Mightyena's evil bark and felt it lunge.

"What can this strange device be? When I touch it, it gives forth a sound
It's got wires that vibrate, and give music; what can this thing be that I've found?

See how it sings like a sad heart, and joyously screams out its pain
Sounds that build high like a mountain, and notes that fall gently like rain."

~Neil Peart

Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:03 pm
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((I assume that shinashu or Lady will save porygon and rex haha. And thanks for the convienancy of night time.))

I walked through the rotting city of Saffron, moon high in the sky, thinking to myself. How can a girl like this run around this city and not get noticed? My sources tell me that I'm looking for thief and murderer, but that'll be about anyone these days. I rubbed the back of my head. I know I'm zeroing in on her location for sure. I've searched this entire city up to this point. I feel that she knows I'm followign her....

A howl rips through the air, breaking my train of thought. "There's no way the police force around here found that girl.", I mutter to myself. But she may be close by and kill of the police.

I started slowly jogging towards the noise. I didn't want to catch any unwanted attention, especially in this place. The noise came from a couple of blocks away, so I assumed that I wouldn't miss anything. With a hand on my blade I continued to get closer to the building.


Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:38 pm
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((waiting on LM and Shina now... *whistles* Oh, and like I told redt via PM, everyone who has a weapon right now will wind up discarding them after we acquire our first forms. Your skills will still be usable, but you should probably pick a Pokemon that will be able to utilize those effectively. For instance, redt has sword skills, so Gallade is the obvious choice. Just a heads-up.))


Sat Jul 30, 2011 1:28 pm
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I flashed my ID card to the toll person from the gateway from Celadon to Saffron. Normally the guard wouldn't bat an eye about it, because normally the person is not an exiled criminal, but my ID had a red x in the upper right hand corner signaling me as an exiled criminal. Things could have been a lot worse for me I guess, I could have been imprisoned, killed, used for the government's own deeds. Instead I just got exiled which works best for me. I really didn't care much for my parents, and I would rather get out of the slums from Hoenn and get to the slums in Kanto. Nothing much would change except I could get away from the salty smell from Mauville that wafts over the way from Slateport. I fed my story to the guard telling him why I am here and gave my papers to him, the guard made a few calls to check the story out, and when my story checked out my ID was handed back to me as well as my papers and I was waved on through. I could tell it irritated him I arrived late in the night, and I'm sure he wanted to go home. However the government stayed open pretty much 24/7.

Saffron City home of the famous Silph Co. that I have heard so much about. I looked around Saffron City was one of the biggest cities in the Kanto region, and home to the biggest scientific building in all of Kanto. I knew my first order of business was to locate a place to stay. I was headed towards the shelter which houses the homeless and I figured it would be the best place for me to go to. Since I was in fact homeless, well not was is. Just as I was making my way towards the shelter I heard a scream, it piqued my interest. "Why the hell not I will go check it out."

I suck at WiFi battling.

Sat Jul 30, 2011 2:21 pm
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((LadyMiir, I don't know what's up, but you can catch up in a little bit. We won't exactly be all together yet with this post, as I'll just meet up with Porygon 3 directly. redt and Shina can jump in on their own, then I'll make one more post to finally get the ball rolling.))

Just when I thought I was done for, a lucky break. The Mightyena leaped towards my pillar, but landed and kept going. I tiptoed forward a little bit, and saw the wolf Pokemon snuffling around on the floor. Then I noticed the kid sitting on a small, disheveled bed in the corner. Yes! I can get away now! Knowing that the Mightyena had accidentally picked up the wrong scent, and that the cops would be too confused to care, I creeped away out a side door.

I got about ten steps before I realized what I was doing. This... this is wrong. Is this what I want Father to see when he looks down on me? Up until now, I've only done what was necessary. But this, this is... this might as well be murder. I'm no different from the cops inside if I leave now. I groaned, slappend my forehead for being so stupid, then ran like hell back inside.

The Mightyena was leaping towards the poor kid. My sprint rapidly turned into a leap, then a tackle as I launched myself hands-and-head-first towards the vicious creature. I caught it in mid-leap around the torso, and we both spun off to the side. I quickly wrapped my hands around its throat, to prevent it from calling its trainer. Nonetheless, the cops would be here in moments. I called out to the kid. "Run! Get out of here! They're not after you!" I threw the Mightyena into a pile of rubble, momentarily stunning it.

"Go! Run!" Then, not waiting for him to respond, I pushed him towards the door, and started following my own advice.

((so yeah, run like hell, straight into the other two and maybe LadyMiir, lol))


Sat Jul 30, 2011 4:07 pm
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((Okay, here it goes. Let's see if I'm good at this virtual running thing :D. Also, if for some reason LadyMiir doesn't jump in for me when needed next week, I'm going to give rex09 permission to proxy if he feels it's neccessary for my character to interact. I know he's read my profile. Twice. :) ))

I was astonished by this kids heroic actions. I bolted for the door, and pushed the Team Elemental Thugs down. As I kept running, I yelled back at him, "You better run too, or you're done for!! Also, I owe you one, man!! Don't forget!!"

I looked back for a second and noticed that the Team Elemental Thugs weren't chasing me. They were running after that kid. Before I knew it I was running next to him, and then I told him, "Hey, I just thought of a way I can return the favor of saving my life. I can save yours. Now follow me."

"What can this strange device be? When I touch it, it gives forth a sound
It's got wires that vibrate, and give music; what can this thing be that I've found?

See how it sings like a sad heart, and joyously screams out its pain
Sounds that build high like a mountain, and notes that fall gently like rain."

~Neil Peart

Sat Jul 30, 2011 4:46 pm
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It didn't take me long to get to where I heard the screams from. I knew how to navigate the streets. They are my second family. The people that gave me the skills I needed to survive. It was nothing more than just a few quick steps and darts through some alley ways and I got to the building that was the location of all the screaming. I noticed that quite a scene, something that I was not quite used to, a Pokemon. I believe the species was Mightyena. I couldn't quite be sure, but I knew it had something to do with Team Elemental and my blood began to boil. Blasted Team Elemental. If only I knew how long this was going on I would do something, but I can't risk getting caught up with the police.

Just as I was turning to get away from the scene I saw two people run out of the building. They appeared to be about in their late teens. I couldn't quite be sure, just an assumption. In any case my curiosity got the better of me as I yelled. "Hey you two fools what in the Hell have y'all done?"

I suck at WiFi battling.

Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:28 pm
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((redt and LadyMiir can catch up to us three after I put my hands on the cube. Hopefully you two post soon... Also, minor godmoding ahead, to make Shina near us when I find the cube.))
"Hey, I just thought of a way I can return the favor of saving my life. I can save yours. Now follow me." I nodded, and followed the other young man. We ran like hell, especially since the Foresight still made it possible for him to be tracked. Now that I was following him, I could be caught again. On one hand, I felt like crying, for putting myself back in this position; on the other, I felt proud that I had managed to do the right thing.

All of a sudden, I heard a voice shout out from a nearby street. "Hey you two fools what in the Hell have y'all done?" "Dude, just run! It's the cops!" We burst around a corner, and I heard barking. Closer, closer, always closer. And now, shouting. "There's two of them! Corner them in another building, or an alley, or something!" We turned a corner - dead end.

I looked at the other guy. "Well, it was nice knowing you, but I think this is where we make our last stand." I looked around for something to throw. The other guy, the one that had yelled at us, rounded the corner. I wasn't sure what he was doing here. All I knew was that if he had wanted to hurt us, he had a chance earlier. However, at that moment, I chose to ignore him, instead looking for something to throw. Maybe if I found a good-sized rock, I would be able to take out the Mightyena, leaving it... What, two or three versus ten or twenty? I shook my head, knowing that it was better than nothing...

As the noises grew louder, and closer, I noticed a little piece of paper wedged under some rubble. "Silp- Engi--er-". There were little rips in the paper, and I could see something shining underneath. Hoping it was a sharp blade or a gun of some sort, I moved the paper and surrounding rubble. In my haste, I put my hands on whatever it was before I could actually see it.

It changed my life forever.

Welcome to the Cube Interface. You are about to participate in an experiment that will revolutionize the world. Bill extends his thanks for participating in this trial, especially since it's his first joint project with Silph. It was a pleasant, gentle female voice. I felt like I was floating; time, for my consciousness, had stopped. I didn't even see the rubble or the object anymore; instead, a light blue interface was in my mind, blocking all sensory neurons from preventing my viewing this pulsing, blue, shimmering interface. I tuned back into what the voice was saying, wondering if, perhaps, I had died.

...and with this ability, we hope you will be better able to understand Pokemon and the world around us. Welcome to the PokeMorphs program. What the hell was the PokeMorphs program? The voice, however, didn't pause for my questions; it just continued unabated. Please select a Pokemon. I heard the word, "Pokemon," in my mind, and I instantly remembered the Mightyena chasing me, my heart stricken with fear. Choice selected. Thank you for your participation.

What? What had I chosen? I had no idea, but all of a sudden, I was back in the alley. No more voice. No more shimmering interface. Just a small, glowing blue cube in my hands. "Did you guys see that? The glowing blue thing that engulfed all else? Or did you hear theaaaarrrggh--" My vocal cords rippled in my throat. I grew shorter, and my forearms grew claws, and became front legs. All the hair on my whole body rippled out in a brilliant wave of black and gray. My vision flickered, then changed. My teeth grew sharp as my mouth elongated and became highly sensitive to the scent of the boy who I had helped. I felt a painful ripping as... as I grew a tail.

I realized, all of a sudden, that I was standing on four legs, in an alley, with a blue cube next to me. And I also realized, with a distinct shock, that I had become the Mightyena. The cops rounded the corner, and I began to growl, a lump of darkness working its way up my throat...

((Okay, some rules about being transformed. Every time you write a transformation, it must be different from the last time you wrote the same transformation. When you've morphed, we can only communicate telepathically. This will be marked by having <speech> instead of "speech." And that's it. Feel free to pick up the cube and have your own experiences with the Cube Interface!))


Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:36 pm
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((Let me just say that I think this is probably gonna get really insteresting soon.))

I was surprised how quickly I got over the fact that this guy I just met touched a glowing blue orb and turned into Mightyena. He let loose a shadow ball, which wounded a few Police Officers and scared the rest. He continued growling at the cops, and I looked at them, smirking, like they were about to fight two immortals. Then I noticed, to my slight embarrassement, that I still hadn't transformed into a Pokemon. "Oops", I muttered to myself. I ran over and stood in front of the cube, and told the stranger, "Gimme some cover, okay?" I got a bark in reply. Hopefully that means yes. I thought, and picked up the cube.

I could barely see anything but a light blue glow, and then a women, well, actually the cube, started to activate. Welcome to the Cube Interface. You are about to participate in an experiment that will revolutionize the world. Bill extends his thanks for participating in this trial, especially since it's his first joint project with Silph. Ok Seth, stay calm. I thought to myself. If you stay calm, this will be a lot easier. I guess I tuned out the voice while I was thinking, because it finished a sentence when I was done. ...better able to understand Pokemon and the world around us. Welcome to the PokeMorphs program. Um, thank you? I thought. But then I figured it probably couldn't hear me. Please select a Pokemon. I thought back to which Pokemon I know. Then, I remembered a Pokemon Dad used to show me, because I thought it was so cool. Aggron. I thought. Choice selected. Thank you for your participation. No prob, creepy blue voice lady. I think I really needed a joke lighten me up for what was about to happen.

Then, the blue glow faded, and I was back in the alleyway. Just regualar me. I put the cube down behind me, just so it doesn't get harmed, and mumbled, "Is anything gonna happen?" Then, I was about to say something witty to the cops when my my body suddenly felt like it was made out of led. I was about to collapse when it got balanced out by making be probably twenty times stronger. The things that were so heavy materialized, becoming huge steel plates everywhere but my face. The plates on my knees, elbows, and neck stayed a steel gray, while all the other plates turned black. A sharp pain was presesent as a grew a tail, also covered with black steel. Next, I grew about a foot taller. My body widened out to match my height, and my arms and legs grew shorter. My arms also grew claws. That was it. I was Aggron.

"Aggron!!!" I roared. I was ridiculously loud. <Maybe roaring wasn't the smartest thing to do.> I thought. <You think?> replied my new teammate. Hmm. Telepathic communication. I really wasn't freaked out, considering the fact that I just transformed into a Pokemon. <Ok, let's do this.> I told him. I stepped forward so I was standing next to him, and I saw how horrified the Police were. They sent their Mightyena forward, and my teammate took care of it with one Shadow Ball. <Whoa, that was powerful.> I told him. <Thanks.> he said, <I was storing up.> <Nice. Now let's take care of these Police.> I took a couple steps forward and thought, Can I use Iron Tail? Upon asking, my tail turned into solid metal. There we go. I slammed the ground infront of the Police, and the force sent them flying back ten feet. All of them were bruised and banged up pretty bad, so we probably had fifteen minutes before they got up again. I went back to standing next to my new partner, and asked him <Um... What do we do now?>

"What can this strange device be? When I touch it, it gives forth a sound
It's got wires that vibrate, and give music; what can this thing be that I've found?

See how it sings like a sad heart, and joyously screams out its pain
Sounds that build high like a mountain, and notes that fall gently like rain."

~Neil Peart

Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:37 am
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((whoa, ease up on the godmoding, okay? I'll let it slide because it does make sense, but, please try to avoid it as much as possible in the future. I know you're new to RPing, so just a heads-up. If you don't know what I'm talking about, read the announcements in this forum. They're really good for telling how you should RP.))


Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:10 am
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((Sorry had my young cousins over and had to help babysit last night -_- But im back on.))

I picked up speed as the commotion increased in volume. I heard several voices yelling commands. This may be what I'm looking for. This girl might be involved in this.

As I rounded the corner, debris blasted out of a nearby alley. Two cops flew into the street, dazed. I heard the Mightyena and a new pokemon. ......Aggron? Those books I stole from the Govenor's house really helped out with identifying Pokemon. I pulled my sword and ran towards the cops. As I drew near, a blue cube was lying a few inches in front of me. Someone trying to steal something. They must of lost it in the explosion. I leaned down to grab it and a bright light emitted from it. I dropped my blade as my body went numb.

I was surrounded in a blue air. I couldn't feel or see anything, it was strange. Welcome to the Cube Interface. You are about to participate in an experiment that will revolutionize the world. Bill extends his thanks for participating in this trial, especially since it's his first joint project with Silph. A gentle female voice greeted me. I reflexed and reached for my blade, but it wasn't there. I remembered that I dropped it when the bright light happened. Damn... ...and with this ability, we hope you will be better able to understand Pokemon and the world around us. Welcome to the PokeMorphs program. Please select a Pokemon.

"Select a Pokemon?" I thought back to when I was learning my swordsman techniques and how a Gallade was the ultimate swordsman. Choice selected. Thank you for your participation. Before I could ask anything else I was back at the filthy street. The cops were up at staring at two fierce looking Pokemon in the alley. They looked at me. "I bet it was him that released those Pokemon. Those kids must of escaped!" They came towards me, the other cop sending out a Golbat. "Golbat use Leech Life."

All I could think of was how I needed my blade, and that's when it happened. A burning sensation attacked my arms and I looked to see that blades began protruding out of my skin, which was turning a light green. My body became more slender and my head rounder. A fin raised out of my skull. My metamorphosis was soon complete and I realized that I was a Gallade. I could feel the cops emotions, they were frightened and confused. I could sense the other Pokemon as well, but the two in the alley were different.

The Golbat continued to fly at me and I thought about Gallade's arsenal of Psychic attacks. Psycho Cut. My arms began glowing a bright purple as I lashed my arms out at the Golbat. Psychic blades flew at the flying Pokemon and struck it dead on. It fell to the street, defeated. I looked down at the two Pokemon, meeting their eyes. <Can you hear me?>

((Just out of curiosity, how violent can I get? Like a little blood?))


Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:16 am
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((Avoid it if possible, but yeah, a little blood is acceptable. For now, let's avoid killing, and just settle for driving them off. Shina can pick the cube up when he gets here, and LM can watch the scene from a distance, then come up to us after the fact, when she gets here.))

I watched as the kid next to me turned into an Aggron. I loosed a Shadow Ball at the cops, then saw the might of the giant Steel Pokemon as he joined me in the attack. Suddenly, I realized that the cube had gotten away from us in the confusion, bouncing along the street.. straight into the hands of another stranger. Almost immediately after picking up the cube, he turned into a Gallade, and beat down on a Golbat. I cocked my lupine head in confusion. Was this strange power coming from the cube? Who was Bill? What were PokeMorphs?

But I had no time for explanations, as by now, the cops had caught on that we weren't their Pokemon. They had even witnessed the... Gallade-guy, if you will, transform. Now, they were calling in for back-up, saying that there was some freaky things going on. I looked at the Aggron.. guy, and said to him, <I have no clue. And I can hear you both. Can either of you hear me?> Then, it hit me: I hadn't said a word. We were speaking with our minds. <Whoa... That cube thing is freaky. I suggest we defeat these cops real quick, then beat it.> I leaped towards the nearest one, using a powerful Crunch attack to shatter his kneecap, bringing him down. I could get used to this...

Next came a few minutes of blind fury and.. wolfish enjoyment? I wondered if the mind of the Pokemon was still in there somewhere, affecting my decisions. The human part of me saw what I needed to do; the Mightyena part enjoyed the thrill of battle, and how exactly to inflict the most damage. My instincts were not my own, it appeared. Three more cops, then a Shadow Ball towards a Houndoom.

I turned my thoughts to the other two. <We need to get out of here. We've attracted too much attention.> I ran back towards the original alley, picking the cube up in my mouth as I went. In my Mightyena form, I was able to run much, much faster. I sprinted past the second stranger, tapping him with my tail as I went. Not even checking to see if the other three were following, I vaulted over the wall, and quickly lost the cops. I thought about how I was going to change back... and suddenly, I had. My clothes were still intact, and the cube had landed in my hands as it fell from my mouth. I was confused, and needed to talk to the other two about their experiences.

I hadn't known at the time that we were about to embark on an epic journey, of a kind never before seen in the world.


Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:59 am
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I'm not sure if signups are still accepted, but...
This looks really cool, having read the series so many years ago.  This will be my first RP, so I'll try my hardest to abide by all the rules.

Name: Jeremiah Martin
Age: 14
Gender: Male

Appearance: Jeremiah Martin, or Jeremy, as he is often called, is a young, caucasian teenager, with light brown hair and green eyes.  He wears contact lenses most of the time, but occasionally uses rectangular glasses instead.  He's about 5'3 and is rather skinny.  Jeremy wears the kind of shorts with all the pockets in them to hold anything of interest that he finds.  He wears a blue and white plaid shirt with buttons down the front.

Personality: Jeremy is a very bright boy who is interested in all things scientific.  He is fairly amiable around others, although he tends to keep many things to himself and likes to just spend time alone.  Jeremy has always been very smart, and hopes to pursue a career in the Pokemon Paleontological field like his parents.  However, he can sometimes be too smart for his own good, in the way that his "all-knowing attitude" gets on people's nerves.  Jeremy also is a wisecracker, attempting to come up with a joke even in the grimmest situations.

History: Jeremy was raised in Oreburgh city, with his parents Ralph and Melinda.  Ralph and Melinda are scientists who mainly study Pokemon of prehistoric origin. They taught him to always be kind to everyone he meets, friendly or not.  Jeremy had little money growing up, because what little work his parents were able to complete, the "Police" took the profits from instead.

Jeremy has always dreamed of having a Pokemon of his own, even though he knows if he does, it will be confiscated by the "Police" and sent to work in a factory.  In the event that he ever does get one though, he has studied up on practically every species known.

However, a tragic event has just occurred for Jeremy.  His parents had just been on the brink of resurrecting a Kabutops fossil for scientific research, when the "Police" caught whiff of the news.  They stormed into their laboratory with guns and Houndooms in tow, and blew the lab to bits.  His parents were taken into a van and driven off to who knows where, while the screaming Jeremy was held back by the "Police."  They then shipped him off to a boarding school in Saffron city where they put him in classes reserved for "The future minds of Team Elemental." He has already been there for over three months, and is planning on escape...

Possible Team: 
Kabutops (M)
-Stone Edge
-Giga Drain
-Ice Beam
-Aqua Tail

Kabutops was Jeremy's first morph, when he first touched the cube.  He had been thinking of his parents, and the fossil they were trying to resurrect.

Beeheyem (M) 
-Energy Ball
-Shadow Ball

Beheeyem was acquired when Jeremy used the Silph Scope.  It had been the leader of a group of Beheeyem from space, but was separated from the others somehow.  Elemental found it and dissected it's body alive.

Delcatty (F)
-Double Team

The Delcatty Jeremy acquired actually belongs to Catherine, the governess of Johto.  When the team invaded her mansion, Jeremy wound up in her bedroom and acquired it's DNA when it attacked him.  And yes, it is a female Delcatty.

Leavanny (M)

Archeops (M)

Torterra (M)

Best Memory: The countless days he helped his parents with their research in the lab, learning about new Pokemon all the while.
Worst Memory: Seeing his parents carted away while all their hard work was decimated by the "Police."
Other Information: Jeremy is an avid book reader and is always making up little stories in his head.  If Team Elemental is ever taken down and everything is restored to normal, he would like to continue his parents' work and eventually discover a new fossil Pokemon of his own.  His appetite is big, and he never seems to be full, even after the all-you-can-eat special at the Olivine Restaurant he went to once.

I really hope that I can be part of this RP.  It looks like it could be a real success!
Oh, and redt, dang it! Gallade was one of my top picks!

EDIT:  :shock: *slaps head*  Okay rex09, is it good now?  And the school is in Saffron City.  I think I said that. *checks posts* Yup. There it is.  And I planned on just running away from it on my own and bumping into you guys somehow.

"I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right."
- The Book Thief

Last edited by twistedturtwig on Sat Nov 26, 2011 1:21 pm, edited 8 times in total.

Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:26 pm
Pokemon Master
Pokemon Master
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((sign-ups are indeed still open. But there's a couple of things you didn't do; first, read the rules very carefully. Ask Porygon 3 if you can't find what I'm talking about (and you will). The only other thing that I can see wrong in the application is that, I don't know how you want us to get you out of a school in Sinnoh. The rest of us are in Kanto right now. PM me with any edits before you post them, so I can figure it out.

EDIT: I guess I didn't see the Saffron city party. Accepted, I'll PM you when it's a good time to come in. Probably after a couple of the others' posts. Also, only those who I invited to the RP may now apply. So, applications closed unless someone drops out/gets kicked out.))


Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:04 pm
Ace Trainer
Ace Trainer
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Joined: Tue Jun 29, 2010 2:26 am
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Location: A blue police box somewhere near the Medusa Cascade
((My apologies, I was at my grandparents' on the weekend (will be for the next two weekends), and they don't have net. Steel, love the hunting me touch. Fantastic. Gives me a lot to work with, also provides a good epic first encounter given what Cassie's "first morph" will be. Also Rex, writing the transformation different EVERY time is a bit difficult, there's only so much you can change. Relax a little on that one.))

I flattened myself to the building's rooftop, blending in with the shadows. The hunter was getting far too lucky. Time to move on, find another place. When the barking began, I hissed-- I recognized the rough Mightyena tones, and knew the police were out tonight. Some poor sod's gonna get it. See if I can pick off one or two of the cops, make my life a bit easier.

The barking was easy to follow-- I swung to a rooftop that gave me a good vantage point as well as good cover. A kid, being chased by cops-- then the kid fell, tripping over something that glowed bright blue. Reacting instinctively, I raised a throwing knife, but it wasn't needed, my eyes widening as the kid somehow rippled...

... and changed, into a gray-furred Mightyena.

"What in the name of--"

A second boy arriving, scooping up the object-- after what looked like a painful transformation, he was a hulking Aggron. After a quick scuffle, the police had fled, leaving the two Pokemon alone in the alley. I rubbed my eyes, convinced I was dreaming-- but nope, two kids had just turned into Pokemon before my eyes.

I had to get a look at that blue thing, whatever it was.

When the third guy on the scene transformed into a Gallade, it didn't even shock me any more, though I did recognize the man. This was the one that had been hunting me. And now he was a Psychic-type Pokemon. This couldn't end well. I had to follow him, find out the secret of that blue thing... and possibly fight him off. Lucky you memorized all those Pokemon weak points before Elemental came in, huh?

They fled the scene-- and I followed, keeping to the shadows, fingering the pepper spray that I used to keep the police Mightyena and Houndoom off my trail.


Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:38 pm
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