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 Massive advertisement: want more Psybucks? 
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Lite Four
Lite Four
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Would you like 500-5000 psybucks?*** Come hang out in #Psypoke, our official chatroom! Our chatroom has been rather dull lately, peaking at 20 or so on really good days. Our chatroom is not random; the same users have lurked it for years. Pretty much all of these people are staff. While we do get visitors from our forums (<3 you guys) it's kinda boring chatting it up with the same people for six years. We don't usually talk about Pokemon, but sometimes we do. The channel isn't always active, but it has many people idling in it. It's a fun way to multitask when browsing the web, checking back every so often to see if anyone is talking. We'd love to have more users join, but we do have some rules:

1.) No Flooding.

This is the act of repeatedly "flooding" the channel with text. For example, pressing a and pressing enter numerous times would be flooding. If you are copying and pasting something, it better be interesting and relevant, otherwise it's just spam. The ops are allowed to flood.

2.) Don't be annoying.

Constantly asking for trades/battles, asking ASL, typing liek u dont no how 2 use a keybord or dictionery, using excessive ellipses and ampersands, FLOODING, posting unfunny youtube videos, advertising other Pokemon websites that are not relevant to the conversation, etc.

3.) Everything that is not safe for work should be MARKED as NSFW.

We don't encourage you to post something inappropriate, but sometimes it happens. If it does, PLEASE bold your NSFW warning. I'd prefer if you only did it when random Psypoke guests aren't around, or people you know would be offended. Illegal content is not allowed.

4.) Everything must abide by the MOTD (message of the day).

We do not own the network, Keyboard Failure, that our channel resides on. None of us are affiliated with the staff of this network, so if you **** up and they gline you, we will not care/bail you out of trouble. As guests on their network I WILL say: If you join other channels and advertise our channel/make us look bad, you WILL be banned from the forums.

5.) No color.

People use many different IRC clients, and have many different background colors. If you use a certain color of text it might conflict with someone's background color, so we ask that you please do not use color.

Channel staff reserves the right to remove any users at any time for any reason. Any breach of the rules may result in a kick (warning) or ban, depending on the severity. Spam, dickery, flamebait, trolling, etc. are not tolerated. Here's an explanation of channel staff:


Can do whatever to the channel, including dropping it. Considered the founder, thus getting a tilde. Can promote any user to any level.

Krisp, FireStarter

Super Operators:

Can set most channel modes. Can ban users. Can do pretty much everything a Founder can, except they cannot drop or change the channel password. Has an &. Can promote operators and below.

TheCyberMew, Frost (Ninjablack), Suspicious, sN0wBaLL, Kane (Jigglypuff)


Can set some modes. Can ban/kick users.

skullkid, Flaming_Wuzzle, DatVu (whenever he decides to return).

Half Operator:

Can set a few modes. Can ban/kick users.

Nick, Serpentsounds


Considered an asset to the channel, although they can not ban users or set any modes. It is likely they will be promoted sometime, when one of the above users dies.

ace, Rhapsody, Cherrygrove

As you can see, we have many forum moderators that are not channel staff and many channel staff that are not forum moderators. We occasionally promote users to voice, depending on how active they are and contributions made to the conversation.

We hope to see you in our chatroom! ;)

*** Psybucks will be awarded once Krisp decides you have spent a decent amount of time there. Consider this like a free trial, you have nothing to lose!


Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:59 am
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Dragon Tamer
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Excellent idea Krisp! But if nothing else, I appreciate knowing the difference between cofounders, super-operators & so on.

Yes ... I'm 55 years old and only began playing Pokémon in '09. I may have to grow old, but I do NOT have to grow up!

3DS FC (Y and X): 0834-1199-3647

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"FlagBarn0wl" Blog:

Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:32 pm
Pokemon Master
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Just as a shout-out to anyone who wants to try it: it's really fun! It's a totally different experience from the forums. However, language DOES get a little strong sometimes, so be warned. Other than that, it's a fun thing to try!


Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:46 pm
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the chats are awesome. JOIN USSSSSSSS


Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:09 pm
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To be honest, I'm a slow typer, and my knowledge of popular acronyms is very small. I'll have to pass on the chats, but it does sound fun-ish.

These past years have been great, and this community was a great one. Key word being was. Since my birthday last year, the site hasn't updated at all, and people have been slowly trickling away from the forums over the weeks. I've had this site as my internet homepage for ages, and I anxiously awaited the resurgence that I hoped would come. But it never came. So, it is with a heavy heart that I announce my permanent leave of Psypoke. As a moderator, I wished only the best for everyone here, and worked to maintain a jolly environment where everyone could discuss cartoon monsters in peace. Now, I wish all those who happen to be reading this message good luck in whatever endeavors you have chosen to pursue, and that your futures be bright.

Mektar out.

Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:16 pm
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You don't have to type fast. And you learn the acronyms as you go. But your choice, I guess.

*asks Krisp for 1000 psybucks to spam the lotto with*


Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:10 pm
Ace Trainer
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I was checking out the Chat, and it said you had to be older than 16. Is that rule upheld strongly? Because I'm 13, and was going to try it because it sounded like fun. I was just wondering.

"What can this strange device be? When I touch it, it gives forth a sound
It's got wires that vibrate, and give music; what can this thing be that I've found?

See how it sings like a sad heart, and joyously screams out its pain
Sounds that build high like a mountain, and notes that fall gently like rain."

~Neil Peart

Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:42 pm
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Lite Four
Lite Four
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We only put up that warning because sometimes we use strong language. There is no age limit.


Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:32 pm
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Ace Trainer
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Haha she said sometimes. I joined the chats today and it seems pretty cool. Plus I have the desire to be a Mod haha.


Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:00 pm
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I don't recall anywhere in the initial post where Krisp said anything about becoming mod. A possible +v status does not equal mod status. It basically just means the staff likes you (and that you can talk under +m).

An interesting promotion for the chat to be sure. I'm not in it for the rewards or anything since lurking hanging out on the chatroom is fun in and of itself. It's a very cool place to be sure, with many highly entertaining people. It's something more to be experienced than talked about.
And man, that sounded much better in my head.


Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:30 pm
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Basically the chats is where all the cool people hang out. If you come and hang out and you aren't cool, you become cool. Sometimes it takes a couple months, sometimes it takes a day. The chats let you interact more closely with other people than mere forum posting does, which means you get to know others better. Like for me, I owe most of my current friendships to the #psypoke chatroom because I found someone who went to my school at the time (pelli) and got to know him better and now am friends with that group. I know results arent typical and all, but still, thats my spiel :O


Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:07 pm
Ace Trainer
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Cool, thanks for the info! I'll check out the chat!

One Question: Do I have to pay that 20$ register fee for the one website?

EDIT (Again.):
Never mind. I clicked on the Java Applet link and it popped up. If no one goes there than tell me.

"What can this strange device be? When I touch it, it gives forth a sound
It's got wires that vibrate, and give music; what can this thing be that I've found?

See how it sings like a sad heart, and joyously screams out its pain
Sounds that build high like a mountain, and notes that fall gently like rain."

~Neil Peart

Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:04 am
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Dragon Tamer
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Kind of hard to figure out how to use that chat. You guys should use xat for your chats instead but i'll come along every so often.


Sat Aug 06, 2011 4:27 pm
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Psypoke Maniac
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I don't want to have to pay to use mIRC & I can't run the Java Applet without running the ""unsafe"" stuff & am very eerie of it so I guess I won't be on...

3DS Friend Code = 4441 - 9336 - 3527
(Be aware that I must also add you so in order to know you added it, just maybe...)

Eevee Breeding Project leftovers are Available here + rest of my trading wants & haves...
Lawence Codye's Trading Thread (Gen 6 / X & Y)

"The Nine Tails of Subconscious - Lawence Codye"

Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:27 pm
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By this logic I'm owed thousands of psybucks :P

You guys should get stasbot back, that chats page always made it fun to see what your quote of the day would be. :p I went to look for the link since its quotes are all still from summer 2009 but I cant remember the link.

I dont think you have to pay to use mIRC, I didnt, but I removed it after that summer since I just find the applet easier. There was a free trial I think, and I just let it run the "unsafe" stuff since I cant imagine that #psypoke is out to get me. ;)

I'll try to go onto the chats more, I miss them.


Sun Aug 07, 2011 6:07 am
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Lawence Codye wrote:
I don't want to have to pay to use mIRC & I can't run the Java Applet without running the ""unsafe"" stuff & am very eerie of it so I guess I won't be on...

mIRC doesn't actually make you pay for it, it just tries to make you believe you do. all you really have to do is wait for a few extra seconds before it lets you in. And the java applet is completely safe, don't worry.

Patchy wrote:
I'll try to go onto the chats more, I miss them.

correction: you miss ME :o


Sun Aug 07, 2011 11:31 am
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For the mIRC thing, just keep in mind that the trial never actually expires. Some people's trials have gotten to something outrageous like 500 out of 30 days and stuff, so it's just that few extra seconds of waiting. There's no paying actually needed.


Sun Aug 07, 2011 11:57 am
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EvilPenguin wrote:
correction: you miss ME :o

You're the reason I haven't been in there >:[


Sun Aug 07, 2011 1:30 pm
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Patchy wrote:
EvilPenguin wrote:
correction: you miss ME :o

You're the reason I haven't been in there >:[



Sun Aug 07, 2011 2:35 pm
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I don't want to have to pay to use mIRC & I can't run the Java Applet without running the ""unsafe"" stuff & am very eerie of it so I guess I won't be on...

2) click 'Launch App Now'
3) click where it says 'server'
4) server = ; nick = whatever you want ; channel = #psypoke
5) ????
6) profit

Mibbit - When your computer doesn't like Java, when you're too lazy to download mIRC for yourself, or when you're at a library and don't have a choice.


Sun Aug 07, 2011 2:45 pm
Psypoke Maniac
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Oh well in that case, I didn't exactly uninstall it so alright, I'll be there at some point soon, thanks cause I didn't know that was possible...

3DS Friend Code = 4441 - 9336 - 3527
(Be aware that I must also add you so in order to know you added it, just maybe...)

Eevee Breeding Project leftovers are Available here + rest of my trading wants & haves...
Lawence Codye's Trading Thread (Gen 6 / X & Y)

"The Nine Tails of Subconscious - Lawence Codye"

Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:22 pm
Dragon Tamer
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accidentally did something to not let the Java trust this and can't access it now

I thought images could be 250 pixels high? But in sigs the height limit is 200? :?

Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:52 am
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DNA wrote:
2) click 'Launch App Now'
3) click where it says 'server'
4) server = ; nick = whatever you want ; channel = #psypoke
5) ????
6) profit

Mibbit - When your computer doesn't like Java, when you're too lazy to download mIRC for yourself, or when you're at a library and don't have a choice.

Read this. It works.


Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:15 pm
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If you do Mibbit, I reccomend signing up for an account. It's free, and they don't ask for personal information, and it allows you to save your settings (like, when I use mibbit, i hate their smilies, so i disable them; this is saved for every time i log on).


Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:57 pm
Bug Catcher
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Beating the elite four is easy...just use different types of pokemon and A LOT of hyper potions.

Tue Nov 01, 2011 4:26 pm
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