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 DNA's Emporium of Cherished Dreams (On Hiatus) 
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DNA's Emporium of Cherished Dreams

Hello, and welcome to DNA's Emporium of Cherished Dreams, where dreams and memories meet. I deal primarily in Dream World and Nintendo Event Pokemon, though I do have other things for trade as well.

The trade thread is not officially open, since I am (and have been) on hiatus from the Pokemon video game for a while. Activity will be reduced (I rarely check this) and the only trades I'd be willing to do at this time are for DW females I don't have, or when I request things from other people. You're free to pop in and say hi, but odds are I won't answer for a long while.

Friend Codes:
4941 1762 7308: Diamond (used for trading Nintendo events)
3396 2883 5746: Black (used for trading Dream World Pokemon)
???? ???? ????: White 2 (may use this in the future)

~ All of my Nintendo Event Pokemon for trade have been cloned with Action Replay. This does not affect the legitimacy of the event, but if you don't want one cloned...sorry.
~ I only accept legit Pokemon. I do not trade blatantly hacked Pokemon to anyone, and I expect the same from you. HOWEVER, I will accept cloned Pokemon.
~ Any and all Pokemon in my thread are untouched unless otherwise stated.
~ Please try to have proper spelling and grammar. If you have total disregard for the English language, odds are I won't trade with you.
~ If you want more information on any of my trades, don't hesitate to ask.
~ If this trade thread becomes popular, I might, MIGHT start including Pokerus with my trades. This may not be a certainty, however. I might also start throwing in random items as gifts as well. But, again, no certainty. (Random item gifts will not apply to Nintendo Event Pokemon already holding items.)

None - let's keep it that way!


Contact Information:
You can contact me for a trade either in this thread by posting (probably the best way to notice me), via forum PM, or on the Psypoke chatroom (however I'm not there all that often). I will only arrange a time to trade only after we've agreed on the offer. Here are times that I'm available (all times are Pacific Time, GMT -8, Daylight Savings Time will apply):

Mondays: 1pm-6pm
Tuesdays: 4-10pm
Wednesdays: 2-4.30pm, then 9-10pm
Thursdays: 4-6pm
Fridays: 1-5pm
Saturdays: Unable
Sundays: 9-10pm

Trades Completed:
Dare234: My shiny Crown Entei and 2 Tamato Berries for his shiny UT Sandshrew
MikotoNadakai: My DW Vulpix, Abra, and Bagon (I think it was those 3) for his UT event Deoxys and Shaymin
ChillBill: My DW female Vulpix and Dratini for his DW female Sewaddle, Frillish, and Vullaby.
Karima: My DW female Aerodactyl for his Focus Sash
Plumbgirlie: My events (Darkrai, Arceus, and Regigigas) for her DW female (Magby, Psyduck, Surskit, Chansey, among others)
(Will show the 5 most recent.)

Trades Pending:
Champloo: 45 of my DW females for several RNG'd stuff.

Things I need to edit into this post later:
Soft-reset for my Lightningrod Pikachu. Also some pending trades.

Wants List:
Any DW Pokemon that I don't have yet - but they must be level 1 (UT) and female. (Level 10 UT, i.e. straight from Entree Forest, works as well.) They are:
Low - Axew, Boldore, Bouffalant, Combee, Cottonee, Crustle, Galvantula, Garbodor, Grimer, Heatmor, Herdier, Krookodile, Larvitar, Luvdisc, Mienfoo, Pawniard, Pidove, Scyther, Shellos [Pink], Snorlax, Tirtouga, Watchog, Zebstrika
Medium - Cubchoo, Dunsparce, Duosion, Ekans, Emolga, Golett, Girafarig, Gurdurr, Heracross, Krabby, Mankey, Maractus, Pinsir, Scolipede, Vanillish, Woobat
High - Nothing right now
Special - Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Lugia, Ho-Oh
Additionally, if you have any of the above Pokemon and they AREN'T level 1 (or they're evolved), I may take them, but they still have to be female and have the hidden ability.
They're ranked in order of how much I value them, from lowest to highest. The name in bold in each list is the one I want the most from that list (except for Low, where there is no bolded name).

A Deoxys with a nature and IVs that would go well with a Defense Form set. I MUST have this in a GEN 4 GAME, no exceptions.
A Groudon caught in the Embedded Tower in SoulSilver. I MUST have this in a GEN 4 GAME, no exceptions.
A Bold or Calm Chansey with Seismic Toss and Counter. If it's just Seismic Toss that's fine, but I prefer both.
Random shinies. I like some more than others so I'll check your list.
Any Nintendo Event Pokemon I don't have yet.
The following items in a Gen 5 game (you can give them to a Pokemon that I want if you wish:)
Highlight to view spoiler.
Toxic/Flame Orbs, White Herb, Red Card, Eject Button, Wise Glasses, Muscle Band, Choice Items, Focus Sash, Life Orb, Air Balloon, Leftovers, Rocky Helmet, Eviolite
plus any item that makes a Pokemon evolve - Stones preferred.

Haves List - Nintendo Events (4G trades only):
I don't have the English Celebi yet. I'm trying to soft reset for a good one.
Deoxys Lv. 100, Naive, Neuter - OT Gamestp, ID 06218 - Is NOT Untouched; EV spread 6 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe; IV spread x/x/x/30/x/31; Extremespeed/Thunderbolt/Ice Beam/Superpower
Eevee Lv. 50, Hardy, Male - OT VGC10, ID 05080, Shiny, 31 Speed IV, holding Focus Sash
Raikou Lv. 30, Rash, Neuter - OT CROWN (Japanese), ID 06180, Shiny, holding Micle Berry - Unlocks Zoroark in B/W
Raikou Lv. 30, Rash, Neuter - OT GAMESTP, ID 01031, Shiny, holding Micle Berry - Unlocks Zoroark in B/W
Entei Lv. 30, Adamant, Neuter - OT CROWN (Japanese), ID 06180, Shiny, holding Custap Berry - Unlocks Zoroark in B/W
Entei Lv. 30, Adamant, Neuter - OT GAMESTP, ID 01171, Shiny, holding Custap Berry - Unlocks Zoroark in B/W
Suicune Lv. 30, Relaxed, Neuter - OT CROWN (Japanese), ID 06180, Shiny, holding Rowap Berry - Unlocks Zoroark in B/W
Suicune Lv. 30, Relaxed, Neuter - OT GAMESTP, ID 01311, Shiny, holding Rowap Berry - Unlocks Zoroark in B/W
Celebi Lv. 50, Quirky, Neuter - OT EIGAKAN (Japanese), ID 07100, holding Jaboca Berry - Unlocks Zorua in B/W
Scizor Lv. 50, Adamant, Male - OT GOON (Japanese), ID 06180, holding Starf Berry
Shaymin Lv. 50, Rash, Neuter - OT TRU, ID 02089, holding Micle Berry - 31 SpA IV
Regigigas Lv. 100, Lax, Neuter - OT TRU, ID 03089, holding Custap Berry - Unlocks Regirock/ice/steel in Platinum
Pichu Lv. 30, Jolly, Male - OT GAMESTP, ID 01300, holding Everstone - 31 Atk IV, 30-31 SpA IV; Unlocks Spiky-Ear Pichu in HGSS
Arceus Lv. 100, Serious, Neuter - OT TRU, ID 11079, holding Rowap Berry - Unlocks one of three Space-Time Dragons at Lv. 1 in HGSS
Jirachi Lv. 7, Naughty, Neuter - OT GAMESTP, ID 02270, holding Liechi Berry - 31 Spe IV; was raised only on Daycare experience
Jirachi Lv. 5, Rash, Neuter - OT SMR2010, ID 06260, holding Liechi Berry
Mew Lv. 5, Lonely, Neuter - OT FAL2010, ID 10160
Crobat Lv. 30, Timid, Male - OT WORLD10, ID 08150, holding Life Orb - Heat Wave/Air Slash/Super Fang/Sludge Bomb

Haves List - DW Pokemon (5G trades only):
The DW trade section is the primary bulk of this section. However, since my boxes in Gen 5 are generally more full, all DW Pokemon will have to be ordered upon request, i.e. I'm going to have to breed them first. I may already have some DW females in the boxes already, bred from previous trade requests; if that is the case, I'll let you know (when you ask) if I already have one.

Note, all Pokemon here will be level 1 unless otherwise stated, since I'll have to breed them, so be patient. There will also be a number to the left of each DW Pokemon, from 1 to 4 - ranked in order of how much I value it, 4 being the highest. (Actually, it's just using the old asterisk system right now. Asterisk means I value it higher.)
Note again, this section doesn't get updated very often; however, the contents of this section are basically all the DW Pokemon that are not on my wants list. Some of them aren't here, but if they aren't on my wants list, then they can be asked for. For convenience, since there's so many, they are listed alphabetically. Evolutions are not included in the list because it's implied.
*Abra DW - Magic Guard
Absol DW - Justified
Aerodactyl DW - Unnerve
Aipom DW - Skill Link
*Alomomola DW - Regenerator
Anorith DW - Swift Swim
*Aron DW - Heavy Metal
Audino DW - Klutz
*Bagon DW - Sheer Force (Becomes Overcoat on Shelgon, and Moxie on Salamence)
Barboach DW - Hydration
Basculin DW - Mold Breaker (either color)
Bellsprout DW - Gluttony
Bidoof DW - Moody
Buizel DW - Water Veil
Buneary DW - Limber
Burmy DW - Overcoat (Becomes Tinted Lens on Mothim)
Cacnea DW - Water Absorb
*Carvanha DW - Speed Boost
Caterpie DW - Run Away (Becomes Shed Skin on Metapod, and Tinted Lens on Butterfree)
Chansey DW - Healer
Chatot DW - Big Pecks
Chinchou DW - Water Absorb
*Clamperl DW - Rattled (Becomes Water Veil on Huntail, or Hydration on Gorebyss)
Cleffa DW - Friend Guard (Becomes Unaware on Clefable)
Corphish DW - Adaptability
Corsola DW - Regenerator
Cranidos DW - Sheer Force
Croagunk DW - Poison Touch
Cubone DW - Battle Armor
Darumaka DW - Inner Focus (Becomes Zen Mode upon evolving)
Delibird DW - Insomnia
Diglett DW - Sand Force
Doduo DW - Tangled Feet
Drilbur DW - Mold Breaker
Drowzee DW - Inner Focus
Druddigon DW - Mold Breaker
Ducklett DW - Hydration
Durant DW - Truant
*Dratini DW - Marvel Scale (Becomes Multiscale on Dragonite)
*Drifloon DW - Flare Boost
*Eevee DW - Anticipation (Changes upon evolving, depending on evolution chosen)
Electrike DW - Minus
Elekid DW - Vital Spirit
Elgyem DW - Analytic
Exeggcute DW - Harvest
Farfetch'd DW - Defiant
Finneon DW - Water Veil
*Foongus DW - Regenerator
Geodude DW - Sand Veil
*Gible DW - Rough Skin
Glameow DW - Limber (Becomes Defiant upon evolving)
*Gligar DW - Immunity (Becomes Poison Heal upon evolving)
Goldeen DW - Lightningrod
Growlithe DW - Justified
Gulpin DW - Gluttony
Hippopotas DW - Sand Force
Hoothoot DW - Tinted Lens
Hoppip DW - Infiltrator
Horsea DW - Damp
Houndour DW - Unnerve
Igglybuff DW - Friend Guard (Becomes Frisk on Wigglytuff)
*Illumise DW - Prankster
Kabuto DW - Weak Armor
Karrablast DW - No Guard (Becomes Overcoat upon evolving)
Kangaskhan DW - Inner Focus
Kricketot DW - Run Away (Becomes Technician upon evolving)
Lapras DW - Hydration
Ledyba DW - Rattled (Becomes Iron Fist upon evolving)
Lickitung DW - Cloud Nine
Lileep DW - Storm Drain
Lotad DW - Own Tempo
Machop DW - Steadfast
Magby DW - Vital Spirit
*Magikarp DW - Rattled (Becomes Moxie upon evolving)
Makuhita DW - Sheer Force
Mantine/Mantyke DW - Water Veil
Mareep DW - Plus
*Marill DW - Sap Sipper
Mawile DW - Sheer Force
Meditite DW - Telepathy
Meowth DW - Unnerve
Miltank DW - Sap Sipper
*Minccino DW - Skill Link
Mr. Mime/Mime Jr. DW - Technician
Munna DW - Telepathy
Murkrow DW - Prankster (Becomes Moxie upon evolving)
*Natu DW - Magic Bounce
Nidoran F DW - Hustle (Becomes Sheer Force upon evolving)
Nidoran M DW - Hustle (Becomes Sheer Force upon evolving)
Nincada DW - Run Away (Becomes Infiltrator upon evolving)
Nosepass DW - Sand Force
Numel DW - Own Tempo (Becomes Anger Point upon evolving)
Oddish DW - Run Away (Become Stench on Gloom, Effect Spore on Vileplume, or Healer on Bellossom)
Omanyte DW - Weak Armor
Onix DW - Weak Armor (Becomes Sheer Force upon evolving)
Pachirisu DW - Volt Absorb
Paras DW - Damp
*Petilil DW - Leaf Guard
Phanpy DW - Sand Veil
Pidgey DW - Big Pecks
Pineco DW - Overcoat
*Poliwag DW - Swift Swim (Becomes Drizzle on Politoed)
Ponyta DW - Flame Body
Poochyena DW - Rattled (Becomes Moxie upon evolving)
Psyduck DW - Swift Swim
*Purrloin DW - Prankster
Qwilfish DW - Intimidate
Ralts DW - Telepathy (Becomes Justified on Gallade)
Rattata DW - Hustle
Relicanth DW - Sturdy
Remoraid DW - Moody
Rhyhorn DW - Reckless
*Riolu DW - Prankster (Becomes Justified upon evolving)
*Roselia DW - Leaf Guard
*Sableye DW - Prankster
*Sandshrew DW - Sand Rush
Scraggy DW - Intimidate
Seedot DW - Pickpocket
Seel DW - Ice Body
Sentret DW - Frisk
Seviper DW - Infiltrator
Sewaddle DW - Overcoat
Shellder DW - Overcoat
Shellos DW - Sand Force (Currently Blue/East Sea only)
Shelmet DW - Overcoat (Becomes Unburden upon evolving)
Shieldon DW - Soundproof
Shinx DW - Guts
*Shroomish DW - Quick Feet (Becomes Technician upon evolving)
Shuckle DW - Contrary
Shuppet DW - Cursed Body
Sigilyph DW - Tinted Lens
*Skarmory DW - Weak Armor
Skitty DW - Wonder Skin
Skorupi DW - Keen Eye
*Slowpoke DW - Regenerator
Slugma DW - Weak Armor
*Smeargle DW - Moody
Smoochum DW - Hydration
Sneasel DW - Pickpocket
Snorunt DW - Moody (Becomes Cursed Body on Froslass)
Snover DW - Soundproof
Snubbull DW - Rattled
Spearow DW - Sniper
Spheal DW - Oblivious
Spinarak DW - Sniper
*Spinda DW - Contrary
Spiritomb DW - Infiltrator
Spoink DW - Gluttony
Stantler DW - Sap Sipper
*Starly DW - Reckless
Stunfisk DW - Sand Veil
Stunky DW - Keen Eye
Sudowoodo/Bonsly DW - Rattled
Sunkern DW - Early Bird
Surskit DW - Rain Dish (Becomes Unnerve upon evolving)
Swablu DW - Cloud Nine
*Swinub DW - Thick Fat
Taillow DW - Scrappy
Tangela DW - Regenerator
Tauros DW - Sheer Force
Teddiursa DW - Honey Gather (Becomes Unnerve upon evolving)
*Tentacool DW - Rain Dish
*Togepi DW - Super Luck
Torkoal DW - Shell Armor
Tropius DW - Harvest
Tympole DW - Water Absorb
*Venonat DW - Run Away (Becomes Tinted Lens upon evolving)
*Volbeat DW - Prankster
*Vulpix DW - Drought
Wailmer DW - Pressure
Weedle DW - Run Away (Becomes Shed Skin on Kakuna, and Sniper on Beedrill)
Whismur DW - Scrappy
*Wingull DW - Rain Dish
Wobbuffet/Wynaut DW - Telepathy
*Wooper DW - Unaware
Wurmple DW - Run Away (Becomes Shed Skin upon evolving, and either Rivalry on Beautifly, or Compoundeyes on Dustox)
Yanma DW - Frisk
Zangoose DW - Toxic Boost
Zigzagoon DW - Quick Feet
Zubat DW - Infiltrator

Haves List - Other:
I've got all sorts of stuff in 4G for trade; I can get basically any Pokemon on request, but if you ask for a legend, it'll be given to you as a clone. If you want something, ask. I might be able to throw in an egg move or 2 if I can.

Elekid Lv. 1, Adamant, Male - Knows Low Kick
Bagon Lv. 1, Jolly, Male - Comes with Hydro Pump, Dragon Dance AND Dragon Pulse
Bagon Lv. 1, Jolly, Male - Comes with Hydro Pump, Dragon Dance AND Dragon Pulse
Litwick Lv. 1, Hasty, Male - Has Flame Body and Heat Wave; 31 SpAtk IV
Litwick Lv. 1, Modest, Male - Has Flame Body and Heat Wave; 31 SpAtk IV
Porygon Lv. 1, Timid - Has Trace and Ice Beam; 31 Spe IV
Piplup Lv. 1, Timid - Nothing special much.
Munna Lv. 1 - Comes with Synchronize - Note, this Pokemon must be ordered upon request. Pick the nature you want.

I'm also capable of getting a large range of Pokemon, for Pokedex completion purposes, version-exclusives, or whatever. If you want something, ask, and I'll see if I have it. (Make sure to check the DW list first, though. If you want, I can get you something on the DW list with the normal ability - again, don't hesitate to ask.)[/color]

5G - Deinos and Larvestas:
This special entry is reserved for all the Deino and Larvesta I am offering to trade. They will always have at least 1 IV that is a 31. Generally it will be HP, but it is allowed to make a special request for a different 31 or even multiple 31s. A special nature can also be requested if you don't see it below on this list. You can also ask for their IVs which are not 31 and I will check them for you.

All Deino come with Tackle, Dragon Rage, Thunder Wave, and Dark Pulse. All Larvesta come with Ember and String Shot.

The IVs you can ask for Deino: HP, Attack, Sp. Atk, Speed
The IVs you can ask for Larvesta: HP, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed

Deino Lv. 1, Adamant, Male - 31 HP IV
Deino Lv. 1, Bold, Female - 31 Def IV
Deino Lv. 1, Timid, Female, - 31/31/x/x/x/x IVs
Deino Lv. 1, Brave, Male - 31 HP IV
Deino Lv. 1, Hardy, Male - 31/x/x/31/x/x IVs
Deino Lv. 1, Bashful, Male - 31/x/x/31/x/x IVs

Larvesta Lv. 1, Bold, Male - 31/x/x/31/31/x IVs, "Outstanding potential"
Larvesta Lv. 1, Mild, Female - 31/x/x/x/31/31 IVs, "Relatively superior potential"
Larvesta Lv. 1, Timid, Female - 31/x/x/31/x/x IVs, "Relatively superior potential"
Larvesta Lv. 1, Timid, Male - 31/x/x/31/x/x IVs, "Relatively superior potential"
Larvesta Lv. 1, Timid, Male - 31/x/x/x/31/x IVs, "Relatively superior potential"
Larvesta Lv. 1, Timid, Male - 31/x/x/x/31/x IVs, "Outstanding potential"
Larvesta Lv. 1, Timid, Female - x/x/x/x/31/31 IVs, "Outstanding potential"
Larvesta Lv. 1, Timid, Female - 31/x/x/x/x/31 IVs, "Relatively superior potential"
Larvesta Lv. 1, Timid, Male - x/x/x/31/x/31 IVs, "Relatively superior potential"
Larvesta Lv. 1, Timid, Female - 31/x/x/x/x/31 IVs, "Relatively superior potential"
Larvesta Lv. 1, Timid, Male - x/x/x/31/x/31 IVs, "Above average potential"

I wish the spoilers here were like actual boxes that you could expand and contract, but unfortunately they aren't. Sorry.
Happy trading!


Last edited by DNA on Fri Aug 02, 2013 9:47 am, edited 70 times in total.

Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:03 pm
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Glad to see that you have a shop -I may not be your first customer, but I would like to place an order for a couple of things. And so you know you do have the right to deny any of my requests. I will pm you shortly with a list of wants/haves.

Pacific Time Zone (UTC-8) and I work graveyard. So the best time to contact me is 8am-12noon(I might be working outside) or 8pm-9:30pm Mon-Sat.
Pearl - Loki 3180 2509 3375

-I am a Shiny Breeder and can breed one if you PM me.
My Shiny Trading thread:

Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:49 am
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Ironically enough, I actually used to have this exact trade thread over at Pokebeach, but since their Wifi section waned I had to close up shop, and then spend pretty much all day yesterday tweaking my draft thread so it was up to date. (I hadn't updated it in months.)

A few questions first. I've seen and read your PM.

First off, are you going to trade the shinies into Gen 4 or Gen 5? (And I am assuming they are legit.) Gen 4 is preferred since I can clone them from there, but whatever you wish is fine. And do I get to pick a nature I want, or only the species?

I believe I have spares of all the DW Pokemon you want except Rhyhorn, but I could breed that one easily for you. Or if you want I can breed any of the others, but I do have the other three ready and waiting. (I know I listed them in the thread, but I'm not sure if I listed Tauros.)

As for Pokemon with 3 or more 31s? So far the Deinos and Larvestas are the only ones I have; I could TRY to open sections for Solosis and Sigilyph as well, as I believe I can get babies with 3 31s for those, but I haven't started to do either of those yet professionally. If demand rises, however, I will consider doing that.


Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:30 pm
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Hi I was recomended by mallratdogma , I am looking for a shiny event Entei, the gamestop one you have is good. It will be for my gen 4 game in return I offer a legit Victini for gen 5 if you respond i'll tell you the natures I have left. I restarted the game alot of time during the event so all of them are legit they all bring a fire gem if am correct and all are untouched. Let me know if you can do this trade ty.

soulsilver fc Elks 2666 5019 6010
White fc ELKS 4985 5562 7373
Black fc CORE 4684 9432 3917

Tue Jan 10, 2012 6:59 pm
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I'd prefer a Jolly one if you have one around, and I'd like to know its IVs as well (since I may want to EV train it). If that's not acceptable, what else do you have for trade?


Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:54 pm
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Ok if I dont have it right off the back, i'll have it in a day or 2 after I soft restart for it lol. As far as e.v. I wouldn't have the slightest idea, all of them came at lv 50. But if this helps they are all untouched still, none has been trained with the exeption of my original Victini but that one isnt for trade lol.

soulsilver fc Elks 2666 5019 6010
White fc ELKS 4985 5562 7373
Black fc CORE 4684 9432 3917

Wed Jan 11, 2012 1:16 pm
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I know you said they were untouched - that implies that all its EVs are at 0. I just want to know the IVs.
Calculating at level 50 will only give an error margin of 1, which is fine for me, plus the Judge in the Battle Subway can tell you which ones, if any, are 31s.


Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:34 pm
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I know that bumping is allowed (once per, what, week, is it?), and although it's not encouraged, it's been a month since the last post in this thread, and during that time I've been making a bunch of small additions and such - I actually regularly edit the title to reflect the last update time.

Hit me up, guys!


Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:26 am
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Any chance you'll be hatching eggs from the Adamant Extremespeed Dratini you recently acquired? I would like one of the same, also male. I have a Quirky Ditto you can have, and I'd be happy to TRY to find a way to breed Rapid Spin onto Tentacool.

Let me know wha'cha think.

(Fell for it ... "waiting for someone to click here" ... hillarious!) :lol:

PLT FC: 0347 9101 1111 Anne
HG FC: 1421 0804 7374 Troy
BLK FC: 3998 3436 1731 Elvira
WHT2 FC: 3010 9810 2280 Elvira
Pokemon X and Y: 1263-6806-3915 Elle

Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:13 pm
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Edit: I have a Kabutops with Rapid Spin that I can breed with Tent if you like. Assuming you want a male? Nature? Ability? I only have the one EV'd Kabutops, so I really don't want to part with it.

PLT FC: 0347 9101 1111 Anne
HG FC: 1421 0804 7374 Troy
BLK FC: 3998 3436 1731 Elvira
WHT2 FC: 3010 9810 2280 Elvira
Pokemon X and Y: 1263-6806-3915 Elle

Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:45 pm
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I am very interested in your DW Clamperl. I have a DW Surskit (The level 10 one has Hydro Pump, but if you want I could get you a newly hatched one) and a shiny Lunatone. I can also give them an evolutionary stone (preferably a Shiny Stone and a Dusk Stone). I can also possibly get a Male Budew with Worry Seed for your Cottonee.

Let me know anything~



sad but rad

Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:42 pm
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(Fell for it ... "waiting for someone to click here" ... hillarious!)


Plumbgirlie wrote:
Any chance you'll be hatching eggs from the Adamant Extremespeed Dratini you recently acquired? I would like one of the same, also male. I have a Quirky Ditto you can have, and I'd be happy to TRY to find a way to breed Rapid Spin onto Tentacool.

Edit: I have a Kabutops with Rapid Spin that I can breed with Tent if you like. Assuming you want a male? Nature? Ability? I only have the one EV'd Kabutops, so I really don't want to part with it.

I probably will, actually, seeing as ExtremeSpeed Dratini's in rather high demand. Not quite sure when I'm going to go about it, but I'll try to do so ASAP.

The males are the ones that pass on the egg moves, so yes, I'd want to have the Rapid Spin user be male.

Dragonair101 wrote:
I am very interested in your DW Clamperl. I have a DW Surskit (The level 10 one has Hydro Pump, but if you want I could get you a newly hatched one) and a shiny Lunatone. I can also give them an evolutionary stone (preferably a Shiny Stone and a Dusk Stone). I can also possibly get a Male Budew with Worry Seed for your Cottonee.

Let me know anything~


As long as the DW Surskit is female, I'm fine with it, regardless of whether or not it has any special moves. As far as evolutionary stones go, I'm always willing to accept those, since it's very difficult to get more. And a male Budew with Worry Seed? Sounds promising! I'll give it some thought.

Now, to both of you:

I do not know whether or not I edited this into the OP, but in any case, I do not currently have my Black game on me - I have not had it since June 23, and it is currently in possession of a friend. If all goes well, however, I should be able to get my Black game back by this Saturday, July 14. Until then I can't conduct any actual trades (or preparations thereof, sadly), but I'm still able to negotiate.
Just be aware I won't be able to get things ready for you both right away.


Wed Jul 11, 2012 10:12 am
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Thanks,DNA ...

In the meantime, I am also interested in your Jiraci Lv. 5 -Rash, Neuter-OT SMR2010, ID 06260, holding a liechi berry. Would my previous offer be 'fair'? If not, is there anything else I can possibly get for you from HG or Pt (items, pokes, master balls, etc.)? Have a bunch of throw-away Dittos, as well. I've a few shinies:
Chikorita- Serious, Lv 1, UT
Roselia - Rash, Lv 49, UT
Mudkip - Mild, Lv 1, UT (31 spe evs)

I have your Tentacool w/ Rapid Spin. I leveled a Rash one to 26 so that you'll have more time in the DC before it's moves get deleted, since you are using it to breed. Also kept a Lv 1 Calm just in case. :) Will breed any nature if you so desire.

Btw ... I currently have no Gen 5 games, only HG & Pt with which to trade. (see Sig)

Thank you for your time!

PLT FC: 0347 9101 1111 Anne
HG FC: 1421 0804 7374 Troy
BLK FC: 3998 3436 1731 Elvira
WHT2 FC: 3010 9810 2280 Elvira
Pokemon X and Y: 1263-6806-3915 Elle

Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:35 pm
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In the meantime, I am also interested in your Jiraci Lv. 5 -Rash, Neuter-OT SMR2010, ID 06260, holding a liechi berry. Would my previous offer be 'fair'?

So the things of mine you want are a Jirachi and a Dratini, and the things of yours that I want are a male Tentacool with Rapid Spin and the Quirky Ditto.
Was that the offer you were referring to?


Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:15 pm
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DNA wrote:
In the meantime, I am also interested in your Jiraci Lv. 5 -Rash, Neuter-OT SMR2010, ID 06260, holding a liechi berry. Would my previous offer be 'fair'?

So the things of mine you want are a Jirachi and a Dratini, and the things of yours that I want are a male Tentacool with Rapid Spin and the Quirky Ditto.
Was that the offer you were referring to?

That is correct, if you feel that is a fair trade.

PLT FC: 0347 9101 1111 Anne
HG FC: 1421 0804 7374 Troy
BLK FC: 3998 3436 1731 Elvira
WHT2 FC: 3010 9810 2280 Elvira
Pokemon X and Y: 1263-6806-3915 Elle

Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:52 pm
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Sounds reasonable! What's a good trade time for you? Sometime next week would probably work best for me.
(Look in the OP for times I'm around.)


Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:05 pm
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DNA wrote:
Sounds reasonable! What's a good trade time for you? Sometime next week would probably work best for me.
(Look in the OP for times I'm around.)

I will check back with you on Tuesday of next week, 7:00 pm and onward.

If things get hectic and you don't have time for breeding, that's fine. No rush on my end ... we'll just work out another time.

Thanks so much!

PLT FC: 0347 9101 1111 Anne
HG FC: 1421 0804 7374 Troy
BLK FC: 3998 3436 1731 Elvira
WHT2 FC: 3010 9810 2280 Elvira
Pokemon X and Y: 1263-6806-3915 Elle

Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:17 am
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Tuesday 7pm and onward? I'm assuming you mean Pacific Time, since those are the times I use.
Sounds good to me! I'll get them both ready.


Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:37 pm
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"Celebi Lv. 50, Quirky, Neuter - OT EIGAKAN (Japanese), ID 07100, holding Jaboca Berry - Unlocks Zorua in B/W"
Does your Celebi trigger the event with the Shrine in Ilex Forest, HGSS ??

I can think i can offer an Embedded Tower - Groudon.

Fri Jul 13, 2012 12:31 pm
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kjalabama wrote:
"Celebi Lv. 50, Quirky, Neuter - OT EIGAKAN (Japanese), ID 07100, holding Jaboca Berry - Unlocks Zorua in B/W"
Does your Celebi trigger the event with the Shrine in Ilex Forest, HGSS ??

I can think i can offer an Embedded Tower - Groudon.

I haven't tried yet (since I myself have not gotten around to doing the Celebi event in my own HGSS), but it should be able to. If not, I'll refund you.

Ooh, an Embedded Tower Groudon! What's its nature, IVs (if you know them), and EVs (if any)?


Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:41 pm
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DNA wrote:
I haven't tried yet (since I myself have not gotten around to doing the Celebi event in my own HGSS), but it should be able to. If not, I'll refund you.

Ooh, an Embedded Tower Groudon! What's its nature, IVs (if you know them), and EVs (if any)?

At the moment of typing, I do not have my DS on-hand, so I do not know any of them yet. But I will reply again asap when i know them. Even though it may have wrong nature etc, you still want it right?

Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:12 pm
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should I edit my last post or post a new one? ^^

Well anyways Embedded Tower - Groudon, has MODEST nature,IVs are, if IV-calculator is right, 26/1/3/19/21/23, it seems UT to me.
The IVs can vary with -1 in every stat except HP.

And i got it on gts, where it was named RAYQUAZA, so unfortunately you will have to deal with a Groudon that dreams of someday to become a Rayquaza. So if you are ever able to learn him fly and turn him into a green groudon, thats the closest you will ever come to fullify his dream. Just keep that in mind ^^

So when are you able to trade? I can do it mostly anytime.

Sat Jul 14, 2012 6:41 am
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Okay, sorry for not responding earlier. I'm finally at home now, so I can successfully log in and respond to you all.

kjalabama, it's Modest and named RAYQUAZA? Ew, do not want >_<
Sorry; I'd rather have one with a good nature. The nickname's also kind of annoying, not to mention it could make me run into tourney troubles down the line...

Dragonair101, I'll try and breed a DW Clamperl to swap for your Surskit. I'll worry about what I want for the Budew later; I'll check your trade thread.

FallenLeaf, I've seen your message; I'll peruse your thread and let you know if I want anything else.

My Black version is now once again in my possession and, for the most part, fully operational. Gen 5 trading is now once again open for business!


Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:15 pm
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if you are going to use it, and competite with i totally understand that you don't want it groudon cause of its nickname and nature. thats nothing i can do about :/ but if it were just for the rayquaza-quest ingame, it works fine, i used it my self.

-- exactly why do you think modest is a bad nature? -Atk +SpA. Unless you are planning to relay Fissure and Earthquake, MODEST is a good nature for Groudon.
Btw now i have gotten rid of that RAYQUAZA. now i just got a japanese MODEST, Embedded Tower. And this one isn't UT either.
Are you sure you don't want it??

but now I want more. Now I found a lot of your low priority Pokemon:
- Cacnea, lvl 1, Bold, male :/
- Tyouge "FIGHTER", lvl 1, Modest
- Tyrouge, lvl 1, Timid
- scyther, lvl 1, Naive, Female
- Drowzee, lvl 10, Hardy, Female
- Wynaut, lvl 1, Bold, Female (instead of wobuffet, couldn't find him again)
- shellos [PINK], lvl 1, Quiet, Female
- Larvitar, lvl 42 (Safari Zone), Sassy, Female
-Farfetch'D, lvl 16, Modest, Male. (I can see if i can find farfetch-stick too)
- Absol, lvl 13, Bashful, Male (w/ Super Luck)
- Skorupi, lvl 1, Mild, Female, pokerus, Att IV=26 (Sniper ability. Slash, Night Slash, X-scissor )

Pichu Lv. 30, Jolly, Male - OT GAMESTP, ID 01300, holding Everstone - 31 Atk IV, 30-31 SpA IV; Unlocks Spiky-Ear Pichu in HGSS
Arceus Lv. 100, Serious, Neuter - OT TRU, ID 11079, holding Rowap Berry - Unlocks one of three Space-Time Dragons at Lv. 1 in HGSS
Deoxys Lv. 100, Naive, Neuter - OT Gamestp, ID 06218 - Is NOT Untouched; EV spread 6 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe; IV spread x/x/x/30/x/31; Extremespeed/Thunderbolt/Ice Beam/Superpower
Celebi Lv. 50, Quirky, Neuter - OT EIGAKAN (Japanese), ID 07100, holding Jaboca Berry - Unlocks Zorua in B/W
Eevee Lv. 50, Hardy, Male - OT VGC10, ID 05080, Shiny, 31 Speed IV, holding Focus Sash
Shaymin Lv. 50, Rash, Neuter - OT TRU, ID 02089, holding Micle Berry - 31 SpA IV

how much would it take to pay for all these, in items and/or pokemon?

Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:54 pm
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Modest is the worst possible nature for Groudon. It's terrible.

how much would it take to pay for all these, in items and/or pokemon?

Probably a lot. I'll peruse your trade thread and see what I want.

Edit: The KEIKO Kyogre and the Naive Latias are possibles. Do you know what their EVs/IVs are?


Mon Jul 16, 2012 5:03 pm
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