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Does Wednesday sound good?

Mon Jul 23, 2012 3:43 pm
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This concerns...well, basically all of you.

So today I spent a couple hours upgrading my Internet service, and now I finally have my new modem and everything's hooked up. That means everything's all happy!
Well, not completely. My new router uses WPA security, and as you people may or may not know (but probably don't), I use a DS Lite for Wi-Fi trading, and DS Lites can only use WEP.

I do have a 3DS, so it will be totally possible to trade still over Wi-Fi, but I'm still debating whether or not I should switch over to the 3DS (and lose all my Pal Pad data), or try and find a way to stay on my DS Lite and keep all the data. (It would involve me disconnecting and reconnecting my old modem constantly, which could be really weird...not to mention impractical.)

So for the time being, until I figure out a good solution, all trades will be put ON HOLD. I will post another update in this thread when my DS trading services will be back up again.


Mon Jul 23, 2012 4:10 pm
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I don't know if you have tried this already or if it even works for your system, but it worked for me atleast.

find "cmd" --> type in "ipconfig" in cmd. Scroll down and find your "Standard Gateway." Type that number in your browser, and you will be able to log into your router. And there you should be able to change Wireless encryption aswell as a lot of other settings.

Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:22 am
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kjalabama wrote:
I don't know if you have tried this already or if it even works for your system, but it worked for me atleast.

find "cmd" --> type in "ipconfig" in cmd. Scroll down and find your "Standard Gateway." Type that number in your browser, and you will be able to log into your router. And there you should be able to change Wireless encryption aswell as a lot of other settings.

I'm going to try doing that, since I just found out that Diamond version isn't compatible with WPA at all (even if I put it in the 3DS). It'll be an easier fix, for sure - I won't lose the Pal Pad, for one thing.

I thought this would be a fast fix. welp >_<

I did exactly what you said, and it worked. Super-easy fix!

Okay, so far I have the following trades on pending:

kjalabama at 2.30pm Pacific Time (approx) on Wednesday
doglover235890 at 4.00pm Pacific Time on Wednesday

As far as I can tell, my Wi-Fi now works perfectly well, and my Friend Codes will be exactly the same. Are you guys still both on for trading tomorrow?


Tue Jul 24, 2012 3:23 pm
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glad i could help! :D Yeah I'm up for the trade.

Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:38 am
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since you didn't show up at 8-hour mark, I guess it would have to be 9 hours between as you said. Anyways I am having my DS right next to me, waiting in the wifi-room, and there I will stand for one hour. Hope to see you there.

Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:10 pm
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Yes I am still trading tomorrow.

Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:30 pm
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Trade with kjalabama completed! Proof that my Wi-Fi still works.

@doglover: I don't have your friend code yet. What is it?


Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:31 pm
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My freind code is 4212 1188 8133

Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:35 pm
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doglover235890 wrote:
My freind code is 4212 1188 8133

Logged. See you in an hour.


Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:02 pm
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I just realized that i posted the wrong friend code my friend code is 3525 8747 4525 I think I accidently posted my Pokemon Black friend code.

Last edited by doglover235890 on Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:06 pm
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doglover235890 wrote:
I just realized that i posted the wrong freind code my freind code is 3525 8747 4525

Okay, I wrote down that one instead.
I am assuming you're using a 4th gen game, right?

I think I accidently posted my Pokemon Black friend code.

Just whichever one is the 4th gen one is fine by me.


Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:10 pm
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Trade with doglover finished! Pleasure doing business with the both of you.

I've updated the OP up to right now - at least, I think I have - so it should be mostly up to date.

Dragonair101, I know I need to get that Clamperl for you. I haven't done it just yet, but I haven't forgotten! I'm working on it.


Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:20 pm
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My Gen 5 trading will be shut down again until August 18th (at the earliest). My Black version is going off to Hawaii for Worlds 2012 to obtain the Nintendo event there, and until the guy who has it gets back from his vacation, I cannot do Gen 5 trades.

I did get the Clamperl ready, though.


Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:51 pm
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Hello, again ...

Just a friendly reminder that I currently only have Pt and HG with which to trade. :)

I am aware that you can Poke Transfer (aka: Pokeshift) from 4th Gen to 5th Gen, though I don't know if you actually do. If you do, here is my offer:

A Poke that knows Worry Seed to breed with Cottonee.
An Aron that knows Head Smash.
I have Focus Sashes and Evolutionary Stones, though I don't know if those would be of use to you as you can't transfer those to a 5th Gen game, however unfortunate.

My interest of yours:

Pichu Lv. 30, Jolly, Male - OT GAMESTP, ID 01300, holding Everstone - 31 Atk IV, 30-31 SpA IV; Unlocks Spiky-Ear Pichu in HGSS

Should you be interested in trading my 2 Pokes (plus any of the items stated, if they are of use to you), would you consider switching out the Everstone (I have about 30 of those) for a Custap Berry (first choice), an Enigma Berry (second choice, if you have one), or a Salac Berry (third choice, if you have one)?

Let me know wha'cha think, after considering ...


PLT FC: 0347 9101 1111 Anne
HG FC: 1421 0804 7374 Troy
BLK FC: 3998 3436 1731 Elvira
WHT2 FC: 3010 9810 2280 Elvira
Pokemon X and Y: 1263-6806-3915 Elle

Wed Aug 01, 2012 8:31 am
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I am aware that you can Poke Transfer (aka: Pokeshift) from 4th Gen to 5th Gen, though I don't know if you actually do.

I do, so I can do it for someone else's benefit or even my own.

If you do, here is my offer:

A Poke that knows Worry Seed to breed with Cottonee.
An Aron that knows Head Smash.
I have Focus Sashes and Evolutionary Stones, though I don't know if those would be of use to you as you can't transfer those to a 5th Gen game, however unfortunate.

As far as items in a 4th Gen game go, I'm basically okay; I don't need any. By the way, is the Aron male? It would help if it was.

My interest of yours:

Pichu Lv. 30, Jolly, Male - OT GAMESTP, ID 01300, holding Everstone - 31 Atk IV, 30-31 SpA IV; Unlocks Spiky-Ear Pichu in HGSS

Should you be interested in trading my 2 Pokes (plus any of the items stated, if they are of use to you), would you consider switching out the Everstone (I have about 30 of those) for a Custap Berry (first choice), an Enigma Berry (second choice, if you have one), or a Salac Berry (third choice, if you have one)?

I can give you any one of those berries instead of the Everstone, so I'll give you a Custap Berry. (The reason I put Everstone as default is because that's the item the event comes with.) Either way, that seems like a fair trade to me.


Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:30 am
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Yes, both of the Pokes I am to give you will be male.

Thank you for switching out the Everstone for the Custap berry!

I'll get to work on breeding those pokemon for you tonight. What would be a good day/time for you to trade?

PLT FC: 0347 9101 1111 Anne
HG FC: 1421 0804 7374 Troy
BLK FC: 3998 3436 1731 Elvira
WHT2 FC: 3010 9810 2280 Elvira
Pokemon X and Y: 1263-6806-3915 Elle

Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:20 pm
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Plumbgirlie wrote:

Yes, both of the Pokes I am to give you will be male.

Thank you for switching out the Everstone for the Custap berry!

I'll get to work on breeding those pokemon for you tonight. What would be a good day/time for you to trade?

The times in the OP are still mostly accurate, so what's a good time for you out of those?


Wed Aug 01, 2012 5:36 pm
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DNA wrote:
Plumbgirlie wrote:

Yes, both of the Pokes I am to give you will be male.

Thank you for switching out the Everstone for the Custap berry!

I'll get to work on breeding those pokemon for you tonight. What would be a good day/time for you to trade?

The times in the OP are still mostly accurate, so what's a good time for you out of those?

I have both of your Pokemon ready.

1 Bulbasaur, male, with Worry Seed
1 Aron, male, with Head Smash

How does today, at 5:00PM EST work for you?



I just wanted to let you know that I was here in the forum. My apologies to you for neglecting a reply last night. I did the 'sofa-crash' thing ... TV on, computer running, both games going ... the works. :oops:

I have sent 3 PM's your way, but none seem to be getting through. They never appear in my SENT folder. I don't know what's going on.

Let me know when you would like to reschedule. Saturdays are out for both of us. Sunday evening could work ... and then we're back to the weekdays, where I am very flexible to any time that works for you, really. So, you name the time.


PLT FC: 0347 9101 1111 Anne
HG FC: 1421 0804 7374 Troy
BLK FC: 3998 3436 1731 Elvira
WHT2 FC: 3010 9810 2280 Elvira
Pokemon X and Y: 1263-6806-3915 Elle

Thu Aug 02, 2012 8:07 am
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5.00pm EST (2pm my time) would have worked for me if I'd logged on earlier, but unfortunately I don't frequent Psypoke as often as I'd like.
Let's see...

Friday the 3rd should work, as I'll be free most of the day. Sunday evening should work as well, and after that I will be mostly occupied from the 6th to the 9th, since that's finals week for me.

I'll try to pop in frequently tomorrow and see what works best for you.


Thu Aug 02, 2012 9:11 pm
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It's around 11:30AM EST. I'll keep checking periodically. If you check in and have a specific time you'd like to meet, just name it. Hopefully, I will see it in time and meet you back here at that time. :)

Edit: Still hanging around. It's almost 1:00, my time. I need to get some yardwork done, so I will check back around 2:30, my time. Hope to run into you then!

Checking in. It's just after 2:30. Let's say, always 'my time' ... it keeps it simpler. lol

PLT FC: 0347 9101 1111 Anne
HG FC: 1421 0804 7374 Troy
BLK FC: 3998 3436 1731 Elvira
WHT2 FC: 3010 9810 2280 Elvira
Pokemon X and Y: 1263-6806-3915 Elle

Fri Aug 03, 2012 8:31 am
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...Dang, errands got in the way and I wasn't able to log in until now. I apologize.

Eh, I'll just set a time and focus on making it. Does Monday any time after 7pm Eastern Time work for you?


Fri Aug 03, 2012 3:55 pm
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DNA wrote:
...Dang, errands got in the way and I wasn't able to log in until now. I apologize.

Eh, I'll just set a time and focus on making it. Does Monday any time after 7pm Eastern Time work for you?

Almost ... 11:59 PM is after 7:00 PM, and that might be a little late, not to mention it's a 5 hour wait. lol

So, how 'bout we say Monday, between 7:00PM and 10:00 PM ET? If that doesn't work for you, just leave a message and we will schedule something else. Not a problem. Enjoy your weekend!

PLT FC: 0347 9101 1111 Anne
HG FC: 1421 0804 7374 Troy
BLK FC: 3998 3436 1731 Elvira
WHT2 FC: 3010 9810 2280 Elvira
Pokemon X and Y: 1263-6806-3915 Elle

Fri Aug 03, 2012 6:34 pm
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That works for me just fine! Sure, I can make that. I have your Pichu all ready to go!


Sat Aug 04, 2012 10:55 am
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Checking in and letting you know I'm here. I have your Lv. 31 Bulbasaur and Lv. 21 Aron in tow. Both were leveled in the daycare. I'll keep popping in to see if you've arrived.

Edit: It is now 9:58pm ET. I'll wait a little while longer ...

Edit: It's now 11:05. Bedtime for Bonzo. We will try again another day.

PLT FC: 0347 9101 1111 Anne
HG FC: 1421 0804 7374 Troy
BLK FC: 3998 3436 1731 Elvira
WHT2 FC: 3010 9810 2280 Elvira
Pokemon X and Y: 1263-6806-3915 Elle

Mon Aug 06, 2012 4:31 pm
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