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Has anyone realized how stupid people are getting these days? I've found that most, if not all, of the kids today are starting to lack grammar. The younger they are, the more they lack in social skills. Now, I know that theyre younger so they dont have much of a choice, but I'm not counting like kindergarters or 1st or 2nd graders. But seriously. I'm sure they should know more social skills and be less self-centered. Anyone agree?

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Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:41 am
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I blame the Internet and its lax standards. It makes sense; that seems to be the underlying reason for it.


Fri Jun 01, 2012 2:46 pm
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I blame civilization and our slow move from being as nature intended us to be. "Littluns" would be more respectful if they still had the fear of the older, wiser, stronger, bigger person that they are instead mouthing off to. But yeah, internet plays a big role for the grammar issue, methinks!

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Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:01 pm
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I know, and then you have those kids who go around talking like they're so much better than everyone else. What's the deal with that.

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Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:45 pm
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Don't you like hate like when like people talk like this? Especially in text messages. I dunno how people can stand writing like that, I try to make my texts as short as possible.


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Sun Jun 03, 2012 11:24 am
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Dragonair101 wrote:
Don't you like hate like when like people talk like this? Especially in text messages. I dunno how people can stand writing like that, I try to make my texts as short as possible.

I don't use text-talk at all, and I can crack out about 15 words a minute texting on my simple flip-phone. Oh, and it's not a QWERTY keyboard; it's a 1-9 keyboard. (You know, how the number 6 you press once for M, twice for N, and thrice for O? Yeah, that's the keyboard I use.) It's a pretty old phone and the buttons don't work as well as they used to, either.

I do this for two reasons: One, so people can clearly understand what I'm saying, and Two, so I can tell people who text-talk that they have no excuse.

More to the point of the topic, I've noticed a steady decrease in the attention span of people, and I think the fast-paced style of the Internet and other telecommunications have brought this about - heck, ADD is everywhere nowadays. (I don't think I have ADD, but I would not be too surprised if I did.) It has brought around its own set of 'pseudo-standards' - I say pseudo because those standards don't match up really well with real-world standards at all, and people act like what is acceptable on the Internet or in texting or what-have-you is also perfectly acceptable in real-life situations...and most of the time it isn't.

I'm unsure what a good solution is for this. The Internet is a wonderful tool to keep in touch and doing away with it would cause a lot more harm than it does good. A better solution would be to instill in those who use it a certain behavior and appreciation for standards, so I feel. I know some people aren't really prone to short attention spans and such, so for some people they're fine. But they aren't everyone.

...Did that make any sense to anyone or was I just rambling for the last paragraph-and-a-half?


Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:31 pm
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I cant say I get what you are saying, mostly because I tl;dr'ed half of it. But I hate people who say 'Oh, I didnt do my homework last night because I have ADD (or ADHD)'. Why? Because I ask 'Do you take medicine?'
'Yeah. So shut up. I did my homework. Youre just **** lazy.'
I shouldnt have to be punished because Mr. Drop-out F*****ce back there uses something that was never diagnosed as an excuse.
He gets the douche bag of the year award!

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Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:07 pm
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I cant say I get what you are saying, mostly because I tl;dr'ed half of it.

So did I.
The problem is I can't think of a good tl;dr summary to what I said yet.


Sun Jun 03, 2012 11:43 pm
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Nope, haven't really noticed. Kids were just as stupid and self-centered when I was a kid, IMO.

RE: kids knowing English. I was an honor student throughout high school and I think my final average in eleventh grade advanced English was like, over 100, yet my English was still a total disaster until my senior year when I took a college English course. Yes, I knew what capitalization and punctuation were, but I couldn't construct a sentence at all and frequently misused said punctuation. Nearly everyone who took that class with me was in the same boat... not knowing proper English is not the fault of the Internet nor is it indicative of stupid children. Public schools just don't teach it well anymore. All of the emphasis in my English classes after fifth or sixth grade was on analyzing coming of age novels about the loss of innocence, and there was little to no focus on actual writing.


Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:29 am
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Frost wrote:
All of the emphasis in my English classes after fifth or sixth grade was on analyzing coming of age novels about the loss of innocence, and there was little to no focus on actual writing.

I thought that I was the only one who believed that was true!

These past years have been great, and this community was a great one. Key word being was. Since my birthday last year, the site hasn't updated at all, and people have been slowly trickling away from the forums over the weeks. I've had this site as my internet homepage for ages, and I anxiously awaited the resurgence that I hoped would come. But it never came. So, it is with a heavy heart that I announce my permanent leave of Psypoke. As a moderator, I wished only the best for everyone here, and worked to maintain a jolly environment where everyone could discuss cartoon monsters in peace. Now, I wish all those who happen to be reading this message good luck in whatever endeavors you have chosen to pursue, and that your futures be bright.

Mektar out.

Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:57 am
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I doubt it's all that. It depends on the teacher. Unlike the vast majority, my English teacher actually cared about the subject at hand; she was incredibly passionate about it. Certain kids in the class weren't appreciative of her efforts to teach us at all. Some teachers are really bad - my History teacher taught us with worksheets - and others, like the one mentioned before, are stellar. Teaching is a hard job, too. When you're a teacher you deal with a lot of crud.

But back on topic. What drives me nuts is how elementary age students are now aware of stuff that's not appropriate for their age. I have a neighbor that I often have conversations with. She's elementary age and she knows every curse word under the sun and uses them when around friends or people like me. For me the absolute worst was "crap", but she is almost graduating and knows words I hadn't ever heard of until eighth grade! Maybe it's just me but I find it... not right.


sad but rad

Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:40 pm
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Dragonair101 wrote:
I doubt it's all that. It depends on the teacher. Unlike the vast majority, my English teacher actually cared about the subject at hand; she was incredibly passionate about it.

I had a teacher in 10th grade that was like this. She was very knowledgeable and informative and taught the subject material very well; because of her I've carried my passion for grammar (and with it, my grammar Nazism) with me to the present day. Honestly, I have her to thank largely for how well I write and talk now.

But back on topic. What drives me nuts is how elementary age students are now aware of stuff that's not appropriate for their age. I have a neighbor that I often have conversations with. She's elementary age and she knows every curse word under the sun and uses them when around friends or people like me. For me the absolute worst was "crap", but she is almost graduating and knows words I hadn't ever heard of until eighth grade! Maybe it's just me but I find it... not right.

And that's why I am glad I spent most of my life homeschooled.

I had a picture that would go along with the subject at hand but I appear to have lost it...


Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:05 pm
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Dragonair101 wrote:
Don't you like hate like when like people talk like this? Especially in text messages. I dunno how people can stand writing like that, I try to make my texts as short as possible.

I thought I was alone on this, but I find this annoying too. Less so on text messages (as most smartphones auto punctuate), but when I'm in a chat environment like Skype or Facebook and someone I talk to is sending brief messages with proper sentences and capitalisations... they come off as having a superiority complex. Just like people who butt into wall posts with snide corrections, well I'm very well aware that "you're" is not spelt ur, it's like some people think that just because they type properly on a social medium they're better than everyone else, which for me isn't the case at all.

In my view though, yeah I do think a lot of kids lack social smarts (probably including myself, don't really classify as a kid no more though) and yeah the Internet probably is to blame for it a little, but I don't think it's a big problem. I just think that everyone's just fighting their own battles, and probably dealing with them the best they can.

RE: this topic, I can't really comment, as I've never met anyone I've found stupid. There are people I know who are lazy, people who are bad at looking at the bigger picture/prioritising, people who are bad at making decisions, and people who are general douches, but I haven't really had to deal with "stupid," (which I'm taking to mean: unable to comprehend instructions and directions) which is probably somewhat strange given I work Customer Service in retail.

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Tue Jun 05, 2012 5:19 am
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[color=cyan]I think strongly that the internet is to blame. I had to take an online class for World History because my teacher didnt teach, he just sat at his desk, no lectures, nothing. Anyways, basically, a conspiraracy theorist mustve did the work on the 9/11 lesson, because according to e20/20, the war on terrorism was fought over oil, al-Qeada didnt do it, and the rest of the imperfections and lies I forgot, because I was resisting from finding an interesting way to destroy the computer. I mean, what if some kid who failed because he failed to pay attention and was dumb as a brick was taught that? Sure, that'll still be practically impossible, but still...
@DP: I hear ya. I usually start speaking properly just to show the bastard off. Because, you know, I'm a dick like that! :P

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Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:38 am
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A self-righteous one to boot

Whoever wins... has to change into a yellow outfit, okay?

Tue Jun 05, 2012 2:57 pm
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I remember last year, I went to Party City to get my Halloween costume, and while I was looking at the costumes, there was this 10-year-old girl saying "f***" over and over and over. I jumped because as I was reading the cataloge she girl said something like "wtf is this!?" behind me very loudly. And there were these little 5-year-olds there.

But then again, children in general piss me off


sad but rad

Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:09 pm
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Kids are getting weird these days o_O

I totally agree with you

One day a little kid (12 years old) wanted to fight with me (I'm 26!!! o_o). He was pushing me with his belly and yelled: You got a problem!!! I just pushed it a bit and get out of there. He did this for no reason at all...

Thanks DragoBoy for this awesome sig and Mektar for the astonishing avatar!!!

Fri Jul 06, 2012 11:03 am
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Another thing: I used to play Combat Arms, a FPS game

I noticed something:
~Most of the people who play this game are 5 to 10 years old.
-They got a mic, in wich one they won't stop screaming and crying (Very boring)
-They all got the most powerfull stuff and etc. Wich one you can buy only with REAL CASH (Zomg)
-Most of them are playing all the day 7 days per week (They win the most often online awards)

Those kids won't go far in their life... sad.

Sorry for double post! :(
And this isn't a kid game, it is pretty violent and bloody so thats why i WAS playing this game. xD
When i noticed kids between 5 and 12 years old screamin' in da mic I left the game.
Oh... and for kids who play 7 day the week: They have homeworks to do and they won't learn anything at shooting people.''Those kids won't go far in their life... sad'': One of my friend was doing the same thing... And he has no job because he left school... Cuzof video games. That's why i said that.

Thanks DragoBoy for this awesome sig and Mektar for the astonishing avatar!!!

Last edited by GhostPony750 on Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Jul 06, 2012 11:11 am
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*Sees first unread post* :) *sees double post* :frustrated:
Just because they spend all day playing it doesnt mean they wil go nowhere in life. Theyre 5-10 years old, for god sake! They are still in their childhood. Aint their fault that a 26 year old is playing a kid's game.
One thing I find hilarious stillto this day:
I was on Halo Reach online, birthplace of all n00bs and asshats, and this one eight year old was all like "Oh **** you, you stupid c**t bitch. I'll rape and **** your family!"
So, I confronted him about it.
Me: Dude, dont swear like that. There are children here.
SoulStealer87 (or something like that): Yeah, like you, dumbass?
Me: No, I'm 16.
((I will admit, I lied about children being around. It was about 1200am.))
SoulStealer87: Bull***t.
Me: How old are you?
SoulStealer87: Eight.
((I lol'd))
Me: Well, kid, gtfo. I'm sure everyone here can kill you in real life, so shut up.
((Sad, but true.))
SoulStealer87: Shut up mother*****r, I'll kill your girlfriend and any other girl you hold near to you.
((Now, my first date with my gf just ended a few hours ago, not to mention Drago_girl also being a name to those girls. I f****ng lost it.))
Me: Youre lucky I dont know you in real life. Because I'd do this. *shoves enrgy sword through back*
((Eventually, everyone just started letting me kill him))
SoulStealer87: You have no f****ng life.
His brother: Alice, go to bed.
SoulStealer87: No.
Me: Your name is Alice?
SoulStealer87: ...
Me: Thats what I thought.

I had to edit so it could actually be on Psypoke. It would get the award for best curse battle EVER!

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Fri Jul 06, 2012 12:53 pm
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So, I confronted him about it.
Me: Your name is Alice?

I lol'd

Aint their fault that a 26 year old is playing a kid's game.



Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:52 pm
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Samurott wrote:
I was on Halo Reach online, birthplace of all n00bs and asshats, and this one eight year old was all like "Oh **** you, you stupid c**t bitch. I'll rape and **** your family!"
So, I confronted him about it.

That is incredible.

I do agree with Frost, kids are more or less the same as before. But I guess since kids have more freedom of speech nowadays with the interwebs and everything, people are more exposed to the lack of grammar in today's world than before. I guess kids haven't been taught or haven't gone through enough experiences to realize how important it is to use proper grammar and spelling to portray a good image. Also, I think kids may be spoiled by spell check.

And about the Halo thing... well, I can't relate cause I don't play games with voice chat, but I guess kids haven't grasped the idea that these are real people with real problems and lives behind the screen. But that's not always true of course. I've met very intelligent kids.

I guess it's important to not just dwell on this horrible part of society, but to use this knowledge for when we raise kids, so they don't suffer the same fate, you know?

EDIT: Oh, this thread is 2 months old. Sorry about that, hope you guys don't mind. I guess to revive discussion properly, what would be a good way to resolve this issue?


Sun Sep 02, 2012 5:26 pm
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Coliflowerz wrote:

EDIT: Oh, this thread is 2 months old. Sorry about that, hope you guys don't mind.

This wasn't even a third of the way down the first page, so it doesn't really matter.

Fri Sep 07, 2012 10:10 pm
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People have terrible vocabularies these days. My 15 year old sister doesn't know what the work 'resolute' means. Among many others. *sigh* What is this world coming to?

These past years have been great, and this community was a great one. Key word being was. Since my birthday last year, the site hasn't updated at all, and people have been slowly trickling away from the forums over the weeks. I've had this site as my internet homepage for ages, and I anxiously awaited the resurgence that I hoped would come. But it never came. So, it is with a heavy heart that I announce my permanent leave of Psypoke. As a moderator, I wished only the best for everyone here, and worked to maintain a jolly environment where everyone could discuss cartoon monsters in peace. Now, I wish all those who happen to be reading this message good luck in whatever endeavors you have chosen to pursue, and that your futures be bright.

Mektar out.

Sat Sep 08, 2012 8:13 am
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Yeah, I know what you mean.
I was watching a video last night that has a massive dose of situational irony in it, and it pertains to this topic. Sort of.
I'll post a link when I find it.

EDIT: It is a bit close to NSFW, but it states why it maybe offensive right in the title.
I found myself nodding in agreement.

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Sat Sep 08, 2012 8:22 am
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Talking to people on the internet has improved my grammar and syntax considerably, actually.

Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:15 pm
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