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Old logs are funny:

[12 Oct 2006]
<[Mark]> if you look at my site i took all the poke stuff of this site
<Nidoman> dude
<[Mark]> just pokeballs
<dark_phantom> Hey can I see a link to your site, please?
<Nidoman> that's bad!
<TheCyberMew> mmhmm.....
<[Mark]> yeah
<[Mark]> do it to me privet
<[Mark]> haha
<Flaming_Wuzzle> you're saying you stole from Psypoke?0
<[Mark]> he got it
<[Mark]> yes
<[Mark]> only the pokeballs
<Flaming_Wuzzle> did you at least give us credit for them?
<[Mark]> im going to
<Nidoman> byes guys i g2g
<Slowpoke_Mastur> cya
<dark_phantom> Bye
* Nidoman has quit IRC (Exit: )
<Flaming_Wuzzle> GOING to?
<[Mark]> yeah
<[Mark]> today
<TheCyberMew> how about "right now"
<Flaming_Wuzzle> You should have given us credit the moment it got put on your site
<[Mark]> im not ganna open a website builder just for you
<[Mark]> jezzthere only pokeballs
<[Mark]> you can get them eny were on the net
<Flaming_Wuzzle> So as it stands, you're bragging about stealing from Psypoke without giving credit, and in my book that's grounds for a ban from here ;/
<[Mark]> ill just change the colour
<Flaming_Wuzzle> So I suggest you get on right now.
<[Mark]> its done
<dark_phantom> Even after you change the color, they are still taken from Psypoke
<[Mark]> but ....
<[Mark]> you can get them eny were of the net
<TheCyberMew> since when is dark_phantom part of Psypoke staff?
<[Mark]> i bet psypoke stole them
<dark_phantom> Who said I was?
<TheCyberMew> wow you sure know how to make friends around here
<TheCyberMew> you have no idea how much work was put into the site
<[Mark]> heaps of work i know
<[Mark]> websites are hard to make
<[Mark]> but mine has hardly eny advertisement
<TheCyberMew> seems awfully stupid to just assume something on the site is stolen
<[Mark]> eny way you can not still from this site
<dark_phantom> O_o
<[Mark]> typo
<[Mark]> you can not copy
<Slowpoke_Mastur> Why would Psypoke steal from you site
<Slowpoke_Mastur> :P
<[Mark]> thay like stuff on it
<[Mark]> check ut clun penguin on my site
<[Mark]> i can steal eny thing
<Flaming_Wuzzle> English, please
<[Mark]> ok out
<[Mark]> thats english
<dark_phantom> >.>
<[Mark]> oh and club
<[Mark]> if i wanted 2 i can steal this chat
<[Mark]> but i don't want to
<Flaming_Wuzzle> Mm-hmm.
<Slowpoke_Mastur> right
<Slowpoke_Mastur> I bet your just 8 year old on the internet
<Regal> Mark:
<Regal> :0
<Regal> :)*
<[Mark]> older
<Flaming_Wuzzle> 9?
<dark_phantom> 9?
<[Mark]> older
<Slowpoke_Mastur> 10?
<Flaming_Wuzzle> 11
<[Mark]> older
<[Mark]> yes
<Slowpoke_Mastur> 12?
<Slowpoke_Mastur> oh 11
<[Mark]> flam got5 it
<Flaming_Wuzzle> lol 11
<[Mark]> 11
<dark_phantom> Heh, 11
<Slowpoke_Mastur> Even Xalia a ten year old use better grammar than you >:O
<[Mark]> but i have my won site
<Slowpoke_Mastur> Anyone could make a website
<[Mark]> dam
<[Mark]> man
<[Mark]> stupid keypad
<[Mark]> the keys are stuffed

<TheCyberMew> I'm eating Reese's cookies
<TheCyberMew> this is the cloest thing I've found to Reese's Cookie cups since I went to Canada
<Amphay> oh god TCM's baked
<TheCyberMew> no I'm enjoying chocolatey goodness
<TheCyberMew> these aren't as good as the cookie cups, but they're close

<Serpentsounds> i've heard of him...he wishes he was a cracker but he's a lame wannabe
<Serpentsounds> >_>
<Mewtroid> Serpentsounds. Racial slur.
<Mewtroid> Out.
<deoxys84> racism is terrible im out of here!
* deoxys84 has quit IRC (Exit: Psypoke Forever!)

<ShadowFlareon> That was almost as scary as that time TK was really REALLY really pisssed off and came in here and screamed at everyone
<ShadowFlareon> Uhh, Guardian of Life and Death?
<Gheylar> oh
<Gheylar> yup
<Gheylar> grrr
<ShadowFlareon> Haha, call yourself David :P
<ShadowFlareon> He's scary
<Amphy> when was this?
<ShadowFlareon> When was what?
<ShadowFlareon> Glia losing her temper?
<Amphy> no TK
<ShadowFlareon> Glia, not Galar. :S
<Sneaky_Sneasel> *gasp*
<ShadowFlareon> Oh, right
<Amphy> I dont even know who glia is
<Gheylar> :(
<ShadowFlareon> Uhh, when TCM and them started that weird shop for hen-tai and such

<Flarey> `spin
* GameServ spins the bottle for Flarey and it lands on...
<GameServ> Flaming_Wuzzle!
<Flarey> That works
<Xalia> xD
* Flarey kisses Flaming_Wuzzle
<Flarey> Btw FW have I told you I love your hair? ;)

<Flarey> Some people might like that style, Diseh
<Flarey> And that song sounds better with music, anyhow :P
<skullkid> Deaf people, maybe

Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:40 pm
Ace Trainer
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HAH Its funny because mark is young and ignorant!
Does anyone have a link to the site? I'ed like to see exactly what he did

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Thu Mar 28, 2013 8:01 pm
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He never gave a link and chances are, it isn't around anymore. This happened 7 years ago.

Thu Mar 28, 2013 8:39 pm
Pokemon Master
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DatVu wrote:
He never gave a link and chances are, it isn't around anymore. This happened 7 years ago.

Oh wow, that's old.
But funny ;)
So... what happened with those pokeballs?

Thanks DragoBoy for this awesome sig and Mektar for the astonishing avatar!!!

Fri Mar 29, 2013 8:01 am
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