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 What's your favourite Pokemon Generation and why? 
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Pokemon Master
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What is your favourite Gen? To be honest, mine used to be III until the release of BW. I mean, the region, the story and the new battle styles are incredible! If only the new Pokemon were better in terms of design...

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Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:05 am
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My favorite generation is Kanto.
My first pokemon game was Firered.
Awesome pokemon designs and all... {rapidash}

Thanks DragoBoy for this awesome sig and Mektar for the astonishing avatar!!!

Mon Oct 15, 2012 5:34 pm
Psychic Trainer
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In terms of design i actually prefer Gen 4 with the likes of Gallade, Lucario, Magmortar ect. They just seem to look cooler to me than any other gen but Gen 1 would always be favourite being the first played and spending hours on end trying to become a pokemon master.

I don't use "uber" Pokemon, I don't calculate stat values, I don't use cheating devices, I don't breed my way to perfection, and I don't care about natures.
I catch my Pokemon the way they are, and treat them like individuals instead of brainless drones.
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Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:59 am
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I'd say Hoen. It was my first, I can compile a completely-Hoen team with ease (the only other regions I can do that in are Kanto and Unova because you're forced to), and the music is the best out of the Pokemon games (in my opinion).

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Credit to Jester for the avatar!

Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:38 pm
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Favorite generation will probably always be Gen 1. Only for the sheer nostalgia and fond childhood memories of playing Pokemon with my older brother.

I suck at WiFi battling.

Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:47 am
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II, hands down.
The legendaries were awesome back then. I love {suicune}'s cry. Not to mention the {eevee}lutions. A Dark type {eevee}? I'm sold.
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Thu Apr 11, 2013 8:05 am
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Probably GEN III I've never been quite sure why it's my favourite but I think it's because I just had it so long I've played since red but I guess because I got ruby and GEN III was like the jump from cod5 to cod6 with so many new features being added and in full new colour I loved it, I then got emerald shortly after it came out, and this point I was probably about 9-10 and hadn't really gotten into consoles too much so all I did everyday (when i wasnt at school) was play emerald. So yeh I just had so much time to play especially with the fact that it felt like a really long time before GEN IV came out I just played it so much and have memorised almost everything about that GEN, 1 and 3 are the only ones I can confidently name any pokemon you show me.

Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:00 am
Pokemon Ranger
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Gen III hands down. The majority of my favourite pokemon originate in this gen not to mention that Emerald was my first pokemon game that I actually played.


Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:46 am
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My favorite Gen in terms of games would have to be Gen4 due to the brilliance that is Soulsilver. Being able to play the Johto region with the improvements of more recent games was definitely enjoyable.
If looking at the region that was introduced and could be considered the "Core" of that generation, I'd have to say Gen3 with Hoenn followed closely behind by Gen2 and Johto. The different terrain introduced, region layout and secret bases were all amazing.

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Check out my Trade Thread: Fallen's Trade Center Gen4 and Gen5
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Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:43 am
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The region design for Hoenn is by far my favorite, but I'm not so sure in terms of the Pokemon themselves. I like and dislike some from each.

These past years have been great, and this community was a great one. Key word being was. Since my birthday last year, the site hasn't updated at all, and people have been slowly trickling away from the forums over the weeks. I've had this site as my internet homepage for ages, and I anxiously awaited the resurgence that I hoped would come. But it never came. So, it is with a heavy heart that I announce my permanent leave of Psypoke. As a moderator, I wished only the best for everyone here, and worked to maintain a jolly environment where everyone could discuss cartoon monsters in peace. Now, I wish all those who happen to be reading this message good luck in whatever endeavors you have chosen to pursue, and that your futures be bright.

Mektar out.

Mon Jun 03, 2013 2:40 pm
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Im Gonna say Gen 3. After years of hounding, my parents Finally got me a Gameboy (advanced) and Pokemon Saphire for X-mas.

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Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:42 pm
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1. Kanto - I enjoy the simplicity and cleanliness of the designs, and how much like natural animals and plants most of the Pokemon look. There's really not a single Kanto Pokemon that I dislike, and many are among my top favorites. For the most part, the Pokemon were designed by two people - Ken Sugimori and Satoshi Tajiri - and as a group they gel together quite well. It had the smallest number of Legendaries and they were all pretty strong entries, probably my favorite group of Legendaries overall.

2. Johto - Almost as strong as Kanto -- probably because many of them were likely designed to be included in Red/Green before the games were cut from 200 to 150 -- but the first few clunkers start to creep in, such as Dunsparce. Like Kanto, these Pokemon have natural, clean designs and a small number of people created them, so they were a pretty cohesive unit. I actually think that Johto had my favorite set of Starters, as Chikorita's entire line is love, Totodile is adorable, and Typhlosion was probably my favorite Fire Starter until Emboar. The Legendaries were pretty strong as well.

3. Unova - Unlike the above two Generations, Unova has a huge variety and, like them or hate them, they added a lot of flavor to the series without relying on older Pokemon in the same way than other Generations did. Generation V's Pokemon stood on their own, although some are really ugly and more evolution lines than normal have stages that are almost exactly like their pre-evolved forms, only bigger or with more appendages. It had probably the weakest set of Starters yet, though, although the Legendaries were decent, and the Event Legendaries in particular were AMAZING (except Genesect).

4. Hoenn - I bounce back and forth between whether Hoenn or Sinnon is dead-last. Hoenn's problem is that too many cooks were starting to enter the kitchen, as more than just Sugimori and Tajiri were creating Pokemon at this point, and for the most part the Pokemon were abstract eyesores, unlike Unova's. It also didn't help that so many of Hoenn Pokemon seems like they were specifically created to replace the older Pokemon that were dropped from Ruby and Sapphire. With that said, a lot of them had charm and, like Unova, they did pretty much avoid relying on the existing Generations to fill the numbers. Like the Region itself, the Starters and Legendaries were a mixed bag, with the Starters being closer to positive and the Legendaries negative.

5. Sinnoh - Sinnoh's problem is that it was a smaller Generation than the rest (other than Johto), and MUCH of the Pokedex was propped up by relations to existing older Pokemon. A lot of the Sinnoh Pokemon that were related to older Pokemon were pretty much defined by what you thought of the pre-evolutions that they were replacing, and a lot of the new Pokemon that were unrelated to the older ones... quite frankly sucked. It also had too many Legendaries for the overall amount of Pokemon it offered, and too many stupid alternate forms. As a group, it was probably the weakest, even though I probably hated more Hoenn Pokemon overall (probably because Hoenn had more in the first place). Pokemon like the Piplup line, Drifloon line, Lucario line, Togekiss, Froslass, Mismagius, Rotom, Carnivine and others were amazing though.


Mon Jun 03, 2013 8:14 pm
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Generation 3 by far, my favourite Pokémon originates from there and the design of Hoenn is like a giant water fun land and I love water Pokémon.

thanks to Eeveelution-Master for making my trainer card and awesome avatar

Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:06 am
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To me the most recent Generation (whichever one we're in, which in this case is Gen 5 but that will change in less than 4 months) is usually my favorite because the way I see it, the Pokémon universe is kind of like our world were necessity is the mother of invention. Generation 1 gets major props for beginning the franchise and producing several great Pokémon that have become iconic symbols for the franchise and to an extent, the video game industry, but it also had major downsides like you could only carry 20 different items at a time, the battle system was broken (unfair; Special and Psychic were tops), there was no move delete, and after you beat the game you could only battle Wild Pokémon and the Elite Four until you decide you're done playing or you wish to reset. Not to mention most trainers didn't have names and Pokémon didn't have genders (except for the Nidoran lines by technicality). Generation 2 improved a lot of those things and added new aspects such as Breeding and Time of Day that made things more fun and then we keep going. Of course some things like Secret Bases and Team Rocket didn't last forever and fans continue to lament their absence, but it's definitely been a steady incline at least in my perspective. Now here we are in Generation 5 with TMs that never break, a lot of different ways to catch, a lot of cool ways to spend your time post main story, 649 Pokémon to choose from with many that are good and many that aren't good, and now instead of just connecting with friends via link cable, a 17 year old from California is trading and battling with Pokémon players overseas.

Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:07 am
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Well... if I am to be blunt about this, I have never played the first two regions, and I personally think they {are somewhat boring, EDITED.} The pokemon from there seem a little bland to me. No offense anyone, specially you Genwunners.
I'm a Sinnoh Gal, no way around it. Ma-a-a-a-aybe only because of it being the first region I played, and the fact that previous regions do not offer some of my favorite pokemon, namely Gallade, Roserade, Shinx, Luxio, Luxray... Need I go on?
I thought not. At least you know that I'm not too terribly complex about this.

-The Cutest Kirlia

Resident shipper girl of Psypokes. Also writes noncanon fanfic, Forest of Secrets may not actually be worked on again, though. . . much too busy.

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Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:56 pm
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CuteKirlia wrote:
Well... if I am to be blunt about this, I have never played the first to regions, and I personally think they suck. They pokemon from there seem a little bland to me. No offense

If the user base here was different you could be burned at the stake for saying such vile words. :P Also, "I personally think they suck." and "No offense" don't go together well.

Gen II was my favorite. There was a lot more stuff added after RBY and they should have kept all of it moving into Gen III. As it is, Gen III is my second favorite since it added a good amount of stuff as well, like contests and the battle frontier. I just wish they had kept apricorns, the bug catching contests, the day of the week, visible time of day, etc.
Even though Gen II was my favorite generation, Hoenn is my favorite region. It had a lot of diversity of location (everything from volcanoes to cities to deep seas to space centers) and added a lot of good Pokemon.

I'll think of something to put here soon.

Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:47 pm
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