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Bug Catcher
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The lava snail happened to be residing just infront of a cave. Moku's eyes took in the dark beyond a small crack, which led into the middle of the mountain - where this cave resided.

Her opponent had been taken care of, and Lapras was safely back into her pokeball.

"Rizaado?" she questioned - her Charmeleon slinking through the crack of the mountain. A small smirk curled her lips... and she followed closely behind.

Tue Jul 12, 2005 6:49 am
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"Well, I suppose I'll make the first move. Shockbox, Reflect!", as he said that, Shockbox moves both his hands up and down, creting some sort of energy wall, which would make physical attacks only half as powerful.


Tue Jul 12, 2005 6:57 am
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"dragonair aurora beam" jamie commanded, the jewel on dragonair's neck started to glow,then fired a multi-coloured beam at shockbox.

Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:27 am
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I'll join...

Name: Vache
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Pink
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 117 lbs.
Number of Pokemon Owned: Alot, in the box.
Number of Pokemon Currently Carried: 6

Pokemon #1. {clefable} Lv. 47 (nickname: Selene)
Belly Drum
Cosmic Power

Pokemon #2. {mantine} Lv. 46 (nickname: Galactic Emu)
Ice Beam
Confuse Ray

Pokemon #3. {muk} Lv. 49 (nickname: Nemesis)
Sludge Bomb
Focus Punch

Pokemon #4. {sudowoodo} Lv. 50 (Nickname: Aspear)
Rock Slide
Brick Break

Pokemon #5. {houndoom} Lv. 49 (Nickname: Gustav)

Pokemon #6. {jumpluff} Lv. 52 (nickname: Avocado)
Leech Seed
Sleep Powder
Aerial Ace
Giga Drain

Vache ran quickly don the dirt road, glancing all around as he called "Avocado, Where are you?" Avocado, his Jumpluff had blown away in the wind. As he ran, he grabbed a Pokeball from his pack and threw it in front of him. Out of the Pokeball came Gustav his Houndoom. "Run ahead and look for Avocado" Vache commanded. Gustav, not being particularly fond of Avocado, ran off. Avocado was Vache

Wed Jul 13, 2005 9:22 pm
Bug Catcher
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Joined: Sat Feb 19, 2005 11:38 pm
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Location: Potterland
Can I join too?

Name: Jess
Age: 16
Gender: male
Hair color: brown
Eye Color: brown
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Number of Pokemon Owned: 6
Number of Pokemon Currently Carried: 6

Pokemon Information:

Pokemon #1
{blissey} Lv. 48
Gender: Female
Type: Normal
Ability: Nature Cure
- Heal Bell
- Soft Boiled
- Return
- Light Screen

Pokemon # 2
{torkoal} Lv 43
Gender: Female
Type: Fire
Ability: White Smoke
- Iron Defense
- Amnesia
- Flamethrower
- Body Slam

Pokemon # 3
{sealeo} Lv 42
Gender: Male
Type: Ice/ Water
Ability: Thick Fat
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Rest
- Snore

Pokemon # 4
{ampharos} Lv 47
Gender: Male
Type: Electric
Ability: Static
- Cotton Spore
- Thunder Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Swift

Pokemon # 5
{marowak} Lv 45
Gender: Female
Type: Ground
Ability: Lightning Rod
- Strength
- Earthquake
- Focus Energy
- Rockslide

Pokemon # 6
{espeon} Lv 47
Gender: Male
Type: Psychic
Ability: Synchronize
- Psychic
- Light Screen
- Calm Mind
- Baton Pass

I'll join in later though because I need to go to bed, and tomorrow I'm spending the night at my cousins' house. I should be on Friday night, but the next day is entirely devoted to Harry [Potter].

here's the team:
{sceptile} {gardevoir} {manectric} {ninetales} {seadra} {rhydon}

{sandslash} This is Kipper. He's my cave HM helper and secret base-er. He's my friend.

Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:18 am
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i wana join 2

Name:Eric>nicname: Lobster
hair color:brown
eye color:blue
pokemon owned:3 boxes full including {mew}
pokemon carried with him:6

pkmn#1: {lapras} lv.30 nickname:
hydro pump
ice beam

pokemon#2: {flygon} level.59 nikname: Concord
Hyper beam

pokemon#3: {blaziken} level:62 nickname: Achilles
sky upercut
double kick
blaze kick

pokemon#4: {wingull} level:11
water Gun

pokemon#5: {mew} level:???
giga drain
zap cannon

pokemon #6: {grovyle} level:71 nickname:Watermelon
leaf blade
giga drain
aerial ace
bullet seed

Eric was walking along the road, his trusty grovyle Watermelon walking alongside him in the dirt road.Suddenly his eye caught the tail of houndoom.He ran over to see if it was wild. When he got there he was standing next to a trainer with a houndoom and jumpluff out.weirdhe thought.However this guy looks pretty tough.He then noticed 2 trainers were in a battle and decided 2 watch..

Image Image ImageSig: Eon, Avy:Tyranny

Last edited by RukarioManiac on Sat Jul 23, 2005 6:09 pm, edited 6 times in total.

Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:39 am
Bug Catcher
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By this time, Piichu was sitting on Moku's right shoulder, lighting the way for her and Rizaado as they traveled through the pitch black cave. Moku and her team merely walked by Pokemon, and they did not even bother her - She had used Super Repel, so she would not have to bother too much with the other, wild, Pokemon.

The echoing of Moku's steps quieted as she came to a hault. Her eyes scanned thuroughly the scene around her.

A soft sigh escaped her slightly parted lips as her eyes closed.

"I'm so bored... I haven't battled since I was in that last town, nerely a week ago." She complained.

The flash that Piichu had illuminated, slowly went down. "Piichu?" Moku questioned, only for Piichu's cheeks to spark, and light the area once more seconds later.

"Holy-!!" Moku almost fell back - a Camerupt only feet infront of her - having appeared all of a sudden. It must have been strong - the repel wasn't repelling this one.

By the time she realized it was there, it had already unleashed an earthquake through-out the surrounding area. Moku fell back, landing on her butt as she did so - bracing herself with her arms. Charmeleon immediately fainted at that attack - having jumped infront of the Camel to protect Moku.

A pokeball was now firmly gripped in Moku's right hand, and she held it up infront of her: "Ratiasu!"

The Latias appeared from the pokeball infront of her. She had fought many Camerupts before - she despised fighting these pokemon because of their earthquake attacks. But Latias could fly - so from that now, she was safe.

"Psychic, Ratiasu!"

As commanded - it obeyed, using a Psychic attack at their opponent. But with that, Camerupt gave a slight growl, and caused another Earthquake.

"F-fly!" Moku commanded once more as she fell over again - having almost stood up. A large rock fell infront of her - just a few centemeters from where her feet were. Her eyes grew wide, and she tried to stand up once more, but the Camerupt was determinded on using earthquake.

"Uindie!" She threw another pokeball infront of her. It bounced off of the rock and towards her, and Arcanine came from the pokeball, standing to her left side. She pointed towards Camerupt, and hadn't even gotten a chance to speak before Uindie was off, barelling towards the opponent.

Normally, the earthquake attack would also hurt an Arcanine too, but it wasn't as effective since Uindie had his Intimidate ability.

"Double team, Uindie!"
He did so, and Camerupt had then unleashed a rockslide attack.
"Extreme Speed!!"
Arcanine managed to dodge the attack by doing so.

The Latias barreled down from above - Camerupts sight being on the Arcanine, the Latias was easily able to take it down.

The pokemon once more rested inside of their Pokeballs - but Rizaado was back out, and revived. Again, Piichu let out a flash, and they went about their way.

"God, I hate those things..." Moku said, talking to herself as if she was talking to her Pokemon.

Moku then sighed "Through this mountain, and I'm hoping there will be another town closeby..."

<center>Current Team</center>
<center>{charmeleon} {ivysaur} {pichu}{arcanine} {lapras} {latias}</center>

Thu Jul 14, 2005 5:45 am
Profile YIM
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name: lester
age: 14
i'm male
hair: black
eyes: black
height: 5'4
weight: 113

boxed: swablu41 numel34
pokemon carried: 4


{umbreon} lvl 45 nickname: moony
take down
sand attack

{espeon} lvl 43 nickname: sunny
morning sun
take down
helping hand

{aerodactyl} lvl 35 nickname: swiftstrike
wing attack
double edge

{tyrogue} lvl 6
brick break

{suicune} lvl 30 nickname: northwind
water gun
take down

{growlithe} lvl 30 name: swiftsoul

from the first moment lesters twin eevees were born one knew moonlight and one knew morning sun he knew then that one was destined to become umbreon and one to be espeon and so he began to train them...

one day from behind the mountain came a loud rumble. lester recognised the sound to be an earthquake attack "the only pokemon in this area who can learn earthquake without a tm is camerupt!" somebody must be hunting our villages camerupt he thought to himself "but ill catch them!" he said running after the noise with wings, sunny and moony in tow

<center>Image </center>
<center>Yay. 2 Year old TC FTW </center>

Last edited by Sanctuary on Sat Jul 23, 2005 6:34 am, edited 11 times in total.

Thu Jul 14, 2005 6:28 am
Bug Catcher
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The flash slowly dissapeared from the area, and the cave was dark again. Moku picked up Piichu from her right shoulder, and held her in her hands, looking at her. "Tired?" She questioned.

Her Pichu had been lighting up their area of the cave for quite some time, and was beginning to tire. "Come on," Moku started "rest a bit, Rizaado can do for the time being."

Her Charmeleon rose an eyebrow, as if to question Moku's confidence about him.

With Piichu back in her Pokeball, and Rizaado close at hand, Moku continued through the cave.

<center>Current Team</center>
<center>{charmeleon} {ivysaur} {pichu}{arcanine} {lapras} {latias}</center>

Thu Jul 14, 2005 7:35 am
Profile YIM
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Nidorino nickname:Nindo
Slugde Bomb
Double Kick

Nidorina nickname:Ninda
Poison Sting
Mega Horn

Vaporeen nickname:Vapor
Water Gun
Hydro Pump

Suicine nickname:Hydro
Hydro Pump
Ice Beam
Aroura Beam

Leo walked through the forest with Ninda at his side. Ninda seemed to hear a noise and ran further down the path.
"I wonder what it is this time." Leo thought and he ran off after her.

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Last edited by Nidoman on Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:57 am, edited 4 times in total.

Thu Jul 14, 2005 7:48 am
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lester ran to the field at a very high pace he was worried about the camerupt herd. when he got there he was relieved to see that the herd was there he counted "one, two......... twenty two hey theres one missing!" it must have wandered into the mountains he thought so he ran into the cave only to be attacked by a nidoking...
"wings" he called! the swablu flew ahead the nidoking charged recklessly obviously take down "wings dodge" wings then climbed a 90 degree angle and dove with such force that the wind focused and became visable this was the arial ace attack the nidoking was hit but easily recovered and used mega punch. wings slowly desended till it hit the ground the mega punch hit it clear in the right wing. this was a very high level nidoking it would take more than just one of my eevees. it made me feel bad to fight it 2 on 1 but then a nidoran (female) came to aid the giant pokemon. "go sunny, moony!" "tweeev!" they cried ok now you two use return the eevees ran away and shot back at the nidoking for every time i did something nice for them the yound nidoran could not take such hight amounts of damage and fainted which meant suuny would be able to aid moony in fighting nidoking instead of taking down the young nidoran with two powerful return attacks the nidoking soon fainted i recalled the three pokemon into their pokeballs and continued through the cave it was very dark but he knew the caverns inside out and eventually he saw a girl she looked a bit older than him and she had red hair there was a pichu with a diminishing flash on her shoulder she dad dirt all over her clothes which led him to beleive she was knocked down. was this the reason camerupt used earthquake? he wondered

<center>Image </center>
<center>Yay. 2 Year old TC FTW </center>

Thu Jul 14, 2005 8:12 am
Bug Catcher
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Moku's eyes narrowed slightly, and she turned only slightly to her left, looking over her left shoulder at a shadow behind her. Piichu had been in it's Pokeball for only a short time (please recall - she was in her pokeball, not on my shoulder now). A soft smirk ran across the girl's lips, and Rizaado obviously took the same retaliation.

The cave was now only lit by Rizaado's glowing tail. So shadows bounced here and there. The Camerupt that Moku and her Pokemon had taken on was close by, and could be acounted for.

The girl turned all the way around then to face the trainer which had been behind her. Her arms folded over her chest as she tilted her head to the side. Her voice was obviously female - but deeper and harsher than most. "Who are you, and what the heck do you want?" She barked to the trainer which was now infront of her - Lester.

<center>Current Team</center>
<center>{charmeleon} {ivysaur} {pichu}{arcanine} {lapras} {latias}</center>

Thu Jul 14, 2005 8:37 am
Profile YIM
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((srry deleted it on accident))

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Last edited by Nidoman on Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jul 14, 2005 8:42 am
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"are you the one whos been hunting our villages camerupt?" lester interiguated then noticing the shadow of a large pokemon creeping up behind her then he noticed that there was something behind him aswell the nidoking undoubtingly the pichu dissapeared. she mustve recalled it in the dark(thats how i tried to cover up my mistake lol) he thought the charmemleon that obviosly belonged to this girl looked ready to fight then he reaslised what was going on the camerupt was behind her and the nidoking was behind him they were cornered betweeen two high level pokemon he turned around only to see that the nidoking now had a nidoqueen for aid. he knew wings was still to damaged to fight and that the eevees were becoming exhausted. he did not know how to get out of this one...

<center>Image </center>
<center>Yay. 2 Year old TC FTW </center>

Thu Jul 14, 2005 8:47 am
Bug Catcher
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The Camerupt was too exhausted to do a thing, and now layed itself on the ground. Moku eyed the Nidoking and Nidoqueen behind the boy infront of her.

"Camerupts, and now this...?" Moku thought to herself in her head. She was growing quite annoyed, though - she did say she was growing bored...

<center>Current Team</center>
<center>{charmeleon} {ivysaur} {pichu}{arcanine} {lapras} {latias}</center>

Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:05 am
Profile YIM
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lester heard a rumbling underground "well" he said "i guess i wont have to battle these two after all" he said dodging just as a steelix surfaced and in turn knocked out the nidoking who was already weakened leaveing only nidoqueen...

<center>Image </center>
<center>Yay. 2 Year old TC FTW </center>

Last edited by Sanctuary on Thu Jul 14, 2005 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jul 14, 2005 11:16 am
Bug Catcher
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Chuckled, switching her weight to her right foot as she watched the scene before her. Rizaado was close behind, itching for a battle, though she stopped him.

Just moments after the boy had jumped out of the way, Moku turned, and began to walk into the shadows - further into the cave. Rizaado followed - his tail illuminating the rock walls.

(I'll be back sometime tomorrow, or the next day.)

<center>Current Team</center>
<center>{charmeleon} {ivysaur} {pichu}{arcanine} {lapras} {latias}</center>

Thu Jul 14, 2005 11:40 am
Profile YIM
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the girl left but that was not a problem lester could take on one puny nidoqueen "go moony!" he said, the eevee appeared ready for action "moony take down" the small pokemon charged but the nidoqueen was ready and hit it with a perfect irontail, "grrrrrr" growled lester then he yelled "moony use moonlight!" moony jumped up and began to shine not the usual yellow light but a white dazzling light and the eevee grew and grew and grew when it stopped shining it was over twice as tall and covered in jet black fur "umbreon!" said lester in awe "umrayon!" the pokemon said in reply turning to nidoqueen "return attack!" said lester now free to leave because the cave was no longer blocked by pokemon lester thought about the strange girl "she looked strong" he said. umbreon tilted its head in response "maybe there are other strong trainers out there" he said "c' mon moony we got a long trip ahead of us" he said running back to the village with moony in tow when he reached the village everyone was is shock to see an umbreon because when the eevees were born only lester knew that they would evolve. lester then went into the house of the village elder who also noticed the evolution of eevee lester asked the elder if he could leave on a journey with his pokemon the elder said "yes, but never go anywhere without swablu"
this was understandable in this village every child was given a pokemon at birth his was swablu this pokemon was always said to be that persons guide he sent out wings and sunny. wings was sleeping to recover from the battle with nidoking but sunny was wide awake and it examined its twin brother, sunny whined and ran back to lester "dont worry he said you turn is coming soon..."

<center>Image </center>
<center>Yay. 2 Year old TC FTW </center>

Last edited by Sanctuary on Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jul 14, 2005 12:43 pm
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Quickly getting bored Eric left.Ater about an hour of walking down a dirt path,saw a plain that was covered with camerupts."awesome, maybe i can catch one".He walked up to the herd ad then thoughtthere is at least 20 camerupts here and i only have 6 pokemon.Maybe i can find one on its own later. "Watermelon,you think you can handle a camerupt with the team".grov, said watermelon in return.Watermelon was erics first hatched from an egg that his uncle gave to him.It was incredibly fast and incredibly strong.It was better then any sceptile he new.However it couldnt evolve because it swalloed an everstone at a well when it got lost."ahh i relly wish you could talk".Eric reached into his coat and took out a strange looking ball.the top side was greenwith a strange blue mrking that meant courage.It was a ball that his dad, a pokeballmaker that lived in azalea town made for him.The ball was called a forest ball."watermelon return.As soon as it was in the bal.he walked on. He walked around and saw a village.Suddenly his stomach grumbled.Suddenly his pikachu popped out."pikapi"said the pikachu, then held its stomach as it grumbled."well youre hungry and im hungry lets try that town".The pikachu climbed on his shoulder and they walked up into the town.He stoped in the middle and sat on a stump.He then saw an umbreon and an eevee with a trainer."maybe they can help me huh Lemon"eric said to pikachu as they walked up to the hut.

Image Image ImageSig: Eon, Avy:Tyranny

Last edited by RukarioManiac on Fri Jul 15, 2005 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jul 14, 2005 1:35 pm
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"food?" wondered lester "yes we have plenty, this is a farmers village"
he paused "hey did you see a girl with a charmeleon and pichu on your way to our village?"

<center>Image </center>
<center>Yay. 2 Year old TC FTW </center>

Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:56 pm
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Leo strolled into a small town.Leo saw two trainers an evee,umbreon,and a picachu over by a stump.
"Hmmm." Leo thought."I wonder if that kid with the espeon and the evee would battle me with a 2on2."
"Hey you wanna battle me with 2 of ur pokemon."Leo said as he walked over to the two kids.

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Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:31 pm
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"no i did not see a girl with a charmeleon why do you ask?And are those groups of camerupt yo-".Eric suddenly stopped talking and looked out of the house."i think someone wants to battle you or me,lets check it out".Eric then returned his pikeachu and walked over to the brown haired kid, not checking if the man with the umbreon was follwong him."hey you wanna battle me or him?"said eric to the person.He was prepared he was itching for a fight.He took out a safari ball fromhis belt and waited, ready to battle.

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Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:41 pm
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"Either as long as I get a battle but since u asked first..."Leo said as he threw two poke balls in the air.
"Go vapor,Go Nindo." Leo yelled.
Instantly 2 pokemon appeared a vaporeen and a nidarino.
"Beat that dude." Leo said.

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Fri Jul 15, 2005 3:47 am
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lester watched as the pikachu trainer and the vaporeon/nidorino trainer battled. i wonder what kind of pokemon the pikachu guy will use "well i dont wanna be held up by travellers entering our village" he said "lets go guys" he said walking to the camerupt field "elder wont mind if i borrow the numel" he said easily catching the young pokemon *profile updated* now to go through the mountains he thought he continued through the mountains to past where he saw the charmeleon girl he remembered how strong her charmeleon looked he remembered that in japan they called their charmeleons rizaado. he knew this because he once took care of a charizard that belonged to his friend once further up he saw a rock "go ummm how about wobbly!" he had just named the numel "ok wobbly use rock smash!" the numel ran and hit the rock. seconds later shards of the once large rock were shatteredand flew across the cave as sand good work wobbly! he said then he realized that behind the rock/sandpile it was pitch black and none of his pokemon knew flash then it dawned on him if sunny could learn morning sun maybe it can... "sunny!" he yelled "use flash!" the eevcee forgotsand attack in order to use another accuracy depleting move the cave grew bright from the light that sunny emitted "lets go guys" lester said and they advanced into the darkness... the darkness only matched by sunny the eevee

<center>Image </center>
<center>Yay. 2 Year old TC FTW </center>

Last edited by Sanctuary on Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Jul 15, 2005 8:00 am
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"Hey where did that other kid go i wanted to battle him when I win against you, by the way who are you?" Leo questioned.

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Fri Jul 15, 2005 8:38 am
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