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Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher

Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2010 5:04 am
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Hey everyone! This is my poke' team for Pokemon Online (pretty much like NetBattle) Also, I need epic help with hold items :D

Nidoking @ Focus Sash, Timid
EVs: HP: 252 SPD: 252 DEF: 6

Toxic Spikes
Stealth Rock

My first poke' in battles, Nidoking is there to setup toxic, stealth, and shuffle. Protect for defensive purposes.

Lapras @ Leftovers, Quiet
EVs: HP: 252 SP.ATK: 252 SP.Def: 6

Ice Beam

My primary dragon and water counter and special sweeper. Ice Beam for Dragons, Thunderbolt for waters (like milotic) and Brine for STAB. Psychic for coverage.

Pikachu @ Light Ball, Adamant
EVs: ATK: 252 SPD: 252 HP: 6

Iron Tail
Signal Beam
Quick Attack

Your standard Physical Sweeper. Thunderpunch for STAB and water counters, Iron Tail for Rock Types, Signal Beam for Grass types and Quick Attack for priority (it saved me and won the battle with only my pikachu and foe's latias)

Charizard @ Focus Sash, Timid
EVs: ATK: 252 SPD: 252 HP: 6

Blast Burn
Air Slash
Dragon Pulse

Blast Burn is my primary move for when I really need to OHKO a strong sweeper fast. Some people may not agree with Blast Burn but it is extremely powerful on Netbattles and is vital in most situations (c'mon this isn't the other pokemon) Air Slash has awesome damage. Dragon Pulse rocks m/. And Roost for important healing.

Salamence @ Focus Sash, Adamant
EV's: ATK: 252 SPD: 252 HP:6

Dragon Claw
Fire Fang
Thunder Fang

Another physical sweeper, Salamence's movesets are basically self-explanatory and this one is unpredictable by most, if not all. Dragon Claw for STAB, EQ, Fire Fang and Thunder Fang for coverage.

Snorlax @ Leftovers, Brave
EV's HP: 252 ATK: 252 SpDEF: 6

Giga Impact
Shadow Ball

My strongest Poke' on the team, Snorlax has massive HP, along with that epic Attack power. Giga Impact, as explained earlier in the form of Blast Burn, is more suitable in netbattles than the other normal moves. Unlike other strong moves like Blizzard and Hydro Pump, Blast Burn and Giga Impact have high accuracy, making them more viable. EQ because many common pokemon are weak to it, Shadow Ball and Crunch because they go well together.

Thanks in advanced!

Sun Apr 04, 2010 5:51 am
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Sion9 wrote:
Megamaster37 wrote:

Hmmm... a wall you say? Funny, I was thinking the same thing and EV'd a Suicune earlier today. I also have a Regirock, would that work? (I have Snorlax too, with Curse, but it didn't work out too well)
Regirock is UU; you could try using it but an OU tank would be better. Note that a tank that can attack physically can also benefit from Ninjask, whereas a wall may not be able to.

So.....Suicune? I'll try to get Duskinoir, as it'd probably be much better. (I don't have an AR, so I'll be searching for a trade for a while)

I have another Metagross too, its slower, but is more focused on Sweeping.
Metagross is slow. That's why you put Agility on it, or pass it Speed boosts.
Yeah, that makes sense. Sweeper Metagross it is.

Gyarados with Stone Edge? I've had that suggestion several times, but I really favor Ice Fang over Stone Edge, and for 2 reasons. 1. Gyarsdos OHKOs Salamence, and its unexpected. The switch to Life Orb is good though. I actually had it with Life Orb for a while, then it backfired on me and I switched it for Muscle Band. (I think I'll switch it back anyway)
Ice Fang only has 55 base power for 4x damage, while Stone Edge has 100 base power for 2x damage against Salamence. If Ice Fang OHKos, Stone Edge should as well, especially with Life Orb.
Ice Fang does 65. 65x4=260bp. 100x2=200bp. It seems as if it doesn't make too much of a difference. I'll try Stone Edge, despite it's 80% hit rate.

Ninjask's problem with Aerodactyl is Taunt. Getting rid of X-Scissor for Substitute would only make the problem worse.
Ninjask really can't do much against Aerodactyl except Protect and then Baton Pass a Speed boost the next turn. Substitute is for when you're not facing a Taunt lead.
Usually I get Tuanted on turn 1. I guess I'll just have to switch out against an Aerodactyl then.

Lum Berry is to heal Status problems. And I've never had anything OHKO Metagross with any attack. It usually survives a Super-Effective hit with 1/2 HP.
Metagross usually survives a SE physical hit. If an opponent is using a Fire attack, it will more likely be Fire Blast. What status problems are you so worried about?
.....I don't know. Occa Berry makes more sense now.

Ummm... Jolteon would have Baton pass why? I'm not BP'ing Speed boosts to it, its already faster than almost everything in OU, other than Crobat and Aerodactyl, which it can easily defeat. (And I've never liked the Choice Items much, especially for a Sweeper. Sweepers need to be able to use all of their attacks.)
You can BP boosts as a chain, not so Jolteon itself can use them. For example: Ninjask is facing a Starmie trying to Thunderbolt it. You Baton Pass Attack and Speed to Jolteon, who absorbs the Thunderbolt. Starmie will obviously switch the next turn; Jolteon uses Baton Pass and gives those Speed and Attack boosts to Gyarados. Note: if you use Baton Pass with Jolteon, who outspeeds practically everything, you can see whether your opponent switched and send in the best counter.
Yes....and I can try to guess their move (likely EQ) and BP to Gyarados and destroy it.

It would seem as if you know a good bit about Battling. (Yeah, I commented on your Comments. I don't usually explain my teams good at first, so I usually have to back some of it up. Feel free to comment on my Comments, especially about the possible tanks and Ninjask)
Thanks for the Help.

Platinum FC: 1892-1912-1149

Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:34 am
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So I apologize, but I am going to officially retire from doing team rates for the time being.
Lack of free time plus incoming baby equal very little time to do rates. I'll still be around the site if you want to PM to battle/ask me anything.

Sun Apr 04, 2010 5:09 pm
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Nidoqueen {nidoqueen}@ Black Sludge, Careful, Rivalry
EVs HP 252, 156 DF, 100 SD
Toxic Spikes
Stealth Rock
Super Fang

Nidoqueen is much more defensive than nidoking
Nidoqueen isn't going first no matter what, roar goes last every time so a +SP nature is worthless
Maximize HP to increase staying power, The Given EVs should balance defense stat so you'll take the same damatge no matter what your attacked by, Super Fang wheres your foe down while giveing Nidoqueen an offensive option should it be taunted

Lapras {lapras} @ Wise Glasses, Modest, Shell Armor
EVs: 252 SA, 252 HP, 4 DF
Ice Beam
Brine / Surf
Ancient power
Surf/Brine, Ice beam, and Thunderbolt gives great coverage, leaving only Shedinja and Lanturn not covered ancient power does this well.

Pikachu {pikachu} @ Light Ball, Adamant/Jolly, Static
EVs: ATK: 252 SPD: 252 HP: 6

Brick Break
Quick Attack
Knock off

Breakbreak is more realable than Iron tail, plus it removes walls, Knock off hits Giratina, shedinja and rotom, which resist your other attacks plus it removes their Items.

Charizard {charizard} @ Life Orb, Timid, Blaze
EVs: 252 SA 252 SP 4 HP

Blast Burn / Flamethrower
Air Slash
Dragon Pulse
Roost/Focus Blast

Good move set, It does leave Heatran uncovered so you could go for Focus Blast
Blast burn leaves you open for one turn so Focus sash is no good, plus You'll want to hit hard

Salamence {salamence} @ Expert Belt, Adamant
EV's: 252 AT, 252 SP, 4 HP

Dragon Claw
Fire Fang
Thunder Fang/Shadow claw/Aerial Ace
DRagon, Ground, Fire covers everything, Thunder fang is good for bulky waters, Shadow claw for critical hits, Aerial ace For More STAB, Expert belt does 2x more if the attack is super effective

Snorlax {snorlax} @ Leftovers, Adamant, Thick Fat
EVs: 252 HP, 252 AT, 4 DF
Brick Break
Giga impact, Body slam, Return, Double Edge
Giga impacts loses because your vunerable for 1 turn, Return and Body slam hits for 100% Acc plus High damage and Body slam has a chance of paralysis. Double edge has 100% acc, 120 damage, yet snorlax has enough HP to absorb the recoil

Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:34 am
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher

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wow great thanks! oh and how do u make it the pokemon symbol instead of the name?

Mon Apr 05, 2010 1:39 pm
Bug Catcher
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1)Arcanine lv 100
fire blast
flame wheel
extreme speed
2)lapras lv100
sheer cold
3)Espeon lv 100
morning sun
shadow ball
4)kingler lv 100
water pulse
ice beam
5)Dragonair lv 100
iron tail
aqua tail
dagon rush
6)skiploom lv 100
poison powder
sleep powder
mega drain

what do you think to that? shold i chage ay of them fo other pokemon or just swap moves please help!

Tue Apr 06, 2010 10:09 am
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher

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hi I am PikachuMaster,
i like all of you team but I think that your Arcanine should know crunch

Tue Apr 06, 2010 11:24 am
Bug Catcher
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Last edited by PikachuMaster on Tue Apr 06, 2010 2:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Apr 06, 2010 11:38 am
Dragon Tamer
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I have quite a few things to say, so listen up.

1)Arcanine lv 100
fire blast
flame wheel
extreme speed

In my opinion: not bad, but not good. when making a move set you have to try to cover your weakness. in this case its water ground and rock. a better move set would be: Thunder Fang(water coverage), Flamethrower, Solarbeam(ground/rock coverage) and Sunny Day(boosts up fire type moves and quick access to solarbeam).

2)lapras lv100
sheer cold

In my opinion: bad, all water type moves no coverage whatsoever. Lapras has four weaknesses that need to be covered(grass,rock, electric and fighting). a good moveset would be: Ice Beam(grass/rock coverage) Psychic(fighting coverage) Surf(for STAB) and Rest or Perish song

3)Espeon lv 100
morning sun
shadow ball

In my opinion: pretty good. nothing to say here.

4)kingler lv 100
water pulse
ice beam

In my opinion: OK. you covered one of your weaknesses with Ice Beam but you need to try to find a way tou cover your electric weakness.

5)Dragonair lv 100
iron tail
aqua tail
dagon rush

In my opinion: meh. why not get a dragonite? moveset suggestion: Dragon Claw, Flamethrower(if your Sp.attk is high), Aqua Tail and aerial ace perhaps.

6)skiploom lv 100
poison powder
sleep powder
mega drain

In my opinion: Bad. you dont need poison powder and sleep powder on the same pokemon. mega drain is good. Skiploom has 5 weaknesses. i cant suggest a move set here because i have never used one.

Tue Apr 06, 2010 1:57 pm
Profile YIM
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Gym Leader NBC wrote:
what do you think to that? shold i chage ay of them fo other pokemon or just swap moves please help!

PikachuMaster wrote:
hi I am PikachuMaster,
i like all of you team but I think that your Arcanine should know crunch

Psper12 wrote:
I have quite a few things to say, so listen up.

Learn to read the rules. Gym Leader NBC does not have enough posts (25 required) to post a team for rating.

PikachuMaster and Psper12 are not registered to rate teams in this thread (and both of you did poor jobs of team rates FYI).

As for your team, Gym Leader NBC, it's clearly not competitively oriented, so have fun beating the Elite Four. If you want competitive movesets check out Smogon.

The rules are meant to prevent this competitive-oriented Rate My Team thread from being spammed. If you demonstrate that you understand competitive pokemon, we probably wouldn't bother checking whether you meet the requirements of posting here.

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Last edited by Sion9 on Wed Apr 07, 2010 6:22 am, edited 2 times in total.

Tue Apr 06, 2010 4:40 pm
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For the record
the reason that I rated Luxr? 's team is because It included 90% of the required info (Forgot abilities and enviroment)

Tue Apr 06, 2010 6:20 pm
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/vXv\ wrote:
For the record
the reason that I rated Luxr? 's team is because It included 90% of the required info (Forgot abilities and enviroment)

He had 90% you had 0%

Sion9 wrote:

The rules are meant to prevent this competitive-oriented Rate My Team thread from being spammed. If you demonstrate that you understand competitive pokemon, we probably wouldn't bother checking whether you meet the requirements of posting here.

Admittedly "retiring" from here due to baby coming is most the reason. People not even looking at the requirements/rules before post is the rest of it. Mod support on removing said posts would be nice too.

Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:54 pm
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He added that to his post after I made my statement, his post was editted on april 7, i posted april 6th
because it made sense that if someone knew what they were talking about, not just being some n00b asking how cool his team is, should be able to get there team rated

Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:40 pm
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This is my Shoddybattle UU team. It's relatively successful (as in it wins 2/3 games), but I'd still like to get it checked out.

{scyther} @C-Scarf
112 HP/252 Atk/146 Speed

Quick Attack

Well yes, it's ripped from the example post in this thread, but I have found it works excellently. I considered editing it slightly, possibly placing roost in the place of QA, but decided that healing is a waste of a move for what is essentially a lead sweeper. Also considered was X-Scissor over U-turn. Extra power and lack of necessity to switch out was attractive, especially as U-turn isn't the best sweeping option. I took U-turn because of the free switch, but I might experiment with X-Scissor.

{feraligatr} @LifeOrb
20 HP/252 Atk/228 Speed


Drawn like a moth to its description as "the Gyarados of UU", I'd have to say Feraligatr is my favourite Gen II 'mon. The set is pretty self explanatory, but its brutish simplicity seals its place as part of a trio of linked 'mon. Clefable exists entirely to give it screen support and Venusaur lives to switch in onto Dancegatr's two weaknesses, and give 'em a right kicking.

{clefable} @LightClay
Calm/Magic Guard
252 HP/240 Def/18 Sp Def

Light Screen
Seismic Toss

As mentioned above, this set is mainly a support set for Dancegatr. Lay down a Reflect/Light Screen combo followed by wish and you've given Dancegatr some breathing space with which to D-Dance. If trapped by a late-game sweeper, seismic toss gives you a guaranteed 100 damage move.

{venusaur} @LifeOrb
4 HP/252 Speed/254 Sp Atk

Leaf Storm
HP ground
Sleep powder
Sludge bomb

I'm well aware that Venusaur is an excellent SD user. That is partly why I chose this set. My team is largely lacking in special attackers, and this not only addresses that but also draws out physical walls which get given a good solid beating with leaf storm. The leaf storm/HP combo covers Dancegatr's weaknesses, just as Dancegatr's Waterfall/I-punch covers two of Venusaur's.

{ludicolo} @BigRoot
Modest/Rain Dish
252 Speed/252 Sp Atk/6 Sp Def

Giga Drain
Rain Dance
Leech Seed
Hydro Pump

With a pokémon like Ludicolo, you'd be stupid not to take Rain Dance. Although most would go down the root of capitalising on Swift Swim and making a sweeper out of Ludicolo, I (rather riskily) made my own set to suit what I thought was the main point of this rather quirky pokémon. The idea of this set is essentially Pseudo-stalling the enemy with a side of sweeping and support thrown in. Rain-dish + leech seed + Big rooted and STAB'd Giga drain essentially allows Ludi to return to full health after every turn. Hydro Pump + Rain Dance solves the problem of Steelix, as well as rain dance boosting the power of Dancegatr and weakening fire attacks which could potentially cripple any late game usage of Scyther or Venusaur.

{swellow} @ToxOrb
255 Atk/255 Speed

Quick Attack
Brave Bird

In my experience a godly late-game sweeper. There's no mucking about with this set. Quick Attack with STAB reliably picks of any weakened sweepers that survived my earlier assaults. Brave bird blends nicely STAB and guts to form what is essentially a OHKO. U-turn allows it to make a hasty retreat onto ludicolo or venusaur if walled. Facade provides a decent STAB move and can turn any toxic spikes layed earlier to my advantage.

Tue Apr 13, 2010 6:44 am
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{scyther} @C-Scarf
112 HP/252 Atk/146 Speed

Bug Bite
Quick Attack
With the emergence of HGSS Bug Bite has entered Syther move set with a base of 60 it will get boosted to 90 by technican, out stabbing x-scissor

{feraligatr} @ Expert Belt
20 HP/252 Atk/228 Speed


This look fine, But I gave it expert belt as Venasaur needs the life orb more

{clefable} @LightClay
Calm/Magic Guard
252 HP/240 Def/18 Sp Def

Light Screen
Seismic Toss

When paired with Feraligatr its vunerable to Earthquake.

{venusaur} @LifeOrb
4 HP/252 Speed/254 Sp Atk

Energy Ball
HP Fire

Sleep powder/Protect
Sludge bomb

HP fire gives better coverage than HP ground does, Energy ball may still be weaker than leaf storm after the SA drop, but the rest of your moves would be dropped pretty badly, protect because venasaur is vunerable to Earthquake as well.
I'm well aware that Venusaur is an excellent SD user.

Maybe I'm clueless but what does SD mean?

{ludicolo} @BigRoot
Modest/Rain Dish
252 HP/252 Sp Atk/6 Sp Def

Giga Drain
Rain Dance
Leech Seed
Hydro Pump

I would focus on HP as its not ment to be a sweeper but more of a tank

{swellow} @Flame Orb
255 Atk/255 Speed

Quick Attack
Brave Bird
I suggest flame orb because then you don't have to worry about the ever increasing toxic damage, beside guts ignores the AT drop.

Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:39 am
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rio_uk wrote:
This is my Shoddybattle UU team. It's relatively successful (as in it wins 2/3 games), but I'd still like to get it checked out.

{scyther} @C-Scarf
112 HP/252 Atk/146 Speed

Quick Attack

Well yes, it's ripped from the example post in this thread, but I have found it works excellently. I considered editing it slightly, possibly placing roost in the place of QA, but decided that healing is a waste of a move for what is essentially a lead sweeper. Also considered was X-Scissor over U-turn. Extra power and lack of necessity to switch out was attractive, especially as U-turn isn't the best sweeping option. I took U-turn because of the free switch, but I might experiment with X-Scissor.

Looks good, Reversal can be used in the last slot to make a 200 base attack after switching into 2 SRs mid-late game.

/vXv\ wrote:
With the emergence of HGSS Bug Bite has entered Syther move set with a base of 60 it will get boosted to 90 by technican, out stabbing x-scissor

Except U-turn it the point of the set to scout your opponent's team, hence it's superiority over bug bite.

rio_uk wrote:

{feraligatr} @LifeOrb
20 HP/252 Atk/228 Speed


Drawn like a moth to its description as "the Gyarados of UU", I'd have to say Feraligatr is my favourite Gen II 'mon. The set is pretty self explanatory, but its brutish simplicity seals its place as part of a trio of linked 'mon. Clefable exists entirely to give it screen support and Venusaur lives to switch in onto Dancegatr's two weaknesses, and give 'em a right kicking.

**thumbs up**

rio_uk wrote:
{clefable} @LightClay
Calm/Magic Guard
252 HP/240 Def/18 Sp Def

Light Screen
Seismic Toss

As mentioned above, this set is mainly a support set for Dancegatr. Lay down a Reflect/Light Screen combo followed by wish and you've given Dancegatr some breathing space with which to D-Dance. If trapped by a late-game sweeper, seismic toss gives you a guaranteed 100 damage move.

Looks good for the job, knock off is an option over seismic toss for more harassment and hitting ghosts weakly, but either is good.

rio_uk wrote:
{venusaur} @LifeOrb
4 HP/252 Speed/254 Sp Atk

Leaf Storm
HP ground
Sleep powder
Sludge bomb

I'm well aware that Venusaur is an excellent SD user. That is partly why I chose this set. My team is largely lacking in special attackers, and this not only addresses that but also draws out physical walls which get given a good solid beating with leaf storm. The leaf storm/HP combo covers Dancegatr's weaknesses, just as Dancegatr's Waterfall/I-punch covers two of Venusaur's.

No problems, Although running with a special spread you still run into the type resists that come into physical sets, not much can be done about this due to it's move pool being so small, but HP psychic nails Weezing and other posions bar Drapion, and HP water gives good neutral coverage to steels and hits non-defensive drapion well, plus you can grab a rain bonus on it.

/vXv\ wrote:

Maybe I'm clueless but what does SD mean?

I lol'd

rio_uk wrote:

{ludicolo} @BigRoot
Modest/Rain Dish
252 Speed/252 Sp Atk/6 Sp Def

Giga Drain
Rain Dance
Leech Seed
Hydro Pump

With a pokémon like Ludicolo, you'd be stupid not to take Rain Dance. Although most would go down the root of capitalising on Swift Swim and making a sweeper out of Ludicolo, I (rather riskily) made my own set to suit what I thought was the main point of this rather quirky pokémon. The idea of this set is essentially Pseudo-stalling the enemy with a side of sweeping and support thrown in. Rain-dish + leech seed + Big rooted and STAB'd Giga drain essentially allows Ludi to return to full health after every turn. Hydro Pump + Rain Dance solves the problem of Steelix, as well as rain dance boosting the power of Dancegatr and weakening fire attacks which could potentially cripple any late game usage of Scyther or Venusaur.

A little worried about the lack of HP/DEF EVs for taking hits. Otherwise fine.

rio_uk wrote:
{swellow} @ToxOrb
255 Atk/255 Speed

Quick Attack
Brave Bird

In my experience a godly late-game sweeper. There's no mucking about with this set. Quick Attack with STAB reliably picks of any weakened sweepers that survived my earlier assaults. Brave bird blends nicely STAB and guts to form what is essentially a OHKO. U-turn allows it to make a hasty retreat onto ludicolo or venusaur if walled. Facade provides a decent STAB move and can turn any toxic spikes layed earlier to my advantage.

Throw the excess EV into DEF or HP, no point wasting a point. Otherwise good, be careful U-turning as your swellow shares a weakness with Feraligatr Venasaur and Scyther (boltbeam can be a tough to U-turn from without clefables support)

In all your team is quite good, Flying and Elec/Ice are moves to look out for, also Clefable seems to hold the defense of the entire team together so you may want to run Ludicolo as more of a back-up wall.

Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:23 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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Except U-turn it the point of the set to scout your opponent's team, hence it's superiority over bug bite.

Yes but Bug bite is superior to X-scissor as far as a STAB move goes

By the way I realize now That SD = Swords dance, but I was confused because Swords Dance didn't seem revelent to the moveset.

Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:57 am
Ace Trainer
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Shoddybattle doesn't have HGSS stuff anyway :'(

Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:33 am
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/vXv\ wrote:

Yes but Bug bite is superior to X-scissor as far as a STAB move goes

Yes, but unnecessary on a lead scarf set. AA has the same STAB power and has just as good, if not better overall coverage. And U-turn has the unique scouting ability which helps you identify counters and get free hits.

Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:28 pm
Bug Catcher
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Imagetyphlosion- lv 100
rock slide
blast burn
double edge

Imagepidgeot- lv 100
air slash

Imageampharos- lv 100
signal beam
light screen

Imageumbreon- lv 100
dark pulse
confuse ray
last resort

Imagesnorelax- lv 100
giga impact

Imagelugia- lv 100
hydro pump
aencient power

Sun Apr 18, 2010 3:07 pm
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exmewtwo150, read the rules of the Rating Center.

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Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:13 pm
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Last edited by MasonTheChef on Fri May 07, 2010 3:23 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:11 am
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Alright so I use this team for the Battle Tower and for competitive battling with friends. When I competitive battle with my friends we allow every tier except Ubers. The team works pretty well. I haven't ran into any major problems yet. I have acess to all move tutors etc. I also have all 493 pokemon so I am willing to trade out a pokemon for another and about every item/berry.

{swampert} @Rindo Berry
Hasty - Somewhat of a clown
Team Lead
EV's Atk 100 Sp.atk 100 Sp.def 100 Def 100 speed 55 HP 55
-Stealth Rock
-Ice Beam
-Muddy Water
-Hammer Arm

Swampert is always sent out first. I usually have him set up stealth rock. he has pretty good defences and attacks so he can deal some damage and take some hits. I gave him a diverse move set so he has a good chance of being super-effective against his enemy, otherwise he uses muddy water to get a STAB bonus. He works pretty good and is faster then more pokemon then i thought he would. The rindo berry helps counter any energy ball knowing Gardevoirs.

{manectric} @ Zap Plate/Magnet
Timid - Sturdy body
EV's Sp.atk 200 Speed 200 Atk 110
-Fire Fang
-Iron Tail
-Rain Dance

Manectric takes care of pesky water types and is useful to counter physical hitting pokemon that have no chance of knowing a ground move. Like breloom, Manectric may not have great defence but because of Static I put her up against pokemon like Breloom. She is also good against pretty strong foes. She has great Sp.atk and with STAB, Magnet/Zap Plate, and Rain Danceardevoir one of her Thuders can deal amazing damage. Manectric is also the fastest pokemon on my team so it can take down those ridiculously fast pokemon.

{gardevoir} @ Wise Glasses
Jolly - Alert to Sounds
Special Sweeper
EV's Sp.atk 200 Speed 110 Sp.def 200
-Energy ball
-Thunder Bolt
-Calm Mind

First I have Gardevoir set up a few Calm Minds which makes it's Sp.atk and Sp.def amazing. Then I have Gardevoir launch some attacks that usually wipe out pretty strong foes in 1- 2 hits. Wise Glasses are there to boost her special attacks. Basically Gardevoirs main purpose is to be a special sweeper. I also take advantage of Gardevoir's ability and send Gardevoir out against pokemon that know moves like thunder wave etc.

{altaria} @ Yache Berry
Serios - Often scatters things.
Hazer/mixed tank
EV's Sp.def 200 Def 200 HP 55 Speed 55
Natural Cure
-Dragon Pulse
-Perish Song
-Sky Attack

Altaria is basically my answer for pokemon like shuckle. He takes hits very well which is why i spreed the EV's like I did. The Yache Berry is to weaken any Ice attacks. Dragon Pulse is what I use why i am waiting for toxic/perish song to work. On the odd chance that i perish song a pokemon that knows mean look/etc. I use Sky attack and toxic to get as much damage done as possible. Other wise i just switch out Altaria before perish song knocks it out.

{absol} @ Razor Claw
Brave - Likes to thrash about
Physical Sweeper
EV's Atk 252 Speed 252 HP 6
-Rock Slide
-Psycho Cut
-Aerial Ace/Swords Dance
-Night Slash

Absol's main purpose is to deal amazing damage. I use him to counter Blissys and other tough foe's. The razor Claw is quite useful because Absol can basically one-shot any pokemon with a critical hit. Night Slash is Absol's strongest move because it has a high critical hit ratio + razor claw + high attack + STAB which basically allows him to wipe all his enemies. I might get rid of aerial ace because I don't use it that often and I think swords dance would really help but I don't know if Absol has the defence to support a few sword dances.

{nidoking} @ Enigma Berry
Mild - Mischievous
Special Sweeper
EV's HP 100 Atk 10 Sp.atk 100 Sp.def 100 Def 100 Speed 100
Poison Point
-Shadow Ball
-Earth Power

I am thinking of changing Nidoking out for a mized tank. Otherwise Nidoking has a very diverse moveset that is useful. I like to do the same as manectric and send out Nidoking against physical attackers to poison them. The Enigma Berry is there to restore some HP after Nidoking is hit hard by a super-effective attack. Nidoking also works good in my opinion as a last resort because of his pretty even stats and wide movepool.

Any suggestions would be well appreciated.

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Thu Apr 22, 2010 11:25 am
Dragon Tamer
Dragon Tamer

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Team Intro:

OK this team I decided belongs in UU. Maybe it should be NU but I at least have Togekiss!

1. Poison/Dark

Drapion {drapion} @ Chesto Berry
Impish - 252 Def / 104 HP / 152 Att
- Toxic
- Protect
- Rest
- Night Slash

OK Drapion starts off the game with Toxic, and then stalls the rest of the time with protect and rest to let the poisoned foe feel the burn. Then I have Night Slash with a high critical hit ratio that is helped even further by his Sniper ability.

2. Rock/Bug

Armaldo {armaldo} @ Shell Bell
Brave - 252 Att / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Battle Armor
- Stone Edge
- Knock Off
- Brick Break
- Rapid Spin

Armaldo is I think (I'm a noob at this don't hate) a "Utility". Well anyways brick break to get rid of those annoying reflect/light screens, rapid spin to get rid of the spikes and stuff, and I'm planning to hit every enemy on the team with knock off to get rid of whatever item they hold.

3. Electric

Ampharos {ampharos} @ Light Clay
Modest - 252 SAtt / 252 Def / 4 HP
- Discharge
- Reflect
- Swagger
- Signal Beam

Ampharos's main function is to paralyze whatever foe Drapion didn't get to poison. With his Static ability and discharge, I'm liking the odds. After being paralyzed and confused from swagger, good luck hitting him.

4. Normal/Flying

Togekiss {togekiss} @ Life Orb
Modest - 252 SAtt / 100 Spd / 156 SDef
Serene Grace
- Twister
- Fire Blast
- Extrasensory
- Aura Sphere

Togekiss was picked because I was paranoid about both Ampharos and Drapion being taken out by earthquake. He's supposed to be what I believe is called a "tank". He's got a lot of health and all attack moves. And thanks to his Serene Grace, he has a good chance of adding some extra effects to his attacks (including 40% of flinching a foe with twister)

5. Ice/Water

Walrein {walrein} @ Leftovers
Relaxed - 252 HP / 150 SDef / 106 Def
Ice Body
- Hail
- Surf
- Earthquake
- Rest

OK this guy is supposed to last forever I guess... With hail healing him and leftovers healing him and rest healing him I'm hoping he'll be around to use power moves surf and earthquake which takes out electric, one of his weaknesses.

6. Ground/Psychic

Claydol {claydol} @ Lum Berry
Impish - 252 SDef / 252 Def / 4 HP
- Power Trick
- Explosion
- Dig
- Stealth Rock

Claydol is supposed to add further resistance to Earthquake... but I have one question... He has Levitate which makes him immune to ground type moves, so does that mean even while he is digging, he won't be effected by earthquake? Idea behind using dig instead of earthquake is that I'm stalling because he's my last line of defense and hopefully someones dying of toxic or something. The opponent won't want to switch in a flying pokemon to avoid the attack because I will have stealth rock waiting for him. And when claydol is about to die I use explosion.

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Smell You Later!

Sun May 02, 2010 11:50 pm
Pokemon Master
Pokemon Master
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Ajit wrote:
Team Intro:

OK this team I decided belongs in UU. Maybe it should be NU but I at least have Togekiss!

Drapion {drapion} @ Chesto Berry
Impish - 252 Def / 104 HP / 152 Att
- Toxic
- Whirlwind
- Rest
- Night Slash

OK Drapion starts off the game with Toxic, and then stalls the rest of the time with protect and rest to let the poisoned foe feel the burn. Then I have Night Slash with a high critical hit ratio that is helped even further by his Sniper ability.

Use Whirlwind to have some phazing on your team. It'll also allow you to poison more of your opponents. Toxic Drapion is not the best lead; you could possibly lead Claydol (or Armaldo) to get Stealth Rock set up. Drapion is better introduced as a switch in, and then you can Toxic your opponent as they switch.

Armaldo {armaldo} @ Shell Bell
Impish 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Battle Armor
- Stealth Rock
- Knock Off
- Brick Break
- Rapid Spin

Armaldo is I think (I'm a noob at this don't hate) a "Utility". Well anyways brick break to get rid of those annoying reflect/light screens, rapid spin to get rid of the spikes and stuff, and I'm planning to hit every enemy on the team with knock off to get rid of whatever item they hold.

If you want support, get Stealth Rock and defensive EVs and nature; however, you could also do well with a Rock Polish set, as your team lacks a sweeper.

Ampharos {ampharos} @ Light Clay / Leftovers
Modest 252 / HP 168 SpD / 88 Def
- Discharge
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- HP Ice / HP Grass

Ampharos's main function is to paralyze whatever foe Drapion didn't get to poison. With his Static ability and discharge, I'm liking the odds. After being paralyzed and confused from swagger, good luck hitting him.

You seem to be focusing more on a screen support; you can still paralyze enemies, but your screens are a team support move. If you want Ampharos, though, I would go with a SubPunch set for some more offensive power, and let Claydol give screen support.

Togekiss {togekiss} @ Life Orb
Modest - 252 SAtt / 100 Spd / 156 SDef
Serene Grace
- Thunder Wave
- Air Slash
- Roost
- Aura Sphere

Togekiss was picked because I was paranoid about both Ampharos and Drapion being taken out by earthquake. He's supposed to be what I believe is called a "tank". He's got a lot of health and all attack moves. And thanks to his Serene Grace, he has a good chance of adding some extra effects to his attacks (including 40% of flinching a foe with twister)

Togekiss is OU. If you want another Levitate tank (you have Claydol already) you can consider Uxie. You lack a sweeper, though, so try replacing Togekiss with one.

By the way, you're EVs are for a sweeping Togekiss, not a tankish one.

Walrein {walrein} @ Leftovers
Bold - 220 HP / 48 Spe / 240 Def
Ice Body
- Hail
- Roar / Toxic / Surf
- Protect
- Substitute

OK this guy is supposed to last forever I guess... With hail healing him and leftovers healing him and rest healing him I'm hoping he'll be around to use power moves surf and earthquake which takes out electric, one of his weaknesses.

The idea with Stalrein is to alternate Protect and Substitute while your opponent takes poison and Hail damage failing to kill you. (Note: your HP should be divisible by 16 for the best recovery).

Stallrein is a great set, but works much better on a Hail team. You'll have to be refreshing Hail every 5 turns here. Also, your other team pokemon will be hurt by Hail as well. Try finding a different staller.

Claydol {claydol} @ Light Clay
Impish - 252 SDef / 252 Def / 4 HP
- Reflect
- Explosion
- Light Screen
- Stealth Rock

Claydol is supposed to add further resistance to Earthquake... but I have one question... He has Levitate which makes him immune to ground type moves, so does that mean even while he is digging, he won't be effected by earthquake? Idea behind using dig instead of earthquake is that I'm stalling because he's my last line of defense and hopefully someones dying of toxic or something. The opponent won't want to switch in a flying pokemon to avoid the attack because I will have stealth rock waiting for him. And when claydol is about to die I use explosion.

Don't use Dig, your opponent can just switch pokemon. Claydol should be your lead; start with Stealth Rock, then set up dual screens and switch to a different pokemon (perhaps Drapion for poison, or you could try to set up a sweeper.

Overall, you need some offensive power; your team is mostly passive, with the few direct damage moves being on tankish pokemon.

1. Make Armaldo a Rock Polish sweeper
2. Replace Togekiss with a special sweeper (for UU)
3. Replace Walrein with a more team-friendly staller
4. Make Ampharos a Sub-Puncher, or replace him with a different offensive pokemon.
5. Claydol is your lead.

Your current team seems weak to Sub/boost sweepers (like CM/Sub Mismagius). After you have some more offensive power, those sweepers won't be able to switch in and set up if you play correctly. Screen support from Claydol will allow you to get your sweepers into play while their sweepers are dealing decreased damage.

Also, there's no need to post the types of the pokemon. Metagame roles are much more important (although having a huge type weakness is a bad idea, of course).

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